Jermaine speaks about Evan ad Jordy Chandler

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well im not gonna worry cause its not like theres much chance it will happen anyway i doubt the estate would sue they would/should just be happy that the truth is out.jc doesnt need any excuses for him not coming forward. if he wants to do the right thing knowing evan is gone then he will. if u feel ad enough and feel u have to do the right thing the consequences will be irrelevent to you. the question is whether he will ever do the right thing. he had his chance in 05 but didnt want to know.i aint holding my breath got more important things to worry about now
the Jackson family can sue him, mainly for defamation of character. And the insurance company involved could also technically sue Jordy as they were the ones that paid out in the settlement.

But again, he was a child at the can they? I don't know...

I thought that the responsibility would fall on Evan, and since he isn't around anymore Jordan wouldn't have to worry about coming clean and leaving his dad to face the music.

If I was a Jackson I'd care more that MJs name was cleared rather than suing. Michael's children deserve it. Don't know about the insurance company and how that works.

I respect your opinion but I don't agree at all. His whole life is at stake, he won't live 40 years if he keeps this bottled up.

Jordy's whole life is a complete lie. He is a reason why Michael isn't here anymore, you don't think he feels guilty for that? I'm sure now that Michael is gone it's consumed him even more. If he does the right thing now, the sooner he can start to heal from this whole thing(same goes for the Arvizo kid). Just look what happened to his father if you want to know what holding guilt in can do to you.

This is how I feel about this..the majority of people know everything against Michael was a lie..but you have the few ignorant who either can't let go of their stance. I am pretty sure that Jordy has told people it was a lie. Things are just being put in the forefront now that Michael is gone.

Well Jordy seems to have managed fine holding in the guilt over the last 16 years. I don't believe that he would even consider that his families actions ultimately contributed to MJ's death, so I don't think MJ's passing would've made him feel a sudden need to come clean.

I hope to God that I'm wrong. Nothing would make me happier than if he came forward and told the truth but after remaining tight-lipped for 16 years I just don't see anything changing.
Jermaine is not the most articulate person. I wish he would put a sock in it:

***** claim by ***** bro

Last Updated: 5:14 AM, November 27, 2009
Posted: 2:50 AM, November 27, 2009
// wait until page is loaded to call API BitlyClient.addPageLoadEvent(function(){ BitlyCB.myShortenCallback = function(data) { // this is how to get a result of shortening a single url var result; for (var r in data.results) { result = data.results[r]; result['longUrl'] = r; break; } $("#share_twitter").attr('href', " reading "+result['shortUrl']+" on"); } BitlyClient.shorten(document.location, 'BitlyCB.myShortenCallback'); }); $.extend({URLEncode:function(c){var o='';var x=0;c=c.toString();var r=/(^[a-zA-Z0-9_.]*)/; while(x1 && m[1]!=''){o+=m[1];x+=m[1].length; }else{if(c[x]==' ')o+='+';else{var d=c.charCodeAt(x);var h=d.toString(16); o+='%'+(h.length1 && m[1]!=''){b=parseInt(m[1].substr(1),16); t=String.fromCharCode(b);o=o.replace(m[1],t);}return o;} }); $(document).ready(function() { $('#share_newsvine').attr('href', ""+$.URLEncode(document.location)); $('#share_stumbleupon').attr('href', ""+$.URLEncode(document.location)); }); Jermaine Jackson cruelly attacked the late dad of Michael Jackson's 1993 kiddie-sex accuser, claiming the father's suicide is proof the King of Pop wasn't a child molester.
Evan Chandler, 65, killed himself in New Jersey earlier this month because he was wracked by guilt over supporting false allegations against *****, according to twisted comments by the Gloved One's brother.
"This kid's father has committed suicide because he just couldn't take it and now the kid has come forward and said Michael never touched him," Jermaine Jackson reportedly told attendees at a charity event in Los Angeles this week. "He never touched him."
Evan Chandler shot himself in his Jersey City apartment on Nov. 5, cops said.
The cancer patient was "extremely ill" and missed a medical appointment the day he died, prompting worried doctors to call his building management, according to Jersey City police documents.
A concierge let himself in and found the grisly scene.
Members of Chandler's family did not immediately respond to several messages seeking comments yesterday. Jermaine Jackson cruelly attacked the late dad of Michael Jackson's 1993 kiddie-sex accuser, claiming the father's suicide is proof the King of Pop wasn't a child molester.
Evan Chandler, 65, killed himself in New Jersey earlier this month because he was wracked by guilt over supporting false allegations against *****, according to twisted comments by the Gloved One's brother.
"This kid's father has committed suicide because he just couldn't take it and now the kid has come forward and said Michael never touched him," Jermaine Jackson reportedly told attendees at a charity event in Los Angeles this week. "He never touched him."

Evan Chandler shot himself in his Jersey City apartment on Nov. 5, cops said.
The cancer patient was "extremely ill" and missed a medical appointment the day he died, prompting worried doctors to call his building management, according to Jersey City police documents.
A concierge let himself in and found the grisly scene.
Members of Chandler's family did not immediately respond to several messages seeking comments yesterday.*****_claim_by_*****_bro_J2CbBrQjaA3QbYoPwYunBM#ixzz0Y3VU6epO
Well Jordy seems to have managed fine holding in the guilt over the last 16 years. I don't believe that he would even consider that his families actions ultimately contributed to MJ's death, so I don't think MJ's passing would've made him feel a sudden need to come clean.

I hope to God that I'm wrong. Nothing would make me happier than if he came forward and told the truth but after remaining tight-lipped for 16 years I just don't see anything changing.

well you know, he's not under any pressure, the press prefer it all to be a mistery so they can continue to say any kind of stupidity...they wont ask him, they are media whores, they are the real ones in the end...

When there's a potential for money to be paid you can bet someone in that family will be seeking it.
i have to sadly agree...

i just hope Jordan will come out in public saying it, but thats like saying, i hope Michael would come alive again...
See this last incredible class article posted by Memefan, media is a whore.... we all know

Some major paper should go after this Jordan Chandler, he's living in luxury and all:puke:, and he changed his name, IM SURE ALL MEDIA KNOWS IT, they will never say it... they will say they dont know it... SICK
Im SO sure the press will be nuts over getting Jordy if the allegations were true....

You can bet that, they will try to find him and try to seek an interview with Jordy. And even if Jordy was to confess, the media will try to make up a story of Jordy being threatened to recant and try to pin in on the fans.
Well Jordy seems to have managed fine holding in the guilt over the last 16 years.

We dont know this. We havent seen him for 16 years (besides two paparazzi shots taken 2 years ago..) We do not know how he lives his life and what goes through his mind every night when he goes to bed. We simply dont know. :scratch:
well it obviously wasnt that bad or he would have done the right thing. he had no problem telling all his friends nothing ever happened and having parties where mjs music was the main stay.anyway until/if something happens theres really no point discussing it . all u do is go rounds in circles.theres bigger fish to fry
most people in this world still misunderstood michael. Even though there were plenty of evidences and facts shown Michael's innocence, the general public didn't know. The media will connect "child molestation" with Michael forever. The only way could clear Michael is from Jordy Chandler. he really needs to do it and he has to do it, cause only his confession could stop media's distortion, shut up hater's mouth, make the public sorry of misjudging michael. Only his confession could let the world open their eyes to see the real michael jackson. Michael Jackson deserves justice!
^^ Sadly for the most extreme haters, It will never shut them up. The will try to make up excuses and stuff. Hell, there are some dumbasses who still believe that there are more than 2 kids that they believe he allegedly molested. Like Diane Demon, who if Jordie was ever too tell the truth, she will try to make up some more lies.
^^ Sadly for the most extreme haters, It will never shut them up. The will try to make up excuses and stuff. Hell, there are some dumbasses who still believe that there are more than 2 kids that they believe he allegedly molested. Like Diane Demon, who if Jordie was ever too tell the truth, she will try to make up some more lies.

if jordy confessed, the public would know the rest were all the lies. the reason many people believed michael was guilty is because the 93 settlement, many people questioned, if he didn't do it, why he settled. to be honest, the 93 settlement is the big mistake. DD could still talk her crap, just make her a "idiot".
well it obviously wasnt that bad or he would have done the right thing.

Well he could have been holding back so his father didn't face the consequences, however strained their relationship was. Now Evan is gone, he may come forward. According to reports nobody was at Evans funeral. When your own son isn't there.. something is wrong.

As far as I know, MJ didn't blame Jordan and I can see why. Some of you won't feel the same as me I know, but he was a child at the time, under pressure from his father. All his life from the age of 13 he has lived and will forever live with the public knowing his name for these reasons. He didn't ask for that, it was his father's fault. From Evans own mouth Jordan was 'irrelevant'. If he comes out now he can not only clear Michael's name from being assosiated with this, but also his own..(can't think of a better way to say what I mean).

The press don't make it very easy for him to come forward by labelling MJ fans as crazy and dangerous.. somehow torturing Evan into having plastic surgery and self injecting cosmetic treatments into his face (hm why wasn't he called creepy or weird for that..?) and making him live in fear for his life. Yehh right. I don't think the vast majority of us knew what he looked like, before or after surgery.

People talking about names, I only found out yesterday that Evan's surnane was actually Charmatz but he changed it to Chandler.. don't know how true that is.

Jermaine speaking out like this in one way is a good thing as he is supporting his brother - we always say 'why don't the family do something?' well Jermaine has. However, when his speech is based on that rumour, it kind of discredits him. If he was going to say something of substance he should have spoken about the information we know (some of which is presented in Charles Thompson's blog) which does not get to the public.
:clapping:I commend Jermaine Jackson :agree:for having the courage and fortitude to set the record straight on this matter of the Chandlers. (I intend to never mention their names again.) :clapping:
Jermaine's words have travelled around the globe on the internet, and the response has been positive.
I thank you Jermaine Jackson.
This time you did it right!!!!!!:yes:
Michael Jackson is similing down from Heaven on his big brother, Jermaine.:wub:
Yep yep .. thats it Soso

Also Jordie never recanted either _ that was a rumor
there is NO source _ Jermain just heard the rumor and seen it making the rounds
but it doesnt hurt to say it in my opinion. The more It circulates the more people will
believe he recanted _ its kind of cool - enough rumors were spread about MJ -
so I have no problem with this rumor being spread :LOL: There is no way to stop the
rumor now ... I tried when it first came out _ it just keeps making the rounds and no one
bothers to check its source ..

If it was true the media would be all over it _WHY? $$$$$$$$$$
It would be a story of the century after MJs death.
and whoever broke it would be rich .. TMZ would by
a true sourced story like that for HUGE Money as would
other news sources _
I still think the FOOl should clear the air NO matter if you get sued or not. IT was not his money from the start. And if Fieldman and Katz does sue, I think they will hurt them more from here on out knowing they help with this lie.
One way or another, the truth is going to come out. God always makes it happen one way or another even on someones death bed.
Soso Deaf, s u are saying that Jordy was prepared to testify for the defense but Mez did not call him? i cant buy that, to much was at stake to not call jordy if he was willing to take the stand.
Soso Deaf, s u are saying that Jordy was prepared to testify for the defense but Mez did not call him? i cant buy that, to much was at stake to not call jordy if he was willing to take the stand.

I researched during the trial extensively, and yes, this is the information I have, too, that Jordy was prepared to testify. If Mez had called Jordy, then absolutely EVERYTHING about the 1993 allegations would have been admissible in court. That was something Mez chose against, in his brilliant defense of Michael. If all that had come out they would have put others on the stand (his father and uncle) to try to discredit his. . .recantation. He was just a child when the accusations were made. Why Jordy doesn't come forward now, I don't know. Maybe he will?
I researched during the trial extensively, and yes, this is the information I have, too, that Jordy was prepared to testify. If Mez had called Jordy, then absolutely EVERYTHING about the 1993 allegations would have been admissible in court. That was something Mez chose against, in his brilliant defense of Michael. If all that had come out they would have put others on the stand (his father and uncle) to try to discredit his. . .recantation. He was just a child when the accusations were made. Why Jordy doesn't come forward now, I don't know. Maybe he will?

THat is not true Jordan was never willing to testify. Mes said it in a speech in Harvard. I am tired of some fans making facts up! like the description of Michael's genitals by Jordan Chandler or some said that Jordan retracted himseld in 93.
THat is not true Jordan was never willing to testify. Mes said it in a speech in Harvard. I am tired of some fans making facts up! like the description of Michael's genitals by Jordan Chandler or some said that Jordan retracted himseld in 93.

We will have to agree to disagree. I researched the trial extensively and published many factual articles about it. It IS true, but we can move along now.
We will have to agree to disagree. I researched the trial extensively and published many factual articles about it. It IS true, but we can move along now.

I know u did, U WERE GREAT!!! But how do u know this? I just cant seem to understand why Mez would choose not to put Jordy on the stand if he jordy were prepared to TELL THE TRUTH. So what if Sneddon would have answeared with Evan and Ray chandler, Mez would have killed them just like he killed the neverland 5. It would have been priceless from defense point of view to have jordy tell the whole story about what happened and how Evan created the story......

doesnt make any sense to me
I know u did, U WERE GREAT!!! But how do u know this? I just cant seem to understand why Mez would choose not to put Jordy on the stand if he jordy were prepared to TELL THE TRUTH. So what if Sneddon would have answeared with Evan and Ray chandler, Mez would have killed them just like he killed the neverland 5. It would have been priceless from defense point of view to have jordy tell the whole story about what happened and how Evan created the story......

doesnt make any sense to me

The events (or non-events) of 1993 were not featured in the trial. Any witness would have been cross-examined extensively. If Jordy had recanted, I'm sure Sneddon would have then called Evan, and the uncle, and they would have said that Jordy was being threatened or pressured, just as Sneddon claimed the Arvizo family was being threatened, and so on. It was too great a risk to open that can of worms. Mez felt he had enough evidence to keep the trial focused on Gavin's claims, and his family, without risking to bring up testimony and counter-testimony from the past. As it turns out, that was a correct decision.

Moving right along.

actually u are wrong, Ralph Chaccoon testified about seeing MJ performing oral sex on Jordy in a shower, so the 1993 aspect was touched on directly by his testimony. He could have been called to refute that.
actually u are wrong, Ralph Chaccoon testified about seeing MJ performing oral sex on Jordy in a shower, so the 1993 aspect was touched on directly by his testimony. He could have been called to refute that.

Not going to dredge up that awful time. EEEEK! I still agree with Mez's decision not to open all that up again. For the reasons I already gave.

Moving along. . . . .
Not going to dredge up that awful time. EEEEK! I still agree with Mez's decision not to open all that up again. For the reasons I already gave.

Moving along. . . . .

what does that mean moving along??? no you can't just say i've searched the trial extensivelly and this is the truth! Why Mez said at the conderence in Harvard that he had witness to refute Jordan's testimony if the testimony was positive about Michael??? and open a can of worms? Ralph chacon testimony... bianca francia and her son?? what it is then?
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