Jermaine speaks about Evan ad Jordy Chandler

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I have NO compassion for Jordan, he had his chance in 05 and didn't do it, his mommy had to do it for him.....Plus, their something called a witness protection program! I believe he could have ask for that if he was gonna be a witness?

Also, Jordan went to court at age 15 or 16 to legally divorce himself from BOTH his parents! So it's truly all on him now! June offered nothing in trial, she lied saying she didn't remember MJ filing an extortion case against Evan....I mean come on... who don't remember that? But, she remembered every trip MJ took her on or gift she received when ask on the stand....amazing! She blamed Jordan as the one that filed a civil suit against MJ yet, her ass got 1.5 mil from it as well as her ex-Evan....she is a joke! How can she blame Jordan only, when ALL THREE of them settled the case out of court by stating negligence from distress?

Yeh i dont belive a word that comes from june mouth either!
I'm not sure whether I believe this or not. But if Jordy did confess, he gets no points because it wasn't public. What's the matter Jordy, will coming forward humiliate you? But what he would face wouldn't even come close to the humiliation Michael suffered. Its just not fair.
Jermaine needs to make sure he has irrefutable proof before he goes running his mouth......otherwise he comes of as not truthful.

In any case, I wonder though who would truly benefit from Jordy recanting his accusations? 'cause God knows how I prayed and hoped that Michael would've lived to see the day when he finally spoke the truth! sadly, that never happened, and its crap like this I'm sure that pressured Michael all these years and caused him so much pain.

I agree with this. Jermain said very much the same some months ago... remember when? Just after the "Vienna issue" (that is, the cancellation of that hugh MJ tribute in Vienna). And yes, this information has been around for years. I would quote Charles Thomson blog here:

"When called to appear at Jackson's 2005 trial, he [Jordan] refused to testify against his former friend. Had he taken the stand, Jackson's legal team had a number of witnesses who were prepared to testify that Jordan - who now lives in Long Island under an assumed name - had told them in recent years that he hated his parents for what they made him say in 1993, and that Michael Jackson had never touched him.

The evidence surrounding the 1993 allegations overwhelmingly supports Michael Jackson's innocence. It is for this reason that during the lengthy investigation, which continued for many months before Jackson's insurance carrier negotiated a settlement, Michael Jackson was never arrested and he was never charged with any crime."

Source: (this is an EXCELLENT source of information and it explains most of the facts clearly, so it's really a great tool for MJ fans. We need to be educated on these critical issues)

Now... linking Evan's death to telling the truth openly... I am not quite sure how good is that since in order to have a real impact, this must be said by Jordan Chandler. Don't tell me I do not believe MJ, for that is not the case. We as his fans know the truth, but the world doesn't and many people believe (and say) MJ did ... that, you know what, no need to write it.

If we as fans say MJ was innocent, people say we are "blind crazy fans" (actually they use worst words). If any journalist comes with this information, mainsteam media simply silence the truth. If someone close to MJ says this (many have said over the years), people don't pay attention.

It has to be Jordan Chandler (whatever his name's now), no longer a kid, but a well grown man to tell the truth, a man old enough to know right from wrong. But... there's the settlement and I think that can not simply be forgotten.

Finally, I would like to say I didn't actually know much about Jermain before MJ's passing. So could any of you please tell me if he had ever said any of this (Jordan saying the truth) BEFORE MJ's passing? I would really like to have information on that matter, for honestly I have no idea.
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we may have someone that works for TMZ ON here.

Sure they have a couple of people spying all over the forums, not only this, but also others. There has been simply TOO many times when something has been discussed in a forum and then in a matter of hours it's on TMZ :)
Although we'd like these people come forward and prove MJ innocence I don't think it will happen and it is just a wishful thinking on our part.

In Chandler case there is a settlement. If Jordan comes forward and he says he lied at the minimum that would mean to return the money. I think they can also sue him for extortion (as saying MJ did not do it would mean he lied to get money from him).

Arvizo's testified under oath and I think lying under oath, filing false police reports is serious crimes.

So it is not only a case of being a man and telling the truth. I think that it would have a lot of serious consequences attached to it and therefore I don't expect anyone "officially" come forward.
Well it's about time something with substance comes outta his mouth.

(please don't flame me!)
Shouldnt the MJ estate sue the chandler family for false accusation, humiliation, money etc etc..Shouldnt the Jackson family do something about this and take it to court. Who gives if MJ is not around, his name still lives. He still deserves justice.
Shouldnt the MJ estate sue the chandler family for false accusation, humiliation, money etc etc..Shouldnt the Jackson family do something about this and take it to court. Who gives if MJ is not around, his name still lives. He still deserves justice.

If Jordy admits that everything was a lie (which he should do), then the Estate could sue for the money back that was paid to him.

So I guess the truth is going to rot in Jordy's heart - because I know he won't give the money back.
If Jordy admits that everything was a lie (which he should do), then the Estate could sue for the money back that was paid to him.

So I guess the truth is going to rot in Jordy's heart - because I know he won't give the money back.

I am quite sure he could make an agreement with the family that he told the truth and could keep the money!

The truth is much more worth than money.

His sales would rise again, and the money would go to the Estate, so the money should NOT be the problem.
No one listen to what the Jackson family say and Jermaine's so annoying, he think he's MJ. What Jordan chandler needs to do for the media to pay attention to him is he needs to go on Oprah show and tell the truth.
I am quite sure he could make an agreement with the family that he told the truth and could keep the money!

The truth is much more worth than money.

His sales would rise again, and the money would go to the Estate, so the money should NOT be the problem.

but remember both accusers went to the cops gave statements, filed reports etc. Regardless of family and any agreement DA can sue them for falsified reports, statements etc.

Ex: Remember the Balloon Boy's family. They are being sued for false statements to cops.
at this point the only people it would help for jordy to say he was lieing is michaels kids but even them not much sad to say that door kind of closed with michaels death
No one listen to what the Jackson family say and Jermaine's so annoying, he think he's MJ. What Jordan chandler needs to do for the media to pay attention to him is he needs to go on Oprah show and tell the truth.

Oprah.... I would like to see her reaction to this being said right on her face... would she repeat again her "but that was before the acussations" as she did when they show again her interview to MJ this some monts ago, over and over again? She is leaving on 2011, right? So there is still some time left :)

Ok... out of topic, sorry... but I just couldn't help it!

to me -->
No one listen to what the Jackson family say and Jermaine's so annoying, he think he's MJ. What Jordan chandler needs to do for the media to pay attention to him is he needs to go on Oprah show and tell the truth.

Oprah is retiring soon, so he should try Larry King instead lol
Jordan Chandler..all I have to say is the truth will set you free.
Jordan Chandler..all I have to say is the truth will set you free.


(and please, Jordan... say it loud and clear... do it yourself and please recover your honor, you can do it!)
Giving a rebuttal now won't make any difference to the general public. As Hitler used to say, if you put out a lie repeatedly and constantly, it will become fact. Besides even if he were to do this, the media is not going to jump all over it, at the most they might put it in small print in the back of the newspaper. Bad news & mess sell, good stories don't. That's why some people follow the underground press instead of the mainstream press, because the mainstream is mostly propaganda. More people die from regular flu than swine flu, but you wouldn't know that listening to TV. If everybody in the media comes out and say "We're sorry for calling Mike W....J....." and they never say or print it again, the damage is done already. That won't stop the public from saying it or making jokes. The media had put out stories of other kids that Mike supposedly paid off, so even if Chandler could or did confess, some people will bring that up. So it won't help at all.
Yeah, there's still some time for Oprah to get him on, yet I doubt very highly that she would. Geraldine Hughes tried to get on in 2005. When you call her show, they tell you to just send a letter....I sent a package of info including chapters and segments of Gerladine's book. It's so damn frustrating.

I don't even know if it's worth trying for again. I've given up hope in a lot of things since MJ has passed.... besides, ratings rule in this world... sadly the truth doesn't always make ratings.

2011.... humm.. *tick tock tick tock*
It's just laziness on their behalf, people who are only half interested in Michael read the headlines but rarely the whole story where as we study the story and research it's origins too. Most people who say they think he did it can't even tell you Jordys name or any facts about the case.

then that would mean that they know he's innocent, but they hate him enough to say otherwise.
U guys really need to knw the law before u start assuming every damn thing

Mj paid no money

What jermaine is talking abt is the FAKE confession bs that came out after mike's death.

Learn a few facts abt the case THEN post
People shouldn't be looking at the fact that Michael's insurance company wanted Michael to settle and thus they paid the Chadlers.... rather, the fact that the authorities asked the Chandler's three times, if they wanted to press charges against Michael and have it become a criminal case as oppossed to a civil one. Repeatidly the family chose to take the money. If your child is really harmed, like Katherine mentioned, you'd want their necks broken... or whatever she said.

Wish the general public knew this part. And if I'm wrong anywhere in here please fill in the blanks. *searches for Kate* lol.
Ýour post brings up a good question. Call me a cold hearted B**ch, but i have no compassion or sympathy for Evan Chandler. In my opinion, he sold his soul for money years ago. But, I do have compassion for Jordie Chandler. It was his father who accused Michael. Jordie went along with it but he was just a kid.

And here is the question. I feel like if Jordie Chandler would come out with a statement telling the truth about the 93 allegations, that I would forgive him for anything in the past because he was a kid when that all happened and his father was so messed up and cruel.

So, my question is, how do the rest of you feel about that? Do you think he would be putting his life in danger if he came out now renouncing the allegations ? I am interested in what you all feel personally, not what you think other people might do.

chances are, Jordy doesn't know how you feel. probably, in his mind, he's facing the worst possible consequences if he admits the truth he probably might be scared for his life. and confessing such a monumental truth is usually the hardest thing that a human being can do, and he might have inherited enough of his father's ways to end up committing suicide, rather than confessing..

on the other hand, he may be working real hard to confess...but again, he can't read minds. he's probably scared, more than anything. so..i guess a campaign from fans that lets him know that they have compassion for him, might ease his mind. if he were to come on this forum, and see that the vast majority, here represent what fans truly feel..that they feel compassion toward him, and would forgive him. all he has to do, is confess..that may go a long way in his decision. and that decision could very well be favorable to the fanbase.

it's just, usually, when people are faced with the idea of confessing wrongdoing, they cannot read the minds of the people they have to confess to, and the confessor usually fears the worst.
Mj paid no money
That doesn't really matter. The media said he paid money to different families, and the general public believes what is reported. So it is fact to them. They're not going to do any research, because they don't care that much about MJ to do so. You researched it because you're interested in Michael. Jona/Travis knows a lot of stuff about Madonna. Many guys memorize sports statistics or talk about guitar solos in heavy metal songs or who can freestyle the best in hip hop songs. It's like those elderly people in Houston that defended Dr. Murray. They might hear stories on the news about Mike taking drugs and they take it at face value. They're not on the computer or looking up every little bit of info on Michael like autopsies or court cases. They probably don't know what the drugs are, and it's just medicine. They're living their own lives. So to them Dr. Murray is their kind doctor they always go to.
Jordan is a victim in this case too.

He lost his best friend because of his parents. And the money have done nothing good for him. He lives under earth, he has a new name, identity. He hates his parents. The case wasn't fun for him neither.

So I believe he will feel a hell lot better inside if he comes out with the truth.
Jordan is a victim in this case too.

He lost his best friend because of his parents. And the money have done nothing good for him. He lives under earth, he has a new name, identity. He hates his parents. The case wasn't fun for him neither.

So I believe he will feel a hell lot better inside if he comes out with the truth.

His best friend?! Yea sure!!
I think i am really slow or something here..... your hoping that this jordy comes forward and says the truth right? well Did any of you believe Michael when he said he was innocent? Michael has stated the truth. why do you want to hear it from this little liars mouth? just because Jermaine might be trying to get his reaction now. This all should have happened when Michael was alive. Michael told the truth. This kid should have come forward long ago. But now after Michael is 5 months dead does he feel guilt. He will get whats coming to him soon enough. I trust Michael and his word.

seriously i think im confused beyond help...

We certainly believe Michael. But I pray Jodan can come out and clarify the plain truth to the public to recover Michael's reputation.

GOOD plan and its good idea..if jordy is reading this please come out and say the it from your heart..if jordy did come out he would go on..THE oprah SHOW

Yep, the oprah show is the best choice to make this statement.
I trust Jermaine & latoya as much I trust George W
Giving a rebuttal now won't make any difference to the general public. As Hitler used to say, if you put out a lie repeatedly and constantly, it will become fact. Besides even if he were to do this, the media is not going to jump all over it, at the most they might put it in small print in the back of the newspaper. Bad news & mess sell, good stories don't. That's why some people follow the underground press instead of the mainstream press, because the mainstream is mostly propaganda. More people die from regular flu than swine flu, but you wouldn't know that listening to TV. If everybody in the media comes out and say "We're sorry for calling Mike W....J....." and they never say or print it again, the damage is done already. That won't stop the public from saying it or making jokes. The media had put out stories of other kids that Mike supposedly paid off, so even if Chandler could or did confess, some people will bring that up. So it won't help at all.

MJ's legacy needs to be carried on by generations. If Jodan confess, it will be great helpful to MJ and his children. It's hard to change this generation's ideas because they themselves experienced that era and were brainwashed by media long time. But our descendants will be far more easy to accept the pure truth and won't misunderstand Michael anymore. So let's pray for Jodan's coming out.
I don't think the media would blatantly ignore something like this, I think the reaction/reporting would be overwhelming.

However, I don't see Jordan ever confessing for numerous risks/reasons, from his safety, to the law.

Also, think about it, how would he actually do the confession? Interview on Oprah?- and expose himself to the world? As he's already hiding from the world?

And that would be the only way it would be considered legimate and tangible to people, to see it firsthand.

So hearing audio, using a friend as a mouthpiece or any other "safe" method will not end the doubters' speculation.
jordan is a coward and there is really no point to bring this up jermaine. jordan that coward will never admit he lied publicly. so he should just refrain to talk about this topic unless asked imo.
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