Joe Jackson seeks allowance from son's estate

Re: Joe requests allowance.

Thats all being taken care of right..I know the investigation is taking a long time but that could be good.. investigating thoroughly and building up a strong case?

Joe needs money to fund his life since MJ isn't funding it anymore n looks like nobody is helping hence he's gone and requested an allowance from the estate..

...don't know how he's going to get one though when Michael did not mention his name in the Will. So Katherine cut him off.. or they need more?

I could be wrong; but I think what Joe may be seeking is an INCREASE in Katherine's monthly share so he will get a portion of it to cover his expenses. I don't believe he's seeking to "get the children's money" as many people here are saying.

When Michael was alive he did give Katherine money and relied on her to give some of it to Joseph; and didn't Michael also provided for Joseph materially? I'm sure Michael did not ever want his father to be destitute no matter what their relationship was. And speaking of their relationship, since it seems to CONVENIENTLY go over many people's heads----Michael's relationship with his father improved over the past few years and Michael made peace with him.

I just think it's more to this than meets the eye. Of course when you look at this on the surface, IT DOESN'T LOOK RIGHT and it is obviously rubbing people the wrong way.
Re: Joe requests allowance.

I could be wrong; but I think what Joe may be seeking is an INCREASE in Katherine's monthly share so he will get a portion of it to cover his expenses. I don't believe he's seeking to "get the children's money" as many people here are saying.

When Michael was alive he did give Katherine money and relied on her to give some of it to Joseph; and didn't Michael also provided for Joseph materially? I'm sure Michael did not ever want his father to be destitute no matter what their relationship was. And speaking of their relationship, since it seems to CONVENIENTLY go over many people's heads----Michael's relationship with his father improved over the past few years and Michael made peace with him.

I just think it's more to this than meets the eye. Of course when you look at this on the surface, IT DOESN'T LOOK RIGHT and it is obviously rubbing people the wrong way.

that's a fair statement, and you have an appropriate screen name.
Re: Joe requests allowance.

I could be wrong; but I think what Joe may be seeking is an INCREASE in Katherine's monthly share so he will get a portion of it to cover his expenses. I don't believe he's seeking to "get the children's money" as many people here are saying.

When Michael was alive he did give Katherine money and relied on her to give some of it to Joseph; and didn't Michael also provided for Joseph materially? I'm sure Michael did not ever want his father to be destitute no matter what their relationship was. And speaking of their relationship, since it seems to CONVENIENTLY go over many people's heads----Michael's relationship with his father improved over the past few years and Michael made peace with him.

I just think it's more to this than meets the eye. Of course when you look at this on the surface, IT DOESN'T LOOK RIGHT and it is obviously rubbing people the wrong way.

Joe Jackson needs to take a "Smart Pill".:better:
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Michael always provided for Katherine and Katherine could do whatever she pleased with the money. She gave money freely to her other children and Joe. Now that the money is confined to a certain amount, she probably can no longer support Joe and her other children.

I just listened to those youtube taped conversations of Michael and Glenda. Especially the conversation about Joe wanting 250,000.00. Michael was mad and irate over it and quite frankly, disgusted. Michael gave the money to Katherine and told her to handed out to Joe over time.

Since Michael's death, Joe has made almost a million dollars. He received 250,000.00 dollars from ABC for his interview and footage, and he makes money from appearances at the Palms resort and casino in Las Vegas, and just did the whole movie thing have dinner with Joe for 3,000.00 dollars a pop and I hear it did VERY WELL.

There needs to be some fiscal management done in that family. The courts WILL NOT.. I repeat WILL NOT PROVIDE FOR JOE JACKSON as there is no provision in the will for it. They will not raise Katherine's stipend to care for Joe. It's not going to happen.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

it's the timing of this that is bothersome. it's obvious that the papers just said that the movie went of the one hundred mill mark. and the docs on that link prove that that's what the lawyers are shooting for.

indeed...people looking for increases are bad at business. Michael is right.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

OMG!!!! I CANT BELIVE IT!!!! :angry:

Re: Joe Jackson Wants Money from MJ's Estate

I. am. absolutely. dumbfounded
Effin' A.

Sadly, that is entirely possible. He and Katherine are still married. That house is already stuffed full of people!

I guess what I'm not understanding is why that family didn't band together after it was obvious Michael had a solo career, and start a business? A recording label, invest in real-estate, or SOMETHING? At one point a whole LOT of money passed through their hands. .. .

Seriously, though! They could've been one of the most financially successful families in Entertainment.

I cringe thinking about the numbers when it comes to the amount of money Michael must have given his family over the years...

Me think that the 50$ for charity is in fact the total tip he gave for his 2500$ eating out! :lol:

LMAO!!! Prolly so.
$2500 is absolutely asinine. That is sinful. And to then throw out 50 to charity - what a slap in the face. Honestly, I don't understand how it's possible to rack up receipts like that. He lives by himself - he's not feeding a family of 15 like Katherine. I don't think I could spend 3500 on food a month if I tried - I am so serious.
What's crazy is that this is all just outlandish spending, I mean his rent is only 1200! My rent is 1600. Also, I eat 97% of my meals out and that comes to about 200 a month. So, he must be having caviar omelets for breakfast, or treating groups of friends to dinner at Sardi's or renting out whole restaurants for a night. or he's eating all his meals at airports. Also, maybe he should not live in Las Vegas anymore? - As it's the most expensive dining city in the US...
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

I though Joe was ok that his son didn't leave nothing for him. I kinda feel sorry for Joe that he was left out the will.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

As distraught as I am about this unfortunate development, I will take a step back from it (as enligthenu has advised) but I just want to say that I am glad that Michael knew he was NOT a walking dollar sign to every one in his life!
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Honestly, right now I feel so much pain for all the angusih and distress Michael had to endure all these years! And it all makes clear to me how all the stress he was under, feeling an obligation to so many people, lead to the tragedy that happened on June 25th!:bugeyed

Just like so many other people, all Michael was to Joe was a money making machine and I am sure he never let Michael forget that if it was'nt for him he would'nt be MICHAEL JACKSON! Michael never had a FATHER, what he had was a MANAGER and Michael was his artist, not his son.

Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic! Joe Jackson needs to wheel and come again. He has other children, whats up with them?

With all the stress and strain being piled upon Michael are we even surprised at what ultimately happened? How much longer was Mj gonna be able to carry such a heavy load?*sucks teeth*
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

The latest court documents say Joe Jackson receives a $1,700 monthly Social Security payment and had relied on his son for support for many years.

"He does not have a regular or steady source of income, and he was dependent upon the money provided by his son, Michael Jackson, through his wife, Katherine Jackson, for his support," the filing states.

Joe Jackson suffers from diabetes and had a stroke in 1998, the filing states.
A former steelworker, he managed and trained his children and organized the Jackson 5. He has been married to Katherine Jackson for 50 years, but he lists his home in Las Vegas. She lives at a family home in the San Fernando Valley north of Los Angeles.

I wouldn't want to see Joe destitute. In spite of everything, he is Michael's dad. Michael said he loved him in TII. That's good to go. Michael loves him. We should try to too.

The alternative would be Joe moving back in with Katherine, I assume. Not so sure that is a great plan either?
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Exotic Princess - I saw 'wheel and come again' and I had to smile. I think only those from the Caribbean would get that reference. LOL.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

.....with what he does.....makes you underastand,believe and feel sorry for his children...and especially MJ......he's disgusting....really....why he didn't ask for an "allowance" Michael when he was still alive.....?????? :(
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Joe Jackson needs to take a "Smart Pill".:better:

Okay surely these kind of comments should not be allowed on mjjc? :smilerolleyes: We are not allowed to say these kind of things about Michael himself or his own family (his children), so why does this rule not extend to his original family, the Jacksons? I am getting so sick of the hate and bashing on here. I don't care how people try to justify it, but none of us are in the world's most famous and harrassed family, so who are any of us to judge their actions? God forbid if someone were to point out some of the stupid and irrational things Michael may have done over the years, the banhammer would come down immediately. These kind of double standards create a fanatical atmosphere which has made this community garner a reputation amongst others as being "preachy" and "cultlike" over time. What happened to that thread that was posted a few days ago? Saying we need to be more positive and spread the message of L.O.V.E.?
How quickly people forget. :mello:
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

I do hope everyone noted in the documents that this filing is directed, quite squarely, at BOTH Katherine Jackson AND the estate. Read the second to last page on the docs....

"On November 5, 2009, at approximately 9;30 a.m. I telephoned Adam Streisand at (3 1 0) 282 2354 and spoke to Attorney Gabrielle A. Vidal. I notified her that on November 6, 2009, at 8:00 a.m., in the Probate Attorney's Office Room 258 of the Los Angeles County Superior Court located at 1 1 1 north Hill Street, Los Angeles, California 90012, 1 would be filing an Ex Parte Application to Shorten Time to Specially Set Hearing on Joseph Jackson's Petition for Family Allowance Under Probate Code Section 6540 et seq., and for an order sealing the record under California Rules of Court, Rule 2.550(d) and 2.551 1 attempted to informally resolve this matter without the necessity of Court proceedings. She said she would have Adam Streisand call me. However, no agreement was reached concerning the matter.

On November 5, 2009, at approximately 9:35 a.m. I telephoned Paul Hoffman at (310) 470-6010 and spoke to his secretary Jennet. I notified her that on November 6, 2009, at 8:00 a.m., in the Probate Attorney's Office Room 258 of the Los Angeles County Superior Court located at 1 1 1 north Hill Street, Los Angeles, California 90012, 1 would be filing an Ex Parte Application to Shorten Time to Specially Set Hearing on Joseph Jackson's Petition for Family Allowance Under Probate Code Section 6540 et seq., and for an order sealing the record under California Rules of Court, Rule 2.550(d) and I asked if attorney Jerylle Cohen would call me back to attempt to informally resolve this matter without the necessity of Court proceedings. However, no agreement was reached concerning the matter." Jackson.pdf

So, Oxman called both Katherine's lawyer, and the lawyer for Branca and McClain and threatened this court filing. He got no response i.e. "no agreement could be reached" ...and here we are. He tried through the backdoor for some cash, and didn't get it. It says that Katherine has not given Joseph any monies since June 25th.

geez..........i have no words.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

i am not surprised
i totally understand why mike didn't include him in the will.let it go joe!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Michael Jackson's father seeks allowance from estate

LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- Michael Jackson's father wants a judge to order the pop star's estate to pay him a monthly allowance, according to papers filed in court Friday.
Joe Jackson, the 80-year-old Jackson family patriarch, was not named in Michael Jackson's 2002 will, which left his wealth to his mother, Katherine Jackson, his three children and undisclosed charities.
Brian Oxman, Joe Jackson's lawyer, filed the petition Friday asking for him to be included in the family allowance.
The matter will be considered Tuesday when Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff convenes the next hearing on matters related to the probate of Jackson's will, Oxman said.
The filing does not publicly specify how much Jackson's father is requesting.
Howard Weitzman, one of the lawyers for the estate's special administrators, said Joe Jackson's request "will be considered as are all requests for money from Michael's estate."
"It was quite surprising to learn of the request," Weitzman said.
Michael Jackson's mother and his three children receive a court-ordered allowance from the estate totaling more than $86,000 a month, according to court documents. The money is in addition to the maintenance of the home -- which is owned by the estate -- in Encino, California, where Katherine Jackson lives with her grandchildren, the papers said.
Although Joe and Katherine Jackson are still married, Joe Jackson lives in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Joe Jackson is credited with launching and guiding his family's show business success, but Michael Jackson had publicly criticized his father's parenting skills.
Tuesday's hearing could also see a new challenge by the Jackson family of the 2002 will.
Michael Jackson died June 25, but the probate of his will has been slowed by a series of court squabbles between Katherine Jackson's lawyers and the two men now in control of the estate.
John Branca and John McClain, who are named as executors in the will, were appointed temporary special administrators to run the estate until the process is completed.
Katherine Jackson replaced the lawyers representing her in the estate case last month with attorney Adam Streisand. Another Jackson family lawyer said the change was made because the case was about to take a "new direction" based on "new evidence" uncovered by the family.
Attorney Londell McMillan pointed to questions about the authenticity of the signature on Michael Jackson's will.
Tuesday's estate hearing will be Streisand's first appearance in the case.
A trial has been tentatively set for December to decide any challenge of the will, although Streisand said last month he expected it to be set for early next year.
The A&E network announced Friday that "The Jacksons: A Family Dynasty" television series will launch with two hours of programming on Sunday night, December 13.
Four of Michael Jackson's brothers -- all except Randy Jackson -- are involved in the show "as they prepare for a Jackson Five reunion, while also coming to terms with Michael's tragic loss," the network said.
An A&E programming executive said the "deeply intimate portrait will provide viewers with a raw and honest look inside a musical dynasty."
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

I guess Tuesday is the day they will file their challenge to the will.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Quote: Michael Jackson's mother and his three children receive a court-ordered allowance from the estate totaling more than $86,000 a month, according to court documents.

The money is in addition to the maintenance of the home -- *********

which is owned by the estate -- in Encino, California, where Katherine Jackson lives with her grandchildren, the papers said.

****** Do you realize that the maintenance of the home is around $136,000 per month, so all together $136,000 + $86,000 is currently being paid to Katherine... not for nothing but that is a lot of money.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Quote: Michael Jackson's mother and his three children receive a court-ordered allowance from the estate totaling more than $86,000 a month, according to court documents.

The money is in addition to the maintenance of the home -- *********

which is owned by the estate -- in Encino, California, where Katherine Jackson lives with her grandchildren, the papers said.

****** Do you realize that the maintenance of the home is around $136,000 per month, so all together $136,000 + $86,000 is currently being paid to Katherine... not for nothing but that is a lot of money.

Yes Michael Jackson owned that house, so now the estate owns it. They probably pay the bills related to the Encino house directly, I doubt that cash goes to Katherine. That is an awful lot of maintenance money though, even if you figure in a big mortgage payment. Was that 136,000 figure in the doc........I musta missed it?
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

I am so tired of this circus....

infinite us all.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate


URGH!!!! I wish I could swear on this forum. I can see if he were uncapable of caring for himself, and living a modest life. But why should MJ pay for Joe to spend $3,000 per month on HOTELS!!! And 2,500 per month eating out?!?! Why don't he get a damn job!?!? The nerve of that guy!!!!
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Was michael jackson his only son!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how about joe's other children? well, michael also needs to feed all of them. so sick! Estate still owed more than 400million debts, joe doesn't care, the only thing in his eyes is "money".
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Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Okay surely these kind of comments should not be allowed on mjjc? :smilerolleyes: We are not allowed to say these kind of things about Michael himself or his own family (his children), so why does this rule not extend to his original family, the Jacksons? I am getting so sick of the hate and bashing on here. I don't care how people try to justify it, but none of us are in the world's most famous and harrassed family, so who are any of us to judge their actions? God forbid if someone were to point out some of the stupid and irrational things Michael may have done over the years, the banhammer would come down immediately. These kind of double standards create a fanatical atmosphere which has made this community garner a reputation amongst others as being "preachy" and "cultlike" over time. What happened to that thread that was posted a few days ago? Saying we need to be more positive and spread the message of L.O.V.E.?
How quickly people forget. :mello:

I agree with this and im not bashing Joesph...its just...i gotta agree that $50 to charity is just too comical lol
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

I agree with this and im not bashing Joesph...its just...i gotta agree that $50 to charity is just too comical lol

Well it's something. Most people don't give anything to charity really except when they feel pressured to (tv charity events like Children In Need or people who go around with money tins for whatever)
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

geez joe it just keeps getting better and better
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Quote: "He does not have a regular or steady source of income, and he was dependent upon the money provided by his son, Michael Jackson, through his wife, Katherine Jackson, for his support," the filing states.

I guess that is why he needs the money..what job is Joe going to get at his age? Good grief! Michael as it is now reported gave money to his mother to give to Joe...little by little Michael looked after anyone he could...he even brought families in to live with him and some knifed him in his back for more MONEY. I't all so very sad. As I look back on it what a really sweet and caring person he phoniness there...Michael was a good and decent person. People just took advantage of that. He wanted to be the bigger person. I'm not sure if Joe will get a dime. It was not outlined in that will.