Joe Jackson seeks allowance from son's estate

he should get some money as the father.

IA...but it's the amount that I disgree with. When you see what he needs it for, Joe and his attorneys come off as nuts! No way should MJ be paying for a $2000+ a month restaurant bill. Joe needs to get real like the rest of the world has and adapt to his new economics. The money is not there anymore for such extravagance. And there's a $400 milliion debt to prove it.
he should get some money as the father.

I don't agree with that, sorry.

Michael's last wishes are in his will.

If Michael left Joe out of the will, it's because Michael wanted him to get nothing.

I'm more about seeing Michael's final wishes honoured than seeing a bitter old man try and claw some cash from his dead son's estate.

Even now, Joe is proving he didn't give a damn about Michael, only the money he could make him.
he should get some money as the father.

That is the most stupid comment I have read all day. Michael said what he wanted done with his money and assets and people should respect that. Just because you are a father does not mean you can leach of your son.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Michael left that money for Katherine to live on and HIS CHILDREN Period.

Well you can't say that for sure because the fact is that none of us know exactly what MJ's intentions were. If he specifically did not want any money to go to Joe, then he could've had a clause put in the will to say so. But he didn't. I'm sure he knew full well it was likely Katherine would share the money out between family members, after all wtf is she gonna do with it all? 3 kids don't cost that much to look after unless they are walking around wearing silk and platinum and living on steak and caviar. Which they clearly aren't. And Katherine being a devout JW and all probably isn't into big spending to begin with. She is the mother figure of the family, and in Janet's words, the glue who holds everyone together. Why wouldn't she share the money out? Any caring mother would. And as someone on here pointed out a few months ago, it's not unusual in black families to leave everything to the mother, and let her spread it out as she sees fit, because typically the mother is the head of the household in black families.

I am just going to say this. YOU don't Know nothing for sure Either. The only thing I agree with you on is that none of us know exactly,(as in personal)but we do know The Will and Facts, and the Facts don't say nothing about Your preconceived theory.
But if you want to talk about theories of MJ's intentions The will says they are, Katherine-His 3 Children-Chairtys.
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Well you can't say that for sure because the fact is that none of us know exactly what MJ's intentions were. If he specifically did not want any money to go to Joe, then he could've had a clause put in the will to say so.
we know what his intentions are becasue that is what a will is for. and it states the only benificiaries are katherine the kids and charities. that his specific instructions. and according to reported court documents. the money is only to be spent on katherines livings expenses and the kids. no one else. that is why when katerines has been asking for more allowances the court wanted everything itemised. joe has 8 other children yet still wants to leach off his dead son.
he should get some money as the father.
he should get what mj dictates in the will. but then when were mj's wishes ever respected when he was alive let alone now.if only the kids were of age cause that family will bleed them dry if they get the chance. if mj could see this hed be laughing saying told you so.jsut like he said to glenda joe only calls me when he wants money
he should get some money as the father.

He should get what MJ left him. NOTHING.

Why is he asking 600$ for Jo'Vonnie? Can't she work? How insulting to MJ? Do Katherine & Janet know Joe is asking MJ's estate to pay 600$ a month to his illegitimate daughter?
Why is he asking 600$ for Jo'Vonnie? Can't she work? How insulting to MJ? Do Katherine & Janet know Joe is asking MJ's estate to pay 600$ a month to his illegitimate daughter?
disgusting. im surprised jerm hasnt filed asking for mj to pay his child support seeing as he did when he was here
Well, about how did he get money before Michael died, I guess what he's saying is true, that he got money from Michael through Katherine. Interesting that he doesn't claim Michael gave him any money directly, but just that he was aware that some of the money he gave Katherine went to him. It seems Michael didn't want to give him any money, and didn't give him any, but he just turned a blind eye.

By the way, the comment from the Estate's lawyer saying they are "surprised" seems to mean that Joe doens't have many chances...?.
I also read that the judge rejected his request that a hearing be held immediately.
^exactly. Mike knew his mother was giving Joe some of his money.

make of that what you will.

EDIT: $66,000 a month to his mom. now, I wonder, what the itemized thing would look like. surely, Katherine wasn't spending it all on entertainment and travel and hotels? ;)
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

I thought that the 60K a month for the kids included salaries for nannies, home schooling teachers, etc. As an employer, Katherine also is paying payroll taxes as she also has a housekeeping staff, and an assistant as well. In addition, her lawyers are getting a a nice chunk out of her allowance.

Her home is huge. With maintenance and the property taxes for her area, that's another sizeable monthly chunk. Plus isn't there a mortgage now on the home?

When you factor in all the expenses, $80+ grand isn't ridiculous.
actually it is. sorry but many people live in encino and they don't spend that much damn money a month. their cost of living is high b/c she's not using it all for the three kids, she's using it for all the kids. meaning jermaine's two, randy's three, mike's three, omer it goes on and on. it's disgusting to think that she has thismoney w/o a fiduciary agreement. especially since she can't make ends meet with more than 80 grand coming in a month. i feel so bad for her cuz she can't say well i can't pay for this cuz i have to show receipts to prove it's for thekids. at this point, that's not a rule. if it was a fid. agreement, then it would be and she could tellher children and grandchildren no b/c she can't violate court order.

so it's like i feel she's being manipulated. sheloves all her grandchildren but she was the same woman who said that mike should support his siblings cuz he hadmoney and they didn't. so of course she's gonna spend HIS children's money on her other grandchildren. maybe deb can ask that there be a fid. agreement put in place to help katherine say no, to ensure the money goes to thekids and them alone, and to make the other siblings realize that they're putting a lot of stress on their 79 yr oldmother

80 grand, 8 bedroom house, three kids to support along w/ herself (but she gets ssi and SO DO THE KIDS), homeschooling and food. homeschool does not cost that much. private tutors? two teachers, that's all. nannies? again not that expensive. usually they live in the house and that is taken out of their pay. so u pay them less if they live w/ u. so again, not that expensive

she's footing the bill for travel and this and that. karate, not that expensive for three kids. but when u add jaafar, jermajesty, donte, randy jr, and omer...yea it adds up. same goes for when u take them to universal studios...two kids? not that expensive, two kids and all their cousins? adds up.

joe doesn't need anything, he doesn't deserve anything. he got a lot of money from mike over the yrs. he's made a million dollars in fourmonths. not bad, right? so wtf is he talking about? he gets ssi along w/ a manager's pension from being in the biz. he wants to be a big baller, but his fundage won't allow him that. he needs to learn to downsize and save.
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Its crazy how every body is suing his estate for money I never read any thing out of the ordinary in my life. He only been deceased for about five in the half months now and we still reading ridiculous bullshit. I know Michael looked out for his parents especially his lovely mother but Joe needs a reality check and stop living off his son I really hope the judge ruled that he gets noting or just $200 dollars a month that will fix his old tired ass pricing people to do interviews walking around town big pimping his sons are about to drop their TV show let them having ass’s finally take care of their father some sad mess right here I really love MJ prayed for him when his was alive and now gone that he finally be sleeping in Heavenly peace cause this black brother went through some hardships as a Jackson.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate


In all of the interviews I've seen and read, even with people who claimed to be Michael's friends who were clearly anything but, the one thing that they ALL agree on is how beautifully raised those children are. I hate to think that all of his hard work is now being shot to hell as they live under that roof and have to deal with the CIRCUS that is the Jackson family. I wish he had given them to Janet or Rebbie so they could take those children away from that mess and keep them OUT of the spotlight.

Well, then I'm sorry to say, but Michael should have given them to Janet or Rebbie (I prefer Janet because Rebbie is a debout Jehovah Witness and MIchael had disasociated from the church...).
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Well, then I'm sorry to say, but Michael should have given them to Janet or Rebbie (I prefer Janet because Rebbie is a debout Jehovah Witness and MIchael had disasociated from the church...).
hey now, mike's children were educated on all fact, june 12th, the day before the verdict, they went to kingdom hall in solvang.

he also educated them on judiasm b/c of deb, christianity, and islam. just b/c u go to kingdom hall doesn't mean ur a witness.

i go to chuch whenever im in lompoc my 805 haven but im not christian.
Its crazy how every body is suing his estate for money I never read any thing out of the ordinary in my life. He only been deceased for about five in the half months now and we still reading ridiculous bullshit. I know Michael looked out for his parents especially his lovely mother but Joe needs a reality check and stop living off his son I really hope the judge ruled that he gets noting or just $200 dollars a month that will fix his old tired ass pricing people to do interviews walking around town big pimping his sons are about to drop their TV show let them having ass’s finally take care of their father some sad mess right here I really love MJ prayed for him when his was alive and now gone that he finally be sleeping in Heavenly peace cause this black brother went through some hardships as a Jackson.
u know what cracks me up the most in this craptastic situation?

the family and fans were SOOOOOOOOOOO worried about debbie...if she would take thekids, if she would run her mouth to themedia, if she would do something, they were slagging off on her, joe said she has nothing to do w/ those kids and better not try, someone told tmz from the family that they would fight her tooth and nail etc....on and on and on

and she was the ONLY one who hasn't runhermouth, hasn't sued, hasn't done anything drastic. now it's the family suing, the family fighting, the family talking mess. close friends saying they the daddy of them chillun, friends saying he was a junkie, people writing books. it's pathetic
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Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

Apparently he doesn't seem to think he has a lot of money. The article said documents showed he gets $1,700 a month .. and just his rent is $1,200 and then theres the other stuff.. food etc. Whatever I think of Joe, I can't say he cares more about the money than his son..I just can't, I don't think he or anyone can be like that.. I saw how he was at the funeral and he was there for mj for the trial. We don't see how he feels behind closed doors, I give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Though I know what happened in the past and I know he doesn't always present himself in a favourable light.

He cares about getting an allowance and because he filed for an emergency motion, he must be desperate. Hasn't he got anything to live on?? Are things really that bad?! I don't understand how he can't have money .. I really don't. He must have got lots from the Jackson 5 and what Michael gave him .. where the hell has it all gone?! JoCola? Its sad that some family members are in bad finances after the sucess they had. If its really that bad Janet is there, she has money and he's her dad too, why can't she help him instead of Michael who did not put him in his Will. Oh and he needs to cut back for sure.

Aw hun :( since the movie I have been better for some reason, but before that I was a wreck so I know what you mean. I hope you feel better soon, the support forum is always there for us.

Anyway.. I'm gone, there are some strong words in this thread.

I understand that we cannot really know for sure if Joe cares more about money than his son. But we can know the kind of father he was, and that Michael didn't give him anything in his will...

Also, you really don't there's anyone who can be like that?. I think you're being overtly optimistic... there's people like that, and they aren't few. The parents of the kids who accued Michael are just an example...
Re: Joe requests allowance.

I could be wrong; but I think what Joe may be seeking is an INCREASE in Katherine's monthly share so he will get a portion of it to cover his expenses. I don't believe he's seeking to "get the children's money" as many people here are saying.

When Michael was alive he did give Katherine money and relied on her to give some of it to Joseph; and didn't Michael also provided for Joseph materially? I'm sure Michael did not ever want his father to be destitute no matter what their relationship was. And speaking of their relationship, since it seems to CONVENIENTLY go over many people's heads----Michael's relationship with his father improved over the past few years and Michael made peace with him.

I just think it's more to this than meets the eye. Of course when you look at this on the surface, IT DOESN'T LOOK RIGHT and it is obviously rubbing people the wrong way.

ALL the money the Estate has is the childrens money. That is what Michael decided. So yes, in any case, he wants the children's money.

Also, if Michael wanted to provide for his father when he was alive, he would just have given him money. It doesn't make any sense that he would give it to Katehrine and expect her to give some to Joe. Unless he just didn't want to deal with him (which contradicts the idea that they were really at peace...). Katherine did VEY probably give Joe part of the money she got from Michael, but whether MIchael knew that or not we don't know. It seems to me he just turned a blind eye.

in any case, what is the relevance of whether when he was alive Michael provided for his father or not?. It's his decision, as stated in his will, that he would not provide for him in his death
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

I wouldn't want to see Joe destitute. In spite of everything, he is Michael's dad. Michael said he loved him in TII. That's good to go. Michael loves him. We should try to too.

The alternative would be Joe moving back in with Katherine, I assume. Not so sure that is a great plan either?

He would not be destitute. He does have the, what, 1200 from social security or something?. Also, I think he must be lying about how much he has...

If he would move in with Katherine, then I think the best thing would be that the children cannot stay with her.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

actually it is. sorry but many people live in encino and they don't spend that much damn money a month.

For the majority of us, $80K a month is indeed ridiculous, but the majority of us have not incurred the kind of lifestyle expenses wealthy celebrities have nor the beneficiaries of the wealthy have enjoyed. I worked for the accountant of a wealthy businessman for a while, and this guy's American Express bill alone averaged $50,000 a month. And that was only one card. His main house mortgage was $12,000 a month, and taxes and maintenance on that home was about $100K a year, including caretaker costs.

Of course, Katherine cannot be extravagant with credit cards, etc., but if she has a staff of several people, etc., a big house, and more, $80K a month is not a ridiculous figure for the kind of lifestyle she's accustomed to.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

and that's how it works. I wish others would take a business lesson 101 from mj, instead of talking about mj being 'in a financial mess', while they're on the street, saying it, looking at their foreclosed homes and defunct banks.

Very well said.
Poor dear Michael.... Michael, Michael... what are they doing??
When is this to end??? WHEN???

Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

For the majority of us, $80K a month is indeed ridiculous, but the majority of us have not incurred the kind of lifestyle expenses wealthy celebrities have nor the beneficiaries of the wealthy have enjoyed. I worked for the accountant of a wealthy businessman for a while, and this guy's American Express bill alone averaged $50,000 a month. And that was only one card. His main house mortgage was $12,000 a month, and taxes and maintenance on that home was about $100K a year, including caretaker costs.

Of course, Katherine cannot be extravagant with credit cards, etc., but if she has a staff of several people, etc., a big house, and more, $80K a month is not a ridiculous figure for the kind of lifestyle she's accustomed to.

In some cases that's true, of course, but we know where a lot of this money is's supporting everyone at Hayvenhurst. That's not right. I think it's different when you're not the one that made the money. Michael could spend it however he wants, he spent his entire life working his butt off for it. But when you're borrowing from someone, you cut back. That may mean sacrificing your lifestyle. I've just had to ask for money not long ago (and I *hated* it), but I asked only for enough to get me by until I find a job. I would never ask someone in my family to support my Starbucks Triple Americano addiction (I get my $1 street vendor coffee), my Anthropologie love affair (H&M sales rack will do) or my Broadway Theatre habit (It's free shows in the park and Glee on Fox.) Beggers can't be choosers and it's just not fair to live beyond your means on someone else's dollar. =(
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

I agree, but IF Michael was giving Katherine a certain amount before he died, knowing she would allot monies to Joe and other family members, it's conceivable he made her the only beneficiary other than his children (and charities) for her to continue the practice.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

I don't know what you're talking about. Do you see the Jackson kids walking around in designer clothes when Michael was here? No. Do you see them walking around in designer clothes now? No. Michael didn't want them to be spoiled and bratty. When we see them going out, it's only for swimming or karate club or whatever, not the freaking caviar and colouring club for kids. There is no way in hell Katherine is spending anywhere near 80k on those 3 every month. So whatever point you're trying to make is a moot one. 80,000 might be the going rate for other celebrity kids, but not these ones. However the Cruise family might choose to raise their daughter has absolutely nothing to do with how Katherine is raising Michael's children. 80 grand a month is still ridiculous. It's more likely that Katherine is putting that money aside for their future instead, if she has any sense. And if she somehow is managing to spend that much a month just on 3 young kids, someone needs to freaking stop her because I don't care how you try to justify it, spending that much money a month ($960,000 a YEAR) is just wrong. It would only end up being detrimental to the kids if they were to grow up around people constantly surrounded by fancy and expensive things. It attracts certain types of greedy people (see some of Michael's so-called friends for reference).

It isn't 80.000 for them alone. It's 60.000 for them, the rest (26.000) is for Katherine.

Also, let's remeber that money must be paying for the nanny. And maybe also the security guards... maybe a driver?. Also, i they want to take a vacation somewhere, she would need to save from that money.
It is a lot of money to spend a month in any case. I would hope she'd be saving it, but it seems more likely she is giving it to family members.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

I agree, but IF Michael was giving Katherine a certain amount before he died, knowing she would allot monies to Joe and other family members, it's conceivable he made her the only beneficiary other than his children (and charities) for her to continue the practice.

Michael was giving Katherine money. What she would do with it would probably have been his bussiness. He might well have known or guessed she was giving money to Joe and other family members, however, that does not mean that was why he gave it to her.

She has money now as well, and she can do what she wants. If she wants to give part of it to family members, she can do it. BUt they have no right to demand more money from the Estate for that.
Re: Scumbag sues his own sons estate

I agree, but IF Michael was giving Katherine a certain amount before he died, knowing she would allot monies to Joe and other family members, it's conceivable he made her the only beneficiary other than his children (and charities) for her to continue the practice.

I don't know how comfortable he would have been with her continuing that practice especially now that Joe's petitioning the estate AND if it means that later on his children would receive less money because of Katherine's desire (want? need?) to shell out money to support everyone living there.

The BOTTOM line is that Michael is no longer here to just be giving her money any time she asks so THIS means that she and the rest of the people living in that house (and their parents aka the brothers) AND Joe SHOULD be making arrangements for a Plan B; aka cut back on the unnecessary spending, take your kids and have them live with you instead of at Hayvenhurst, fire some staff, sell some cars, and make other adjustments accordingly. It doesn't matter about the way things used to be when Michael was alive. It's a whole new ballgame now since clearly he was the main breadwinner of the family.
^MJ Crazy, I love your sig. Tagore was a renaissance man and one of the all-time literary and musical giants of the world. he's a hero of mine. I am not surprised Mike loved him so much.

as for Joe, come on, 1700 a month is not a lot of Social Security. I am sure Katherine gave him some of the money Mike gave her all these years. and I'm sure Mike knew it. fine, Joe's not in Mike's will. and fine, 20,000 a month is a bit much, but I'm sure Mike would not mind if Joe had a bit of an allowance. I know Mike didn't expect to die. I wonder, say if he had found out that he had some sort of terminal illness (god forbid, although now it all seems so moot to think like this :(), would he not re-make his will and give at least something to Joe to live by? they made up, from what I know, and Mike forgave his old man. maybe I'm naive and maybe because I've had a similar relationship with my own dad, and I love him to death still... but I just can't believe that Mike would begrudge Joe some living expenses within a certain reasonable amount. come on, guys, Joe was responsible for at least getting the Jackson 5 on their way. he's 81 years old. let him be.

Sure, he was responsible for forcing his 5 year old son to work on night clubs... should he get credit for that?.

Michael probably knew Katherine gave him money, but that doesn't mean he wanted her to. The fact here is Michael didn't include him in his will. If he wanted to support him, he would have included him. Also, you do a will in the thought of what would you like to happen with you're money once you die. he didn't need to have been terminally ill to have put in his will what he wanted.