Jermaine Jackson on Larry King merged - Keep all here on this topic

They are adding to the confusion and speculation and at a time like this with so much going on why would you want to do that??
There's enough confusion about MJ's death without adding all this extra mess onto it.
I don't have a problem with the family talking but 1. know what your talking about, 2. if you can't speak on anything why do an interveiw at all, like I said earlier its just being on TV for TV sake, 3, if you going to talk about MJ why not speak about him as a person, I've heard more about MJ as a person from the people he worked with or met randomly than his familiy since his death.
4. All of them doing interviews separately with one person saying one thing and another person saying another is hella confusing and adds to the circus.

There was no point in that interview other than to promote this charity he's doing and I won't even go there.
I also feel the people closest to Michael are the ones we are not hearing from and that's a good thing.

Give it a rest, his mom has spoken, Janet, Jermaine, his dad...please

U don't know who was closest to him...u just THINK you do.

And Jermaine didnt confuse a soul, he just refused to speculate and add to theories made up by 'fans'

U can support the concert or not, ur choice but i didnt know that charity is a bad thing...
I assume what Karen said is true that Mike was angry with Jermaine.
Right after the 02 concerts were announced the family started talking about another J5 concert (the one in Texas ths time). Why couldn't they let Michael do his own thing.
And is the trubute concert with the brothers still going to happen? I wouldn't want to see the Jacksons without Michael.

Jermaine should shut up if he doesn't know things about Michael. I don't think they were that close in the last years.
Karen shouldn't be blabbing family business to the world anyway. :smilerolleyes: Just because she said it, doesnt mean its the absolute truth.
Why canr Jermaine just carry on Michael Jacksons charity?

I mean I would donate to that and I am sure alot of others would too
so b/c i work for someone for a long time must mean im a good person?

bob jones worked w/ mj for over twenty yrs.....

were u on the boards after the trial and after everyone found out mj went to bahrain? were u a part of mjjsource? cuz fans who were know what was said. just it didn't feel right. her attacking him verbally on the INTERNET for no reason. just cuz he didn't bring her along an dleft everyone in the states. it sounded like the rant of a spoiled child

that being said, i don't think an hr long interview shouldbe done by someone who has restrictions on what they can say. if he literally doesn't know OR he's being told not to say, then what's the point of an interview?

he loved his brother. that's apparent BUT this whole 'strike while the iron is hot' doesn't apply inmj world. it didn't apply whenhe was alive and it certainly doesn't apply now.

they would welcome the same interview in a month's time or two month's time. nothing to discuss, nothing finalized, nothing done, mj's not buried, the only th ing that has been rectified was custody.

u stillgot ten other battles going on. so shouldn't the focus be on that and not on a charity single? he could've done a split show. maybe talk for a few mins and then lk have another speaker on. like talking heads or something who'llupdate everyone on the status of the mj investigation.

but an hr w/ nothing to say?:doh:

Nah girl, I was responding to a poster that said Michael's make up only looked good when Faye wasn't working for him.
just a question...

its ok for JRT, Halprin, Larry King's wife, Diana Dimond, Bashir, the entire media, the Chopra's to make money off Mike..

but when it comes to his family..............everyone is up in arms that they are earning $$$ with anything to do with Michael..

well, I have my opinions of some family members BUT they are Michael's foundation...
they are his blood.....and in their own way ... they loved Michael.......and all of them know him better than any of those other idiots on tv or book writer...

Michael was and is HUGE.... someone is going to make why not his family.............hell Michael is why they were rich in the 1st place....

I don't see any of his family members being a Judas to him...........they all are showing their concerns in their own way... even Joe...

lastly, I liked what Jermaine said about the executors... he said they are people they have know for many many years and they are doing an excellent job... and have already raised $100mil for the estate...

I can bet Michael glitter glove... that Michael was extremely clear headed when he did that will...............he know what he was doing.... and Jermaine says it... that those executors are following Michaels wishes...

to me Michael wanted his estate to be one of the biggest celeb/corporations in America...and was not just about sentiments..... if it was just about sentiments...a family member would be in charge...

his mother and kids will not have to work a day for the rest of their lives..............

Michael worked hard in life to take care of his family and for death he set it up to do the same......

RIP Michael get "nough" respect from me

:yes: EXACTLY!!!
That is RUDE.

They are individuals with own feelings..

No one is doing a bit of harm.

Jermaine is nothing but LOVE. :cheeky:
omg please tell me why it's rude?

if one family member is saying they tried to have an intervention and another is saying he doesn't know if mj had or ever had an addiction, isn't that conflicting?

what is wrong w/ saying we're glad for teh support. let us mourn in private, and when official reports come out, we'll speak but until then, we prefer to have no comment at this time?

it's short and to the point. u have a soundbite for the media, a comfort for the fans and a very bolded statement that they're united as one and are waiting for official word before going off
I assume what Karen said is true that Mike was angry with Jermaine.
Right after the 02 concerts were announced the family started talking about another J5 concert (the one in Texas ths time). Why couldn't they let Michael do his own thing.
And is the trubute concert with the brothers still going to happen? I wouldn't want to see the Jacksons without Michael.

Jermaine should shut up if he doesn't know things about Michael. I don't think they were that close in the last years.

That is the thing, we don't know. I understand fans think they know Mike, but actually we are just outsiders getting only some of the information. Jermaine is his brother. Whatever happened between them I am sure they would love have taken back if there was conflict because in the end they probably loved eachother. Believe or not J5 was a huge reason why Mike became a superstar. It could be argued though that the other older brothers were more famous and more loved than Mike with fans during the J5 days. Jermaine was a star, but Michael just took off into another universe.

If Jermaine did know MJ had a drug problem, I am sure he doesn't want to feed into the frenzy and speculation of the media so he is denying it. Its no ones business anyways.

If the brothers want to tour or do whatever, god bless them. They are talented musicians, and I am sure they will have a following.
damn, lol

i mean, i think everyone should join forces. have one united statement, so to appease fans and media alike and show that they are truly concerned about mike but at the same time want to grieve and want to wait before passing judgement.

cuz all they'rereporting is toya screaming murder, tito saying this, jermaine saying that....just be united and hold ur tongue

agreed!!!! Instead of each and everyone of them coming out with different stories. Joe says one thing and Jermain says something else...Or even worse Jermain says nothing. I wish they would get together and get the facts straight, then when they go on talk shows we the fans KNOW that we are getting the truth, instead of well Joe said this Jermain contradicted him and said that. Oh it is just so frustrating.
Well I like hearing from the Jacksons. I think the main purpose of the interview was to promote the tribute for MJ and not to give us further details about the sitaution with MJ's death. I really don't see the big deal with Jermaine's choice of charity, it's benefitting people right?!
That is the thing, we don't know. I understand fans think they know Mike, but actually we are just outsiders getting only some of the information. Jermaine is his brother. Whatever happened between them I am sure they would love have taken back if there was conflict because in the end they probably loved eachother. Believe or not J5 was a huge reason why Mike became a superstar. It could be argued though that the other older brothers were more famous and more loved than Mike with fans during the J5 days. Jermaine was a star, but Michael just took off into another universe.

If Jermaine did know MJ had a drug problem, I am sure he doesn't want to feed into the frenzy and speculation of the media so he is denying it. Its no ones business anyways.

If the brothers want to tour or do whatever, god bless them. They are talented musicians, and I am sure they will have a following.
Re: Jermaine Jackson on Larry King (preview)

Jermaine: "I hate that J***o crap".

Jermaine is too sweet! I loved him when he was on Celebrity Big Brother in the UK a couple of years ago. A real gentleman, kind and caring - obviously must be in the family!
Jermaine said that the proceeds of his new tribute single (a duet with Larry's wife Shawn King) and the tribute concert will go to Earthkids (Jermaine's foundation), the LK Cardiac Foundation, and the Larry Jones Feed the Children foundation.

Yah, I am wondering why the Heal the World foundation is not included there. That's Michael's foundation!

Michael was not involved with Heal The World Foundation for quite some time now.
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Wow, there is enough hating please stop already about Jermaine, he IS doing this for his brother.

It is obvious from wha he said that Katherine is the matriarch of the famaily, her word goes. She has obviously said to him what can and what cannot be said. Everybody knows or should know that whilst an investiagtion is still open concerning someones death nothing can be confirmed 'til the case is closed. Give the family some respect and privacy. It is their chose what they (as individuals) chose to disclose.
I don't know why, but I felt really uncomfortable when Jermaine sang on the Memorial. I can't put it in words, it was just like... It felt weird.

But that maybe says more about me than him, I don't know... but that was just how I felt and feel as soon as Jermaine starts to sing in any of the interviews or talking about Michael in a way that almost sounds like he's "guessing".
When he talked about the giving tree it sounded like he guessed which songs Michael wrote there, it sounded like he guessed why Michael loved that tree...

I'm not saying he's a bad person or anything, but I feel uncomfortable watching him talk about Michael from time to time.
You know what. I FELT the same way. the exact same way. I even tried to block out those feelings and just pushed it to the back of my head. But now with me hearing some other things about jermaine introducing mike to tohme( and possibly married to tohme ex) and when this is the second or third that he has said NO ONE SHOULD CONTEST the will. im like:mello: Who are you talking about because katherine is the only one who is going against the execs on the will. So um why does he keep saying that about his mother.:doh: Also he is pushing for michael to be buried at neverL when mike left for a reason. And NeverL is not the only save place in the world. so um the question mark is back over his head for me and I'm WATCHing him closely.
You know what. I FELT the same way. the exact same way. I even tried to block out those feelings and just pushed it to the back of my head. But now with me hearing some other things about jermaine introducing mike to tohme( and possibly married to tohme ex) and when this is the second or third that he has said NO ONE SHOULD CONTEST the will. im like:mello: Who are you talking about because katherine is the only one who is going against the execs on the will. So um why does he keep saying that about his mother.:doh: Also he is pushing for michael to be buried at neverL when mike left for a reason. And NeverL is not the only save place in the world. so um the question mark is back over his head for me and I'm WATCHing him closely.

Yeah, Jermaine has certain issues. He is torn between the love he has for his brother and the fame his brother brings.

It's a complex thing like the brother of a king torn between the love of his father and the feeling that he could have been the king, as well as the attention being brother of the king brings.

Those are complex things to deal with.

Jermain loves his brother and definitely wants to defend him and his legacy, as well as that of teh Jackson5

At the same time, in the corner of Jermaine's mind, and he has spoken about this, he feels that it's chance that led Michael to be lead singer and he could have been lead singer of the Jackson5 and then gone on to be the superstar and not Michael.i

At times, he stops, reflects and studies what it is that makes his brother so big. He looks at teh charity, the kindness, the shyness and tries to emulate them.
But some of these things are natural to Michael

Also, when Jermaine sang at the memorial, i felt his mother might have stared at him. For these reasons.

Jermain had a falling out with teh rest of teh family when he chose loyalty to Berry Gordy and staying at motown, rather than leaving with them

When Jacksons were doing well, he chose to join them and leave motown.

Jermaine had issues with relationships and his mother did not want to move in unmarried after divorcing his first wife and tehn getting another woman. Joe is the one who pushed it.

Then Jermaine had a serious falling out with Michael in early 1990s which Katherine presided over. Michael was crying, asking his brother to pull the song that slandered him, but Jermaine put his foot down and Michael left crying. Katherine tried persuading Jermaine but he was obstinate.

The reason for this may have been the feeling somewhere among Jacksons that Michael took all the limelight and worse for Jermaine, that he could have been the lead singer and now the superstar but that his producers had left him to work for Michael instead and he could not reach Michael on the phone.

Michael later forgave Jermaine. I think the lyrics were re-written by Jermaine.

Then came the issue of Jermaine taking is brother's girlfriend and the scandal of his ex-wife's book that hurt Katherine with some of the things she said about her.

Now, in 2003, Katherine did not approve too much of teh Nation Of Islam in Michael's life, and saw Jermaine as having done that. But for Michael's security, she let that pass.

The otehr fallout cmae with this Bahrain Prince who sued Michael, but had bought gifts for Jermaine. That info came out and did not please Michael or Katherine who saw Jermaine's friends as trying to use Michael.

Then the Tahome issue

Then Jermaine kept pushing for the Jackson5 forcing Michael to issue a press release in late 2008 saying he loves his brothers but will not participate.

I guess at that point, and maybe a few other things we do not know, Michael became angry with Jermaine again.

Now, all these, Katherine seated there seeing Jermaine doing a solo, singing, was like Jermaine showcasing his talent before a worldwide audience and as Larry King was to say later, he had forgotten taht Jermaine could sing very well.

It may have been sincere on his part but because of this stuff that fans know of between Michael and Jermaine, that's what made it uneasy seeing him sing

Because it was like "finally i get the spotlight singing", even though that was not his intention.

And waht makes it worse is the effort to release the "smile" song as a single.

Something tells me that those managing the estate have decided to grease Jermaine's ego of having his single singing Michael's song out there sellling millions, even if he's not making money, the prospects of it open doors for the future for him.

By doing that, they can then get Jermaine on their side.

And what's the result, he now criticizes his mother indirectly about challenging the estate executors and talks about how much money they are raising and ensuring all is well with the estate first of all "basically, let them release my single first of all". to raise more millions for Michael's estate.

If the estate executors were not trying to grease Jermaine's ego, they would release a CD of all songs sang at the memorial or even a DVD of the full memorial.

This is where Katherine should block a single for "Smile" and ask them to release either a full CD of all artists that sang, or a DVD o fthe memorial for those who would want to keep it.
Why release only smile, when Paris as Jermaine said, picked "Gone to soon" for the private thing and Usher sang it again for the public thing?

So unfortunately, that's what makes some uneasy, Jermaine being torn between two worlds, love for the brother and a feeling of entitlement, as well as an obstinate nature.

That's why Katherine seems to have put her foot down to Jermaine's suggestions of Neverland because she feels Jermaine is being driven by his associates to use her son's body to make money

You have to try and see this from Katherine's perspective.

And from Barrack's interview in the Los Angels Times before Michael passed away, this is a guy who doesn't care about Michael, given his innuendo, but about the money he could make.

When i thought about how Katherine sees all this, i realised that Forest Lawn is not a bad idea. Michael can rest in peace, his body doesn't have to be present where a museum will be built.
But if a public place is created, the media will try to turn it into a circus.

Katherine will make the best decision at the end of the day, because she feels the way Michael would feel, she has the genuine love for her son, devoid of money and attention seeking.
i watched the larry king interview and my feeling about conflicting statements between the jackson family members is that its natural. its a large family, so theres a lot of different takes and i get the feeling that jermaine and michael werent so close in later years and jermaine is just adding what he knows while at the same time careful to say other things unless he fuels media speculation.
Looks like some fans haven't forgiven Jermaine for Word To The Badd even all these years later.

Jermaine is not the enemy guys. The facts simply aren't clear right now & we're all running under our own individual suspicions. Some of those suspicions fueled by bogus reports from tabloids that we of all people should know to take a discerning look at.

Media is powerful that's for sure. Only a few can see beyond it.
John Lucas
Michael was not involved with Heal The World Foundation for quite some time now.

Yeah, Thank You. I just discovered that recently. Well, the way I look at it now. . charity is charity. As long as the money is going to those in need.
Looks like some fans haven't forgiven Jermaine for Word To The Badd even all these years later.

Jermaine is not the enemy guys. The facts simply aren't clear right now & we're all running under our own individual suspicions. Some of those suspicions fueled by bogus reports from tabloids that we of all people should know to take a discerning look at.

Media is powerful that's for sure. Only a few can see beyond it.
John Lucas
Yes they are! The media is VERY powerful. But outta jerm's own mouth he keeps saying things that are making me go hmmm or ermmm:doh:? should I say. THere is no need for jerm to keep running to LKL or whoever, saying nothing when he can't or isn't allow to saying "nothing". Just sit down and shut up! Not just him but everybody! Just wait until things become clear and you can speak and then do so. And please can the family all be on ONE ACCORD! Jesus! (And big family is no excuse!)

I am not thinking about word to the bad, that's old biznass! Fact is fact and that is jerm keeps saying "NO ONE SHOULD CONTEST THE WILL" Period. Now why does he keep saying that. We all know he's talking about katherine. :doh: At first I was cool with jerm but now as things are coming out and words from his OWN MOUTH I'm beginning to wonder yet again about jerm.-_- How disrepectful for him to keep saying that about his mother. Excuse me but michael left HER with 40% not YOU! Step OFF! And that's REAL!:smilerolleyes:
Yes they are! The media is VERY powerful. But outta jerm's own mouth he keeps saying things that are making me go hmmm or ermmm:doh:? should I say. THere is no need for jerm to keep running to LKL or whoever, saying nothing when he can't or isn't allow to saying "nothing". Just sit down and shut up! Not just him but everybody! Just wait until things become clear and you can speak and then do so. And please can the family all be on ONE ACCORD! Jesus! (And big family is no excuse!)

I am not thinking about word to the bad, that's old biznass! Fact is fact and that is jerm keeps saying "NO ONE SHOULD CONTEST THE WILL" Period. Now why does he keep saying that. We all know he's talking about katherine. :doh: At first I was cool with jerm but now as things are coming out and words from his OWN MOUTH I'm beginning to wonder yet again about jerm.-_- How disrepectful for him to keep saying that about his mother. Excuse me but michael left HER with 40% not YOU! Step OFF! And that's REAL!:smilerolleyes:

Big family IS the excuse, Mikejoefan. Those are 8 siblings with totally different perspectives on the issue. Then 2 parents with even more different perspectives.

Jermaine can go where he wants to & I'm glad he came out there to bring some calm to the situation (cause Joe surely didn't).

Marlon is reported to be waiting for the investigation to conclude before coming to any conclusions.

It has been "said" that LaToya outright thinks it's foul play (though I don't know if those reports are as sound as people think).

Joe has said foul play outright.

Katherine has said about the same in one interview.

Tito is awaiting the results of the investigation.

Jermaine is similarly awaiting.

Janet has said nothing publicly.
Randy has said nothing publicly.
Rebbie has said nothing publicly.
Jackie has said nothing publicly.

And even Joh'vonnie has said nothing publicly. (thought I'd just throw her in there)

3T has said nothing.
Neither has Auggie.
Nor Dealz.
None of the grandkids or great-grandkids or cousins or aunts/uncles or nieces/nephews.

The word "fan" comes from the word "fanatic" which means "a person with an extreme and uncritical enthusiasm or zeal, as in religion or politics."

I sum that up to mean hysteria-induced individual. And many fans fit this bill. Why attack Jermaine?

Mikejoefan, the family wants answers. Some are patient on the official investigation, some are not. I would bet that all are prepared to go by the independent investigation if the official one doesn't get the job done.

But those are different individuals with totally different personalities. You should never expect a monolithic "family view" from a family that big. Ain't gonna happen.

If you think so, then explain each of the siblings & parents stance on religion. Why is Jermaine a Muslim while Rebbie is still a Jehovah's Witness like Katherine? Why doesn't Janet follow any religion specifically? Why is LaToya no longer a Witness? What is Marlon's religion (it's a Christian one but not the Witnesses)? What is Joe's? What is Jackie's? What is Tito's? What is Randy's?

What was Michael's? He had been a Witness & seemed to be an unofficial one if you hear him talk about going door to door with Carlos Santana during the Invincible era. But he didn't have any specific religion either & seemed to have his own worldview.

What about the family's stance on gay people? Katherine AND Joe have expressed displeasure about homosexuality. Katherine from a religious aspect & Joe from a homophobic aspect. What do the siblings think about the issue? Janet supports gay people. Michael didn't disparage them. I'm sure LaToya has a large gay fanbase. But what does Marlon think? What about Rebbie? What about Jermaine? Jackie? Tito? Randy?

I remember a 1993 ABC PrimeTime Live interview with most of the Jackson family featuring Joe, Katherine, Rebbie, Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, and Randy. No Marlon, Michael, or Janet and LaToya was estranged from the family at this time (Jack Gordon).

The interviewer asked about what do they feel when Michael grabs his crotch in his dance routines.

Rebbie comes out immediately & says "I don't like that" while Tito, Jermaine & I think Randy try to explain that it's part of how he performs. She dug her heels in & said "I don't like that." Katherine didn't like it either but explained how it wasn't always this way. He started off holding his belt buckle.

See here (start at 2:22 to see crotch grab in question & reaction):

Right there is a classic sibling disagreement. They're not automatons. I can guarantee you some of them don't like the material in Janet's music.

It's gonna happen, Mikejoefan. In the end all they want is the truth.
John Lucas
just reading between the lines but guys BACK OFF OF JACKSON FAMILY!!
What's wrong with you, now you start to contest even the family??
If tomorrow turns out Katherine is coming on LKL and says sth you feel is not right....then what? trash her away , too??
C'mon now....
everyone will probably be on larry king by the time larry is finished with it. i respect jermaine and honestly in big families, its common for people to disagree, fight and have different perspectives. not everyones one big happy family and all getting along like they are the brady bunch
You know what. I FELT the same way. the exact same way. I even tried to block out those feelings and just pushed it to the back of my head. But now with me hearing some other things about jermaine introducing mike to tohme( and possibly married to tohme ex) and when this is the second or third that he has said NO ONE SHOULD CONTEST the will. im like:mello: Who are you talking about because katherine is the only one who is going against the execs on the will. So um why does he keep saying that about his mother.:doh: Also he is pushing for michael to be buried at neverL when mike left for a reason. And NeverL is not the only save place in the world. so um the question mark is back over his head for me and I'm WATCHing him closely.

Yeah that sums up what I feel too, I don't like to feel that way as it is Michael's brother but something about him just doesn't sit right with me...
everyone will probably be on larry king by the time larry is finished with it. i respect jermaine and honestly in big families, its common for people to disagree, fight and have different perspectives. not everyones one big happy family and all getting along like they are the brady bunch

Exactly, in families of 4 it can be similar I can't imagine a family that big and what disagreements would be like.