Jermaine Jackson on Larry King merged - Keep all here on this topic

I just don't understand why Jermaine is pushing is own foundation "in honor of his brother" when his brother has his own foundation, Heal The World. I mean what better way to honor Michael than to support his own foundation which you know was dear to his heart?
I just finished watching the whole thing on YouTube. I love Jermaine, but some of what he had to say was a bit unsettling for me. The ending of the interview was particularly odd...with Larry King's wife. The closer it got the end the less it seemed about to be about Michael. I don't know. I think Jermaine's intentions are good and respectful...something is just feeling "off", I can't quite pinpoint it.
I mean I have been invited to join Heal The World and I can't wait. I want to help children in Michael's honor. I want to help carry on his legacy. I know that Heal The World is one of the charities that Michael's estate will be supporting. So I know Jermaine knows this.
The charities Michael supported are, apparently, those that receive 20 percent of the Jackson Family Trust cited in his will. Given the projected income of Michael's estate, they're gong to be just fine. Perhaps this is why they weren't included in the benefit concert announced by Jermaine.

Jermaine's close personal relationship with Larry King and his wife explains why Larry King sat so near the family during the memorial. But, I'm done with Larry King. He says one thing nice, then opens the door for something ugly. Throwing the rock and hiding his hand. (King's wife pushing up on Michael's memory singing a song? Puh-lease.)

What stinks about all this to me is Jermaine's continued relationship with Larry King given Larry King's exploitation of Michael's death - shows after shows that always include the negative (i.e., probing into the paternity of the children when this is a moot point given that DNA doesn't matter when the law says they are Michael's children, period. )

I'm going to bed now too. But, one more thing. It is not a bad thing that the Jackson brothers may get some work and make some money given the interest generated by Michael's legacy being recognized now. That doesn't mean they didn't love their brother. It simply means they have to feed their kids. That's the real world.
Re: Jermaine Jackson on Larry King (preview)

the Jacksons tv site is to register for events from
sponsored by Jermaine - Thats
why his pic is there _ it should be there _ It was started by Jermaine
so of course he is Front and center - nothing wrong with it. Its just a
page to register for events broadcast online from the Jacksons

Now Here is the site to honor Michael and further Charity work
in Michaels name _ Someone needs to do it so who better than his brother ..


THE CONCEPT of The Tribute is that some of the world‘s leading artists will perform Michael Jackson‘s
greatest hits live on stage in an imperial setting, befitting the King of Pop. “I have invited many of the
most fascinating talents of our time”, Jermaine Jackson said, “and most of them have already confirmed
to perform in honor of my beloved brother”.

Presented by his brother Jermaine Jackson, it will pay homage to the exceptional artistry of this unique
genius and be a night to remember for millions of television viewers around the globe.

The TV special will be broadcast live. More than 85,000 people can attend the show and experience
the evening first hand.

The Tribute is conceived to be an annual event in the memory of the world’s leading entertainer
who died much too early.

So much negativity .. where it doesnt belong :angel:

Jermaine can NOT give out info about the autopsy .. it would
harm the investigation _so fans demanding that is unreasonable
and they are acting arrogant about it - :(

Jermaine is not going to speculate and cause more harm and unfounded
rumors _ he does just like Michael has always done he doesnt attack _plus he
just doesnt know everything going on _ His mother is in charge of all of that
right now and he cant say anything _ he may not know all the deatails as
he seems to be busy with positive work to honor Michael great deeds

What he is doing in this interview is lifting Michael up the sky and beyond _
He is Praising his brother and is not goin to let all the tabloid crap or speculation
get in the way of that - many seem to be ignoring all the positive things he stated
about MJ and still focus on the negative rumors circulation and completly ignoring
Mjs great work and legacy that Jermaine is trying to bring focus on _which was the
MAIN reaon for this interview for some reason many here are ignoring that
and dont care about that _ Its is very telling ..

It doesnt matter what charities_most likely more will be added
They all seem legit and like they are good charities _ Im sure
Michael would stand behind then .. We should'nt Nitpic

This is tribute to Honor Michael is a good thing :wub:
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I think this is great of Jermaine to do this tribute
From the site:
“We are planning an annual Tribute for Michael, the event in Vienna will be the first of its kind. I want to make people aware of the humanitarian side of Michael. I want to show them how his true emphasis wasn’t music, or performing; it was improving the world. Understand this, and you begin to understand the essence of who my brother was.”

I think it's awesome because people always focus on MJ as a great music icon/dancer but they never see his humanitarian side. This is something people will watch and maybe see MJ in a new light and not a person that just went broke spending his money on himself or as having an "eerie" relationship with children, but as the MJ we all know on this forum, I can't wait to watch it.

ETA: someone has already posted the videos of the interview

You are right,I don't understand why some fans are harsh on Jermain, he didn't do any thing wrong, he wanted to show the humaniterian side of MJ to the world. Jermain is his brother for the God's sake, please give him some respect. BEFORE YOU JUDGE HIM TRY HARD TO LOVE HIM
By the way check out this website you can see that this is all about Michael.We have to support Jermain to finisish his mission.
Re: Jermaine Jackson on Larry King (preview) Keep all here on this topic

Yo, can you delete your sig (jk). I always want to go to dunkin donuts everytime I see it, :rofl:

LOL I always think the same thing. It's 1 AM and I want one of them donut so bad.

About Jermaine, I always liked him but if he didn't know Michael had a drug problem then he wasn't that close to him. Heck MJ when on TV saying he was checking into rehab. And what about the intervention the family tried to do? Is it a lie? And I thought they had a separate autopsy being done. It would be irresponsible NOT to have an independant autopsy, so why did he deny it? I'm confused.
I mean I have been invited to join Heal The World and I can't wait. I want to help children in Michael's honor. I want to help carry on his legacy. I know that Heal The World is one of the charities that Michael's estate will be supporting. So I know Jermaine knows this.

good so maybe jermaine is choosing other worthwhile charities
knowing Mjs estate is taking care of the ones he listed _
It doent matter as long as people are being helped in
Michaels name _it only give him more charities to add
to his legacy .. :)
I think that the charities which Michael supported gonna have enough money,they gonna have 20% of Michael's estate so it might be a reason they choose some other charities to help
I just watched this interview and I don't understand the purpose of the interview.....
Jermaine couldn't answer any questions and rightfully so but why sit down for an hour to talk when you either don't know anything or won't say anything to further the conversation??
I don't understand being on TV for TV sake.....
Also I don't understand why any of the family can't just speak about Michael the person...
that bothers me.............
I just watched this interview and I don't understand the purpose of the interview.....
Jermaine couldn't answer any questions and rightfully so but why sit down for an hour to talk when you either don't know anything or won't say anything to further the conversation??
I don't understand being on TV for TV sake.....
Also I don't understand why any of the family can't just speak about Michael the person...
that bothers me.............

Jermain talkes about what kind of person Michael was and try to show the humaniterian side of MJ, he can say nothing when he does'nt know the answer. At least it's better than lying and pretend to know some thing that you dont know or not sure about it. He may not say any thing new for us but he said some thing new for the people who dont know Michael's heart. Investigation is going on and we should see what they come up with.
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I don't blame Jermaine for not saying to much, bcuz he never knows when the lawyers may use what he says against his mom in court. They have yet to get everything settled and I assume once they do and the situation with the LAPD/DA possibly filing a case against the doctor(s), I think then the family will say more and really get some stuff off of their chests.
I know we can't really talk about this here but Karen Faye said Michael was very angry with Jermaine in the final days and that he was very vocal about it.
Jermaine said that the proceeds of his new tribute single (a duet with Larry's wife Shawn King) and the tribute concert will go to Earthkids (Jermaine's foundation), the LK Cardiac Foundation, and the Larry Jones Feed the Children foundation.

Yah, I am wondering why the Heal the World foundation is not included there. That's Michael's foundation!

Heal the World had serious problems. link.

Perhaps they have sorted things out. I don't know.

Jermaine has worked with Larry Jones & the Larry Jones Feed the Children since before the trial if my memory serves me correctly. He was on commercials for the organization & went to Africa. What I see on TV about their mission is very moving for this organization so I am sure that is why that one was chosen.
I know we can't really talk about this here but Karen Faye said Michael was very angry with Jermaine in the final days and that he was very vocal about it.

OMG why is she posting things like that
about private things between him and his brothers
she need to have more grace .. and not gossip
about such thing _it really shows lack of character
on her part ot say things like that _if its even true
and even if it was == Its not her place to post his
private talks with her - I dont think Michale would want
to hurt his brother especially when he is greiving
Michael death _ something is wrong with all these
personal thing she is stating about MJ and his personal
talks wit her - not all need to be put out there
she seems to be seeking attention to me .. by making
all this public .. and I dont think MJ would approve ..

Im glad we cant disuss her harmful gossip here
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I agree with Qbee, she should not throw there business out like that.. They got enough "friends of the family" or "MJ's close friends" saying things that are probably false, she shouldn't add to the gossip factory..
Jermaine is just keepign Michaels legacy alive and want to put him in a good light, he has my respect for that!

He cant answer many questions because of the invesigation, people should have thought about that before sending in their questions....

Discussion who was closest to Michael sounds pretty useless to me as well.
Only Michael knows who was.

I respect most of his real close friends and family.
omg what a waste of dvr space.

honestly, stfu EVERYONE, good, bad, family, friend, and the dude on the street till we get the official cause of death and autopsy release. honestly!

if u ain't gonna answer questions or 'u don't know' the answer, then y r u doing an interview where U KNOW IT"S GONNA BE ASKED?

is logic no longer available in that part of the world? i swear, each time i see lk i realize his age more and more.

and y didn't u promote this 'foundation' before mj's death? using this forum (lkl) to do it, and to not even have it go to something mj would've supported (like toya is doing) is confusing ot me

HELLO!! shit,thats all im sayin lol
Karen Faye was a hanger on, she came and went, publicly supporting him I know but she should not talk about Michael's feelings about his family. I don't believe she said it, or if she did that it was true. Michael loved his brohers and sisters, like any siblings they fell out from time to time, Jermaine loved Michael, always stood by him no matter what and Karen just loves to make out she was in his inner circle but she was just a make up artist, no more. In my opinion she was not very good at that, when she was around his make up was garish and not always flattering.
Karen Faye was a hanger on, she came and went, publicly supporting him I know but she should not talk about Michael's feelings about his family. I don't believe she said it, or if she did that it was true. Michael loved his brohers and sisters, like any siblings they fell out from time to time, Jermaine loved Michael, always stood by him no matter what and Karen just loves to make out she was in his inner circle but she was just a make up artist, no more. In my opinion she was not very good at that, when she was around his make up was garish and not always flattering.

I do not know all that mutch about her, but I agree with this; Michael looked a lot better when she was not doing his make up. More natural.
Maybe she is good for stage make up?

And yes, people should stop talking now until there are some substansial news.
Jermaine is just keepign Michaels legacy alive and want to put him in a good light, he has my respect for that!

He cant answer many questions because of the invesigation, people should have thought about that before sending in their questions....

Discussion who was closest to Michael sounds pretty useless to me as well.
Only Michael knows who was.

I respect most of his real close friends and family.

Amen to that!
Re: Jermaine Jackson on Larry King (preview)

I am sure you are correct about all you have stated. It almost seems that they fare Katherine also as joe. I understand that they have respect for her but God enough is enough if they know something then they should tell what they know.I am not kidding I am so angry right now I am losing my mind. If they know what killed Michael I wish they would just tell it.
Maybe the family is being asked by those who are working on the case not to tell everything they know. It could potentially make their job more difficult if certain people who are investigated know that they are actually suspects. I'm only guessing of course, but we all are at this point.
I think Jermaine did a good job! He said nice things about his brother and I think he answered really good. Not offending anyone, just the facts as it is right now. The whole thing about Omer seems strange to me...I think that story ain't over yet...Jermaine didn't deny he is Michael's weird! :scratch: If that would be a rumour then they would've denied it right away I think...maybe the family doesn't even know anything about it.

Until Larry's wife came up, I thought it was a good thing..but...why is that woman involved!? Wtf?
All just profiting of his death...argh!:doh: She didn't even mentioned Michael when Larry asked why she wanted to be a part of it. And the charities...hmm...indeed missed the HTWF.
Well...I just hope this whole tribute-thing will work out fine as how Michael would've wanted it. And that these people who have nothing to do with it will just go away.:smilerolleyes:
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Jermaine is just keepign Michaels legacy alive and want to put him in a good light, he has my respect for that!
Same here. People suggest that Jermaine loves the attention and that he does it for personal gain. Well, ANY artist loves attention but at least he tries to do something positive with the attention he gets. People may argue that these things will increase Jermaine's popularity, which is where the personal gain argument comes in. That's on one level a legitimate argument I guess, but if we think like that nobody could ever do anything.

There would have been no We Are the World, no Live Aid, no Farm Aid, no Rock Against Rascism, no Free Nelson Mandela concerts, because artists that participated in those events were also accused of participating because it was good for their popularity. Even if this was the case - so what? It's better to get some publicity for doing something positive than for throwing television sets out of hotel rooms, boinking groupies, beating up your girlfriend or driving your car into a swimming pool. When all is said and done hungry children in Africa couldn't care less why Madonna or U2 participated in Live Aid, but I'm sure that they appreciate the help they got as a result of them doing so.
agreed!!! No its not you Jermain also made me feel uncomfortable. I have always liked Jermain. But right now he is acting a little shady. He does appear to be guessing on alot of things as though he has no clue. It makes me wonder how much time he and Michael actually spent together it doesn't seem like much. because he answers questions with his typical "I dont know" answer.

He is just loving the media attention, sad really. At least he is saying nice things I guess but I still don't like him - its just a gut feeling. I don't like how he got Dr Tohme Tohme working with Michael, who is this Tohme guy there is hardly any info out there on him... There was a rumour he is the ex of Halima Jermaine's current wife - don't know if that is true. Now the Kings and Jermaine and Halima hang out together - its all v.strange! Pic of Halima and Shawn King on Larry's personal Twitter
People are so harsh on Jermaine! Er, why? Did I miss something? From reading this thread I thought it was gonna be an awful awful interview. I just watched it and I didn't see that. People need to chill the fuck out. This is Michael's brother FFS. I think we're getting way ahead of ourselves.
I'm gonna reserve judgement on the whole tribute2009 thing until more info comes about. I didn't really like that Shawn though. It does seem a little bit fishy in that regard.
.....In my opinion she was not very good at that, when she was around his make up was garish and not always flattering.

Jeees, are you for real????!!
She had worked with Michael since the Thriller time and you want to tell me he looked best the 4 years she wasn't working for him?
Come on...give me a break!!! That's ridiculous! Not that Michael looked bad when she didn't work for him, but still...we are talking more than 20 years of her being his make-up artist! You want to question 20 years of her work?!! That's crazy imo!