Joe Jackson seeks allowance from son's estate

Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

you would presume he has medical negligence insurance.

Given how much debt that guy had, I doubt he was insured on anything. The Jackson would have to get in line along with the rest of the people who want Murray's non-existing money, including his baby's momma. This is a classic example of a broke brother.

Plus, once his butt is carter to jail, he will not be making any extra income. I do nothing think prisoners get paid for make license plates. I could be wrong.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Why is he looking for an allowance? Perhaps MJ gave him money to live off as they began to build a relationship...I know he gave him gifts in the past etc....I'm glad it's not a lawsuit. I don't wan to see another lawsuit. It just did not sound right nor feel right. It's always about money...more people will send themsleves to hell over money. I so tired of every Tom, Dick and Harry thinking MJ owes them something..if he had bills left over..yes those should be paid..actualy real creditors not the LIARS and filthy THIEVES in line with their dirty palms extended.

Joe should of prepared himself more wisely for his golden years..maybe if he had a REAL solid relationship with his child....Mike did the right thing by making sure his children and his mother was taken care of ..not the entire Jackson clan....sigh*
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

I wish he had given them to Janet or Rebbie so they could take those children away from that mess and keep them OUT of the spotlight.
And away from the chaos. God only knows what they see and hear there. :( Would've been nice if Janet or Rebbie had custody.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Usually posts like this really pisses me off, but this is so abuse that I actually found myself laughing to tears. No wonder this guy file bankruptcy. This guy needs to go on a debt diet.

I can easily cut Joe's bill down to more manageable size.

$2,500 eating out

Okay Joe, no more eating out at Red Lobster and Oliver Garden. For now on you need cook your own damn food. I suggest you learn to cook quickly if you do not know how. Either that or learn to microwave ramen noodles or Healthy Choice meals. You can get really good deals for that at Walmarts.

$2,000 in air travel

No more traveling for you Joe. No one really wants to see you anyway so it is best not to even bother. If you must travel, you will have to fly public like everyone else and you cannot go first class. That's right, it is coach for you all the way. If you need to travel within the US only, I suggest Greyhound. However, you may want to bring you on lunch if you do this. The restaurants sucks and it will save you money.

$3,000 in hotel bills

Look at above, but if you must travel, sorry Joe, it is Motel 6 for you. When you have gain more money you may upgrade to Motel 8 and the free WiFi. However, if you Greyhound, you can have you travel and sleeping quarters together.

$1,000 in groceries

I would suggest Walmarts, Kmarts, or Targets for your shopping needs for now. Look at the first sentence to look for the food you should buy. I also suggest no more of you woman friends to come over unless they pay dutch.

1,200 in rent

Time to downgrade. I heard you can get cheap property in Compton, but you will have to buy your own bars on the house. I would also suggest you invest in a vest.

$50 in charitable contributions

Really, why even bother Joe.

Well, that is how Joe can cut his bill so he can take care of himself. It either that or ask your other kids who are actually still alive.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

If Joe's so worried about money then....

-- $2,500 eating out - Eat at home
-- $2,000 for air travel - Stay in one country
-- $3,000 for hotel bills - Stay at home
-- $1,000 for groceries - Grow your own
-- $1,200 for rent - Find somewhere cheaper
-- $50 in charitable contributions - Any money to charity is good but he spends $3.5k a month on food and gives $50 to charity?

Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Joe, when I was a single Mom earning $6.25 per hr. working 40hrs a week. I was put on food stamps so I could feed myself (24yrs old) and my 4yr old son.
I got a total of $300 per month.
If $300 a month can feed me and my son, I'm sure you can feed yourself on that much or less

Prince, Paris, Blanket, you are always in my prayers.

Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

I can only be grateful that Michael Jackson did have a will, and that he specifically forbade certain individuals from getting a stake in his assets for obvious reasons. That is all I have to say... :no:

Thank God for that. But Joe is bringing Katherine into this which makes me wonder...

I first thing I read when getting online this afternoon is news about Debbie Rowe going to court, saying she hasn't seen her kids in four months even though it has been agreed she can visit them. Also stating, Prince, Paris, and Blanket shouldn't be in that house at all (Hayvenhurst), because all they talk about is money and they don't want to kids to grow up to be like Jackson's or whatever....

Now I'm hearing about Joe Jackson sueing Michael's estate. Damn, Michael Jackson is STILL recieving law suits, isn't he?

There is so much drama!! I'm glad Michael never caused any drama. He really didn't, it was always people making drama AROUND him.

I didn't know about that regarding Debbie. There's no way she should have to wait 4 months to visit the kids. The Jacksons better get it together before Debbie starts to demand custody of the kids. I wouldn't be surprised if all the kids hear in that house is talk about money.

"He does not have a regular or steady source of income, and he was dependent upon the money provided by his son, Michael Jackson, through his wife, Katherine Jackson, for his support," the filing states.

An itemized list of expenses says Joe Jackson spends $1,200 a month on rent for his Las Vegas home; $2,500 to eat out; $1,000 on entertainment, gifts and vacations; $2,000 on air travel and $3,000 on hotels.

Ah, so the truth comes out here. Michael was supporting him. But did Michael KNOW he was supporting Joe? The money for Joe came through Katherine when Michael was alive? So, she's cut him off now? With her allowance, she can spend it any way she wants, right?

If he pays rent on a home, why does he need three-thousand a MONTH for hotels? He pays $2000 a month on air-travel, while also living in his home AND paying hotels? (Maybe he should just LIVE in the airplanes and wash up in airport bathrooms?)

I can't see how he'd have any claim on the estate. If he and Katherine are still married, he may be able to sue HER for spousal support? This is too ugly. . .just too ugly. . . . .

Joe's spending is too much and I hope a judge tells him that. Maybe Katherine cannot afford to give him money any more like she used to? Anyways, I hope the judge will keep in mind that if Michael wanted to leave money for Joe, he would have done so.

Sure, he knew what would happen. I have no doubt this is why Randy has been making noises about invalidating the will. Not gonna happen. Looks like Katherine is supporting EVERYONE. This is very, very shameful. If she takes in any more people it's gonna start looking like a homeless shelter, right there in Encino.

Disgusting. They are GROWN men and women. They need to go out and get a job and stop living on Katherine because they know Michael will pay for everything.

A side-note? This seems to be a thread where we are all in agreement!


:lol: :D

I am VERY uneasy that the children live in such circumstances, after Michael raised them so carefully and gently. I can only imagine the arguments they hear through the walls, now!

:no: Just wait until they come of age. In 6 years, Prince may be told that he needs to provide for Uncle so-and-so and Aunt so-and-so out of his inheritance. God help them.
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Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

please joe and mag used to COMP every damn hotel they used. can't do it now cuz mj is gone.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Poor Michael!...Had a father that treated him like garbadge all his life,and not happy with it,is still abusing of him now that he is not with us anymore.
I pray that someone can do something before it's too late.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

See this is why Michael chose some real enforcers to handle his business. Katherine Jackson could never handle this, she a kitten (bless her). Joe would walk all over her.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

$2,500 eating out + $1,000 in groceries?? :scratch:
Ok then ... :blink:

Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

1. joseph has 9 other adult kids, he can ask them for support

2. if he has no money how come he's able to travel from place to place all the time?

3. and who pays oxman? and rowe? I doubt they are around for free
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

This b@stard doesn't deserve to be called Michael's father, no way!!! I'm so disgusted that i could call him a million names but i respect the forum. I want Michael's children to get the hell away from him! He destroyed Michael and i don't want him to destroy the children. May he burn in hell for good! I can't believe this!!! You are a disgrace of the human race you....
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Joe should think twice about squiring around those young women also....they tend to be expensive also.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Guess What Joe?

Wanna know who I think you ought to be suing? How about Conrad Murray, who took your son's life?! How about the Los Angeles Police Department for emotional strain, because they are dragging their feet in their investigation?!! How long did it take for them to charge Robert Blake? A week? Maybe a month? Not four or five, like this one is taking.

How about suing the drug company for allowing that drug to be sold to Conrad Murray??

OMG...ILU for this comment. Nobody even talks about Murray anymore. Its like our MJ will get no justice. *cries hot tears*
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

I say Joe should go hit Janet up..she got money make her take care of you like a child. I'm willing to bet MJ sent him money for wherever he has been staying for years and years. We don't know the whole story..there has to be a reason and Joe will shoot off his mouth and tell us once folks get done being appalled....TMZ loves to start feeds it's beast Harvel Levin. We wonder why Mike could not sleep....that was his only mental escape. Money! Money! Money! Money!!
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

With everything Joe got from Michael.. how has he got nothing left now so that he needs to request an allowance??

hows he spending $2,500 on eating out and $1,000 on groceries... is that $875 a week on food?.. $125 a day..? is that just for himself?

btw the title of the thread isn't right.. hes not suing. (sorry)
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

I really hope this is just some tabloid junkie. And why on earth he does have to eat 2500 dollars a month!? And buy groceries. Doesnt he know how to use money?

I kinda predicted this (if true) and this is really disgusting. Like Michael owes something to him. Didnt he get enough money from Michael when Michael was a youngster..!? More than enough. If his businesses dont work nowadays its his problem, not Michael's. Also Michael had his own problems and Joe wasnt there every time at all. Mostly he was because of who Michael was (not meaning "his son").
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

OMG...ILU for this comment. Nobody even talks about Murray anymore. Its like our MJ will get no justice. *cries hot tears*

Thank you. If Murray was a doctor, chances are he has malpractice insurance. If the LA police are dragging their feet, shame on them. And last but certainly not least, if Joe ever loved his son, he would be doing things in loving memory of him, instead of leeching off of his estate like a parasite.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

I hope no Judge gives that man a penny.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

actually, i believe that it's a good thing. Because the family think they own the estate and the money. They are entitled to have everything for their personal interests.

The judge will see that they are NOT fit to manage the estate, and Branca & Co will use that against them.

Don't forget the $3000 ticket for the movie in Las Vegas. He's using MJ's name for his own gain. Branca will use that against him.

Joe's lawyer is Oxman and leonard is the witness. great team.
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Re: Joe Jackson Wants Money from MJ's Estate

Joe says he has $15,425 in total monthly expenses, including the following:

-- $2,500 eating out
-- $2,000 in air travel
-- $3,000 in hotel bills
-- $1,000 in groceries
-- $1,200 in rent
-- $50 in charitable contributions

I hope you didn't strain yourself on the $50 charitable donation. :doh:
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

If Joe's so worried about money then....

-- $2,500 eating out - Eat at home
-- $2,000 for air travel - Stay in one country
-- $3,000 for hotel bills - Stay at home
-- $1,000 for groceries - Grow your own
-- $1,200 for rent - Find somewhere cheaper
-- $50 in charitable contributions - Any money to charity is good but he spends $3.5k a month on food and gives $50 to charity?

:lol: Love this post, short and sweet. I am still giggling about the groceries and the charitable contributions. When you actually do the math, that $50 looks really sad.

Also, Joe strikes me as the type who only eat meat. You do not get that figure by eating your greens.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

With the kids inheritance was it ever stated what at what age they inherit the money? On my grandparents will it was stated that we could only inherit our share of the estate when we turned 21, not 18.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

That senile man's got 9 more grown up children, how come everyone depends/depended on Michael? What's Janet here for ? SMH Go away Joseph.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Well any one that tries to defend Joe Jackson better go sit down in a corner and be quiet.

Joe sucked Michael dry in life, beat him to psychologically, physically and emotionally scarring him - and now he wants to suck his own grandkids dry?

Where's the millions of dollars you made off of Michael, Joe? Why don't you tell your other 10 children to pitch in? Joe hasn't even supported his own wife for decades!!!!

Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Me think that the 50$ for charity is in fact the total tip he gave for his 2500$ eating out! :lol:
very true! I will easily cut off this expense as well! NO eating out Mr Joseph! Well you can have an ice-cream on the bench in the nearest park if you consider this as "eating out" :lol:

Sadly, that is entirely possible. He and Katherine are still married. That house is already stuffed full of people!

I guess what I'm not understanding is why that family didn't band together after it was obvious Michael had a solo career, and start a business? A recording label, invest in real-estate, or SOMETHING? At one point a whole LOT of money passed through their hands. .. .
Good poind. They could have. Or maybe some of them. They were fameous, had some money to invest and they knew the business by growing up in it. It's just sad what happened with them given that many of them were talented at least to some extent. Feels strange to look at them as children playing those beautiful music and looking happy on the stage and knowing them by now... :no: sure, not all of them, but some... ... ...

Michael was supporting EVERYONE who lived under the Hayvenhurst roof. I imagine that the money he was giving her wasn't really counted, she just asked and he gave. Now that it's an amount set by the courts it doesn't cover the "lifestyle" she was accustomed to living with Michael was alive.

This ish makes me sick to my damn stomach! Michael doesn't owe Joe a damn thing and I PRAY that the judge laughs Joe out of court for this BS. The will is the will. Michael doesn't owe Joe shit! OMG! I am like steaming right now, and my fingers are FILLED with expletives I want to type but I won't do it.

I feel so sorry for Michael's children having to deal with this mess. I pray that then don't end up with nothing at the end of all of this.
Michael was supporting them and this is what has happened... *thinks: never supportmy family or kids too much* ;)
Joe, how about thinking that you owe MJ something? hum? ever thought about this?? :cool:

A side-note? This seems to be a thread where we are all in agreement!

goot to share the same "enemy" :eek:k:

See this is why Michael chose some real enforcers to handle his business. Katherine Jackson could never handle this, she a kitten (bless her). Joe would walk all over her.
just wanted to tell you I luv your nickname :clapping: