Joe Jackson seeks allowance from son's estate

Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

What the hell.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Joe was not named in the will for a REASON. Because he wasn't named, I can't see how he'd have any right to petition the estate, or Katherine, or anyone else. He won't get anything from this, and he's embarrassed himself. Poor Michael, having to put up with that kind of crap for his entire life. . . . .
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

By ANTHONY McCARTNEY, AP Entertainment Writer Anthony Mccartney, Ap Entertainment Writer – 19 mins ago
LOS ANGELES – Michael Jackson's father is seeking an allowance from his son's estate to help cover expenses that exceed $15,000 a month, according to court documents filed Friday.

The request seeking an unspecified amount for Joe Jackson was filed by lawyer Brian Oxman, who said there was no apparent reason for the administrators of the estate to not seek an allowance for the 81-year-old Jackson family patriarch.

Michael Jackson's 2002 will, however, only called for money to be paid to his mother, Katherine, his three young children, and various charities.

A judge has approved more than $26,000 in payments to Katherine Jackson each month, and a $60,000 monthly payment for the care of the children.

The latest court documents say Joe Jackson receives a $1,700 monthly Social Security payment and had relied on his son for support for many years.

Joe Jackson sufferers from diabetes and had a stroke in 1998, the filing states.

"He does not have a regular or steady source of income, and he was dependent upon the money provided by his son, Michael Jackson, through his wife, Katherine Jackson, for his support," the filing states.

An itemized list of expenses says Joe Jackson spends $1,200 a month on rent for his Las Vegas home; $2,500 to eat out; $1,000 on entertainment, gifts and vacations; $2,000 on air travel and $3,000 on hotels.

A phone message left for Oxman was not immediately returned.

James Bates, a spokesman for the administrators of Jackson's estate, did not immediately respond to an e-mail seeking comment.

A judge denied Joe Jackson's petition for an expedited hearing on the matter and his request to file the motion under seal.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

I believe Joe needs some money

I also believe that Mike's choice to leave him out of the will was a clear message
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

By ANTHONY McCARTNEY, AP Entertainment Writer Anthony Mccartney, Ap Entertainment Writer – 19 mins ago
LOS ANGELES – Michael Jackson's father is seeking an allowance from his son's estate to help cover expenses that exceed $15,000 a month, according to court documents filed Friday.

The request seeking an unspecified amount for Joe Jackson was filed by lawyer Brian Oxman, who said there was no apparent reason for the administrators of the estate to not seek an allowance for the 81-year-old Jackson family patriarch.

Michael Jackson's 2002 will, however, only called for money to be paid to his mother, Katherine, his three young children, and various charities.

A judge has approved more than $26,000 in payments to Katherine Jackson each month, and a $60,000 monthly payment for the care of the children.

The latest court documents say Joe Jackson receives a $1,700 monthly Social Security payment and had relied on his son for support for many years.

Joe Jackson sufferers from diabetes and had a stroke in 1998, the filing states.

"He does not have a regular or steady source of income, and he was dependent upon the money provided by his son, Michael Jackson, through his wife, Katherine Jackson, for his support," the filing states.

An itemized list of expenses says Joe Jackson spends $1,200 a month on rent for his Las Vegas home; $2,500 to eat out; $1,000 on entertainment, gifts and vacations; $2,000 on air travel and $3,000 on hotels.

A phone message left for Oxman was not immediately returned.

James Bates, a spokesman for the administrators of Jackson's estate, did not immediately respond to an e-mail seeking comment.

A judge denied Joe Jackson's petition for an expedited hearing on the matter and his request to file the motion under seal.

I understand he is 80yrs old and is no longer getting money like he used to.. so if he can no longer afford the lifestyle he's used to since he's no longer getting money from mj or katherine.. then..? cut back or ask another of his children for help.. if he only gets $1,700 social security a month and pays $1,200 rent and then has all that other stuff.. he needs cash right, thats obvious.. but what about his book, his interviews etc. Unfortunately for him the Will did not mention his name, so how can they change MJs wishes..
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

By ANTHONY McCARTNEY, AP Entertainment Writer Anthony Mccartney, Ap Entertainment Writer – 19 mins ago
LOS ANGELES – Michael Jackson's father is seeking an allowance from his son's estate to help cover expenses that exceed $15,000 a month, according to court documents filed Friday.

The request seeking an unspecified amount for Joe Jackson was filed by lawyer Brian Oxman, who said there was no apparent reason for the administrators of the estate to not seek an allowance for the 81-year-old Jackson family patriarch.

Michael Jackson's 2002 will, however, only called for money to be paid to his mother, Katherine, his three young children, and various charities.

A judge has approved more than $26,000 in payments to Katherine Jackson each month, and a $60,000 monthly payment for the care of the children.

The latest court documents say Joe Jackson receives a $1,700 monthly Social Security payment and had relied on his son for support for many years.

Joe Jackson sufferers from diabetes and had a stroke in 1998, the filing states.

"He does not have a regular or steady source of income, and he was dependent upon the money provided by his son, Michael Jackson, through his wife, Katherine Jackson, for his support," the filing states.

An itemized list of expenses says Joe Jackson spends $1,200 a month on rent for his Las Vegas home; $2,500 to eat out; $1,000 on entertainment, gifts and vacations; $2,000 on air travel and $3,000 on hotels.

A phone message left for Oxman was not immediately returned.

James Bates, a spokesman for the administrators of Jackson's estate, did not immediately respond to an e-mail seeking comment.

A judge denied Joe Jackson's petition for an expedited hearing on the matter and his request to file the motion under seal.

Ah, so the truth comes out here. Michael was supporting him. But did Michael KNOW he was supporting Joe? The money for Joe came through Katherine when Michael was alive? So, she's cut him off now? With her allowance, she can spend it any way she wants, right?

If he pays rent on a home, why does he need three-thousand a MONTH for hotels? He pays $2000 a month on air-travel, while also living in his home AND paying hotels? (Maybe he should just LIVE in the airplanes and wash up in airport bathrooms?)

I can't see how he'd have any claim on the estate. If he and Katherine are still married, he may be able to sue HER for spousal support? This is too ugly. . .just too ugly. . . . .
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

That's the sickest thing I've heard in quite a few weeks. I mean seriously? Joe, get this - when you verbally and physically abuse your son through his entire childhood and adolescence, you don't go demanding his money. You're happy you are not in jail.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Ah, so the truth comes out here. Michael was supporting him. But did Michael KNOW he was supporting Joe? The money for Joe came through Katherine when Michael was alive?

that's why Katherine should not gain more control over the estate...the money go through her to other family members

off-topic - did Joe's name change or am I missing something? you know what I'm talking about :lol:
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

judge denied Joe Jackson's petition for an expedited hearing
so this means its over? whats an expedited hearing cause google aint helping unless its about child support in the midwest!
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Usually posts like this really pisses me off, but this is so abuse that I actually found myself laughing to tears. No wonder this guy file bankruptcy. This guy needs to go on a debt diet.

I can easily cut Joe's bill down to more manageable size.

$2,500 eating out

Okay Joe, no more eating out at Red Lobster and Oliver Garden. For now on you need cook your own damn food. I suggest you learn to cook quickly if you do not know how. Either that or learn to microwave ramen noodles or Healthy Choice meals. You can get really good deals for that at Walmarts.

$2,000 in air travel

No more traveling for you Joe. No one really wants to see you anyway so it is best not to even bother. If you must travel, you will have to fly public like everyone else and you cannot go first class. That's right, it is coach for you all the way. If you need to travel within the US only, I suggest Greyhound. However, you may want to bring you on lunch if you do this. The restaurants sucks and it will save you money.

$3,000 in hotel bills

Look at above, but if you must travel, sorry Joe, it is Motel 6 for you. When you have gain more money you may upgrade to Motel 8 and the free WiFi. However, if you Greyhound, you can have you travel and sleeping quarters together.

$1,000 in groceries

I would suggest Walmarts, Kmarts, or Targets for your shopping needs for now. Look at the first sentence to look for the food you should buy. I also suggest no more of you woman friends to come over unless they pay dutch.

1,200 in rent

Time to downgrade. I heard you can get cheap property in Compton, but you will have to buy your own bars on the house. I would also suggest you invest in a vest.

$50 in charitable contributions

Really, why even bother Joe.

Well, that is how Joe can cut his bill so he can take care of himself. It either that or ask your other kids who are actually still alive.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

that's why Katherine should not gain more control over the estate...the money go through her to other family members

Yup. He knew his family well. That's why he put the money in a "trust," instead of giving it directly to Katherine. They'd have ripped her apart. God only knows what's going on behind-the-scenes at Hayvenhurst now. . .
Re: Joe Jackson Wants Money from MJ's Estate

-- $2,500 eating out
-- $2,000 in air travel
-- $3,000 in hotel bills
-- $1,000 in groceries
-- $1,200 in rent
-- $50 in charitable contributions

Me think that the 50$ for charity is in fact the total tip he gave for his 2500$ eating out! :lol:
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

so this means its over? whats an expedited hearing cause google aint helping unless its about child support in the midwest!

found this
The following terms are all used to describe the same procedure and event: motion for expedited hearing, emergency motion, and motion to expedite.

A motion for expedited hearing is filed whenever the movants, in order to avoid irreparable harm, need the requested relief in less time than is normally required by the Court to receive and consider a response. Per L.B.R. 9014.1, the motion must include a certificate of conference.

Attorneys may request that a motion be heard expeditiously by filing a Motion For Setting and Request for Expedited Hearing and using Form BTXN 146 located under the Forms section on the court's website. A proposed order may also be generated. A hearing date cannot be issued until the motion has been reviewed by the Court. Filers should send an email to the appropriate courtroom deputy at the time of filing advising of the case number and motion title. The courtroom deputy will contact the filing attorney to advise the date and time for the hearing.
Filing Requirements

  1. Motion for expedited hearing
  2. Fee Required: No
  3. Hearing Required: Contact Courtroom Deputy
  4. Negative Notice Language Required: No
Docketing Procedure

  1. Review the documents to ensure they meet the filing requirements
  2. Docket the Motion for expedited hearing [Bankruptcy>Motions/Applications>Expedite hearing] as follows:
So basically an emergency motion...

and so thats been denied already. So is that it? Or he just has to wait longer for the hearing?
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Didn't Joe sue Michael before when he was alive too?

No offence to Al. Sharpton but what he said was waaaaay off.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Yup. He knew his family well. That's why he put the money in a "trust," instead of giving it directly to Katherine. They'd have ripped her apart. God only knows what's going on behind-the-scenes at Hayvenhurst now. . .

this is what really scares me... just the thought of the kids being in the middle of this mess is so hurtful, this is EXACTLY what MJ did not want to happen, that his effed family had any influence on his kids..
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

whats next... Joe's gonna move back in at Hayvenhurst citing his inability to pay for his expenses?

Sadly, that is entirely possible. He and Katherine are still married. That house is already stuffed full of people!

I guess what I'm not understanding is why that family didn't band together after it was obvious Michael had a solo career, and start a business? A recording label, invest in real-estate, or SOMETHING? At one point a whole LOT of money passed through their hands. .. .
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

And this is why I have no doubt that the will is authentic. Michael KNEW what would happen in the event of his death. Come to think of it.... didn't Katherine request more money to pay utilities at Hayvenhurst? Maybe she's too busy supporting grown sons, a daughter and her husband and have nothing left to pay the bills?

Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Is Joe getting money from all MJ album sales??

Like.. as a former manager or something?? Just asking...
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

I first thing I read when getting online this afternoon is news about Debbie Rowe going to court, saying she hasn't seen her kids in four months even though it has been agreed she can visit them. Also stating, Prince, Paris, and Blanket shouldn't be in that house at all (Hayvenhurst), because all they talk about is money and they don't want to kids to grow up to be like Jackson's or whatever....

Now I'm hearing about Joe Jackson sueing Michael's estate. Damn, Michael Jackson is STILL recieving law suits, isn't he?

There is so much drama!! I'm glad Michael never caused any drama. He really didn't, it was always people making drama AROUND him.

I so agree with you! And last night the 'dermotologist' was talking some crap. No wonder MJ had issues with the tabloids! And his family and so-called friends helped fuel the fire.

Is someone writing a screenplay of this?! What a soap opera. Everyone should just STFU.

I just hope where ever he is - he's enjoying a beautiful hearty laugh over all the DRAMA! :rofl:
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Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Get a life Joe. Time for you to start earning your own keep. Be glad you only have one mouth to feed now rather than 11 like back in Gary.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

And this is why I have no doubt that the will is authentic. Michael KNEW what would happen in the event of his death. Come to think of it.... didn't Katherine request more money to pay utilities at Hayvenhurst? Maybe she's too busy supporting grown sons, a daughter and her husband and have nothing left to pay the bills?


Michael was supporting EVERYONE who lived under the Hayvenhurst roof. I imagine that the money he was giving her wasn't really counted, she just asked and he gave. Now that it's an amount set by the courts it doesn't cover the "lifestyle" she was accustomed to living with Michael was alive.

This ish makes me sick to my damn stomach! Michael doesn't owe Joe a damn thing and I PRAY that the judge laughs Joe out of court for this BS. The will is the will. Michael doesn't owe Joe shit! OMG! I am like steaming right now, and my fingers are FILLED with expletives I want to type but I won't do it.

I feel so sorry for Michael's children having to deal with this mess. I pray that then don't end up with nothing at the end of all of this.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Sadly, that is entirely possible. He and Katherine are still married. That house is already stuffed full of people!

I guess what I'm not understanding is why that family didn't band together after it was obvious Michael had a solo career, and start a business? A recording label, invest in real-estate, or SOMETHING? At one point a whole LOT of money passed through their hands. .. .

I guess if you have a son or a brother who is Michael Jackson getting or earning your own income is unreasonable.

I have tried out of respect for MJ not to talk or bash his family too much but this is ridiculous.

But its not like this is unexpected.

I guess for us it just makes everything so much more sad to think what Michael had to live with from all directions his WHOLE LIFE.