Joe Jackson seeks allowance from son's estate

Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Joe Jackson Wants Money from MJ's Estate

Joe Jackson claims there was "no justification" for him to be excluded from getting money from Michael Jackson's estate ... and now he's asking a judge to grant him his own monthly allowance.

Joe just filed papers in L.A. County Superior Court, claiming he's "entitled to his own independent family allowance."

Story developing...

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a new low has been reached....


Joe claims Michael's estate has "earned more than $100 million dollars in the first seven (7) weeks following Michael Jackson's death" and is "well able to afford a family allowance for Joe Jackson."

Joe says he has $15,425 in total monthly expenses, including the following:

-- $2,500 eating out
-- $2,000 in air travel
-- $3,000 in hotel bills
-- $1,000 in groceries
-- $1,200 in rent
-- $50 in charitable contributions

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This man is quite the humanitarian. How generous of him. -_-

Oh shyt! All hell has broke loose!

WTG Joe. . . if Mike's own family gets in line, then here comes the cook, the maid, the dogwalker all making claims that Mike owes them some money.

Does he really travel that much in a month and eat that much food?!?!

If I was Rebbie, Jackie, Tito, Marlon or Janet, I'd be on the phone and say 'STFU, DAD!!!'

ETA: I am from a culture that automatically takes care of their parents when they are senior citizens, so I expect to when that happens. But Joe has 8 other children who are alive. . . they can take care of him. Janet can take care of him. Why does he have to do something like this right now?

Sounds like he needs to cut back then, instead of hoping he can get Michael's money to fit the bills.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

$50 in charitable contributions

Really, why even bother Joe.

Well, that is how Joe can cut his bill so he can take care of himself. It either that or ask your other kids who are actually still alive.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

And this is why I have no doubt that the will is authentic. Michael KNEW what would happen in the event of his death. Come to think of it.... didn't Katherine request more money to pay utilities at Hayvenhurst? Maybe she's too busy supporting grown sons, a daughter and her husband and have nothing left to pay the bills?


Sure, he knew what would happen. I have no doubt this is why Randy has been making noises about invalidating the will. Not gonna happen. Looks like Katherine is supporting EVERYONE. This is very, very shameful. If she takes in any more people it's gonna start looking like a homeless shelter, right there in Encino.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

I "l.o.v.e" Michael's family, but the truth is NOW coming out. You see, our Mike was Very smart and KNEW His family WELL!!! I Can NOT Believe that the other Bros are NOT doing anything. The new TV series thats coming out is not gonna help them AT ALL! they have a very high standard...well that was cool when mike was here, but now, to do the J4(Its not even J5) I see that Randy is NOT doing it!

Very interesting.

Thank you for sharing...
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Joe Jackson Wants Money from MJ's Estate

Joe Jackson claims there was "no justification" for him to be excluded from getting money from Michael Jackson's estate ... and now he's asking a judge to grant him his own monthly allowance.

Joe just filed papers in L.A. County Superior Court, claiming he's "entitled to his own independent family allowance."

Story developing...

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a new low has been reached....

Guess What Joe?

Wanna know who I think you ought to be suing? How about Conrad Murray, who took your son's life?! How about the Los Angeles Police Department for emotional strain, because they are dragging their feet in their investigation?!! How long did it take for them to charge Robert Blake? A week? Maybe a month? Not four or five, like this one is taking.

How about suing the drug company for allowing that drug to be sold to Conrad Murray??
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

No wonder this guy file bankruptcy. This guy needs to go on a debt diet.

I can easily cut Joe's bill down to more manageable size...

Well, that is how Joe can cut his bill so he can take care of himself. It either that or ask your other kids who are actually still alive.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

I feel so sorry for Michael's children having to deal with this mess. I pray that then don't end up with nothing at the end of all of this.


I can imagine the immense scrutiny that the children are under. They are probably being looked at as cash registers.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate


I can imagine the immense scrutiny that the children are under. They are probably being looked at as cash registers.

I am VERY uneasy that the children live in such circumstances, after Michael raised them so carefully and gently. I can only imagine the arguments they hear through the walls, now!
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

I've said it a million times,joe jackson is scum.

He used the press conference over his sons death to plug a record label and band

He claimed his son was worth more dead than alive

He said Michaels kids would make a good act

He sues his sons estate

The man has dollar signs were his eyes should be.

Joe never loved Michael,joe loved his capacity to make money.No one should really be surprised by the actions of this amoeba.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

I am VERY uneasy that the children live in such circumstances, after Michael raised them so carefully and gently. I can only imagine the arguments they hear through the walls, now!

Painful thought...
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Usually posts like this really pisses me off, but this is so abuse that I actually found myself laughing to tears. No wonder this guy file bankruptcy. This guy needs to go on a debt diet.

I can easily cut Joe's bill down to more manageable size.

$2,500 eating out

Okay Joe, no more eating out at Red Lobster and Oliver Garden. For now on you need cook your own damn food. I suggest you learn to cook quickly if you do not know how. Either that or learn to microwave ramen noodles or Healthy Choice meals. You can get really good deals for that at Walmarts.

$2,000 in air travel

No more traveling for you Joe. No one really wants to see you anyway so it is best not to even bother. If you must travel, you will have to fly public like everyone else and you cannot go first class. That's right, it is coach for you all the way. If you need to travel within the US only, I suggest Greyhound. However, you may want to bring you on lunch if you do this. The restaurants sucks and it will save you money.

$3,000 in hotel bills

Look at above, but if you must travel, sorry Joe, it is Motel 6 for you. When you have gain more money you may upgrade to Motel 8 and the free WiFi. However, if you Greyhound, you can have you travel and sleeping quarters together.

$1,000 in groceries

I would suggest Walmarts, Kmarts, or Targets for your shopping needs for now. Look at the first sentence to look for the food you should buy. I also suggest no more of you woman friends to come over unless they pay dutch.

1,200 in rent

Time to downgrade. I heard you can get cheap property in Compton, but you will have to buy your own bars on the house. I would also suggest you invest in a vest.

$50 in charitable contributions

Really, why even bother Joe.

Well, that is how Joe can cut his bill so he can take care of himself. It either that or ask your other kids who are actually still alive.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Guess What Joe?

Wanna know who I think you ought to be suing? How about Conrad Murray, who took your son's life?! How about the Los Angeles Police Department for emotional strain, because they are dragging their feet in their investigation?!! How long did it take for them to charge Robert Blake? A week? Maybe a month? Not four or five, like this one is taking.

How about suing the drug company for allowing that drug to be sold to Conrad Murray??

To be fair, wasn't Robert Blake found not guilty in his case. Also, Murray has no money to sue for. We also do not what company sold him what drugs and even if they did if it was legal they have law standing.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Usually posts like this really pisses me off, but this is so abuse that I actually found myself laughing to tears. No wonder this guy file bankruptcy. This guy needs to go on a debt diet.

I can easily cut Joe's bill down to more manageable size.

$2,500 eating out

Okay Joe, no more eating out at Red Lobster and Oliver Garden. For now on you need cook your own damn food. I suggest you learn to cook quickly if you do not know how. Either that or learn to microwave ramen noodles or Healthy Choice meals. You can get really good deals for that at Walmarts.

$2,000 in air travel

No more traveling for you Joe. No one really wants to see you anyway so it is best not to even bother. If you must travel, you will have to fly public like everyone else and you cannot go first class. That's right, it is coach for you all the way. If you need to travel within the US only, I suggest Greyhound. However, you may want to bring you on lunch if you do this. The restaurants sucks and it will save you money.

$3,000 in hotel bills

Look at above, but if you must travel, sorry Joe, it is Motel 6 for you. When you have gain more money you may upgrade to Motel 8 and the free WiFi. However, if you Greyhound, you can have you travel and sleeping quarters together.

$1,000 in groceries

I would suggest Walmarts, Kmarts, or Targets for your shopping needs for now. Look at the first sentence to look for the food you should buy. I also suggest no more of you woman friends to come over unless they pay dutch.

1,200 in rent

Time to downgrade. I heard you can get cheap property in Compton, but you will have to buy your own bars on the house. I would also suggest you invest in a vest.

$50 in charitable contributions

Really, why even bother Joe.

Well, that is how Joe can cut his bill so he can take care of himself. It either that or ask your other kids who are actually still alive.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

This must be a joke, i can't believe i actually defended Joe Jackson, ridiculous.
Re: Joe requests allowance.

Guess What Joe?
Wanna know who I think you ought to be suing? How about Conrad Murray, who took your son's life?! How about the Los Angeles Police Department for emotional strain, because they are dragging their feet in their investigation?!! How long did it take for them to charge Robert Blake? A week? Maybe a month? Not four or five, like this one is taking.
How about suing the drug company for allowing that drug to be sold to Conrad Murray??

Thats all being taken care of right..I know the investigation is taking a long time but that could be good.. investigating thoroughly and building up a strong case?

Joe needs money to fund his life since MJ isn't funding it anymore n looks like nobody is helping hence he's gone and requested an allowance from the estate..

...don't know how he's going to get one though when Michael did not mention his name in the Will. So Katherine cut him off.. or they need more?

Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

How low can you go, Joe? You got more than enough out of Michael while he was still alive. >:| And $2,500 for eating out? Learn to cook!
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

I am VERY uneasy that the children live in such circumstances, after Michael raised them so carefully and gently. I can only imagine the arguments they hear through the walls, now!


In all of the interviews I've seen and read, even with people who claimed to be Michael's friends who were clearly anything but, the one thing that they ALL agree on is how beautifully raised those children are. I hate to think that all of his hard work is now being shot to hell as they live under that roof and have to deal with the CIRCUS that is the Jackson family. I wish he had given them to Janet or Rebbie so they could take those children away from that mess and keep them OUT of the spotlight.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Also, Murray has no money to sue fo
you would presume he has medical negligence insurance.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Again, I'm looking at Michael's picture and I find myself apologizing to him for all the crap he's been through in life - and now in death. It isn't fair! What about his children?? What kind of example is being set here?


Me too :(
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

a will is a will. and this site is a timebomb.
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Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

A side-note? This seems to be a thread where we are all in agreement!


Haha, yeah! I don't think anyone can side with Joe here, this is just too absurd. *sighs*
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

I am VERY uneasy that the children live in such circumstances, after Michael raised them so carefully and gently. I can only imagine the arguments they hear through the walls, now!

It's hard to think of somebody that could give them a lifestyle close to the one they had with Michael. Liz Taylor maybe? But, that would no doubt be too much for her.
It's sad how death can rip a family apart...
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Joe, go to the damned Piggly Wiggly for your groceries!! And enuf with the KFC, damn it! Fry your own damned chicken!! It's a hell of a lot cheaper....what, $.99/lb? Or even less??
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Joe, when I was a single Mom earning $6.25 per hr. working 40hrs a week. I was put on food stamps so I could feed myself (24yrs old) and my 4yr old son.
I got a total of $300 per month.
If $300 a month can feed me and my son, I'm sure you can feed yourself on that much or less

Prince, Paris, Blanket, you are always in my prayers.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Usually posts like this really pisses me off, but this is so abuse that I actually found myself laughing to tears. No wonder this guy file bankruptcy. This guy needs to go on a debt diet.

I can easily cut Joe's bill down to more manageable size.

$2,500 eating out

Okay Joe, no more eating out at Red Lobster and Oliver Garden. For now on you need cook your own damn food. I suggest you learn to cook quickly if you do not know how. Either that or learn to microwave ramen noodles or Healthy Choice meals. You can get really good deals for that at Walmarts.

$2,000 in air travel

No more traveling for you Joe. No one really wants to see you anyway so it is best not to even bother. If you must travel, you will have to fly public like everyone else and you cannot go first class. That's right, it is coach for you all the way. If you need to travel within the US only, I suggest Greyhound. However, you may want to bring you on lunch if you do this. The restaurants sucks and it will save you money.

$3,000 in hotel bills

Look at above, but if you must travel, sorry Joe, it is Motel 6 for you. When you have gain more money you may upgrade to Motel 8 and the free WiFi. However, if you Greyhound, you can have you travel and sleeping quarters together.

$1,000 in groceries

I would suggest Walmarts, Kmarts, or Targets for your shopping needs for now. Look at the first sentence to look for the food you should buy. I also suggest no more of you woman friends to come over unless they pay dutch.

1,200 in rent

Time to downgrade. I heard you can get cheap property in Compton, but you will have to buy your own bars on the house. I would also suggest you invest in a vest.

$50 in charitable contributions

Really, why even bother Joe.

Well, that is how Joe can cut his bill so he can take care of himself. It either that or ask your other kids who are actually still alive.