Jermaine Jackson on Larry King merged - Keep all here on this topic

Re: Jermaine Jackson on Larry King (preview)

You can register for updates as well here. I registered myself.

Oh gosh. . . I hate to complain here. But why the heck is Jermaine's picture front and center on this webpage and Michael is off to the right hand bottom?

Umm. . i guess I need to know the purpose of this website.
Re: Jermaine Jackson on Larry King (preview)

I think pretty well the entire Jackson family know what's taking place behind the scenes, yet they just wanna ensure that they have all their facts straight before giving out any information. There still is an investigation taking place, and besides you wouldn't want any info missinterpreted or taken out of context.

With regards to Katherine being in charge of various events etc going on during the investigation etc, she is the mother of the family, the strong-hold and all of the childern seem to respect her decisions etc. She also knows that the main thing right now, is to find out what happened to Michael, and the safety and protection of the childern.
Re: Jermaine Jackson on Larry King (preview)

"The Tribute is conceived to be an annual event in the memory of the world’s leading entertainer who died much too early." ...

I don't really have any comments. It's after 4am and I'm so tired I'm about to pass out. Just thought this was interesting.

Tickets for Vienna go on sale in 12 days, it says.

WTF... they have a picture of Signature on the main page that you'd think is Michael at first glance... lol... goodnight everyone... :snore:
Re: Jermaine Jackson on Larry King (preview)

Oh gosh. . . I hate to complain here. But why the heck is Jermaine's picture front and center on this webpage and Michael is off to the right hand bottom?

Umm. . i guess I need to know the purpose of this website.

hmmmm......I am a bit baffled myself. I see someone is trying to use Michael for personal gain. If this is the reason it makes me sick
Re: Jermaine Jackson on Larry King (preview)

fly away is all i listen to and i am amazed how great that song is...and here he is singing it, and telling MIchael how he loved what he did with this song.
Re: Jermaine Jackson on Larry King (preview) Keep all here on this topic

Great a tribute! Its 4.30 right now, so I don't really know what to think about it..

But why is Jermaines foundation up there and not Michaels? Like HTW or some other foundation he used to donate to?
Re: Jermaine Jackson on Larry King (preview)

I see someone is trying to use Michael for personal gain. If this is the reason it makes me sick

this is upsetting. :\ i don't think jermaine coded the website himself, so, i don't think we can necessarily pin this on him like this.

i didn't get to see the interview. why is everyone wary of jermaine now? :\ just because of his wife's history?
Re: Jermaine Jackson on Larry King (preview)

"The Tribute is conceived to be an annual event in the memory of the world’s leading entertainer who died much too early." ...

I don't really have any comments. It's after 4am and I'm so tired I'm about to pass out. Just thought this was interesting.

Tickets for Vienna go on sale in 12 days, it says.

WTF... they have a picture of Signature on the main page that you'd think is Michael at first glance... lol... goodnight everyone... :snore:

So basically Jermaine is promoting that.
i also feel mixed up by the whole tribute thing when i really try to think about it.
the man is not even burried yet....
Hmmm, i need to sleep now....tommorow my head wil be a bit clearer i hope.
Re: Jermaine Jackson on Larry King (preview) Keep all here on this topic

A great a tribute! Its 4.30 rihgt now, so I don't really know what to think about it..

But why is Jermaines foundation up there and not Michaels? Like HTW or some other foundation he used to donate to?

Yo, can you delete your sig (jk). I always want to go to dunkin donuts everytime I see it, :rofl:
Re: Jermaine Jackson on Larry King (preview)

"The Tribute is conceived to be an annual event in the memory of the world’s leading entertainer who died much too early." ...

I don't really have any comments. It's after 4am and I'm so tired I'm about to pass out. Just thought this was interesting.

Tickets for Vienna go on sale in 12 days, it says.

WTF... they have a picture of Signature on the main page that you'd think is Michael at first glance... lol... goodnight everyone... :snore:

ok thank you for the go to sleep! you owe it to yourself.
michael needs to be front and center, i like jermaine and all but come on, michael at the bottom where i had to scroll to even see him????
Jermaine said that the proceeds of his new tribute single (a duet with Larry's wife Shawn King) and the tribute concert will go to Earthkids (Jermaine's foundation), the LK Cardiac Foundation, and the Larry Jones Feed the Children foundation.

Yah, I am wondering why the Heal the World foundation is not included there. That's Michael's foundation!
Re: Jermaine Jackson on Larry King (preview)

So I'm not the only one that things something fishy is going on? I can't put my finger on what it is, but something just doesn't feel right about this to me. I wish I didn't have that feeling but I do. I'll reserve judgment or commenting further at this time..

do you mean something fishy about this conert or interview? or the investigation?
Re: Jermaine Jackson on Larry King (preview)

fly away is all i listen to and i am amazed how great that song is...and here he is singing it, and telling MIchael how he loved what he did with this song.

Exactly...this is Michael's why is Jermain using it???? Like I said personal gain. oooooooo sooooo angry.
Re: Official MJ Tribute Concert Website (Vienna, Austria)

I wish they'd do something like that in the US as well. I'd love to go. :(

Same here. My only comfort is that it may be an annual event. Gives me even more reason to travel internationally (something I've always wanted to do). I'd better start saving now!

I just wish there was a way to have a worldwide gathering, something like Jermaine spoke of last time on LKL.
It is like Jermaine is loving the attention IMO

ITA. . . :(

I am sure Jermaine means well and he has been vocal to the media to stop calling Michael those crappy names because Michael was a human being. But with that song, the concert, these two new websites, etc. . . i just get a feeling. . . I don't want to say it, sorry.

Fact is that Michael has always been the one in the spotlight all his life, Jermaine was always in Michael's shadow.
It is like Jermaine is loving the attention IMO

I don't know why, but I felt really uncomfortable when Jermaine sang on the Memorial. I can't put it in words, it was just like... It felt weird.

But that maybe says more about me than him, I don't know... but that was just how I felt and feel as soon as Jermaine starts to sing in any of the interviews or talking about Michael in a way that almost sounds like he's "guessing".
When he talked about the giving tree it sounded like he guessed which songs Michael wrote there, it sounded like he guessed why Michael loved that tree...

I'm not saying he's a bad person or anything, but I feel uncomfortable watching him talk about Michael from time to time.
How can Jermaine not know if Omar is Michael's son? Then he says that Joe isn't talking rubbish. He didn't say anything new, except the collaboration with Shawn. Btw, Larry's wife is too pretty to be married to him lol, and wow she's a singer?
It's too bad we still haven't heard any word on Liz Taylor. I was suprised when Larry asked Jermaine if he knew how she was doing, and he didn't know. Not that he's a close friend of hers mind you, but it's just that Mike and her were sooo close. I would want to know how she was doing just as a family friend.
I don't know why, but I felt really uncomfortable when Jermaine sang on the Memorial. I can't put it in words, it was just like... It felt weird.

But that maybe says more about me than him, I don't know... but that was just how I felt and feel as soon as Jermaine starts to sing in any of the interviews or talking about Michael in a way that almost sounds like he's "guessing".
When he talked about the giving tree it sounded like he guessed which songs Michael wrote there, it sounded like he guessed why Michael loved that tree...

I'm not saying he's a bad person or anything, but I feel uncomfortable watching him talk about Michael from time to time.

agreed!!! No its not you Jermain also made me feel uncomfortable. I have always liked Jermain. But right now he is acting a little shady. He does appear to be guessing on alot of things as though he has no clue. It makes me wonder how much time he and Michael actually spent together it doesn't seem like much. because he answers questions with his typical "I dont know" answer.