Jermaine speaks about Evan ad Jordy Chandler

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Gavin was the boy who accused in 05, nobody really cares what he has to say because the court case exposed his claim as a lie.

lol ok then i wont bust his balls as little as they may be... see im like that bit never happened lol i blocked it out because i knew Michael was innocent there was nothing in that mans body to make him want to hurt a child.
lol ok then i wont bust his balls as little as they may be... see im like that bit never happened lol i blocked it out because i knew Michael was innocent there was nothing in that mans body to make him want to hurt a child.

You should read Aphrodite Jones Michael Jackson Conspiracy if you want to know about the 05 trial, or Redemption for the 93 case. There is also the GQ article which will explain a lot about the 93 case, i don't have the link but a lot of people here have so i'm sure someone will post it.
we may have someone that works for TMZ ON here.

Most likely. I said about this before, I don't know if it was MJJC but Diane Dimond got caught snooping around one of the forums :giggle:

I think Jermaine's just speculating in that speech though. Evan didn't leave a suicide note so nobody knows why he killed himself. I'm not trying to call Jermaine a liar or anything but I don't believe that Jordy came out and said it wasn't true - as much as I wish it was true, there's just too many reasons for him not to do it.
There is also the GQ article which will explain a lot about the 93 case, i don't have the link but a lot of people here have so i'm sure someone will post it

Thats ok im getting a headache from trying to understand this much...
You should read Aphrodite Jones Michael Jackson Conspiracy if you want to know about the 05 trial, or Redemption for the 93 case. There is also the GQ article which will explain a lot about the 93 case, i don't have the link but a lot of people here have so i'm sure someone will post it.

Redemption... is that the one by Geraldine Hughes?
yeah but the majority doesn't it would seem :) 65% say they don't believe the accusations, I think that's great! far more than I expected actually!

Yea, and the 35% must be the slow, ignorant population lol
I think i am really slow or something here..... your hoping that this jordy comes forward and says the truth right? well Did any of you believe Michael when he said he was innocent? Michael has stated the truth. why do you want to hear it from this little liars mouth? just because Jermaine might be trying to get his reaction now. This all should have happened when Michael was alive. Michael told the truth. This kid should have come forward long ago. But now after Michael is 5 months dead does he feel guilt. He will get whats coming to him soon enough. I trust Michael and his word.

seriously i think im confused beyond help...

I believed Michael and I would bet that everyone posting on this forum did too. But if Jordie Chandler makes a statement, then the doubters and the haters will have to finally believe it. Which will make a difference to Michaels family, most of all his children and will clear his name to the world at large. You may not care about that, but a lot of us do.
yeah but the majority doesn't it would seem :) 65% say they don't believe the accusations, I think that's great! far more than I expected actually!

Me too! Especially a poll from TMZ! They have been spewing lies about Michael for years. The other 35% probably just believe whatever they read and if they read that Jordie Chandler said Michael didn't touch him, they will probably believe that too.
Yea, and the 35% must be the slow, ignorant population lol

haha! yes indeed! but even the ignorant can learn ;) let's hope they do! :)

It's odd though, I checked that poll while the amount of voters was at 5000, and the percentage was the same then as it is now with 10 000 voters.

Me too! Especially a poll from TMZ! They have been spewing lies about Michael for years. The other 35% probably just believe whatever they read and if they read that Jordie Chandler said Michael didn't touch him, they will probably believe that too.

that's why I was surprised too! a poll by tmz on wether or not mj was guilty, where the majority says no, is rather surprising! especially considering tmz's history regarding mj, and the fact that a looot of mj haters read tmz.
Some people may finally view him differently, and will feel guilty for doubting him and treating him like trash.
Unfortunately what Jermaine saying is a rumor. After MJ died some blog/website started that Jordy was in so much guilt that he said that MJ never molested him. In reality this did not happen - once again just a rumor.

Didn't T-Mez say they had Jordie ready to testify if needed?

No. DA wanted Jordy to testify as their witness to tell jurors the prior similar acts. He refused and did not take the stand for DA.

T- Mez said if he testified he had a friend of Jordy's who would testify that Jordy told him that it never happened. But as Jordy did not testify for the DA, they never used the friend.
yeah but the majority doesn't it would seem :) 65% say they don't believe the accusations, I think that's great! far more than I expected actually!

Kinda, but at the same time those allegations (both 93 and 03) cause Michael so much pain, and he was left feeling alone becuase most of his so called friends didn't want to touch the question with a ten foot pole. And of course the media went wild with it.

Its a no win situation:no:

Either people didn't believe it and were willing to massacre an innocent man, or they did believe the lies. Either case, an innocent man suffered alot of heartache.
The time has come for Jordy to step forward and tell the truth.

He has to say: This Is It, I can't live a lie any longer. My family made made med do this. I am soo sorry.

He should tell the truth on CNN or something. It has to be a pressconference so the media will have to pick it up and show it.
Kinda, but at the same time those allegations (both 93 and 03) cause Michael so much pain, and he was left feeling alone becuase most of his so called friends didn't want to touch the question with a ten foot pole. And of course the media went wild with it.

Its a no win situation:no:

Either people didn't believe it and were willing to massacre an innocent man, or they did believe the lies. Either case, an innocent man suffered alot of heartache.

no doubt about that :( but honestly, it's never too late for the truth to come out. People say it won't make a difference, mj is dead no matter what. I dissagree, maybe this can help him rest more peacfully, maybe this will open people's eyes regarding how much power the media has over our minds, this can only help his legacy and his family, who has suffered along with him all these years.

it's never too late to apologize and become a better person if you ask me. (that goes for jordy as well as the haters who tore mj down)
The truth is out there ...

He has to stand forward and tell the world the truth.
an expert claimed june chandler looked very pathetic to the degree if sneddon asked her whether she believed MJ molested her son she probably would have replied NO . I did not sense that at all in her testimony but everyone who was in that courtroom felt she did not help sneddon's cause at all .

one interesting thing Jordan left June in 1993 and had never talked to her until recently eventhough she was the one who initially refused to participate in blackmailing mj , later only after threats from the LAPD and sneddon she sided with Evan .

Evan did not testify against mj in 2005 , but June DID . Jordan abandoned his mother who was forced to side with him in 1993 and became friendly with her only after she took the stand against MJ . what does that say about Jordan's intentions to tell the truth ?

Don't get me wrong, I agree that he should tell the truth.
I'm just sayin' maybe that's part of the reason he hasn't done it, besides puttin' his own life in danger.

Ýour post brings up a good question. Call me a cold hearted B**ch, but i have no compassion or sympathy for Evan Chandler. In my opinion, he sold his soul for money years ago. But, I do have compassion for Jordie Chandler. It was his father who accused Michael. Jordie went along with it but he was just a kid.

And here is the question. I feel like if Jordie Chandler would come out with a statement telling the truth about the 93 allegations, that I would forgive him for anything in the past because he was a kid when that all happened and his father was so messed up and cruel.

So, my question is, how do the rest of you feel about that? Do you think he would be putting his life in danger if he came out now renouncing the allegations ? I am interested in what you all feel personally, not what you think other people might do.
I believe totally in Michaels innocence but I don't believe Jordan Chandler said this. It would have been in the news.
Jermaine needs to make sure he has irrefutable proof before he goes running his mouth......otherwise he comes of as not truthful.

In any case, I wonder though who would truly benefit from Jordy recanting his accusations? 'cause God knows how I prayed and hoped that Michael would've lived to see the day when he finally spoke the truth! sadly, that never happened, and its crap like this I'm sure that pressured Michael all these years and caused him so much pain.
Wow what an amazing speech. I did not expect Jermaine to speak so eloquently on so many social issues. I think he will leave a great impression with those children. Hope he continues this new tack, its good for Michael's legacy and Jermaine's own image as well. As the designated spokes person for the family he has to keep being humble
articulate and always put Michael first over his own pride.

Ýour post brings up a good question. Call me a cold hearted B**ch, but i have no compassion or sympathy for Evan Chandler. In my opinion, he sold his soul for money years ago. But, I do have compassion for Jordie Chandler. It was his father who accused Michael. Jordie went along with it but he was just a kid.

And here is the question. I feel like if Jordie Chandler would come out with a statement telling the truth about the 93 allegations, that I would forgive him for anything in the past because he was a kid when that all happened and his father was so messed up and cruel.

So, my question is, how do the rest of you feel about that? Do you think he would be putting his life in danger if he came out now renouncing the allegations ? I am interested in what you all feel personally, not what you think other people might do.

I have NO compassion for Jordan, he had his chance in 05 and didn't do it, his mommy had to do it for him.....Plus, their something called a witness protection program! I believe he could have ask for that if he was gonna be a witness?

Also, Jordan went to court at age 15 or 16 to legally divorce himself from BOTH his parents! So it's truly all on him now! June offered nothing in trial, she lied saying she didn't remember MJ filing an extortion case against Evan....I mean come on... who don't remember that? But, she remembered every trip MJ took her on or gift she received when ask on the stand....amazing! She blamed Jordan as the one that filed a civil suit against MJ yet, her ass got 1.5 mil from it as well as her ex-Evan....she is a joke! How can she blame Jordan only, when ALL THREE of them settled the case out of court by stating negligence from distress?
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