Jermaine Jackson on Larry King merged - Keep all here on this topic

How can Jermaine not know if Omar is Michael's son? Then he says that Joe isn't talking rubbish. He didn't say anything new, except the collaboration with Shawn. Btw, Larry's wife is too pretty to be married to him lol, and wow she's a singer?

Exactly.......he knows more than he is telling. This is part of what makes me not trust him.
Re: Jermaine Jackson on Larry King (preview)

I see someone is trying to use Michael for personal gain. If this is the reason it makes me sick

Gosh, I hope that's not the case :no: Well I guess if this is for charity, then I can't complain.
It's too bad we still haven't heard any word on Liz Taylor. I was suprised when Larry asked Jermaine if he knew how she was doing, and he didn't know. Not that he's a close friend of hers mind you, but it's just that Mike and her were sooo close. I would want to know how she was doing just as a family friend.

I think liz taylor was more close to mike than mikes own family ever were.
Some of you guys in here are way too harsh on Jermaine,here keeping MJ spirit and hard work alive,gosh you guys
It's too bad we still haven't heard any word on Liz Taylor. I was suprised when Larry asked Jermaine if he knew how she was doing, and he didn't know. Not that he's a close friend of hers mind you, but it's just that Mike and her were sooo close. I would want to know how she was doing just as a family friend.

I honestly think this tells me more about Liz than anything else.. I almost feel like those who were closest to MJ are the ones we AREN'T hearing from if that makes any sense...
I think liz taylor was more close to mike than mikes own family ever were.

I actually think you are correct.... he celebrated Christmas with her when his own family didnt even do that. I think she was his own personal friend.
I'm glad Jermaine is speaking, it's nice to hear someone from the family speak up or even a close friend. I love that the proceeds are going to charity whether they are MJs charity or not. I think I heard that they will show the tribute on CNN.

ETA: JERMAINE HAS CHOSEN CNN to present The Tribute to a global audience.
That was on the website, I can't wait to see it.
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Some of you in here have gotta be kidding me. Jermaine has done nothing wrong just stop it.
Some of you guys in here are way too harsh on Jermaine,here keeping MJ spirit and hard work alive,gosh you guys

Well if this is Jermains intentions then I will solute him, but the way the interview went plus the way the website looks......personal gain for Jermain and Larry King. Also if he is trying to do this then why not give Michael's charities a cut at the proceeds????
I actually think you are correct.... he celebrated Christmas with her when his own family didnt even do that. I think she was his own personal friend.

Yep. I think mike trusted her more than any one else in his life 100%
I think liz taylor was more close to mike than mikes own family ever were.

I have to agree, I remember someone (can't remember since there have been SOOO many people talking about Michael) said that the only person that knows the 100% honest to god truth is Liz Taylor. They had such a close bond, hell she was the kids god mohther! I have so much respect for her not talking about Michael. The only thing she has said is that she is still in mourning, and how she misses him. But she wants to keep what her and Michael to herself. THAT is a TRUE FRIEND! Sadly, I think right now the only TRUE friends that he may have had were Liz and Mac. The only two people who haven't said anything.
I dont know who to belive anymore though. I read in the newspaper today that the jackson family were the ones that stole the missing hard drives of with his songs on them and other missing item from mkes home.
They wrote that frank dileo said that in "rolling stones" interview
I have to agree, I remember someone (can't remember since there have been SOOO many people talking about Michael) said that the only person that knows the 100% honest to god truth is Liz Taylor. They had such a close bond, hell she was the kids god mohther! I have so much respect for her not talking about Michael. The only thing she has said is that she is still in mourning, and how she misses him. But she wants to keep what her and Michael to herself. THAT is a TRUE FRIEND! Sadly, I think right now the only TRUE friends that he may have had were Liz and Mac. The only two people who haven't said anything.

That is why i respect liz taylor so much as well.She knows what the right time for to have her say. She indeed a lady and a lady i will always respect
I dont know who to belive anymore though. I read in the newspaper today that the jackson family were the ones that stole the missing hard drives of with his songs on them and other missing item from mkes home.
They wrote that frank dileo said that in "rolling stones" interview

I don't think they stole anything. They are probably safeguarding it before anyone else takes claim to them.
I think this is great of Jermaine to do this tribute
From the site:
“We are planning an annual Tribute for Michael, the event in Vienna will be the first of its kind. I want to make people aware of the humanitarian side of Michael. I want to show them how his true emphasis wasn’t music, or performing; it was improving the world. Understand this, and you begin to understand the essence of who my brother was.”

I think it's awesome because people always focus on MJ as a great music icon/dancer but they never see his humanitarian side. This is something people will watch and maybe see MJ in a new light and not a person that just went broke spending his money on himself or as having an "eerie" relationship with children, but as the MJ we all know on this forum, I can't wait to watch it.

ETA: someone has already posted the videos of the interview
I don't know why, but I felt really uncomfortable when Jermaine sang on the Memorial. I can't put it in words, it was just like... It felt weird.

But that maybe says more about me than him, I don't know... but that was just how I felt and feel as soon as Jermaine starts to sing in any of the interviews or talking about Michael in a way that almost sounds like he's "guessing".
When he talked about the giving tree it sounded like he guessed which songs Michael wrote there, it sounded like he guessed why Michael loved that tree...

I'm not saying he's a bad person or anything, but I feel uncomfortable watching him talk about Michael from time to time.

Oh Please, guest what thats just your feelings. Maybe he sounds like he was guessing because allot of the questions LK ask him calls for him to be in Michael's thoughts, which he is unable to do. Hence the reason he is guessing.

When Jermaine sang at the memorial it was a very BEAUTIFULL gesture. What do you people think he was singing so that a producer could maybe recognize he can sing and offer him a record deal. He already had that.

I really don't know where you people come up with some of your ideas. I guest no matter what you do there will ALWAYS be someone that finds fault with what your doing, even if you had the best of intentions. It happened with Mike all his life.
I just want to ask if anyone could upload the full version?

or where is the full version?
Jermaine said that the proceeds of his new tribute single (a duet with Larry's wife Shawn King) and the tribute concert will go to Earthkids (Jermaine's foundation), the LK Cardiac Foundation, and the Larry Jones Feed the Children foundation.

Yah, I am wondering why the Heal the World foundation is not included there. That's Michael's foundation!

No it isnt Michaels charity _it went exempt and the people
who run it now - do not even do the same as Mj did with his

The charities Jermaine has chosen are something Mj would
approve of_ it is being done in Michaels name .. to honor him.
No one else will do this for Michael - this is to honor Michaels
legacy .. Michael cant do it - so who better than his brother.
certainly his is allowed some credit - for doing this ..
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Re: Jermaine Jackson on Larry King (preview)

Oh gosh. . . I hate to complain here. But why the heck is Jermaine's picture front and center on this webpage and Michael is off to the right hand bottom?

Umm. . i guess I need to know the purpose of this website.

becuase you are looking at the wrong site_that is not the tribute site _ just a site to register for events sponsored by Jermaine -so he should be front and center ... this is just a site to regesiter you email

go the the tribute site to see what is being done in Mjs
name -
omg what a waste of dvr space.

honestly, stfu EVERYONE, good, bad, family, friend, and the dude on the street till we get the official cause of death and autopsy release. honestly!

if u ain't gonna answer questions or 'u don't know' the answer, then y r u doing an interview where U KNOW IT"S GONNA BE ASKED?

is logic no longer available in that part of the world? i swear, each time i see lk i realize his age more and more.

and y didn't u promote this 'foundation' before mj's death? using this forum (lkl) to do it, and to not even have it go to something mj would've supported (like toya is doing) is confusing ot me
I just don't understand why Jermaine is pushing is own foundation "in honor of his brother" when his brother has his own foundation, Heal The World. I mean what better way to honor Michael than to support his own foundation which you know was dear to his heart?