Joe Jackson seeks allowance from son's estate

Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

joe made alot of money after mj's death, he had a company , he is a producer . so he clearly had an income . the only way he will get money if he proved that mj was his only source of income when he was alive and he can't live without his estate's support .

read the documents , joe PAID for everything after mj's death from his own pockets"selling stories" , but Oxman claims that regardless if joe was able to generate money he should be able to collect money from the estate , simply because Katherine was handing him 50% of every penny mj used to send to her .

he is saying I can make money , yet MJ's estate should give something .

Rowe, Oxman , Katherine and joe ...... the same characters all over again .

if joe succeeded , all the siblings will be at the court door asking for something because michael through katherine supported them . since katherine allowance is not even enough to pay electricity bills , she can't for sure share it with her other chidlren .

I doubt that would happen. Any judge who is worth their degree would look at this and laugh his cranky butt out of court.

He already proven he can make his own money, like the other siblings, so the judge would most likely tell him to downgrade. some of those expenses is just loony and he would save a load a money a mouth if he just stop traveling. Although I wonder where the heck he goes. Who actually want to see the no good back of bones.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

this is a mess... Joe has no shame.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Does anyone have any idea how Joe used to survie financially before MJ left us?

What about the rest of the Jacksons? Michael is not the only one with money yet it seems people always go after his :no:
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

it really is a matter of spending within one's means. one of the reasons people thought MJ was having money troubles is because he would wear the same clothes a lot. he wasn't a bling man. and people attacked his fashion sense. he had a salvation army mind. he would wear stuff out. he couldn't win, in the public eye, but he was doing the right thing. he was living within his means. he wasn't a gregarious spender. he was a generous one but not a gregarious one. there is a difference. and still he had good clothes style. you can have the best of both worlds, if you have discipline. if only some would learn from him. learn patience...learn that you can't have everything all the time. then things would be alright.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

^ Exactly, nothing but a bunch of people living in LA outside of their means being propped up for years and years by Michael & Janet who now believe they are entitled to their existence they are used to. Sorry Joe, might be time to move home from Las Vegas, be a REAL MAN, sit at the table in Encino and eat your meat and three veg because thats all YOU can afford.

I am not religious but if there is a god i pray to him everyday for those 3 beautiful souls who are being destroyed, as we sit here and type. IWISH NOTHING MORE THAN FOR Debbie to get involved and get those children the FUCK out of there.

This is JUST awful and Michael, this and everything else that goes on, we just miss you so much.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

I've never been so repulsed as when Joe Jackson held that press conference to announce the launch of a new record company four days after Michael died. I sometimes wonder what planet he is living on. How can you be THAT shameless and THAT clueless? It's one thing not to give a rats ass that your son has died, but you'd think he'd at least PRETEND to have some remorse, even just so he wouldn't look like a giant asshole to the whole worlds media.

He's really shown his true colours since June 25th.
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Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

We should just call him Scumbag from now on.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

All of them money grabbers are going to be burn in hell! And most of the family are...
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

I still can't believe I'm reading this. A person make a will to be executed on their terms. Too many people sue the estate when they realise they aren't getting what they want from the will all around the world, its not just limited to Joe Jackson unfortunately. When I write a will and I pass I want it to be executed on my terms, that's why you write the damn thing in the first place! Their dad taught P, P and B splendidly on what's important in life and its not money.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

it's not new, but did you all already know this one from crazed old scrumbag Joe?

Cristiano Ronaldo teams up with Michael Jackson’s dad to sell BBQ grills
November 3rd, 2009 · 1 Comment

So cheap and tacky, he put his name on it…

There’s still a fair chance Cristiano Ronaldo will have a lot of free time on his hands next summer, while the rest of his Real Madrid team mates jet off to South Africa for a post-season kick about. However, fans of winking and arrogance will be happy to hear CR9 could be lining up a contingency plan to make sure his face will remain plastered all over our TV screens come June.

According to US entertainment site TMZ (who broke the news of Michael Jackson’s death), horror-faced entrepreneur Joe “he’s worth more dead than alive” Jackson has told them he is set to meet the Portuguese man-o-sex early next month, to start filming TV, magazine and internet adverts for his latest venture - the laughably rubbish ‘Goalie Grill’ barbecue set.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

it's not new, but did you all already know this one from crazed old scrumbag Joe?

Cristiano Ronaldo teams up with Michael Jackson’s dad to sell BBQ grills
November 3rd, 2009 · 1 Comment

So cheap and tacky, he put his name on it…

There’s still a fair chance Cristiano Ronaldo will have a lot of free time on his hands next summer, while the rest of his Real Madrid team mates jet off to South Africa for a post-season kick about. However, fans of winking and arrogance will be happy to hear CR9 could be lining up a contingency plan to make sure his face will remain plastered all over our TV screens come June.

According to US entertainment site TMZ (who broke the news of Michael Jackson’s death), horror-faced entrepreneur Joe “he’s worth more dead than alive” Jackson has told them he is set to meet the Portuguese man-o-sex early next month, to start filming TV, magazine and internet adverts for his latest venture - the laughably rubbish ‘Goalie Grill’ barbecue set.

Not TMZ again. They are like the cockroach that won't die. I think the real winners from Michael's death will be his trash site.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

He's 80, he won't last long!
yes he is old enough to stay at home and shut the mouth. Now he wants money to travel and live like he uses to live as long Michael lives he could. To be old isn't an excuse for everything. Do you read the documents, they say:

The latest court documents said Joe Jackson receives a $1,700 monthly Social Security payment and had relied on his son for support for many years.

"He does not have a regular or steady source of income, and he was dependent upon the money provided by his son, Michael Jackson, through his wife, Katherine Jackson, for his support," the filing stated.

The filings are inconsistent in several places, listing Joe Jackson‘s age as 80 in one place and 81 in another. A declaration states his monthly expenses exceed $20,000 a month, but an itemized list only includes slightly more than $15,000.

That list includes $1,200 a month on rent for his Las Vegas home; $2,500 to eat out; $1,000 on entertainment, gifts and vacations; $2,000 on air travel and $3,000 on hotels.
I don't know whether the pdf file is already posted, here is it Jackson.pdf
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Dear God ... if it's not Jermaine relaunching his career by whoring "Smile" around every music award ceremony possible, it's Joe trying to snatch every last penny possible out of his son's death.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

infinite us all.

Whoooah, Tuh-rippy! It's way late...early...right now and that totally threw me, but beautiful. Just beautiful. =) Thanks and ditto.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Did you guys notice Joe listed 2 assistants? He also asked for 300$ for Johvonnie & 300$ for Johvonnie's child. Pure insanity.

Why would Katherine agree to do that? Asking your son's estate to support your illegitimate child & grandchild? Why?
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

great post by aveeno on kop board

nteresting indeed... that took them long.... Its funny and quite sad too.
Oxman files and claims MJ paid for his dad's living via Katherine, Leonard Rowe gives a declaration in support of that by claiming MJ "told him this" and that Katherine "told him this". Leonard says so must be true! Oh and Oxman also gives a declaration again supporting that statement so between Rowe and Oxman both claiming MJ said this to them it must be true right?

Joe claims Katherine willingly gave him 50% of what she got from Michael through the years on Micheal's orders? I can see how this is playing out. Leonard, Oxman and Joe have sat on Katherine... she will "agree" that the story is true and so the courts should up Katherine's allowance to allow her to share it with Joe, or better yet Joe would prefer that money straight to him.

The most interesting quote in the filing is "Mr. Joe Jackson does not have a substitute for Michael Jackson's support". What does that say of his other kids? Janet Jackson with her millions of dollars is not a substitute? Tito and the rest of them? Will the court find that statement reasonable?
Another interesting quote is this:

He(Joe) has monthly expenses which exceed $20,000, and since Michael Jackson's death,
Mr. Jackson has been forced to bear these expenses on his own.
A person entitled to a family allowance may not be denied the allowance because they have
sufficient property for their own support.
Estate of Walkerlev. 77 Cal. 642, 646 (1888)(person entitled to family allowance notwithstanding provision made for them from other sources). The court must make
reasonable allowance out of the estate because the legislature has provided for an allowance without regard to the person seeking the allowance to use up their own estate. Estate of Lux. 100 Cal. 593, 603 (1893). It makes no difference that the person seeking the family allowance has property of their own out of which to support themselves. Estate of Bump, 152 Cal. 273, 276 (1907).

basically since MJ's been dead Joe has managed to pay for his expenses himself but they still ask the court to give him allowance even if Joe has property/money enough to support himself.

Isn't this filing embarrassing especially for Janet Jackson? She's alive and a multi-millionaire yet her DEAD brother has to take care of her living parents? Enough for her father to sue her dead brothers estate for support? Janet surely can pay for her father claimed $15k a month no? Also Joe's house in Vegas is bought its not rented... he must be claiming rent for the additional apartment he has? Did Joe go to Janet and she said no so now he see's its easier to get the estate money instead?

Joe claims not to have an income and yet he's been going around promoting his label? he even has a artist or several for it, its been claimed he's selling grills with Ronaldo, he makes many many appearances and gets paid for them in Vegas, in Europe, in LA etc...

Worse of all, I suspect this is being done to eventually force Katherine's hand later when probate is over to folk over to Joe 50% of what MJ left her. If he's claiming that Michael in life asked Katherine to give over 50% of the money MJ gave her to Joe.... Joe is now angling through this suit if it goes through to later force Katherine to give him 50% or the 40% money share she'll be getting from the estate per year..when probate is over. (just my opinion... speculation)

Notice Oxman, Rowe claim MJ and Katherine said this and yet there is no declaration from Katherine stating this, no declaration from the accountants who processed that money saying the same.

we shall see....

and yeah Joe and Randy should definitely get the estate to run, no? Branca/McClain should be kicked out and Joe, Rowe, Oxman, Randy given the freedom to run it.... they'll just "advise" Katherine and sit on her to stay quiet and take care of MJ's kids and get her allowance... no? i think MJ would HAPPY if that happened no? I mean look how experienced they are! Oxman is an excellent lawyer! he will run the estate.... they'll bring Don Stabler to do the accounting too no?

As someone said elsewhere once.... "they'd rather the family run the estate to the ground than have anyone else running it successfully" I mean MJ's kids future be damned.... MJ would be happy if his family took the estate and ran it to the ground... after all they are family....

Page 17, the letter claimed to be MJ hiring Leonard Rowe.... look at it very carefully.... its interesting no? All of MJ's other letters for anything since he came back had his "The Michael Jackson Company" letter head or address at the top......also look what's been crossed out and written in by pen... and then look at MJ's signature and his other signatures...

*waltzes out of the thread* carry on....
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

-- $2,500 eating out...:wtf:
-- $1,000 in groceries....:blink:
-- $50 in charitable contributions....:mello::ph34r:
well theres the father of the year for ya more peeps should be like him...:rolleyes::puke:
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

I could be wrong; but I think what Joe may be seeking is an INCREASE in Katherine's monthly share so he will get a portion of it to cover his expenses. I don't believe he's seeking to "get the children's money" as many people here are saying.

When Michael was alive he did give Katherine money and relied on her to give some of it to Joseph; and didn't Michael also provided for Joseph materially? I'm sure Michael did not ever want his father to be destitute no matter what their relationship was. And speaking of their relationship, since it seems to CONVENIENTLY go over many people's heads----Michael's relationship with his father improved over the past few years and Michael made peace with him.

I just think it's more to this than meets the eye. Of course when you look at this on the surface, IT DOESN'T LOOK RIGHT and it is obviously rubbing people the wrong way.

I wouldn't want to see Joe destitute. In spite of everything, he is Michael's dad. Michael said he loved him in TII. That's good to go. Michael loves him. We should try to too.

The alternative would be Joe moving back in with Katherine, I assume. Not so sure that is a great plan either?

I agree with these two posts.

And I did hear him thank Joseph, Katherine, Jermaine, Jackie, Marlon, Randy, and Tito and say I love you. Yet a 'news'paper went and ran a story saying during the movie MJ thanked his mother and brothers and there was no mention of Joe. YES THERE WAS. Tabloids are spinning stories in regards to Joe now.. and as Michael would say, its trash, why should we believe it..

Okay surely these kind of comments should not be allowed on mjjc? :smilerolleyes: We are not allowed to say these kind of things about Michael himself or his own family (his children), so why does this rule not extend to his original family, the Jacksons? I am getting so sick of the hate and bashing on here. I don't care how people try to justify it, but none of us are in the world's most famous and harrassed family, so who are any of us to judge their actions? God forbid if someone were to point out some of the stupid and irrational things Michael may have done over the years, the banhammer would come down immediately. These kind of double standards create a fanatical atmosphere which has made this community garner a reputation amongst others as being "preachy" and "cultlike" over time. What happened to that thread that was posted a few days ago? Saying we need to be more positive and spread the message of L.O.V.E.?
How quickly people forget. :mello:

Agree. Certain posts are WAAAAY over the top.. and the title of this thread is misleading. As I understand he's not suing.. he's requesting an allowance. However right or wrong you/we think that is..

Joe is at the age of retirement. So what exactly is he supposed to get a job as? Employers ain't gonna touch someone his age with a ten foot pole. There is a lot of ageism in the workplace.

Yeh he's 81 years old.. wheres he going to work? All he can do is live off Michael's name giving interviews etc. but people on here won't like him for that either...

All I'm saying basically is why does Michael have to support Joe. My only question Point Blank can't everyone help. Isn't that what a FAMILY does? Nothing else I want to go back and forth about. I'm sure no one's dirt poor, everyone can chip in here and there to help Joseph.

:yes: All we know is Michael did NOT mention him in the Will.. so I'm not going to argue to say he should be allowed an allowence from Michael, because that goes against the wishes in his Will.. but there are other family members who could help their dad, IF he is in such a bad state.

Not TMZ again. They are like the cockroach that won't die. I think the real winners from Michael's death will be his trash site.

Agree, we give them a lot of attention on much money they making off our 'clicks'. Don't forget how they treated Michael before..
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Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

I wouldn't want to see Joe destitute. In spite of everything,
considering what hes been spending since june hes hardly ever gonna be destitute
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

How dare Joe do such a thing. This just shows how money-hungry he is! :no:
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

seriously i can't understand this man how could he do this

after ALL what he did through the years he dosen't show any regrets

i'm really tired of making excuses for him , he's not a good man .. i always respected MJ's Father and Mother and his entire family but really that man has gone TOO FAR someone need to stop him !!!!


all i can say is i'm so sorry Michael :cry: you suffered a lot in your life and death
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Maybe that debt isn't that much, but who is to say their allowance is ridicolous I mean that would be Michael right and he left sorten people in charge so,if that's how much they are getting then, they see it fit. And since the children aren't going around wearing Money as Outfits or using 100 dollar bills as napkins I'm sure that's a fair amount. And Ha 80,000 month some Celebrity have their Babies, Toddlers walking around in Desginer outfits and Sleeping like Royalty. Which Go way up and beyond 80,000 dollars a month. Pffft some would laugh at that. Celebrites, provide differently for their children than You or I would.I never said anything about them starving but I mean Parents do want their children to be well-off Period Whether it be your average Joe or Suri Cruise.

I don't know what you're talking about. Do you see the Jackson kids walking around in designer clothes when Michael was here? No. Do you see them walking around in designer clothes now? No. Michael didn't want them to be spoiled and bratty. When we see them going out, it's only for swimming or karate club or whatever, not the freaking caviar and colouring club for kids. There is no way in hell Katherine is spending anywhere near 80k on those 3 every month. So whatever point you're trying to make is a moot one. 80,000 might be the going rate for other celebrity kids, but not these ones. However the Cruise family might choose to raise their daughter has absolutely nothing to do with how Katherine is raising Michael's children. 80 grand a month is still ridiculous. It's more likely that Katherine is putting that money aside for their future instead, if she has any sense. And if she somehow is managing to spend that much a month just on 3 young kids, someone needs to freaking stop her because I don't care how you try to justify it, spending that much money a month ($960,000 a YEAR) is just wrong. It would only end up being detrimental to the kids if they were to grow up around people constantly surrounded by fancy and expensive things. It attracts certain types of greedy people (see some of Michael's so-called friends for reference).
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

the debt was near 250 millions when mj died . there is a trust created in december 2007 to pay the debt directly from profits generated from mj's share in sony/atv . if everything went according to the plan before mj's deah , in other words if the executors followed the same plan , the debt will be paid off in 2011 . without even using the money generated after mj's death .

on the other hand you have taxes , but as many experts said before , the will was very good to the point that certainly jackson took extra measures to pay the taxes without risking anything .

the estate is in a very good position , the assets worth at least two billions , and there is a lot of cash coming in . no problem at all . but the strategy is to reinvest and expand , not distribute the maximum profits to beneficiaries . that will be in the long term beneficiaries best interest and the jackson's family nightmare.
joe made alot of money after mj's death, he had a company , he is a producer . so he clearly had an income . the only way he will get money if he proved that mj was his only source of income when he was alive and he can't live without his estate's support .

read the documents , joe PAID for everything after mj's death from his own pockets"selling stories" , but Oxman claims that regardless if joe was able to generate money he should be able to collect money from the estate , simply because Katherine was handing him 50% of every penny mj used to send to her .

he is saying I can make money , yet MJ's estate should give something .

Rowe, Oxman , Katherine and joe ...... the same characters all over again .

if joe succeeded , all the siblings will be at the court door asking for something because michael through katherine supported them . since katherine allowance is not even enough to pay electricity bills , she can't for sure share it with her other chidlren .
I know.. :no:

he wants 1200$ for rent although he has an apartment . the man is a disgrace . actually each and every member of that family is .except MJ .
and Debbie Rowe's intervention to see and know the kids couldn't have come sooner

I cretainly want Debbie to come forward but if she is coming with Schaffel then better stay off . -_-At least with the Jacksons Janet , 3T , jackie will tell those kids their father was like they knew him a great soul , better than that "gay porn producer" who will insert all thoughts in those little kids heads.

Agree, completely.

I guess Tuesday is the day they will file their challenge to the will.
Most probably

I am so tired of this circus....

I share your sentiments :(
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

You'd Think MJ made himself clear to him by cutting him out. Just Beat It Joe, crawl back to Vegas.