Joe Jackson seeks allowance from son's estate

Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

oh jesus, mary and all the saints...........

i cannot believe it....

well actually i can a bit
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Okay hold up. Not to nitpick but $2,500 to eat out AND 1,000 for groceries? $3500 in food alone per month. WTH is he eating? :blink: He can't possibly eat that much per month. And who exactly are these people he's calling "family"? He doesn't have any minor children that need support, does he? :fear:
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Does anyone have any idea how Joe used to survie financially before MJ left us?
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Probably not wise to do this at this time.

Just to be clear though he is not suing the estate. He is an original petitioner along with Katherine on the probate of the estate on 27 June. He is petitioning (requesting) an allowance which is much different than a lawsuit.

So, he was asking money 2 days after Mike died?
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Wow, how shameful.

"He's worth more dead than alive."

Only someone as heartless as Joe could say something like that, even the fans rather have Michael here on Earth, but to Joe Michael's only worth is that which equals dollars.

The full quote was ''He's worth more dead than alive, but I'd rather have him alive''

Talking about how people believe his estate is worth more money after death.. as Elvis, Monroe etc.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

I first thing I read when getting online this afternoon is news about Debbie Rowe going to court, saying she hasn't seen her kids in four months even though it has been agreed she can visit them. Also stating, Prince, Paris, and Blanket shouldn't be in that house at all (Hayvenhurst), because all they talk about is money and they don't want to kids to grow up to be like Jackson's or whatever....

Now I'm hearing about Joe Jackson sueing Michael's estate. Damn, Michael Jackson is STILL recieving law suits, isn't he?

There is so much drama!! I'm glad Michael never caused any drama. He really didn't, it was always people making drama AROUND him.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Does anyone have any idea how Joe used to survie financially before MJ left us?

MJ probably gave him money..? So now he's gone he still needs an allowance...? He wasn't left anything in the Will though..

Probably not wise to do this at this time.

Just to be clear though he is not suing the estate. He is an original petitioner along with Katherine on the probate of the estate on 27 June. He is petitioning (requesting) an allowance which is much different than a lawsuit.

The amounts of money for food etc. is a hell of a lot.. a month?
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

How dare this child abuser attempt to take money out of Michael's kids' hands. May he rot in hell.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

It's really sad. If Michael wanted to leave something for his father then he would have. I don't see how will get any. He sees how much his wife is getting and he is jealous. You have to wonder if he ever really loved Michael. It's always about money.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Ut oh I read it again it says "independent family allowance". So he's his own independent family, then? There was no reason why he wasn't given an allowance? Oh man, too easy. Imma leave it alone. :lol:

This is No shame.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Does anyone have any idea how Joe used to survie financially before MJ left us?

I think TMZ reported that Leonard Rowe (?) stated prior to MJs passing... MJ provided Katherine with 60,000 monthly and she would give half to Joe.

unless i miss read but i think thats what it said.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate


Excuse my language but ummmm this is why he was excluded from the will in the first place!

I'm so disgusted right now.


Or live nicely off of your social security and retirement.
Re: Joe Jackson Wants Money from MJ's Estate


Joe claims Michael's estate has "earned more than $100 million dollars in the first seven (7) weeks following Michael Jackson's death" and is "well able to afford a family allowance for Joe Jackson."

Joe says he has $15,425 in total monthly expenses, including the following:

-- $2,500 eating out
-- $2,000 in air travel
-- $3,000 in hotel bills
-- $1,000 in groceries
-- $1,200 in rent
-- $50 in charitable contributions

Read more:
Sounds like he needs to cut back then, instead of hoping he can get Michael's money to fit the bills.
Re: Joe Jackson Wants Money from MJ's Estate

$2,500 for eating out at restaurants?
$1,000 for groceries??

Um, how about just eating out less often instead of suing your dead son's estate for his hard-earned money?
And seriously, where does he buy his groceries and what is he eating that merits that much money?

Also lol @ $50 to charity. I mean, it's better than $0, but really Joe?
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Urgh. :puke:
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

I can't believe someone could be so obsessed with money and spend it so much!
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

I first thing I read when getting online this afternoon is news about Debbie Rowe going to court, saying she hasn't seen her kids in four months even though it has been agreed she can visit them. Also stating, Prince, Paris, and Blanket shouldn't be in that house at all (Hayvenhurst), because all they talk about is money and they don't want to kids to grow up to be like Jackson's or whatever....

Now I'm hearing about Joe Jackson sueing Michael's estate. Damn, Michael Jackson is STILL recieving law suits, isn't he?

There is so much drama!! I'm glad Michael never caused any drama. He really didn't, it was always people making drama AROUND him.

Oh dear. Anyone notice how this stuff all seems to unfold around the same time? Klein won't shut up, Debbie crawls out for time with the kids and now Joe's asking for money. Boy, the release of TII and all the money it's making has really stirred up some folks.

If the request is from the 27th of June, why is he still pursuing this? A will was found and it was determined who got what. Katherine and kids were in the will so THEY were entitled to their allowance. Joe, on the other hand, was not. Perhaps his petition should have been dropped instead of continued.

I just.don't.know. :no:
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate


Or live nicely off of your social security and retirement.

i think he might have spent all his retirement money already,
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

i thought janet was paying for joe?
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

i think he might have spent all his retirement money already,

No he gets a monthly stipend for retirement from the music industry as he was a manager. He also gets Social Security.

Again, I'm looking at Michael's picture and I find myself apologizing to him for all the crap he's been through in life - and now in death. It isn't fair! What about his children?? What kind of example is being set here?

Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Imagine how many hungry people he could feed with that amount of money. And then he comes up with the 50 dollars for charity... please :doh:

Joe, do us all a favor and take a big step back -_-
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

i thought janet was paying for joe?

she prob stays well clear she seems to be the only sane one bar a couple.
god help those kids.all the good work did will be destroyed and guess who will get the blame.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Again, I'm looking at Michael's picture and I find myself apologizing to him for all the crap he's been through in life - and now in death. It isn't fair! What about his children?? What kind of example is being set here?

Yeah I've been doing that too....

I'm surprised it took Joseph this long to put his hand out really, I figured at some point, he would. I don't understand how he thinks there is no justification for him not getting any money... of course there is justification, Michael didn't want him getting any of his money. He's pretty thick if he can't figure that out...
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

If the request is from the 27th of June, why is he still pursuing this? A will was found and it was determined who got what. Katherine and kids were in the will so THEY were entitled to their allowance. Joe, on the other hand, was not. Perhaps his petition should have been dropped instead of continued.

I just.don't.know. :no:

i think he might have spent all his retirement money already,

he has a book coming out though right.. so he'll get money from that won't he.. how old is he.. 80 or something?

TMZ also said that Joe is teaming up with Christiano Ronaldo to make football shaped BBQs for the world cup... is that a joke?