Jermaine Jackson on Larry King merged - Keep all here on this topic

It is indeed absurd.. I think that poster is cluess as to how long Karen has been working for Michael.
Re: Jermaine Jackson on Larry King (preview)

This is what bothers me about Jermain he doesn't answer any question really.....he says I dont know.....I think he knows..... He lies about everything....he says I dont know about the family autopsy report.

I agree with you. It's very annoying. I would rather he said, "No comment" Geeze!

La Toya would tell. LOL
Someone have to tell us what is going on... and Jaremaine is best person to do that. If he would not appear on any interview I'm sure we would be upsed about it too, so... don't say Jaremaine love media attention or something... I think this is very unfair.. we don't really know what is happening there so we shouldn't do that. He is brother of Michael and Michael loved him, I'm sure he wouldn't like to hear such things about his brother and family from us- fans.
If nobody from the family spoke fans wouldn't like that either and they would complain about the deafening silence. It's a case of damned if you do, damned if you don't.
If nobody from the family spoke fans wouldn't like that either and they would complain about the deafening silence. It's a case of damned if you do, damned if you don't.

That what I was trying to say :)
It is indeed absurd.. I think that poster is cluess as to how long Karen has been working for Michael.
so b/c i work for someone for a long time must mean im a good person?

bob jones worked w/ mj for over twenty yrs.....

were u on the boards after the trial and after everyone found out mj went to bahrain? were u a part of mjjsource? cuz fans who were know what was said. just it didn't feel right. her attacking him verbally on the INTERNET for no reason. just cuz he didn't bring her along an dleft everyone in the states. it sounded like the rant of a spoiled child

that being said, i don't think an hr long interview shouldbe done by someone who has restrictions on what they can say. if he literally doesn't know OR he's being told not to say, then what's the point of an interview?

he loved his brother. that's apparent BUT this whole 'strike while the iron is hot' doesn't apply inmj world. it didn't apply whenhe was alive and it certainly doesn't apply now.

they would welcome the same interview in a month's time or two month's time. nothing to discuss, nothing finalized, nothing done, mj's not buried, the only th ing that has been rectified was custody.

u stillgot ten other battles going on. so shouldn't the focus be on that and not on a charity single? he could've done a split show. maybe talk for a few mins and then lk have another speaker on. like talking heads or something who'llupdate everyone on the status of the mj investigation.

but an hr w/ nothing to say?:doh:
I'm glad Jermaine is speaking, it's nice to hear someone from the family speak up or even a close friend. I love that the proceeds are going to charity whether they are MJs charity or not. I think I heard that they will show the tribute on CNN.

ETA: JERMAINE HAS CHOSEN CNN to present The Tribute to a global audience.
That was on the website, I can't wait to see it.

Isn't it wonderful Mello?!

It's awesome...

Charity is long as someone gets it that needs it :)

Nothing but love for Jermaine. :wub:
If nobody from the family spoke fans wouldn't like that either and they would complain about the deafening silence. It's a case of damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Yup. Unfortunately some 'fans' don't know a FAN's place. A FAN will NEVER be his FAMILY
I don't blame Jermaine for not saying to much, bcuz he never knows when the lawyers may use what he says against his mom in court. They have yet to get everything settled and I assume once they do and the situation with the LAPD/DA possibly filing a case against the doctor(s), I think then the family will say more and really get some stuff off of their chests.

Exactly. This is about the POSITIVE and Mike's MESSAGE...the MESS can come later.
People are so harsh on Jermaine! Er, why? Did I miss something? From reading this thread I thought it was gonna be an awful awful interview. I just watched it and I didn't see that. People need to chill the fuck out. This is Michael's brother FFS. I think we're getting way ahead of ourselves.
I'm gonna reserve judgement on the whole tribute2009 thing until more info comes about. I didn't really like that Shawn though. It does seem a little bit fishy in that regard.

Shawn has Hollywood connections and is great with organizations.
um i don't think ANYONE would be upset, fan or otherwise if the family released a statement saying that they were going to stay silent until official reports came out.

just a few words, thanking everyone for support but at this time we feel the need to stay silent on this matter, mourn michael in private, and then wait for official reports to come out and then we will comment.


that's what a REAL spokesperson would do. not allow anyone and everyone to shout out conspiracy theories. hell, jermaine and latoya's version of mj don't even match. at least get it straight
just a question...

its ok for JRT, Halprin, Larry King's wife, Diana Dimond, Bashir, the entire media, the Chopra's to make money off Mike..

but when it comes to his family..............everyone is up in arms that they are earning $$$ with anything to do with Michael..

well, I have my opinions of some family members BUT they are Michael's foundation...
they are his blood.....and in their own way ... they loved Michael.......and all of them know him better than any of those other idiots on tv or book writer...

Michael was and is HUGE.... someone is going to make why not his family.............hell Michael is why they were rich in the 1st place....

I don't see any of his family members being a Judas to him...........they all are showing their concerns in their own way... even Joe...

lastly, I liked what Jermaine said about the executors... he said they are people they have know for many many years and they are doing an excellent job... and have already raised $100mil for the estate...

I can bet Michael glitter glove... that Michael was extremely clear headed when he did that will...............he know what he was doing.... and Jermaine says it... that those executors are following Michaels wishes...

to me Michael wanted his estate to be one of the biggest celeb/corporations in America...and was not just about sentiments..... if it was just about sentiments...a family member would be in charge...

his mother and kids will not have to work a day for the rest of their lives..............

Michael worked hard in life to take care of his family and for death he set it up to do the same......

RIP Michael get "nough" respect from me
just a question...

its ok for JRT, Halprin, Larry King's wife, Diana Dimond, Bashir, the entire media, the Chopra's to make money off Mike..

but when it comes to his family..............everyone is up in arms that they are earning $$$ with anything to do with Michael..

well, I have my opinions of some family members BUT they are Michael's foundation...
they are his blood.....and in their own way ... they loved Michael.......and all of them know him better than any of those other idiots on tv or book writer...

Michael was and is HUGE.... someone is going to make why not his family.............hell Michael is why they were rich in the 1st place....

I don't see any of his family members being a Judas to him...........they all are showing their concerns in their own way... even Joe...

lastly, I liked what Jermaine said about the executors... he said they are people they have know for many many years and they are doing an excellent job... and have already raised $100mil for the estate...

I can bet Michael glitter glove... that Michael was extremely clear headed when he did that will...............he know what he was doing.... and Jermaine says it... that those executors are following Michaels wishes...

to me Michael wanted his estate to be one of the biggest celeb/corporations in America...and was not just about sentiments..... if it was just about sentiments...a family member would be in charge...

his mother and kids will not have to work a day for the rest of their lives..............

Michael worked hard in life to take care of his family and for death he set it up to do the same......

RIP Michael get "nough" respect from me

Word. :)
Re: Jermaine Jackson on Larry King (preview)

the Jacksons tv site is to register for events from
sponsored by Jermaine - Thats
why his pic is there _ it should be there _ It was started by Jermaine
so of course he is Front and center - nothing wrong with it. Its just a
page to register for events broadcast online from the Jacksons

Now Here is the site to honor Michael and further Charity work
in Michaels name _ Someone needs to do it so who better than his brother ..


THE CONCEPT of The Tribute is that some of the world‘s leading artists will perform Michael Jackson‘s
greatest hits live on stage in an imperial setting, befitting the King of Pop. “I have invited many of the
most fascinating talents of our time”, Jermaine Jackson said, “and most of them have already confirmed
to perform in honor of my beloved brother”.

Presented by his brother Jermaine Jackson, it will pay homage to the exceptional artistry of this unique
genius and be a night to remember for millions of television viewers around the globe.

The TV special will be broadcast live. More than 85,000 people can attend the show and experience
the evening first hand.

The Tribute is conceived to be an annual event in the memory of the world’s leading entertainer
who died much too early.

So much negativity .. where it doesnt belong :angel:

Jermaine can NOT give out info about the autopsy .. it would
harm the investigation _so fans demanding that is unreasonable
and they are acting arrogant about it - :(

Jermaine is not going to speculate and cause more harm and unfounded
rumors _ he does just like Michael has always done he doesnt attack _plus he
just doesnt know everything going on _ His mother is in charge of all of that
right now and he cant say anything _ he may not know all the deatails as
he seems to be busy with positive work to honor Michael great deeds

What he is doing in this interview is lifting Michael up the sky and beyond _
He is Praising his brother and is not goin to let all the tabloid crap or speculation
get in the way of that - many seem to be ignoring all the positive things he stated
about MJ and still focus on the negative rumors circulation and completly ignoring
Mjs great work and legacy that Jermaine is trying to bring focus on _which was the
MAIN reaon for this interview for some reason many here are ignoring that
and dont care about that _ Its is very telling ..

It doesnt matter what charities_most likely more will be added
They all seem legit and like they are good charities _ Im sure
Michael would stand behind then .. We should'nt Nitpic

This is tribute to Honor Michael is a good thing :wub:

Exactly, let's stay positive b/c there are so many others who will be negative for us. If his fans are negative that adds fuel to their fire. Don't think they don't check up & know.
rasta, i totally dig what ur saying.

my point is NO ONE SHOULDBE TALKING. no one is countering his 'friends' when they wanna speak. one word that would've shut up oxman was y didn't u do anything? his mouth is so damn large, surely if the crap he was spewing was true, he would've said or done something.

instead, anyone and everyone who knew mj, for fiveminutes or five yrs, is on tv and no one is telling them to shutup. they can't quench their mj thirst for news and exclusives

if they care, they should all stfu and wait.
Shawn has Hollywood connections and is great with organizations.

Yeah, I understand that. But when asked why she was doing it she didn't mention Michael once. Maybe I was missing the point and this isn't just meant as a tribute to Michael but to charity as well. :scratch:
rasta, i totally dig what ur saying.

my point is NO ONE SHOULDBE TALKING. no one is countering his 'friends' when they wanna speak. one word that would've shut up oxman was y didn't u do anything? his mouth is so damn large, surely if the crap he was spewing was true, he would've said or done something.

instead, anyone and everyone who knew mj, for fiveminutes or five yrs, is on tv and no one is telling them to shutup. they can't quench their mj thirst for news and exclusives

if they care, they should all stfu and wait.

And this pretty much sums it up.
damn, lol

i mean, i think everyone should join forces. have one united statement, so to appease fans and media alike and show that they are truly concerned about mike but at the same time want to grieve and want to wait before passing judgement.

cuz all they'rereporting is toya screaming murder, tito saying this, jermaine saying that....just be united and hold ur tongue
That interview last night on Larry King was'nt necessary at all. Did we learn anything new really other than what has already been stated in the last interview he did at Neverland?
rasta, i totally dig what ur saying.

my point is NO ONE SHOULDBE TALKING. no one is countering his 'friends' when they wanna speak. one word that would've shut up oxman was y didn't u do anything? his mouth is so damn large, surely if the crap he was spewing was true, he would've said or done something.

instead, anyone and everyone who knew mj, for fiveminutes or five yrs, is on tv and no one is telling them to shutup. they can't quench their mj thirst for news and exclusives

if they care, they should all stfu and wait.

Great points!

I've been saying the same damn thing! I don't see anyone coming out to dispute the crap being spun by 'so called friends'. Get organised and come at this thing with logic. Some people are acting like chickens with their heads chopped off, with no direction. This family member saying this and then another contradicting is not doing any of them any good. Can't have Joe confirming that Omer is Michael's son and then at the same time Jermaine is saying he does'nt know about that.

Get it together.
damn, lol

i mean, i think everyone should join forces. have one united statement, so to appease fans and media alike and show that they are truly concerned about mike but at the same time want to grieve and want to wait before passing judgement.

cuz all they'rereporting is toya screaming murder, tito saying this, jermaine saying that....just be united and hold ur tongue

That is RUDE.

They are individuals with own feelings..

No one is doing a bit of harm.

Jermaine is nothing but LOVE. :cheeky:
That is RUDE.

They are individuals with own feelings..

No one is doing a bit of harm.

Jermaine is nothing but LOVE. :cheeky:

They are adding to the confusion and speculation and at a time like this with so much going on why would you want to do that??
There's enough confusion about MJ's death without adding all this extra mess onto it.
I don't have a problem with the family talking but 1. know what your talking about, 2. if you can't speak on anything why do an interveiw at all, like I said earlier its just being on TV for TV sake, 3, if you going to talk about MJ why not speak about him as a person, I've heard more about MJ as a person from the people he worked with or met randomly than his familiy since his death.
4. All of them doing interviews separately with one person saying one thing and another person saying another is hella confusing and adds to the circus.

There was no point in that interview other than to promote this charity he's doing and I won't even go there.
I also feel the people closest to Michael are the ones we are not hearing from and that's a good thing.
should I say it or not...It seems to me that another small star is beeing build right now on the shoulders of the Big One...I am not going to AU,prefer donate to Heal the World...
I would like to think that Jermaine doing this charity stuff is a way of dealing with his grief. Maybe doing this is helping him feel closer to Michael?