Joe Jackson seeks allowance from son's estate

Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Do listen to the songs on youtube, they are amazingly uplifting. Another one is ''Almost There'' by Michael.

*hugs hugs hugs and l.o.v.e.*

i was just looking for them on youtube..and i can't find them..:(
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Why even ask Janet? Its embarrasing. Is Joe ever gonna retire? Gods sake, get a pension or something or get a job like everybody else. Its sickening that he cant satisfy with what he's already got. And Im afraid whatever money Katherine will recieve is gonna be taken from her.

Joe Jackson should be grateful he is even alive, he's getting old.. Why money matters now after so many years in showbusiness and having lost a son recently I will not ever understand. Just be happy that you are alive Joe, stop being so materialistic and greedy.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

I cry myself to sleep every night, Im in so much pain, the last thing on my mind is getting rich or have more money or demand stuff from my own family. The only thing we have done for the past 4 months is grieve like he was our own son. Joseph Jackson is pure disgust. I wonder why its always the good hearted people who die too soon.
so true. u know i joked to my mum about buying a lotto ticket and said u know what ill prob win now. now that i wouldnt even care if i won a million tomorrow. id still be heart broken inside. and give it all back just to have mj here with us.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

I am not shocked by this. When even the tabloids call you out on insensitivity by promoting a record label three days after your son died you know there is something amiss with the man.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Joe Jackson seeks stipend from Michael's estate

Entertainment Writer – 8 mins ago

LOS ANGELES – Michael Jackson's father is seeking an allowance from his son's estate to help cover expenses that exceed $15,000 a month, according to court documents filed Friday. The request seeking an unspecified amount for Joe Jackson was filed by lawyer Brian Oxman, who said there was no apparent reason for the administrators of the estate to not seek an allowance for the Jackson family patriarch.

Michael Jackson's 2002 will, however, omitted any mention of his father.The two had an often strained relationship, and Michael Jackson said at one point that he would get physically sick — as a child and as an adult — at the sight of his father.
The singer's private trust calls for money to be paid to his mother, Katherine, his three young children, and various charities.

A judge has approved more than $26,000 in payments to Katherine Jackson each month, and a $60,000 monthly payment for the care of the children.

The latest court documents say Joe Jackson receives a $1,700 monthly Social Security payment and had relied on his son for support for many years.

"He does not have a regular or steady source of income, and he was dependent upon the money provided by his son, Michael Jackson, through his wife, Katherine Jackson, for his support," the filing states.

Joe Jackson suffers from diabetes and had a stroke in 1998, the filing states.
A former steelworker, he managed and trained his children and organized the Jackson 5. He has been married to Katherine Jackson for 50 years, but he lists his home in Las Vegas. She lives at a family home in the San Fernando Valley north of Los Angeles.

The filings are inconsistent in several places, listing Joe Jackson's age as 80 in one place and 81 in another. A declaration states his monthly expenses exceed $20,000 a month, but an itemized list only includes slightly more than $15,000.
That list includes $1,200 a month on rent for his Las Vegas home; $2,500 to eat out; $1,000 on entertainment, gifts and vacations; $2,000 on air travel and $3,000 on hotels.

A phone message left for Oxman was not immediately returned.

A phone message left for Howard Weitzman, an attorney who represents the administrators of Jackson's estate, was not immediately returned.

A judge on Friday denied Joe Jackson's petition for an expedited hearing on the matter.

A hearing is scheduled for early 2010 at which time the payments to Katherine Jackson may be re-evaluated.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

I dont understand Joseph. If its something he should have learned its:

1. He already has a lot of money.
2. Isnt that enough?
3. His beloved son just died and he clearly cares more about the money.
4. He should really try and be suttle about this but he cant even do that.
5. Michael didnt want to give him shit because he dosnt deserve it.
6. Michael donated hundreds and millions to charity, Joe start taking examples from Michael.


Apparently he doesn't seem to think he has a lot of money. The article said documents showed he gets $1,700 a month .. and just his rent is $1,200 and then theres the other stuff.. food etc. Whatever I think of Joe, I can't say he cares more about the money than his son..I just can't, I don't think he or anyone can be like that.. I saw how he was at the funeral and he was there for mj for the trial. We don't see how he feels behind closed doors, I give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Though I know what happened in the past and I know he doesn't always present himself in a favourable light.

He cares about getting an allowance and because he filed for an emergency motion, he must be desperate. Hasn't he got anything to live on?? Are things really that bad?! I don't understand how he can't have money .. I really don't. He must have got lots from the Jackson 5 and what Michael gave him .. where the hell has it all gone?! JoCola? Its sad that some family members are in bad finances after the sucess they had. If its really that bad Janet is there, she has money and he's her dad too, why can't she help him instead of Michael who did not put him in his Will. Oh and he needs to cut back for sure.

I cry myself to sleep every night, Im in so much pain, the last thing on my mind is getting rich or have more money or demand stuff from my own family. The only thing we have done for the past 4 months is grieve like he was our own son.

Aw hun :( since the movie I have been better for some reason, but before that I was a wreck so I know what you mean. I hope you feel better soon, the support forum is always there for us.

Anyway.. I'm gone, there are some strong words in this thread.
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Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

so true. u know i joked to my mum about buying a lotto ticket and said u know what ill prob win now. now that i wouldnt even care if i won a million tomorrow. id still be heart broken inside. and give it all back just to have mj here with us.

I would give so much up just to have Michael back in our lives. Im not joking, we just lost someone we loved from the bottom of our hearts, who inspired us to be who we wanted to be and who loved us unconditionally. I have lost a family member, Michael was like family to me. I knew Michael through his music, his dedication and love. We lost someone who stood us so close and his own flesh and blood who created this wonderful being is showing his so called grief in the most discussing ways. He is not even suttle about what he is doing, everything he says and does always smacks us right in the face and its rude and disgusting. We are grieving. If Joseph cannot afford his rent maybe he should consider moving into a smaller house or accomodation.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Joe is not Janet's burden to bare!!
Yes, that is her father, I understand that.
Still not her problem.

Joe, get a job, live in a cave, either way:
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate


Joe claims Michael's estate has "earned more than $100 million dollars in the first seven (7) weeks following Michael Jackson's death" and is "well able to afford a family allowance for Joe Jackson."

Joe says he has $15,425 in total monthly expenses, including the following:

-- $50 in charitable contributions

Haha! I know this isnt the time to laugh.. but this one is priceless!! Hahaha.

I first thing I read when getting online this afternoon is news about Debbie Rowe going to court, saying she hasn't seen her kids in four months even though it has been agreed she can visit them. Also stating, Prince, Paris, and Blanket shouldn't be in that house at all (Hayvenhurst), because all they talk about is money and they don't want to kids to grow up to be like Jackson's or whatever....

I know this is off-topic, but where did you read that?
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

I am going to love you anyway Joe but didn't you get 250,000 from ABC to license your personal pictures. Didn't you get other monies from different appearances. Put it in an annuity and live off of it.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Joe is not Janet's burden to bare!!
Yes, that is her father, I understand that.
Still not her problem.

Joe, get a job, live in a cave, either way:

That is great. I am certain Michael had dreams about doing that to his "dear" dad.

This will be mean, but it is a shame that Michael did not outlive that man. I think his quality of life would had definitely improve, even if he had forgiven him.

I guess that one saying is true, "pure evil never dies."

(btw, that quote is mostly tongue/cheek humor so no one take it too personally)
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Joe Jackson seeks stipend from Michael's estate

Entertainment Writer – 8 mins ago

LOS ANGELES – Michael Jackson's father is seeking an allowance from his son's estate to help cover expenses that exceed $15,000 a month, according to court documents filed Friday. The request seeking an unspecified amount for Joe Jackson was filed by lawyer Brian Oxman, who said there was no apparent reason for the administrators of the estate to not seek an allowance for the Jackson family patriarch.

Michael Jackson's 2002 will, however, omitted any mention of his father.The two had an often strained relationship, and Michael Jackson said at one point that he would get physically sick — as a child and as an adult — at the sight of his father.
The singer's private trust calls for money to be paid to his mother, Katherine, his three young children, and various charities.

A judge has approved more than $26,000 in payments to Katherine Jackson each month, and a $60,000 monthly payment for the care of the children.

The latest court documents say Joe Jackson receives a $1,700 monthly Social Security payment and had relied on his son for support for many years.

"He does not have a regular or steady source of income, and he was dependent upon the money provided by his son, Michael Jackson, through his wife, Katherine Jackson, for his support," the filing states.

Joe Jackson suffers from diabetes and had a stroke in 1998, the filing states.
A former steelworker, he managed and trained his children and organized the Jackson 5. He has been married to Katherine Jackson for 50 years, but he lists his home in Las Vegas. She lives at a family home in the San Fernando Valley north of Los Angeles.

The filings are inconsistent in several places, listing Joe Jackson's age as 80 in one place and 81 in another. A declaration states his monthly expenses exceed $20,000 a month, but an itemized list only includes slightly more than $15,000.
That list includes $1,200 a month on rent for his Las Vegas home; $2,500 to eat out; $1,000 on entertainment, gifts and vacations; $2,000 on air travel and $3,000 on hotels.
203. To 174 and others:
As a black female, the post that states the kids should not get them because they are white is unexceptable! He adopted those kids, loved them and they seem to be the only ones that never took advantage of him. It seems Michael was only close to Janet and everyone else took advantage of him. Sadly, I bet the poster was uneducated and is the reason people assume all black people play the race card all the's the ignorant loud ones with nothing to say. I wonder if this was a white man with black children, would u have said that ignorance? I have no problem calling out prejudice & racism...which your comments were!

Posted at 6:51PM on Nov 6th 2009 by kcv

Read more:

A phone message left for Howard Weitzman, an attorney who represents the administrators of Jackson's estate, was not immediately returned.

A judge on Friday denied Joe Jackson's petition for an expedited hearing on the matter.

A hearing is scheduled for early 2010 at which time the payments to Katherine Jackson may be re-evaluated.

So Brian Oxman is representing Joe Jackson ???

Oh boy.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Style Of life - Jackson

Take Me Back - Jackson

We're almost there - Jackson

Enjoy, sorry if I hijacked this thread with these beautiful songs.

hijack away. i need the distraction...i need the healing. thank you, and love to you, too.


it's funny..there was the time that is documented where people said that 'that strange nose' and that 'strange voice' would never make it. now sooo many people want to collect the money that that 'strange nose' and 'strange voice'- that have beautifully help define the beautiful Michael Jackson,- has made hand over fist.

you would think that those wanna-be-collectors would take a moment to realize that their every step will define the definition of what a human being is, as opposed to what a human being is supposed to be.

each one should look to a blueprint. look to Michael. because the footprints will be left. and the future will decide..'this must be the definition'. the question is, ...what will be said, as a result? and what will be done? and what will become of the future?

the style of life song was the 'The Wiz' voice of Michael. the lyric haunted me. i don't even want to say what the lyric reminded me of.
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Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

"He does not have a regular or steady source of income, and he was dependent upon the money provided by his son, Michael Jackson, through his wife, Katherine Jackson, for his support," the filing states.


Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

im still trying to figure out just WHO Joesph is giving that $50 charity too... i mean he should be embarrassed to even list that geez!! that just makes me laugh laugh laugh! lol
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

They are like cockroaches. They will survive anything while the ones who have a heart big enough to feed the entire world with love and care dies young.

Michael was the angel and the ones who did him bad are cockroaches. Did Michael get the shorter end of the stick just because he passed on young? No. Because Michael was an angel. Id rather be an angel than a cockroach.

A little tip for Joseph Jackson: hold on to your $50 instead of wasting it on charity, since you have enough money to pay the rent.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

He has eight other children. They can't help him? Or did Michael have to help them out too? I know they are family but Michael wasn't the back machine. He has to support them in death too?
Re: Joe Jackson Wants Money from MJ's Estate

hes a greedy old man who never loved Michael except for his Money.

Im sorry but its True.

the more I see Joe since Michael's death...the more I believe this...

and the more I believe that Michael knew "exactly" what he was doing when he appointed Branca and McClain as his executors...

you see the TII film.. showed Michael healthy, involved and alert.. so poor Joe could not follow through with his scheme to pain Michael insane inorder to challenge the will...

and warning to Katherine.......Michael put that "no challenge" clause in his will for a reason.............
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

This situation with the kids is not good. I am really scared for them. This money belongs to them, really. The Jackson are so damn money hungry. Those poor babies, I hate to think what this is doing to them. Some of the stuff they are hearing. They need to get out of that house.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

This situation with the kids is not good. I am really scared for them. This money belongs to them, really. The Jackson are so damn money hungry. Those poor babies, I hate to think what this is doing to them. Some of the stuff they are hearing. They need to get out of that house.
Joe, (Thank Goodness) lives in Las Vegas away form Michael Jackson's children.
Yes,:yes: I think the other Jacksons should back off, and leave Katherine and Michael Jackson's children alone.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

He has eight other children. They can't help him? Or did Michael have to help them out too? I know they are family but Michael wasn't the back machine. He has to support them in death too?

I agree. Michael is not the only millionare or wealthy person in the family. Can't Joe's other kids help him out? Or what about that record label he was supposed to be coming out with? And I know also that Joe gets a fee for all the interviews he does and appearences he makes, so why is he trying to take from MJ's estate? Geesh, I mean is it any wonder why Michael wasn't too fond of his Father? Things like this make it all so clear.

MJ did not put his Father in his will for a reason though. Joe needs to respect that and find an alternative way to get money. I just wish everyone would leave Michael alone already.

Not even in death can he get any peace! It's ridiculous.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

I agree. Michael is not the only millionare or wealthy person in the family. Can't Joe's other kids help him out? Or what about that record label he was supposed to be coming out with? And I know also that Joe gets a fee for all the interviews he does and appearences he makes, so why is he trying to take from MJ's estate? Geesh, I mean is it any wonder why Michael wasn't too fond of his Father? Things like this make it all so clear.

MJ did not put his Father in his will for a reason though. Joe needs to respect that and find an alternative way to get money. I just wish everyone would leave Michael alone already.

Not even in death can he get any peace! It's ridiculous.

It is ridiculous. His father sees all this money coming in and wants a piece of it. He feels entitled to it? Why because he is the father? Or he thinks he made Michael who he was in the first place? He may have started the Jackson 5 and all that but Michael moved on from that and made himself who he was by hard work and determination. Respect the will and wishes of Michael.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Oxman is such an incompetent lawyer. Notice the mistakes on the documents.
Katherine's name is misspelled.
The allowance wasn't approved on October 2nd.
And the date Branca & McClain were appointment special administrators wasn't Juy 6th 2002.

Joseph lives in Los Vegas???

Why would they put the statement of a known thief in a court document. Leonard Rowe..? Really?
Mj told him he gave 60K to Katherine so she could support Joseph....Whatever.

Where does Janet fit in all this??? I mean, it must be embarrassing for her.

Second point, if MJ really wanted to support his father, why does he ask that all assets be reverted to the children upon Katherine's death...he would have asked that they continue supporting Joseph (because we all know he will outlive her).

He has 8 other kids...Can't they support him? Even if the other brothers are broke, what about Janet? She has the money...That family is really dysfunctional.

What about the 250K he received from ABC news for those interviews & video footage after MJ's death?
What about all these tabloid interviews? I don't believe for a second he did not receive any money. If he files a false report, can't he get sued?

He wants MJ's money to pay for Johvonnie...? He listed 300$ for Johvonnie, and another 300$ for her daughter. But she is an adult? Why would MJ have to pay anything for Johvonnie? how insulting having MJ pay for his illegitimate child. He has 2 assistants? What for?

What a fcuk scumbag. And Katherine agrees to this bullsh!t?
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Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Why? Joe... :(

After all Michael gave you.... Why do you need to ask for more? Why can't you just be happy that you were blessed to have such an angelic and talented son? If I ever had a son like that in the future, not a day will go by that I wont tell him that I love him. You were so blessed to have him, Joe. Why?? :cry:
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Oxman is such an incompetent lawyer. Notice the mistakes on the documents.
Katherine's name is misspelled.
The allowance wasn't approved on October second.
And the date Branca & McClain were appointment special administrators wasn't Juy 6th 2002.

Joseph lives in Los Vegas???

Why would they put the statement of a known thief in a court document. Leonard Rowe..? Really?
Mj told him he gave 60K to Katherine so she could support Joseph....Whatever.

i know..looking that that document, it's easy to think this is an uneducated lawyer. and that would not be an oxymoron, here. .... and a beggar of a lawyer
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

:lmao: im sorry...i just CAN NOT get over the $50 to charity LMAO!!!!!!!! im in tears becasue im laughing so hard!!! :lmao:
Joe Jackson is confusing "charitable giving" with the $50 tips he gives to the cocktail waitresses in Las Vegas. :lmao: