Jermaine speaks about Evan ad Jordy Chandler

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we should bombard TMZ with the video of Meserau from that speach where he talks about Jordy confessing to multiply people that MJ was innocent.

maybe this is where jermaine got his ideas from....
I don't reckon Jordy will ever speak out publicly about the 93 allegations. And if he does, it will be when he's an old man in 40 years time, when he has nothing to lose and when MJ is seen more as an iconic figure in history.

The risk to Jordy right now is too great, with MJ's passing still being so raw. There is 0% chance he will come forward in the next 5-10 years.
I think Jordy is living somewhere in NY under a different name.
The right thing to do would be to step out and set the record straight. For once in his life.
Jordy is never going to admit he lied. There's no way as he has too much to lose from a personal standpoint.

I think so too. He has a 'new life' with a new name. No one has seen him recently so we can't even ID him. He has plenty of money. He would risk too much by stepping forward now.
And it not just that, sneddon & his ppl would properly chase him down 2 not make him tell the truth!
Jordan is a victim in this case too.

He lost his best friend because of his parents. And the money have done nothing good for him. He lives under earth, he has a new name, identity. He hates his parents. The case wasn't fun for him neither.

So I believe he will feel a hell lot better inside if he comes out with the truth.

That's why a friend and i made this video...
We want to try to reach Jordan with please help us out and spread this video. Don't forget to leave a message their to make your own Call to Jordan. We at least have to try...
Jordan is a victim in this case too.

He lost his best friend because of his parents. And the money have done nothing good for him. He lives under earth, he has a new name, identity. He hates his parents. The case wasn't fun for him neither.

So I believe he will feel a hell lot better inside if he comes out with the truth.

I believe that Jordy is a coward and didn't have the courage to come forward. He has 27 years now, his father is dead and he is still hidding.
I now Michael is innocent and I don't need a coward to tell me that.
I really want an offical word from this kids mouth that MJ did not do anything. Its plain to see that his father made all the stuff up and killed himself with guilt after MJ died, as he is the one who started MJ's pain from 93. I think this kid will be too scared to say anything to the media, alot of angry fans would go after him if he ever decided to make a statement.

I do think that MJ did not deserve this crap in the first place and it caused him alot of pain for some years and it's time to have the truth out and clear MJ's name.
I remember some article about Jordie telling the truth saying nothing happened back in July but it never went into mainstream media. Now he must tell all the papers and tell the truth. I know its just Jermaine who has spoken publicly but this is good - it might lead the media to get Q's and A's from Jordie, lets hope the truth will be properly spoken by Jordie very soon.
jermaine needs to be quiet. as normal he does more harm than good talking about some internet fake blogg as if its the truth.

Didn't T-Mez say they had Jordie ready to testify if needed?
no. they had his friends and college classmates ready to testify as he had told them mj did nothing and he hated his parents for what they had done.

jordan goes under his own name or he did when he was at evan is gone its the best chance we will ever get for him to tell the truth.but whether that ever happens dont hold your breath.those on the other side would prefer to do him in themselves rather than for the truth to come out

I remember some article about Jordie telling the truth saying nothing happened back in July but it never went into mainstream media
becasue it was fake. if he wanted to come out by hell everyone would know about it

I think this kid will be too scared to say anything to the media, alot of angry fans would go after him if he ever decided to make a statemen
i dont understand that logic. so jc telling the truth would be worse to the fans than all the years he kept quiet. we know he lied its hardly gonna be a shock to us. if some fan wanted to go after him they would have done it by now not when he finally confessed which would lead fans into tears of happiness and not much else
U guys really need to knw the law before u start assuming every damn thing

Mj paid no money

What jermaine is talking abt is the FAKE confession bs that came out after mike's death.

Learn a few facts abt the case THEN post

Dear moderator... I am sorry and I really don't mean to be rude to you, especially because you have been here for many years, even at court during 2005, but... how moderate are these words? Please, take also the time to read our posts. I understand for long time MJ fans it must be frustrating when some of us make mistakes or tell unaccurate info about MJ, but not all fans here are that ignorant. Yes, of course, we always need to get more real information, but we can be encouraged to do so with a little more... L.O.V.E.

At least 2 of us have mentioned Jermain had already said all this before, right after the Vienna issue and we have also pointed out this comes from info that has never been confirmed by Jordan himself. Hower, there are serious and factual information about the 2005 case and how Jordan would have been stopped if he had decided to talk against MJ.

What I see from most of the answers in this threath is, actually, people saying they (we) do not believe this rumor should be used, and asking for Jermain to leave the way open and not to repeat rumors. In fact, many people are not happy with him doing this.

So maybe we have learned a few facts...

But ok, this is off topic, not the main topic here.
i dont understand that logic. so jc telling the truth would be worse to the fans than all the years he kept quiet. we know he lied its hardly gonna be a shock to us. if some fan wanted to go after him they would have done it by now not when he finally confessed which would lead fans into tears of happiness and not much else

I agree. I hope he could confess and make the media to clear michael's name. as fans, we all know the truth, but the public didn't. if Jordy never confess in public, the media would use "accusation and settlement" to defame Michael forever. we should pray and hope jordy would come out. if he did so, we should all forgive him and appreciate that.
haha! yes indeed! but even the ignorant can learn ;) let's hope they do! :)

It's odd though, I checked that poll while the amount of voters was at 5000, and the percentage was the same then as it is now with 10 000 voters.

that's why I was surprised too! a poll by tmz on wether or not mj was guilty, where the majority says no, is rather surprising! especially considering tmz's history regarding mj, and the fact that a looot of mj haters read tmz.

Well, I'm sure a lot of the people voting there are Michael fans, so I don't know... I get the impression that less than 65% of the general population are "absolutely sure" it isn't true.

What kind of questions are those anyway?, ¿"absolutely" yes or no?. Cannot they have a middle option, where is probably where a lot of people stand?.

What I find interesting about that video (apart from the obvious) is that Mez seems to contradict what he has said before, in the Larry King interview, about the judge. Here he talks about how the judge did something he had never seen a judge do in a case like this before, in allowing the prosecution, with regard to three alleged victims, to bring in witnesses saying they had seen the molestation qithout having to bring the alleged victims themselves. I read a while ago smoething written at the time of the case, when the judge had to decide whther to allow that "prior bad acts" evidence, by some legal comentator, and he wrote that the judge could only allow it IF the alleged victims testified. That guy must have gotten the idea from the fact that otherwise it had never been allowed. Mez must have been shocked by the judge's decision.

Anyway, my point is that in that video Mez doesn't talk as if he thinks the judge acted in an unbiased and just way, while he praises highly the judge in the Larry King interview, saying how fair he was.

Maybe he just didn't want to talk badly about a judge on TV?, it could perjudice his clients in cases in the future.
As innocent as Michael was, remember at the time so was Jordy. He was only a child and should not have been vilified as a monster. His parents (notably his dad) were the ones that were to blame really. If Jordy was abused by anyway, it was by his own parents. It would be good if he released a statement denying the allegations, but I cant see that happening. He probably wants to forget the whole matter.
But Jordan has nothing to confess. He didint lie. HIS father accuse MJ, not Jordan.

All he has to say now is that MJ didint touch him, as he always claimed.
I hope Jordan is man enough to come out and clear up Michael, but he is a Chandler, all i know is that he is not a kid anymore...

I will even forgive him, cause when a father makes a little do something, and that father is capable of hitting you in the head to the point of almost kill you even when you are grown up man like Evan did to Jordan when he was 26 years old, i mean of course he was afraid, Evan was capable of EVERYTHING, and he was, he did what he planned, i mean... i can in a point understand Jordan, what other choice he had, BUT now is different
As innocent as Michael was, remember at the time so was Jordy. He was only a child and should not have been vilified as a monster. His parents (notably his dad) were the ones that were to blame really. If Jordy was abused by anyway, it was by his own parents. It would be good if he released a statement denying the allegations, but I cant see that happening. He probably wants to forget the whole matter.

True about Jordan having been abused by his parents (remember Evan saying it was irrelevant what effect the whole matter would have on Jordan?) But Jordan sure does not want to give back the moment and go get himself a job, does he? He's a man now, he's had time to mull over the whole thing, he's seen Michael going through the whole trial and if he had come out then he would have had a real positive impact but he didn't. So I'm not holding my breath and I'm not ready to excuse Jordan.
Why is that the media does not even try to get Jordan, are they afraid??? they were extremely against Michael Jackson...

They should get this guy now, how is that they dont even try, that is WEIRD
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