Joe Jackson seeks allowance from son's estate

He has 8 other children to help him out. Why does it have to be Michael? Do the others not want to help their parents or has Michael always been the only one to do it?

It is something that certainly happens in many families. I see it myself. My mom's brothers and sisters won't give practically any money to their mom. It's usually my mom who does it. And I doubt we have more money than they do, but they seem to think otherwise.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

I thought that the 60K a month for the kids included salaries for nannies, home schooling teachers, etc. As an employer, Katherine also is paying payroll taxes as she also has a housekeeping staff, and an assistant as well. In addition, her lawyers are getting a a nice chunk out of her allowance.

Her home is huge. With maintenance and the property taxes for her area, that's another sizeable monthly chunk. Plus isn't there a mortgage now on the home?

When you factor in all the expenses, $80+ grand isn't ridiculous.

Oh yeah, the lawyers. Is the lawyer appointed for the kids being paid with their allowance?.
he had a house , no one need to pay his rent . Joe wants 600$ to his other daughter and her daughter from MJ's estate . in other words his other daughter can now claim that MJ used to support her through katherine through joe and there is no justification why the executors did not gave her an allowance .

Katherine used to get $ 50.000 from mj when he was alive , and the final years the number was $ 66.000 . she is now getting 28.000 no wonder everyone in that house is mad angry .

another thing . BOTH KATHERINE AND JOE wanted to be named administrators of the estate 3 days after mj's death . we previously thought it was only katherine .

and when Branca and Mcclain presented their will and were named executors and administrators , Katherine and Joe OBJECTED . too much for claiming joe was out and had no say whatever in what was happening .

Exactly. I have to say I find it quite awful of her. She must know Michael wouldn't ever have wanted Joe to have that control.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

For the majority of us, $80K a month is indeed ridiculous, but the majority of us have not incurred the kind of lifestyle expenses wealthy celebrities have nor the beneficiaries of the wealthy have enjoyed. I worked for the accountant of a wealthy businessman for a while, and this guy's American Express bill alone averaged $50,000 a month. And that was only one card. His main house mortgage was $12,000 a month, and taxes and maintenance on that home was about $100K a year, including caretaker costs.

Of course, Katherine cannot be extravagant with credit cards, etc., but if she has a staff of several people, etc., a big house, and more, $80K a month is not a ridiculous figure for the kind of lifestyle she's accustomed to.
please don't make excuses.

im assuming theman who has the amex bill worked for his money and knew how much he made and could spend, correct?

this is money from an allowance. a trust. not something they earned themselves. ALSO, the more they spend, the less gets saved into the kids' account.,

again, a tutor does not cost that much per month. especially in this economy, people willw ork for what u offer them. they can't be picky. even the rich are feeling it.

so those excuses could've worked in 05 and 06 but right now? hell to the naw lol. they are spendingm oney like it's going out of style. especially now since they know katherine can't will them anything. it'slike she's spending it now so they can get it.

they're stipend will go up once the estate is solvent. this isn't a permanent figure. it's going up but if they can't make it for what's supposed to be ONLY three kids and a grandmother and her house staff, thenwhat will she do when it goes up?

but we know it's not just three kids. it'somer and his daddy, it's jermaine's two youngest and randy's it's 8 grandchildren and grandma and a mother and her brother and grace and a partridge in a pear tree.

let's be real. she can afford three kids and ahouse payment w/ over 80grand a month. tell mehow one of her grandsons can drive a range rover sport yet hismother says she can't put food on the table?:timer:
tell mehow one of her grandsons can drive a range rover sport yet hismother says she can't put food on the table?
ouch but so true
After reading those papers, I can only laugh at Joe Jackson's antics!

First of all, he wants to give JonVonnie Jackson and her daughter Jasmine Jackson, $300.00 each per month of Michael's money.

He also wants to give Majestic and some guy named Upchurch, $300.00 each per month. Joe says that they are both his assistants.

Also something interesting from those same papers.

Before Oxman filed those papers on Friday, he called four (4) attorneys who are also associated with this case. NONE of them (apparently) wanted to speak with him.

He states in the papers that he made those calls "in an attempt to UNOFFICIALLY resolve this matter without the necessity of Court proceedings."

One of those calls was made to Mrs. Jackson's new attorney, Adam Streisand and another was made to the children's attorney, Margaret Lodise. The other two attorney's I'm not familiar with, but the fact remains that NOBODY apparently wanted to speak with Mr. Oxman, regarding this Joe Jackson allowance issue. Very interesting!
I think the whole fight over MJ's money was expected. No wonder MJ created the trust and all that. I just hope his children will get their money and it won't end up in other people's hands. That's why I hope John McClain and John Branca will stay as the executors of the estate. They are brilliant business men...they are experts in the business...and they will manage the estate well, I'm pretty sure of it. I trust them. I hate to say it, but I trust them more than if there was someone from the family making decisions about the money. And I think Michael had his reasons for putting McClain and Branca in charge and not a family member. Besides, I will bet my bottom dollar that part of the 80+ thousand dollars Katherine gets monthly will go to different family members anyways. I can't imagine Katherine turning away one of her kids or Joe and then have all that money by herself while knowing the others are struggling to get by. I bet she gives them some money to help them.

It's a tough situation I guess. Money can create a lot of problems, and jealousy...And with Joe...well, in a way it's like "But he did do a lot for them all when they were just starting and it is sort of thanks to him that they even became famous" a way one wants to think he would deserve to get something...I mean, all I can think about is if it was me...I don't know if I could omit a parent, because I always feel I owe so much to my parents, and if I'd have a lot of money anyways, I think I'd feel bad if I didn'T give them at least a little something. Then on the other hand when you think how Joe has treated MJ in the past, and how he has been acting after MJ has died and doesn't really seem too compassionate and how he's promoting his record label like only a couple of days after his son doesn't leave a good impression and makes one feel like "Well, did you even care about your son? Why should you get anything if you didn't even really care about him?". Besides, if the list of "expenses" he gave is really one made by's even one more reason one woudl wanna go "Why should you be getting anything?". I mean, most of the money seems to be going for "partying", and not for real living, the list seems a bit "odd".

Anyways, all I can say is that I hope they will get it all sorted out and I hope people can finally accept MJ's will as it is. It clearly states who gets what. Live with it. JMO.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

hey now, mike's children were educated on all fact, june 12th, the day before the verdict, they went to kingdom hall in solvang.

he also educated them on judiasm b/c of deb, christianity, and islam. just b/c u go to kingdom hall doesn't mean ur a witness.

i go to chuch whenever im in lompoc my 805 haven but im not christian.

no Hinduism or Buddhism, huh? :lol:

they should choose what their hearts' desire when the time comes. for now, they should keep an open mind just as their daddy did.
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u know what cracks me up the most in this craptastic situation?

the family and fans were SOOOOOOOOOOO worried about debbie...if she would take thekids, if she would run her mouth to themedia, if she would do something, they were slagging off on her, joe said she has nothing to do w/ those kids and better not try, someone told tmz from the family that they would fight her tooth and nail etc....on and on and on

and she was the ONLY one who hasn't runhermouth, hasn't sued, hasn't done anything drastic. now it's the family suing, the family fighting, the family talking mess. close friends saying they the daddy of them chillun, friends saying he was a junkie, people writing books. it's pathetic

agreed. this is the one thing I have always had a little bone with Mike about. he needed to have Debbie around while he was there, and he needed to have some provision for her to be in their lives when he wasn't. she is their mother, for chrissakes!
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

and that's how it works. i wish others would take a business lesson 101 from MJ, instead of talking about MJ being 'in a financial mess', while they're on the street, saying it, looking at their foreclosed homes and defunct banks.

ITA. he was financially astute. no matter his spending habits, the dude knew his finances.
I have always said that nothing at all surprises me when it comes to Joe Jackson, and well, here he goes with this one trying to make me eat my words. This man only loves and cares about one thing folks-himself. He is a master manipulator. I have provided in this reply a link to those famous taped phone conversations between Michael and his friend Glenda from the early 1990's. From this part of the conversation you can clearly see that Joe was always after Michael to get money. That Michael would go out of his way to avoid talking to him because he knew that Joe was probably only calling him for money or to do something for him. Not out of love.

And while others say that Joesph and Michael mended fences the last years of his life, and while I do for Michael's sake hope that is true, based on his actions since Michael died (showing little or no emotion about the death of his son-as well as promoting things for him on the Red Carpet rather than talk about his son in the DAYS following his death) especially now that he is trying to get at money that is meant for his GRANDCHILDREN....well it leads me to believe that maybe that was not that case after all.

And if you listen to what Michael says here you can see the mind games that Joseph played with Michael. Telling Michael that he would be nothing if it weren't for Joseph. To try and Michael feel bad and guilt him into giving him money. I love Michael's response to it though, he says "That is halfway true. But you know what I grew up in this business and I learned a lot. You (Joseph) had a lot to do with the beginning and I thank you for that, but I can't pay you back for the rest of your life."

Michael I have been in your shoes with a "parent" that was awful to you as a child, and when you made it big they felt they deserved half of whatever you got. I really do. And when these people don't change, no matter who they are to you, for your own sanity you have to just shut the door on them and walk away. You tired with him it really seems, and it was Joseph who did not change......

I am glad that Michael excluded him from the Will and I hope that it continues to be this way. Joseph there is a special place in Hell for you for what you did to your kids, and how selfish you are to literally take money out of the hands of your Grandchildren who just lost the only parent they knew.

Here is that link of Michael talking about his Dad asking him for money-
Oh Joe not again, Michael made his will and left his money to the people and charities of his choice this should be respected.

Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

ITA. he was financially astute. no matter his spending habits, the dude knew his finances.

I hate when the media goes on about how MJ was broke and his finances were a mess. Uh, his assets totalled billions. Very few rich people are what you 'cash rich', their wealth comes from their assets. The media doesn't bang on about Donald Trump being a financial mess-someone who is also 'cash poor', has a lot of debts, yet has a phenomenal amount of assets.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

no Hinduism or Buddhism, huh? :lol:

they should choose what their hearts' desire when the time comes. for now, they should keep an open mind just as their daddy did.
lol he did meditate so maybe he showed them how.

as per deb...he didn't need to leave a provision. dna trumps a peice pf paper(will) over anything. so unless she's some strung out crack u know what....she could get the kids if she fought. im sure he knew that. if he didn't want her to ahve them, he'd put a provision that said fight. he did not.