Jermaine speaks about Evan ad Jordy Chandler

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ok thanks lol. Like i said i have been really confused all day about different things...

Its the Thanksgiving brain flu. screws your head all up.
According to Jermaine, Jordy came out and said nothing happened?

Is this true?

Alyssa_MJ_ireland said:
Jermaine said that Jordy came out when his da committed suicide and said mike never touched him. the wee brat should have said this publicaly so the whole world knows the truth!!

He said the same thing back in September on an Irish talk show. That was before Evan's suicide.

Part 1:

Part 2:

It's just after 6:50 on part 1

Video quality isn't great but audio is fine.
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Perhaps only a rumor, but how would Jordy go about telling the truth? A press conference? An interview with CNN? He will have to be blurred and voice altered because he would be on a wanted list if people ever saw him.

Give an exclusive interview to a newspaper, he could meet JRT who has already said he thinks he might get an interview with him.
He said the same thing back in September on an Irish talk show. That was before Evan's suicide.

Part 1:

Part 2:

It's just after 6:50 on part 1

I remember that and i was delighted he said it because a lot of the viewers probably believed but i knew it was rubbish, jermaine is a bit like Latoya, they will say anything that suits them with out doing any research first.
Jermaine said these weeks ago actually.. before Evan commited suicide. He told that Jordy already confessed but the media didnt picked it up.

Most people Ive talked with - being fans or non-fans all believes the same.. Evan killedhimself out of guilt and I do think more and more people see Michael the human/the person and not the creature the media have portrayed him over the last decade.
Jermaine said these weeks ago actually.. before Evan commited suicide. He told that Jordy already confessed but the media didnt picked it up.

Most people Ive talked with - being fans or non-fans all believes the same.. Evan killedhimself out of guilt and I do think more and more people see Michael the human/the person and not the creature the media have portrayed him over the last decade.

Well why .doesn't.. jordy try his best to make sure that this news gets out there to tv? Maybe the media does not want to pick it up :no:
Perhaps only a rumor, but how would Jordy go about telling the truth? A press conference? An interview with CNN? He will have to be blurred and voice altered because he would be on a wanted list if people ever saw him.


I wonder if he could lose/have to repay the money he got from the lawsuit if he told the truth now... :scratch:
I don't really think that would be an issue, he was a child at the time and i think if he wanted to tell the truth in public he could come to some agreement with the Jackson family first, in saying that if he done this he would run the risk of being found by the tabliods.

I didn't watch the trial for him against Michael so my following question i really have no idea about.

Whos plan was it to go and try to get money from Michael out of this sh*t? Was it Evan or Jordys Mother that was the mastermind behind this lie?

I didn't have to watch the trial to know Michael was innocent. I mean i knew he was incapable of something like that from the get go.

This would fall under the category of extortion wouldn't it?
I don't really think that would be an issue, he was a child at the time and i think if he wanted to tell the truth in public he could come to some agreement with the Jackson family first, in saying that if he done this he would run the risk of being found by the tabliods.

Well you have a point..but if he does its 93 all over right? MAYBE he may or maybe post a video that way you hear from him and yet you cant find him:mello:

I didn't watch the trial for him against Michael so my following question i really have no idea about.

Whos plan was it to go and try to get money from Michael out of this sh*t? Was it Evan or Jordys Mother that was the mastermind behind this lie?

I didn't have to watch the trial to know Michael was innocent. I mean i knew he was incapable of something like that from the get go.

This would fall under the category of extortion wouldn't it?

Evan was the mastermind and June the mother never really said she beieved any of it and when she took the stand for the prosecution in the 05 arvizzo case she sounded like she still did not believe it, some people think her taking the stand actually helped Michael.
Well whatever..need to be done,,but is it worth it for us the fans and the world? Think about it.


Don't get me wrong, I agree that he should tell the truth.
I'm just sayin' maybe that's part of the reason he hasn't done it, besides puttin' his own life in danger.
Evan was the mastermind and June the mother never really said she beieved any of it and when she took the stand for the prosecution in the 05 arvizzo case she sounded like she still did not believe it, some people think her taking the stand actually helped Michael.

I see.

Like i said i never watched the trial or read any of its transcripts from it so im in the dark on this part of Michael's life.

So If the mother didn't believe why did she go through with it and why hasn't she came forward and said anything against it? If Jordy comes forward could he still get in trouble for extortion?

Im sorry for being such a pain but like i said i didn't have to watch to know Michael was innocent lol.

It's just laziness on their behalf, people who are only half interested in Michael read the headlines but rarely the whole story where as we study the story and research it's origins too. Most people who say they think he did it can't even tell you Jordys name or any facts about the case.
see we all know all this info of what did not know what did not happen ..etc etc..why cant the media know what we know?

the media know everything we had, they all know michael was innocent. unfortunately, they just don't want to portray michael in a "good" way. this is what michael called " conspiracy". when you said "bad" things, you got more attention and earned more money. the good example is Martin Bashir, when you saw the footage, how creepy and hypocritical he is. This is the media, you would never get the truth from them, even though they know the truth!
I see.

Like i said i never watched the trial or read any of its transcripts from it so im in the dark on this part of Michael's life.

So If the mother didn't believe why did she go through with it and why hasn't she came forward and said anything against it? If Jordy comes forward could he still get in trouble for extortion?

Im sorry for being such a pain but like i said i didn't have to watch to know Michael was innocent lol.

Your not being a pain at all, i am just happy that people want to know the whole story, we the fans need to be educated on the fact if we are to defend him. June eventually sided with Evan (Who she was divorced from at the time) after she feared that if it went to court she might be seen as a mother who didn't care about her sons safety one who even ignored her son relationship because she was recieving gift from Michael, she feared she might lose custody of jordy. Her lawyer said after the he finished representing her that he never believed the allegations. It is also important to remember that she made over a million from it all. After the case Jordy stopped talking to her and the two had no contact until last year as far as i know.
BTW i think people are getting confused over the two cases, there was no trial in 93, this was the jordy chandler case. The only trial that took place was in 2005, the Gavin Arvizzo trial. T Mez thought the prosecution were going to put Jordy on the stand but they never did. T Mez then said after the trial that if they had put jordy on the stand he had people lined up who knew Jordy and to whom he had admitted it was all a lie.
Your not being a pain at all, i am just happy that people want to know the whole story, we the fans need to be educated on the fact if we are to defend him. June eventually sided with Evan (Who she was divorced from at the time) after she feared that if it went to court she might be seen as a mother who didn't care about her sons safety one who even ignored her son relationship because she was recieving gift from Michael, she feared she might lose custody of jordy. Her lawyer said after the he finished representing her that he never believed the allegations. It is also important to remember that she made over a million from it all. After the case Jordy stopped talking to her and the two had no contact until last year as far as i know.

ok so The mother June,(eerie) Didn't believe the alligations but she went along with it anyway???? ok So now this Gavin kid is he been verbal with anything? has he said the truth or is he just sticking to his story?
Gavin was the boy who accused in 05, nobody really cares what he has to say because the court case exposed his claim as a lie.
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