Joe Jackson seeks allowance from son's estate

Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

I dont understand Joseph. If its something he should have learned its:

1. He already has a lot of money.
2. Isnt that enough?
3. His beloved son just died and he clearly cares more about the money.
4. He should really try and be suttle about this but he cant even do that.
5. Michael didnt want to give him shit because he dosnt deserve it.
6. Michael donated hundreds and millions to charity, Joe start taking examples from Michael.

I dont know Joe personally and I still have a bad impression of this man, after everything that went on back in the day it would be easy to say ''he has changed, he is different, you havent met him'', but Im sorry, this man is crossing all lines and its getting ridiculous. God forbid he takes Michaels money that was left for his children. Joe already has alot of money, like Michael said: money is the root of all evil.

I am embarrased for Michael and for his family for having such a man in their life.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Thank you. If Murray was a doctor, chances are he has malpractice insurance. If the LA police are dragging their feet, shame on them. And last but certainly not least, if Joe ever loved his son, he would be doing things in loving memory of him, instead of leeching off of his estate like a parasite.

It is in loving memory. In loving money is his money.

As bad as this may sound, I think Joe did love Michael. Afterall, do we all love our checkbook. :smilerolleyes:
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

I really hope this is just some tabloid junkie. And why on earth he does have to eat 2500 dollars a month!? And buy groceries. Doesnt he know how to use money?

I kinda predicted this (if true) and this is really disgusting. Like Michael owes something to him. Didnt he get enough money from Michael when Michael was a youngster..!? More than enough. If his businesses dont work nowadays its his problem, not Michael's. Also Michael had his own problems and Joe wasnt there every time at all. Mostly he was because of who Michael was (not meaning "his son").

Somehow I feel as if there are certain people who think that Michael will always owe them something...

She means that Joe and Majestik or however he spells his name would get free hotel rooms, free dinners, etc just by using Michael's name. That ended when MJ died.

Thank you. So now he wants Michael to keep paying for that. I'm assuming Majestik is Joe's business partner?
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Joe Jackson is a disgrace. He is living beyond shame. He's like a hyena.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

"Anything for money. I'll lie for you, I'll die for you, sell my soul to the devil."
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Didn't Michael provide for Hayvenhurst? And some of his nephews school tuition and such?

This is why Michael didn't want certain people in his business. Pray for those children.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

That senile man's got 9 more grown up children, how come everyone depends/depended on Michael? What's Janet here for ? SMH Go away Joseph.

oh, please! They can't start putting everything on Janet right now!! :nono:
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

I dont understand Joseph. If its something he should have learned its:

1. He already has a lot of money.
2. Isnt that enough?
3. His beloved son just died and he clearly cares more about the money.
4. He should really try and be suttle about this but he cant even do that.
5. Michael didnt want to give him shit because he dosnt deserve it.
6. Michael donated hundreds and millions to charity, Joe start taking examples from Michael.

I dont know Joe personally and I still have a bad impression of this man, after everything that went on back in the day it would be easy to say ''he has changed, he is different, you havent met him'', but Im sorry, this man is crossing all lines and its getting ridiculous. God forbid he takes Michaels money that was left for his children. Joe already has alot of money, like Michael said: money is the root of all evil.

I am embarrased for Michael and for his family for having such a man in their life. that a Michael Jackson lyric in your siggy?
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Why are the kids in danger!!!!??? Becuase Debbie said..whatever!..As if she knows what she is talking about! We really don't know a thing...Joe does not live there..once we start with this it will take flight . Now who is now better to take care of Michaels' children than Katherine? WHO???! Who is now better to tend to them than his own mother? After all it was SHE is the one who raised him and is raising in that house all the other 2nd generation of Jacksons. Michael listed katherine to be in her care if he should die. Michael had that must trust in HIS mother..I say leave them alone..they look happy, they are with their family, cousins...the older Jackson have raised good , bright well adjusted children..regardless of what you may think of them..Siggy, Taj , Tyrell Valencia, Brittany etc....all of them are good kids..really good scares me to ever think of them being sent away form their family and vulnerable to the world. Michael will surely turn over.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

..... Michael was supporting him....

Michael supported everyone. He cared about everybody. But there were so many hungry and lazy mouths and greedy people around him. He had a lot burden and pressure on himself. Very stressful and hard life. And he only want to be loved and understood. That’s way he was happy in Neverland. So far away from this crazy world.
He just couldn't trust anyone. It’s so sad.
I wish I could turn back time and protect him from all the bad things.
He was born to be loved. He's nothing but love.

I pray for his kids.

I’m sad, sad, sad….. and love him more and more…. :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Maybe that record company with blueray is not working out as well as he liked. He should had lowed the price of that $3000 dinner and stole his son's cologne to make himself more desirable. I also guess those nights of clubbing did not help. Maybe he can asked his friend Rowo and AGE for money after they finish suing his son's estate.

For those thinking he should ask Janet, not going to happen. Although Janet seems to be as soft spoken and kind as Michael, she will put up with him. I am almost certain Janet made sure you put that old man in line when it comes to loans. From what I heard from her dancers and people who know her like Jimmy Jam, she does not play that.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Michael supported everyone. He cared about everybody. But there were so many hungry and lazy mouths and greedy people around him. He had a lot burden and pressure on himself. Very stressful and hard life. And he only want to be loved and understood. That’s way he was happy in Neverland. So far away from this crazy world.
He just couldn't trust anyone. It’s so sad.
I wish I could turn back time and protect him from all the bad things.
He was born to be loved. He's nothing but love.

I pray for his kids.

I’m sad, sad, sad….. and love him more and more…. :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Joe Jackson is a disgrace. He is living beyond shame. He's like a hyena.

Word. Wouldn't money be the furtherest thing from his mind? I thought he was still in mourning. I thought he had at least half a heart. Joe is so annoying...why can't he just accept it. He's been fortunate enough to live off his children's success all this time. It's just greed.

O/T Sloride - AWESOME siggy!!!
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

With the kids inheritance was it ever stated what at what age they inherit the money? On my grandparents will it was stated that we could only inherit our share of the estate when we turned 21, not 18.
all those details will be in the trust but its not public we wont know unless it gets leaked. lisa presley got certain amounts but i dont think she got everything till she was close to 30.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

while fans cry themselves to sleep joe sits aorund working out how to get money. who really loved mj unconditionally again?
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

like I said I hope no judge gives Joe a penny.. I pray god keeps Michaels vaules and morals strongly within the children.,I have faith.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate that a Michael Jackson lyric in your siggy?

Yes, two different lyrics. One from ''Take me Back'' and one from ''Style of Life''. These two songs are my absolute favorite and they make me so hopeful and happy. :cry:
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

while fans cry themselves to sleep joe sits aorund working out how to get money. who really loved mj unconditionally again?

If anyone questions ever if Michael actually cared so much for his fans as he claimed they should think again. I never thought Michael could love us as much as he did but when you think about it I dont see why not, we never asked a penny from him, all we wanted was for him to be happy, healthy, safe (and occasionally make some music to entertain us).

I cry myself to sleep every night, Im in so much pain, the last thing on my mind is getting rich or have more money or demand stuff from my own family. The only thing we have done for the past 4 months is grieve like he was our own son. Joseph Jackson is pure disgust. I wonder why its always the good hearted people who die too soon.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

I can't understand this man... no dignity. Just money money and money :no:
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Yes, two different lyrics. One from ''Take me Back'' and one from ''Style of Life''. These two songs are my absolute favorite and they make me so hopeful and happy. :cry:

thanks. and.yes.....

be of good courage..i know it's hard...

it's hard for me too.

Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

thanks. and.yes.....

be of good courage..i know it's hard...

it's hard for me too.


Do listen to the songs on youtube, they are amazingly uplifting. Another one is ''Almost There'' by Michael.

*hugs hugs hugs and l.o.v.e.*
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

"Not one dime.":no:
Janet Jackson has plenty of money.
If Joe Jackson needs money, he should ask his daughter Janet for a monthly allowance.
Michael Jackson left his inheritance, exclusively, to his mother
and children: Prince, Paris, and Blanket. :yes:

In Pictures: The Richest 20 Women In Entertainment

Janet Jackson
Rank: 7
Net Worth (in $ millions): 150
Age: 40
Marital Status: single
Kids: 0
Source: music

As the youngest of the famous Jackson clan, Janet has always enjoyed the spotlight. But it wasn't until 1986, with the release of her breakout, platinum-selling album Control, that she came into her own. Since then, Michael's kid sister has sold over 50 million records worldwide and landed 10 No. 1 singles on Billboard's Hot 100. Her latest album, 20 Y.O., hardly made a blip on the charts, but don't count Miss Jackson out. Tours have proven a substantial cash cow for the seasoned performer, and she hits the road again in March.
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