Joe Jackson seeks allowance from son's estate

Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Ppl also lets remember this is all Tabloid talk, we dont know the facts and the inner story.Rember to be respectfull with Michael's family, we are nobody to judge them cause we dont know the reassons they really have. "dont judge a person untill you talk with them face to face, no matter what the story is" Rember????
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

i don't think deb will allow marc around the kids. she won't mess that up. and im sure she'd love to have tito's sons w/ her when she has her kids. mike was super close to them. tito and jackie are also sweethearts so again, if she ever got thekids or took them somewhere, im sure one of those i mentioned would come along.

those kids need someone outside of the family b/c it's starting to be tedious. it's gonna get messy real fast. they want themoney from their dad's account. so nothing could be genuine. the fun trips, the karate, all could be a ploy to get close and to take money when they're older an that's the saddest part.

this man has no shame. none at all.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Exotic Princess - I saw 'wheel and come again' and I had to smile. I think only those from the Caribbean would get that reference. LOL.


Glad you understood the just popped into my head and described what I was feeling at the time.:yes:
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

She means that Joe and Majestik or however he spells his name would get free hotel rooms, free dinners, etc just by using Michael's name. That ended when MJ died.
yep, i would know. he took us to the orleans, got us three rooms, free food at the buffett whenever we wanted. his 'girls' perform at the lounge. not bad singers but honestly....they perform at the orleans and the showboat or goldcoast? i call it the tugboat cuz honestly, whocares?

but yea, he never had to pay when mijac was here.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

omg it don't cost no damn 136K a month to keep that place running at all. that's bootychatter. ok, electricity i can see it. but we really need lights on theback porch to be on all night? get the one in front, and stop tripping. damn.

security, sorry but frank don't cost that much. he wear the same clothes every other day so we know he's notmaking giraffe money.

cable...mama call comcast and get they damn deal. u got 8 rooms plus the living and dining. no tv in the dining room. but one in the kitchen so 8 tv's plus one in the living room and one in kitchen. that's like 10 dvr $20 so that's $200 plus initial service so let's say it's $100....ok $300 for cable. and if we all got internet, which we dont, it'd be more. so five rooms w/ net service...let's say another few hundred.

feeding all them chillun....well mike's kids got they own allowance so u ain't gotta dip into alejandra's ralph's giftcards or nuffin. karate lessons are like $150 a kid and now u got all them chillun in it so the mj3 plus randy jr and donte, u got the wannabe jaxxon omer, and jaafar and jermajesty. they mama supposed to pay for them four, omer oh whatever on his part and again, themj3 got they own money .

cook don't cost that much. a maid don't cost that much. them damn luxury cars and all that gas cost a lot but then again, that's not a house expense. so someone please tell me how it cost that much to run that compound?

call ur sons, tell them to take they kids, call omer's dad and tell him to take his kid, and then all u got is ur grand chillun from mike. not everyone and they mama.

i got a budget book if any jackson wants to borrow it. this is sad for real. joe doesn't deserve nothing but a wake up call.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Michael always provided for Katherine and Katherine could do whatever she pleased with the money. She gave money freely to her other children and Joe. Now that the money is confined to a certain amount, she probably can no longer support Joe and her other children.

I just listened to those youtube taped conversations of Michael and Glenda. Especially the conversation about Joe wanting 250,000.00. Michael was mad and irate over it and quite frankly, disgusted. Michael gave the money to Katherine and told her to handed out to Joe over time.

Since Michael's death, Joe has made almost a million dollars. He received 250,000.00 dollars from ABC for his interview and footage, and he makes money from appearances at the Palms resort and casino in Las Vegas, and just did the whole movie thing have dinner with Joe for 3,000.00 dollars a pop and I hear it did VERY WELL.

There needs to be some fiscal management done in that family. The courts WILL NOT.. I repeat WILL NOT PROVIDE FOR JOE JACKSON as there is no provision in the will for it. They will not raise Katherine's stipend to care for Joe. It's not going to happen.

That has just made me think this is also Katherine's fault she was handing $$ to her children and everyone whoever asked her for it. I appreciate Katherine and I know how much she ment to Michael, but you can't just be giving money out to everyone, especially to grown up adults who are able to work and come up with plans and ideas and make money themselves. It's just plain wrong unless you want them to grow lazy :nono:
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

bastard. He shouldn't get a 1$!
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

I've been trying to keep my mouth shut since it's Mike's family and all but stuff like this makes me feel like this:


Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

I knew this was coming...First He announced that he is running a New record label to keep Michael's legacy alive on a day that the BET Awards remember Michael for his influnce on the world and Now this.It's True that Michael was Murdered but who is trying to get to the bottom of this Murder.Certain people who I will not mention is after one thing, Money and no Justice for Michael. This is all crazy.And Michael's dad should not think of himself and solve his son's Murder. Someone needs to Be SHAFT or TROUBLEMAN and solve this.This is taking too long,Don't you thimk ? I'm about to get sopicious
With all due respect to Joe, I don't understand his reasoning at all. With the management pension and Social Sucurity besides, he should be on easy street all by himself. I don't see how he can do this.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

And Michael's dad should not think of himself and solve his son's Murder.


Why isn't Joe somewhere asking for a speedy trial or an arrest or something instead of filing papers to petition the estate for money that doesn't belong to him, that wasn't LEFT for him, and that isn't suppose to support him.

When main breadwinners in families get injured or pass away the family adjusts their lifestyle, they sell homes, stop doing as much spending, tighten belts. And I'm not even talking about regular people, I'm talking about the richies too. Say for instance you're a football player with a wife and two kids... and you get injured. No more football for you. YES you've saved money and have investments and whatever, but that big money isn't gonna be rolling in like it was before so now you have to figure out a Plan B and most of the time that means cutting back on expenses.. not pulling MORE money out of the savings account. This is essentially what Joe is asking for. THIS is what upsets me..
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Ohhh hell noooooooooooooooooo we as fan have to do something to stop joe

Actually, fans DO NOT have to "do something." I'm sure that will be taken care of by the courts and the attorneys for the estate. It's a legal matter. What we CAN do is express our opinions here (remembering that the board is PG-13?) I'm sure some in the Jackson family read here. . . .

carry on,

^MJ Crazy, I love your sig. Tagore was a renaissance man and one of the all-time literary and musical giants of the world. he's a hero of mine. I am not surprised Mike loved him so much.

as for Joe, come on, 1700 a month is not a lot of Social Security. I am sure Katherine gave him some of the money Mike gave her all these years. and I'm sure Mike knew it. fine, Joe's not in Mike's will. and fine, 20,000 a month is a bit much, but I'm sure Mike would not mind if Joe had a bit of an allowance. I know Mike didn't expect to die. I wonder, say if he had found out that he had some sort of terminal illness (god forbid, although now it all seems so moot to think like this :(), would he not re-make his will and give at least something to Joe to live by? they made up, from what I know, and Mike forgave his old man. maybe I'm naive and maybe because I've had a similar relationship with my own dad, and I love him to death still... but I just can't believe that Mike would begrudge Joe some living expenses within a certain reasonable amount. come on, guys, Joe was responsible for at least getting the Jackson 5 on their way. he's 81 years old. let him be.
I would have thought Joe earned enough during his life not to need money from Michael, and the estate surely is for the children.

Michael had so much pressure on him coming from all directions including his own family. Joe should go to Janet or the others for money, not Michael's kids.
He has 8 other children to help him out. Why does it have to be Michael? Do the others not want to help their parents or has Michael always been the only one to do it?
^MJ Crazy, I love your sig. Tagore was a renaissance man and one of the all-time literary and musical giants of the world. he's a hero of mine. I am not surprised Mike loved him so much.

as for Joe, come on, 1700 a month is not a lot of Social Security. I am sure Katherine gave him some of the money Mike gave her all these years. and I'm sure Mike knew it. fine, Joe's not in Mike's will. and fine, 20,000 a month is a bit much, but I'm sure Mike would not mind if Joe had a bit of an allowance. I know Mike didn't expect to die. I wonder, say if he had found out that he had some sort of terminal illness (god forbid, although now it all seems so moot to think like this :(), would he not re-make his will and give at least something to Joe to live by? they made up, from what I know, and Mike forgave his old man. maybe I'm naive and maybe because I've had a similar relationship with my own dad, and I love him to death still... but I just can't believe that Mike would begrudge Joe some living expenses within a certain reasonable amount. come on, guys, Joe was responsible for at least getting the Jackson 5 on their way. he's 81 years old. let him be.

we really don't know what kind of relationship Michael had with his father. we tend not to take Mike's words seriously(which isn't a good thing). and we really don't know the intricacies of anything, Michael.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

I don't know what you're talking about. Do you see the Jackson kids walking around in designer clothes when Michael was here? No. Do you see them walking around in designer clothes now? No. Michael didn't want them to be spoiled and bratty. When we see them going out, it's only for swimming or karate club or whatever, not the freaking caviar and colouring club for kids. There is no way in hell Katherine is spending anywhere near 80k on those 3 every month. So whatever point you're trying to make is a moot one. 80,000 might be the going rate for other celebrity kids, but not these ones. However the Cruise family might choose to raise their daughter has absolutely nothing to do with how Katherine is raising Michael's children. 80 grand a month is still ridiculous. It's more likely that Katherine is putting that money aside for their future instead, if she has any sense. And if she somehow is managing to spend that much a month just on 3 young kids, someone needs to freaking stop her because I don't care how you try to justify it, spending that much money a month ($960,000 a YEAR) is just wrong. It would only end up being detrimental to the kids if they were to grow up around people constantly surrounded by fancy and expensive things. It attracts certain types of greedy people (see some of Michael's so-called friends for reference).

I thought that the 60K a month for the kids included salaries for nannies, home schooling teachers, etc. As an employer, Katherine also is paying payroll taxes as she also has a housekeeping staff, and an assistant as well. In addition, her lawyers are getting a a nice chunk out of her allowance.

Her home is huge. With maintenance and the property taxes for her area, that's another sizeable monthly chunk. Plus isn't there a mortgage now on the home?

When you factor in all the expenses, $80+ grand isn't ridiculous.
The thing is that Katherine can't give Joe half of the money she recieves from MJ's estate like Joe was used to in the past. Now Katherine has to account for everything she spends her money on with the Court's so she's in a tough position. But again, why can't MJ's siblings help out?! Why is it always up to Michael to support everyone? I think with the kind of money MJ made, he should and he did in fact provide for his family, but come on now. It's enough. Why is Michael always being pressured?

Michael is NOT the only wealthy one in the family. I don't think it's fair for money to be taken out from the kids share to give Joe. MJ provided for his Father while he was alive, why can't they just let Michael be? Joe has several other kids and adult grandchildren who can help him out. Why does it always have to be Michael's responsibility only?
The thing is that Katherine can't give Joe half of the money she recieves from MJ's estate like Joe was used to in the past. Now Katherine has to account for everything she spends her money on with the Court's so she's in a tough position. But again, why can't MJ's siblings help out?! Why is it always up to Michael to support everyone? I think with the kind of money MJ made, he should and he did in fact provide for his family, but come on now. It's enough. Why is Michael always being pressured?

Michael is NOT the only wealthy one in the family. I don't think it's fair for money to be taken out from the kids share to give Joe. MJ provided for his Father while he was alive, why can't they just let Michael be? Joe has several other kids and adult grandchildren who can help him out. Why does it always have to be Michael's responsibility only?

Other than Janet, I don't think the other Jacksons are doing so well that they can support Joe. And Michael just sold 16 milliion more records, and has a movie out thats already grossed over $110 million.

If Michael was taking care of his father in the past, fine. But Joe and his silly lawyers need to get real on his expenses. He has to change his lifestyle. If he wants to go out to restaurants, go to MacDonalds.

I think the estate should pay his rent and even his utilities. The rest of it should be handled by Joe, be it via his social security and his so called record label or whatever stuff he's got going on.
Other than Janet, I don't think the other Jacksons are doing so well that they can support Joe. And Michael just sold 16 milliion more records, and has a movie out thats already grossed over $110 million.

If Michael was taking care of his father in the past, fine. But Joe and his silly lawyers need to get real on his expenses. He has to change his lifestyle. If he wants to go out to restaurants, go to MacDonalds.

I think the estate should pay his rent and even his utilities. The rest of it should be handled by Joe, be it via his social security and his so called record label or whatever stuff he's got going on.

I agree with that. The estate can pay his rent and utilities, that's fair I suppose, but the rest, no way. A lot of it is just excess with Joe as you said. He needs to cut back on his luxurious lifestyle and spending habits.
he had a house , no one need to pay his rent . Joe wants 600$ to his other daughter and her daughter from MJ's estate . in other words his other daughter can now claim that MJ used to support her through katherine through joe and there is no justification why the executors did not gave her an allowance .

Katherine used to get $ 50.000 from mj when he was alive , and the final years the number was $ 66.000 . she is now getting 28.000 no wonder everyone in that house is mad angry .

another thing . BOTH KATHERINE AND JOE wanted to be named administrators of the estate 3 days after mj's death . we previously thought it was only katherine .

and when Branca and Mcclain presented their will and were named executors and administrators , Katherine and Joe OBJECTED . too much for claiming joe was out and had no say whatever in what was happening .
Sigh... Why MJ had to be taken away from us while old Papa Joe might stick around for a lot longer? If there is still a shred of good within him, please just stay away from Michael's kids.
he had a house , no one need to pay his rent . Joe wants 600$ to his other daughter and her daughter from MJ's estate . in other words his other daughter can now claim that MJ used to support her through katherine through joe and there is no justification why the executors did not gave her an allowance .

Katherine used to get $ 50.000 from mj when he was alive , and the final years the number was $ 66.000 . she is now getting 28.000 no wonder everyone in that house is mad angry .

another thing . BOTH KATHERINE AND JOE wanted to be named administrators of the estate 3 days after mj's death . we previously thought it was only katherine .

and when Branca and Mcclain presented their will and were named executors and administrators , Katherine and Joe OBJECTED . too much for claiming joe was out and had no say whatever in what was happening .

Thank you,God. For not letting either one of them be named as administrators! Especially since we see the kind of lawyers they have. Joe has a lawyer who actually lets it be known that he wants an allowance to help take care of his grown daughter. Is she handicapped? And I don't say that facetiously. If she has some kind of disability, she should get could help...but from social security. Not from Michael Jackson.

I do think Joe should get some kind of stipend if Michael was helping to support him previously thorugh Katherine. But it certainly should not be for what he's asking for and the expenses he's asking for.