Jermaine speaks about Evan ad Jordy Chandler

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jordan refused to talk to his mom for almost 12 years and only after she took the stand AGAINST mj he decided to allow her in his life again , too much for the claims he hated his parents because he did not like what they did to mj .

Oxman tried to contact Jordan during the trial and he was fired by Mez for doing so , it was very risky to call Jordan to testify , that's a clear indication the defense had no idea at the time what Jordan's position was .
what does that mean moving along??? no you can't just say i've searched the trial extensivelly and this is the truth! Why Mez said at the conderence in Harvard that he had witness to refute Jordan's testimony if the testimony was positive about Michael??? and open a can of worms? Ralph chacon testimony... bianca francia and her son?? what it is then?

This article was just posted in a thread here. It corresponds exactly with my research and is factually accurate. I suggest anyone who wants accurate information about the 1993 allegations read here?

"Moving on" means opinions have been expressed with no new info, so it's best to move on?

edit. It's now been merged with the 1993 facts thread, here:


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prepared to testify but not prepared to make a public statment that mj did nothing. doesnt make sense to me and just like wade and mac testifyed to counter the claims of the nev 5 so why didnt jordan as he was needed for that.dont buy it for one minute
jordan refused to talk to his mom for almost 12 years and only after she took the stand AGAINST mj he decided to allow her in his life again , too much for the claims he hated his parents because he did not like what they did to mj .

Oxman tried to contact Jordan during the trial and he was fired by Mez for doing so , it was very risky to call Jordan to testify , that's a clear indication the defense had no idea at the time what Jordan's position was .

How do you know that Jordan reunite with his mother in 2005? i think June chandler testified in one of the two grand juries in 94 or maybe the two? so why did he cut her out of his life then?
The Jackson family should be doing a hell of a lot of things, but they're not.

Among the things they are doing, like relaunching their career by singing the same song over and over (Jermaine), releasing a Greatest Hits album at "just" the right time (Janet), making money out his son's death and challenging the will (Joe), and talking general rubbish to the media (LaToya), they're doing quite well.

I still believe the Jackson family know something we're not being told, because their silence on finding justice for Michael and their intention on making money for themselves is sickening.

Just my opinion. The way they're acting these days, you'd think he was nothing more than a recluse and not no longer with us.

I do very much agree with the both posts above!
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most people in this world still misunderstood michael. Even though there were plenty of evidences and facts shown Michael's innocence, the general public didn't know. The media will connect "child molestation" with Michael forever. The only way could clear Michael is from Jordy Chandler. he really needs to do it and he has to do it, cause only his confession could stop media's distortion, shut up hater's mouth, make the public sorry of misjudging michael. Only his confession could let the world open their eyes to see the real michael jackson. Michael Jackson deserves justice!
Media does NOT want to hear the allegations were lies, thats why they wont even try to get Jordan, they dont want the allegations to be false.

Like i said if the allegations were true, media will be NUTS trying to get Jordan Chandler, but as they are not, they dont even try... SIIIIIIIIICK:puke: really pervert if you ask me...
the media know everything we had, they all know michael was innocent. unfortunately, they just don't want to portray michael in a "good" way. this is what michael called " conspiracy". when you said "bad" things, you got more attention and earned more money. the good example is Martin Bashir, when you saw the footage, how creepy and hypocritical he is. This is the media, you would never get the truth from them, even though they know the truth!

Exactly. WHEN the truth comes out the media will not want to cover it because the whole world will be demanding an apology from them which will expose them for what they truly are.

T-Mez did a talk at Oxford University in the UK and he mentioned that he has a stack of statements from friends of Jordan Chandler's saying that Jordan openly admits his dad forced him to to tell lies. He had these statement ready for the 2005 trial but either didn't need to use them or wasn't allowed to.

Please know that I am not sticking up for Jordan in anyway but he has already been through hell and back over this and I would be very suprised if he ever came forward because his life would be in great danger. Lets face it, he would be on everyone's hit list forever more! That said, with Evil Evan out of the picture... one day he just might do the right thing.
I do agree that the Jackson family should be doing more and better to uphold Michael's legacy and name in the public eye....

but i don't think they have any evidence of why Michael is dead or any info on any conspiracy...

I think T-Mez know more than they do...
What else can the Jackson family do? Everytime they do anything -tributes/interviews/speeches they get bashed on here for 'cashing in' or not being able to keep their mouths shut! When they go quiet 'they should be doing more' or 'they don't care' and if they cry 'They're faking it'. They Can't win no matter what they do or don't do!

Don't forget - there's a murder investigation going on which they have insisted upon and there are certain thing's they're not allowed to talk about yet. What about their loss? They lost a Brother/Sister/Son. Please give them a break :( Michael loved them... L.O.V.E
Exactly. WHEN the truth comes out the media will not want to cover it because the whole world will be demanding an apology from them which will expose them for what they truly are.

T-Mez did a talk at Oxford University in the UK and he mentioned that he has a stack of statements from friends of Jordan Chandler's saying that Jordan openly admits his dad forced him to to tell lies. He had these statement ready for the 2005 trial but either didn't need to use them or wasn't allowed to.

Please know that I am not sticking up for Jordan in anyway but he has already been through hell and back over this and I would be very suprised if he ever came forward because his life would be in great danger. Lets face it, he would be on everyone's hit list forever more! That said, with Evil Evan out of the picture... one day he just might do the right thing.

Yes, that is correct. He recanted to friends, and was prepared to testify. It was determined by Mez that it wasn't the best strategy for the trial. What Jordy will do now that his father had died, is entirely up to him.
sure, no one is saying they are not feeling the lost of Michael... but for me...that interview that Janet did last week... just trumphs everything.. knowing how the media has been denegrating Michael for over 20years.......she should have handled the drug issue in a better my eyes.. she defended Jermaine Dupri better than she defended her brother....

when Michael was asked about the SuperBowl incident..he defended his sister to the end.. regardless of what the truth was... he did the same regarding LaToya during the Oprah interview...

you just don't sell out your blood in that way...on national TV... Michael is who the media loves to trash.. she knows exactly what the media is capable of...especially with Michael...
yeh i know but the poster seemed to insinuate that fans lie about something to do with the 'description', so i wondered what they were referring to.

i've seen the so called 'description', and its hardly worth being called a description. also i thought it was a well documented fact there was a part of the description which definitely did not match.
could go both ways, some say it wasn't correct at all others say it was totally correct.
Like the doctor that did the exam said on geraldo:

it's very confusing :scratch:

He said "I was told later that the description and photos that were taken absolutely matched what the child had described."

"Told" by who? Perhaps a certain bottom feeder parading as a journalist...(If you haven't read "Be Careful Who You Love", I'd recommend it, only to arm yourself with knowledge on her filthy lies and only if you can do so for free.)

Anyway, this guy was paid by her back in 1993 and his wording here is nearly identical to what she wrote in her book ("the 6-year-old tantrums", etc.)

The "description" was a serious joke and the only real detail that he gave he got wrong. Had he actually given a solid description that matched, they would have had the evidence they needed to try Michael in court.

Watch out for anyone who's crossed the Demon's path - she completely fabricates stories.
I researched during the trial extensively, and yes, this is the information I have, too, that Jordy was prepared to testify. If Mez had called Jordy, then absolutely EVERYTHING about the 1993 allegations would have been admissible in court. That was something Mez chose against, in his brilliant defense of Michael. If all that had come out they would have put others on the stand (his father and uncle) to try to discredit his. . .recantation. He was just a child when the accusations were made. Why Jordy doesn't come forward now, I don't know. Maybe he will?

Nope not true .. Jordy never agreed to testify - not for the DA and not for the T-Mez.
Listen here to Tom Mesereau . the part about jordy starts about 1:53

" ... the one you talk about never showed up. He is the one who got a settlement in the early 90s. Now my understanding is prosecutors tried to get him to show up and he wouldn't. If he had I had witnesses who would come in and say he told them it never happened and he would never talk to his parents again for what they made him say and it appeared he had gone into court to seek legal emancipation from his parents..... "

yeh i know but the poster seemed to insinuate that fans lie about something to do with the 'description', so i wondered what they were referring to.

i've seen the so called 'description', and its hardly worth being called a description. also i thought it was a well documented fact there was a part of the description which definitely did not match.

True. it was a partial match. he said there was vitiligo spots - and there was so this was a match. He said he was circumcised - but he was not and this was not a match. so some people say it's a match some say it was not. In reality it was not a complete match and circumcision thing was the main reason the DA did not go with the description. I guess the poster was trying to say there was a partial match.
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