Janet Jackson : 'Dr Murray killed my Brother'

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yes she did, this is what she said in Essence magazine a few years ago

"The Michael I knew best was teenage Michael. He inspired me. As adults, we rarely meet, but when we do, it's not as strangers, but as a loving brother and sister whose knowledge of each other is rooted in the past, not the present. We cherish dear memories, we sympathize over the single missing element of our childhood - the fact that our childhood never existed."

they loved each other very much and I know Michael was so proud and so fond of his little sister, but I don't think they were as close as people think, to me Michael seemed like a very lonely man and not because he wanted to be lonely


Randy's team of lawyers and accountants during the trial was sued in december 2006
Jackson drops ex-accountant claim

Pop star Michael Jackson has dropped a lawsuit against an accounting firm he claimed made unauthorised deals.

It is not known whether the singer, who alleged negligence and breach of trust, has agreed a settlement with Bernstein, Fox, Whitman, Goldman & Sloan.

Mr Jackson sued the firm in December 2006 claiming it was late paying taxes he owed, as well as entering into contracts without his permission.

The company attempted to countersue the star but the action was dismissed.

The firm claimed the singer owed nearly $1m (£502,000) in unpaid bills.

Mr Jackson has maintained a low profile since his June 2005 acquittal on child sex abuse charges in California.

His lawyers could not immediately be reached for comment.


World of Jax & robbers

Singer says his brother and pal tried to cheat him out of fortune


Sunday, June 17th 2007, 4:00 AM [/B]

Michael Jackson claims he was nearly swindled out of his fortune during his kiddie-sex trial and only the wise counsel of the Rev. Jesse Jackson and billionaire Ron Burkle saved him.

The behind-the-scenes battle over the pop star's finances is detailed in a sworn deposition he gave for a federal lawsuit scheduled to go to trial this week.

There is a possibility that Jackson himself might even be called to testify.

The seven hours of transcripts obtained by the Daily News reveal that the agitated entertainer was convinced his money woes were fueled by a cadre of disloyal advisers who stole from him while he was busy fighting criminal charges.

The Gloved One even fingered a man close to his older brother Randy as a key villain.

It was an ordeal that left Jackson bitter about the industry in which he's spent his entire life.

"It's full of sharks, charlatans and imposters," he said in testimony taken last summer in Paris.

"Because there's a lot of money involved, there's a bunch of schmucks in there," Jackson said. "It's the entertainment world, full of thieves and crooks. That's not new. Everybody knows that."

A Santa Maria, Calif., jury acquitted him of child molestation charges in June 2005, after which he retreated into the seclusion of his Neverland ranch.

But during breaks in the trial, Jackson says he was being pressured to sign off on a multimillion-dollar financing deal by Don Stabler, an associate brought in by brother Randy, his go-to guy on financial matters during much of his career.

Jackson initially took a liking to Stabler after Randy introduced them.

"He reminded me of people that live in mid-America like Indiana," Jackson testified.

Stabler was persistent, at one point during the trial sending a message through one of Jackson's Nation of Islam security guards that questioned the singer's faithfulness to his African-American heritage.

It was a sore point for someone who has denied he purposely lightened his skin.

By then, Jackson had turned to Burkle, the billionaire pal of former President Bill Clinton, for financial help. Burkle brought in Jesse Jackson, who's known Michael Jackson since his Jackson 5 days, to help with the consultation.

Burkle was calling him on the cell phone during bathroom breaks, warning him not to sign anything, Michael Jackson said.

Stabler wasn't happy, Jackson said.

"[Stabler] said, 'What's the problem? You're not down, you're with the Jews now. You're not down with blacks anymore,'" Jackson testified.

"It was unkind," Jackson added. "It was mean. It was meanspirited. It was nasty. Simply because he couldn't get me to sign something that he wanted me to sign."

The next time Jackson saw Stabler "he wanted to take my head off." And his brother Randy wasn't too happy, either.

Randy later claimed that Jackson and his staff had run up a $700,000 bill on his American Express card during the trial, which Jackson said he would repay.

It wasn't the first time that Stabler teamed with Randy in trying to get him to sign off on a deal, Jackson claimed.

At a meeting in a bungalow at the Neverland ranch, Jackson said he had his mother at his side when he fought off another proposal.

"And I vehemently told them, 'No, I am not signing this,'" Jackson recalled. "And I just remember how angry, the intensity of the anger in the room. And so they marched out."

Jackson made his comments when he was grilled by lawyers for the Hackensack, N.J., finance company that is suing the singer in Manhattan Federal Court. The firm, Prescient Acquisition, is owned by businessman Darien Dash, who claims Jackson stiffed his company out of $48 million.

According to Dash's lawyer Steven Altman, Dash was due the money for helping Jackson refinance a $272 million bank loan and secure $573 million in financing to buy out Sony's half of the Beatles' song catalogue that Jackson co-owned.

But Jackson claimed he's never heard of Dash, a cousin of hip-hop impresario Damon Dash, and doesn't remember signing any agreement.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/gossip/2007/06/17/2007-06-17_world_of_jax__robbers_.html#ixzz0XFxEU7Nq

13 days later look what Roger wrote :

Friday, June 29, 2007

By Roger Friedman

***** Family's Urgent 'SOS' to Lawyer

Michael Jackson’s siblings — including Janet — and his parents are so worried about the failing pop star that they’ve sent out an emergency 911 call.

Sources tell me that the Jacksons are in the process of contacting Thomas Mesereau, the superstar criminal lawyer who won Jackson an acquittal two years ago in his child molestation trial.

The word from the Jacksons is that they’ve met several times as a family and discussed bringing Mesereau in for an intervention to save Michael.

Mesereau, who did not return calls to this column, is said to be open to finding out what Jackson’s true mental and health status is at this point. If he doesn’t like what he sees, the Jacksons will ask him to do something legal to save their brother’s life.
Jackson, according to insiders, is in perilous health right now. There is talk that his liver is damaged and that he’s been seen vomiting blood, although there’s no confirmation of that.

What has been confirmed is that Jackson — whose penchant for prescription meds and alcohol is well-known — is depressed, alone and mixing ingredients instead of making a new album or working.

But it’s the two-year isolation from friends and family that worried the Jacksons enough to consider including Mesereau in the conversation, sources tell me. The culprits are said to be publicist/manager Raymone Bain and aide de camp/nanny Grace Rwaramba.

For instance: this column has now learned that Bain has brought Rev. Jesse Jackson on in some kind of executive capacity in Michael’s businesses.

Bain and Jesse Jackson have a long relationship, so this is no surprise. But two years ago, Mesereau — sensing trouble — removed Bain and asked Jesse Jackson to leave after he arrived in Santa Maria, Calif., to grandstand at Michael’s trial.

It was Jesse Jackson who two years ago caused an avalanche in Michael’s finances. Jesse Jackson, sources say, interfered in Michael’s business by attempting to call Bank of America president Ken Lewis to complain that Michael was being “ripped off” in some way over his $270 million.

Lewis refused to speak with Jesse Jackson. He was so annoyed by Jackson’s interference that he ordered the banker in charge of the account to sell the loans to Fortress Investments.

The result was a sale and subsequent refinancing that put Jackson another $50 million in the red. Jesse Jackson at the time had convinced Michael that business partners Alvin Malnik and Charles Koppelman’s plan to bail out the singer was no good.

But in hindsight, he was wrong. Under the original plan, Jackson would only have sold half his interest in the Beatles’ catalog to Sony. Now, next May, thanks to the Fortress deal, he will have to dispose of all of it.

The Jacksons 5 Slated to Tour in 2008?

November 16, 2007 04:02:24 GMT

A concert promoter who has worked with Michael Jackson said that he's arranging a comeback tour for the Jacksons family which wasn't turned down.

The biggest reunion in music history may happen soon, should all members of the Jacksons say a definite yes to Leonard Lowe. The concert promoter has revealed that he is currently trying to approach each member of the family to begin a tour next year.

Rowe who arranged Michael Jackson's tour in late '70s, told Atlanta Journal Constitution that he had been planning this reunion since April. Michael did not reject the idea but refuse to conduct the tour this year saying that "it would take a lot of preparation".

Rowe continued, "His brothers are ready. Janet is ready. But the motor of that car that makes the car run, isn't just yet." The Jacksons 5 officially disbanded in 1990 and their latest album was 1989's '2300 Jackson Street'.

Jackson family stands up for Michael
They dismiss reports of the singer’s alleged dependency on drugs

Access Hollywood
updated 8:00 p.m. ET Sept. 10, 2007
LOS ANGELES - Michael Jackson’s mother and four of his brothers have formed a united front in dismissing reports of his alleged dependency on pain killers and alcohol.
An open letter to the media, signed by Katherine Jackson and sons Tito, Jermaine, Marlon and Jackie, responds to what the family views as “troubling and heinous” rumors about Michael.

An attempted drug intervention and takeover of Michael’s business affairs are among the rumors denied by the family in the letter, which also takes aim at quoted “sources” believed to be making false claims for profit.


who's missing ? Randy and his sister janet who believes everything her brother tells her .
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now tell janet to shut up please , if anything her new story only prove one thing she supported Randy and probably believed him when mj accused him of stealing and that's why mj seemed "addict" to her . he was out of his mind when he accused her beloved brother randy of stealing his money and conspiring against him . to even think this is the family prince , paris and blanket are living with just makes me sick .
and please..folks...we are hoping for no family bashing..but...at the same time...let us not think that family is automatically close...and that they know each other well, through every aspect of their lives..

the bottom line is...we don't know nothin.
now tell janet to shut up please , if anything her new story only prove one thing she supported Randy and probably believed him when mj accused him of stealing and that's why mj seemed "addict" to her . he was out of his mind when he accused her beloved brother randy of stealing his money and conspiring against him . to even think this is the family prince , paris and blanket are living with just makes me sick .

It's true she's close to Randy.. she's always made it clear.
PPB won't be kids forever they'll grow up and realize everything, the sooner the better for them.

Rowe continued, "His brothers are ready. Janet is ready. But the motor of that car that makes the car run, isn't just yet.
The motor is DEAD, and EVERYONE Family/non FAMILY/''Friends'' EVERYONE needs to leave him alone.
I just knew when I heard her this morning on GMA that all hell was gonna break loose media wise. I now the interview has'nt aired in its entirety, but if in the past she has choosen not to speak about Michael to the media, then if you're gonna choose your words wisely to avoid assumptions.

Oh lord Michael......
We'll I'm not going to sit here and say MJ was an addict because I certainly haven't been privy to any primary, firsthand knowledge of it but let's be clear, Janet knew her brother better than anyone on this board did so let's not go bashing Janet because she said something in the interview that we may not like.

And also for the record, propofol isn't exactly something that is safe or reasonable to be administered in a home setting to treat insomnia.

exactly. it's not like Murray forced the Propofol on Michael. he asked for it. repeatedly. he had severe insomnia. he thought the Propofol would be safe once administered correctly by Dr. Death. I also hold Dr. Neil Ratner responsible for putting that idea of Propofol being safe into Michael's head in the first place.

But, basically, Michael is not without some responsibility here. can we please not lie to ourselves? I feel so sad, and I am mad as hell at Dr. Murray, but I am not going to say Michael was not at all responsible for what happened.
I see a clash of MJ fans vs. JJ fans about to erupt!

I know what Michael Jackson has meant to me over the past 25 years and nothing anybody says, including Janet, that I may or may not like, will ever get me to change the way I feel about him.
All I am going to say on this matter is that you can "believe" or "assume" anything, but in the end the facts are the facts. I am going to take the medical report's findings over Janet. I love Janet, I have all of her albums, and I do feel she cared deeply for her brother and was concerned. Considering all the BS and crap that was swirling around him for the last 16 years, it's understandable. Hell, even ex-wife LMP thought he was on drugs at the end of their marriage because he was "acting weird" or whatever, and the doctor did tests and told her he wasn't, and she STILL didn't believe it. She left the hospital back in 1995 NOT believing the medical facts. So that should tell you something about how one can convince oneself of something, and be so sure of something and then be proved wrong only to refuse to believe it.

However, that being said, if Michael had been this strung out addict or an addict period for the period of time that has been reported or believed, his internal and major internal organs would NOT and I repeat that, they WOULD NOT have been deemed "normal" in the Autopsy report. Period. This is medical fact. Both my aunt and my grandmother have both actually admitted this, and they are both trained nurses and have a great deal of medical knowledge. And has anyone else noticed that the whole hoopla over Michael and his supposed drug use has pretty much all but died since the autopsy report was leaked? Exactly. The people in the media even seemed SHOCKED by the report for what IT DIDN'T say. Did Michael have an issue with pain killer addiction in the past? Yes. He admitted it and got help for it. Was he a junkie, a strung out addict? No he wasn't, and the autopsy report supports that. So yeah, END OF STORY.

Michael was an insomniac! And added on top of that all the pressure, scrutiny, criticism, the allegations, the trial, etc. can you imagine how the affected Michael? I mean I love Janet to pieces, and I know she has and always will love her brother, but she cannot even BEGIN to understand what he was living with or the kind of crap he had to deal with. This junk just made his insomnia worse. Anyone who has ever had insomnia or has had a loved one with it understands what it does to a person. It's horrible. I know this as I have a close loved one who actually lives with it. It's not fun.

In the end all Michael wanted and needed was sleep, and some crack doctor screwed up and well...we all know what happened next. That's it.

I'll be watching the interview too btw.
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One word to Janet: disappointment.

Sorry, but for me there is no difference between LaToya and Janet.
Oh so i guess Janet in the shit house on here becuz told what happen and what she knows. WOW SOME OF YALL are DUMBASSES
I'm gonna wait to see the entire interview before i post my thoughts. but for now, all i can say is i am shocked she gave the media something to run with.
even ex-wife LMP thought he was on drugs at the end of their marriage because he was "acting weird" or whatever, and the doctor did tests and told her he wasn't, and she STILL didn't believe it. She left the hospital back in 1995 NOT believing the medical facts. So that should tell you something about how one can convince oneself of something, and be so sure of something and then be proved wrong only to refuse to believe it.

Really? Also potpot, the name calling isn't really necessary is it? No, come on everyone let's agree to disagree and discuss respectfully with out calling some people or groups of people names.
Michael Jackson has always been, and always will be the last one, anyone believes on anything. yet, he has the most successful career. when he wrote 'childhood', he said 'no one understands me'. that is painfully clear.

and i love how everybody claims that Michael has people that know him better than we do...but everybody claims that nobody knows them better than themselves. nobody on this board wants anyone to say that another person knows them better than they themselves know themselves. but it's ok to say other people knew Michael, better than he knew himself.

and i love the dichotomy of this board. post all the lightningrod topics, and hope everybody keeps the peace.

leave the judgement, of what really happened...to God. He's the only one who knows.


Janet Jackson doesn't know Michael Jackson. deal with it.

that's my controversial statement for the day.
She is entitled to say whatever she wants. If she feels that way, it's her problem, however she wasn't living in his house or seeing him for that matter. Most of the people have a drug problem in America nowadays, it's not a crime. It doesn't shock me.
Funny how some fans act like they knew MJ personally or for that matter knew him more then Janet does :lmao:

Delusional, much?
Funny how some fans act like they knew MJ personally or for that matter knew him more then Janet does :lmao:

Delusional, much?

you don't read posts, much, do you?

if you can't keep from attacking someone, personally, maybe you should refrain.

the majority of people here are trying to say NO ONE knows Michael Jackson. except Michael Jackson.

perhaps your family members know you better than you know yourself, too.

you should stop with your indirect judging.
Funny how some fans act like they are blind and can not accept that Janet spoke nonsense.

Delusional, much?
Funny how some fans act like they are blind and can not accept that Janet spoke nonsense.

Delusional, much?

It's only delusional to the fans that don't want to accept the truth. I'm glad she didn't hold her tongue :)

Kudos to Janet
Janet Jackson doesn't know Michael Jackson. deal with it.

I agree with you here.

i love janet, but i don't think really knew what was going on with mike. i think she just assumed things. she was asked if michael was in denial and the first thing she says is "i wish he could answer that question and not me" because obviously she doesn't know, she's just assuming.

i believe they loved each other tremendously, but weren't as close as people think. during her 98' interview with oprah, she said michael and her would go a year or so without talking or seeing each other. but it was ok, because they both understood how busy they are. but when they would talk or see each other it was fun and loving.
funny that according to the articles will posted janet did not see Michael after he left to Bahrain to form an opinion whether he was addict or not , she was told he cut off the family so he must have been on drugs .

why people ignore facts , janet did not even see her brother for two years when she tried to step for help . how could she know he was addicted to painkillers or anything else ?
I would love the family to divulge what kind of addictions MJ had. I hear all the time about interventions being staged but no word of what kind of addiction. Was it painkillers, what was it???

Or is it just being said to further a means to another end? And what would be the purpose of saying this on air? What really is the purpose? So MJ can have the title of perennial drug addict to the child molester title??

WOW. I don't get it.
I agree with you here.

i love janet, but i don't think really knew what was going on with mike. i think she just assumed things. she was asked if michael was in denial and the first thing she says is "i wish he could answer that question and not me" because obviously she doesn't know, she's just assuming.

i believe they loved each other tremendously, but weren't as close as people think. during her 98' interview with oprah, she said michael and her would go a year or so without talking or seeing each other. but it was ok, because they both understood how busy they are. but when they would talk or see each other it was fun and loving.

yes. i remember those interviews.

i love my mother, and am very close to her. and i have seen her almost all the time. but i still don't know her, and i constantly ask her to tell me stories about her. when people keep to themselves, how can others make assumptions about them?

people assume that blood equals knowledge. wrong assumption.
funny that according to the articles will posted janet did not see Michael after he left to Bahrain to form an opinion whether he was addict or not , she was told he cut off the family so he must have been on drugs .

why people ignore facts , janet did not even see her brother for two years when she tried to step for help . how could she know he was addicted to painkillers or anything else ?

That was in 2006.
*sigghhhhh* I'll wait to see the entire interview. A little more than an hour left. I'm a bit worried about this now. I wonder if Robin Roberts will ask if they knew that MJ had severe insomia or mention the leaked autopsy report which says his liver was normal. I wonder if Jan knows these things. If Roberts had done her research she would have known this instead of going from the 'MJ is a drug addict angle.' But it is just a clip (it could be chopped up) and maybe for all we know Jan clarifies. I think this is what most people are concerned about: Janet not clarifying and Roberts making it sound like MJ was addicted to prescription pills at the time of his death.
Why so bitter? What did she say that was so wrong?

Everyone can see that what Janet did was not the right thing.

If what she says is true, she should know that the press would attack his brother.

If what she said happened a long time ago, she should have clarified.

I was very sad. I think she has betrayed the memory of his brother only to sell an album.

But I hope I'm wrong.
what i know is, Michael Jackson seems to be the only person on this planet that didn't judge people. it says a lot. usually, the more judgmental you are, the less clean your own slate is. and the less judgemental you are, the cleaner your own slate is.
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