Janet Jackson : 'Dr Murray killed my Brother'

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thats exactly what its like for the fans imo. you would see him in the flesh maybe once or twice a year on mj hotel trips etc. but the rest of the year u just waited on pictures or articles about him going shopping somewhere or attendingsome event. i remember back in the late 90's when sometimes u could go months without a sighting or pictures. sometimes u try and think thats whats happeneing now but u know in your heart its no but its easy to be in that type of denial if u want to be

Thats exactly how it feels Elusive. Its just that this time as you said we all know we won't be seeing him popping up at some store shopping or some music event anymore.:(

And thats still so hard for me to accept.....MJ has always been apart of my life from the age of 10 and I keep asking myself, what now?
Thats exactly how it feels Elusive. Its just that this time as you said we all know we won't be seeing him popping up at some store shopping or some music event anymore.:(

And thats still so hard for me to accept.....MJ has always been apart of my life from the age of 10 and I keep asking myself, what now?
Sad isnt it? And think of the fans including who were about to meet him on this tour.
You are too kind!!! I will not let Murray walk as a free man. I'll make him pay for what he had done! If I could I would even give him the primary penalty, but to be nicer, I'll just send him to jail.

One of the "jobs" that prisoners can have while in jail is making license plates. That's what I meant. At least that's how it is in the U.S. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if somebody killed him in prison.
Know this isnt the most important thing, but I thought Janet were shooting her movie (Why did I get married too) in Atlanta (?) when she found out about he had passed away, and not in New York. Didnt Tyler Perry also confirm that?

I might be wrong
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I know I'm late with this but When I saw Janet this Morn for a preview of tonight's show with Robin Roberts,I felt like crying allover again when she said what she believed.And I don't blame her for saying it. I'll be watching tonight. Michael's spirit will be among us while we all watch Janet tonight.
Thats exactly how it feels Elusive. Its just that this time as you said we all know we won't be seeing him popping up at some store shopping or some music event anymore.:(

And thats still so hard for me to accept.....MJ has always been apart of my life from the age of 10 and I keep asking myself, what now?

exactly very true
this is very disappointing, but in a way I kind of expected this from her too
now his own family calls him a drug addict? based on what? when they barely even saw him or knew anything about what was going on in his life?
just because they couldn't get access to him whenever they wanted something from him doesn't mean it had anything to do with drug abuse, I think it had more to do with the pressure of the family to do a reunion tour

this is what they were saying back in 2007

so which one is it? I'm guessing they lied back in 2007 right?
well done janet. i thought of all the fmaily members she had the savy and brains not to get taken in by the medias agenda. with friends like this who needs enemies.
I am so disappointed. janet's talk only help murray get more compassion from public, and put more blame on michael. Michael jackson was killed by lethal amount of propofol, which is administrated by the stupid doctor. this is the reason he died! the "drug addiction", "painkiller" things had nothing to do with investigation and michael's death. did she read the autopsy? Maybe the family put more attention on Michael's money or their personal fame. Several times of intervention? I am so curious how come the long term drug addict like the media and his own family portrayed could have the healthy organs and the overall health.
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We'll I'm not going to sit here and say MJ was an addict because I certainly haven't been privy to any primary, firsthand knowledge of it but let's be clear, Janet knew her brother better than anyone on this board did so let's not go bashing Janet because she said something in the interview that we may not like.

And also for the record, propofol isn't exactly something that is safe or reasonable to be administered in a home setting to treat insomnia.
As for the intervention stories, Janet never gave a date when these actually happen. It could had been around a period when he did have problems with medication. She also never said that Michael cut them off or he was in denial. When asked she only said that "I wish he was here to tell you himself" and maybe he was in partial denial.

Also, she could had meant that there was times when she was worried about Michael and thought he maybe on something. Michael did have the habit of cutting himself from the world, have to reminded to eat, and tended not to sleep. This sounds like someone who may had a drug problem, so Janet checked on him. That is pretty much what an intervention is, despite popular belief. She may of had added the the entire family to save face for them. It would look bad if Janet said that she was the only one who checked up on him.

We do not know, but Janet is not the type who would downright lie for the sake of family. She is also not one to give into media or family pressure. They maybe some truth to her statement, but we may never know.
We'll I'm not going to sit here and say MJ was an addict because I certainly haven't been privy to any primary, firsthand knowledge of it but let's be clear, Janet knew her brother better than anyone on this board did so let's not go bashing Janet because she said something in the interview that we may not like.

And also for the record, propofol isn't exactly something that is safe or reasonable to be administered in a home setting to treat insomnia.

its well known mj had issues in 93 and the early 00's whats thats gotta do with murray killing him? its a shame they arent as intrested in talking about his insomnia. but they just fall into the media trap of trying to make mj look lie a druggie who died like elvis and others. jury tainting at its best

As for the intervention stories, Janet never gave a date when these actually happen. It could had been around a period when he did have problems with medication. She also never said that Michael cut them off or he was in denial. When asked she only said that "I wish he was here to tell you himself" and maybe he was in partial denial.
thats the problem tito did the exact same thing. talked about interventions and the media acted as it it happened now and not years ago and was directly connected to his death.she shouldnt be talking about it all cause it obvious what the medias agenda is. at least make it clear as to when it was instead of letting ppl run with it
its well known mj had issues in 93 and the early 00's whats thats gotta do with murray killing him? its a shame they arent as intrested in talking about his insomnia. but they just fall into the media trap of trying to make mj look lie a druggie who died like elvis and others. jury tainting at its best

She specially asked Janet about Michael's drug problems and she answer as honestly. She didn't say that he had problems in recent years. Janet said that he may had a problem with drugs and the family talked to him about it. Although, I think it was Janet alone checking up on him since she and her mother were the only ones who could talk to Michael personally. You cannot blame the media for twisting her words because she told the truth to a question.

Also, she you are only commenting on one part of the interview. She said quite clearly, which is the title of this forum, that Murray killed Michael. Even if he was an addict, Murray personally injected the drugs into him. In court, even if Michael ask for the drugs, that is not a reasonable excuse.

It would be no different if someone gave you a gun and then they ask you to shot them. If you actually go through with it, you will not get off just because the person ask or if they were mentally disturb. So, this is not like Elvis who had over 20 drugs in his system when he died by several different doctors.
janet figured that talking about Dupri " he takes me to places Ive never gone before" won't help her sell alot .

I bet my own life , janet herself takes meds daily more than mj'd ever done.

janet please the next time you promot your already flop album make sure to tell the interviewer the supposed interventions your family tried to do were everytime your mama called mj to ask for money or tour with the brothers and her demands fall on deaf ears .
She specially asked Janet about Michael's drug problems and she answer as honestly. She didn't say that he had problems in recent years. Janet said that he may had a problem with drugs and the family talked to him about it. Although, I think it was Janet alone checking up on him since she and her mother were the only ones who could talk to Michael personally. You cannot blame the media for twisting her words because she told the truth to a question.
well she should know better and use the same discretion she uses in her own life when talking about her brother. once again the family do more harm than good. are they feeling guilty so would rather blame what went on years ago rather that the facts of mj insomnia and thats why they dont even talk about it yet have no problems going on about issues that are irrelevent to what happened and only help to taint potential jurrors and the rest of the public
I bet my own life , janet herself takes meds daily more than mj's ever did .
janets doc got done for prescribing her drugs under false names. maybe she should talk about that.? the frustration of seeing mj dragged through the mud because of the incompentcy of his family and janet of all ppl drives me mad.
even if Michael ask for the drugs, that is not a reasonable excuse.
no its not but having a jury member who thinks mj was a druggie anyway and was asking for it as murray s defence will be.well the family are helping that theory along nicely
WTF!!! Dont EVEN go there with Janet like u know Michael better than his OWN SISTER??? REALLY. tHAT SHIT is very SAD
AND PLUS u ALL SAW a edited piece on GMA. Not the whole interview yet SRLY!!!
Janet herself said she knew the teen mj , that was it , they rarely met during the last 20 years according to their own words.

I bet my own life that chernoff is gonna call janet to the stand to ask her about these interventions. she is now on record saying he was addict and we tried to help but he was in denial , pretty much exactly what murray said . "my client tried desperately to stop the madness but he could not , now you will hear what his own sister said about him, even janet jackson tried to help but failed , he was a hopeless and helpless case "
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well she should know better and use the same discretion she uses in her own life when talking about her brother. once again the family do more harm than good. are they feeling guilty so would rather blame what went on years ago rather that the facts of mj insomnia and thats why they dont even talk about it yet have no problems going on about issues that are irrelevent to what happened and only help to taint potential jurrors and the rest of the public

What do you want her to do, lie? That is pretty much what you are saying. You criticized people for not telling the 'whole' truth about Michael, but when someone does say something truthful, you drop on them because it is not something you want to hear.

Am I saying that Michael was an addict, no. But, Janet did not say he was either. She simply stated that he had a drug problem, which could be true. Having a drug problem does not make you an addict. The media may twist it that way, but unless Janet to told a complete lie about the subject, it really cannot be help.

Btw williamorange1, of course she is promoting her album. But you would be a fool to think that Michael's death would not be brought up. She had done this for years and she hardly needs to say "Michael was a druggie", to get attention unlike her other siblings. So, stop jumping on Janet for doing her job. Also, you should not assume what meds someone taking without evident and dog her career because she said something you didn't like.

I have already explain the intervention story in my last two posts, so I will not repeat it again.
Janet herself said she knew the teen mj , that was it , they rarely met during the last 20 years according to their own words.

I have seen alot of Janet interviews and she never once said that. Michael himself said that he was the closest to Janet and of all the siblings, Janet was only one who could see Michael at anytime. Everyone else had to call ahead.
no its not but having a jury member who thinks mj was a druggie anyway and was asking for it as murray s defence will be.well the family are helping that theory along nicely

Sorry for the triple.

That is still not a reasonable excuse no matter how you try to spin it. He personally gave Michael the drugs. He did not prescribe the drugs and Michael abuse them himself, he actually injected the drugs into him and OD him. Even if you say he was on his knees begging, what excuse do you have as a doctor to give in to a patient's demands. He also had no other drug in his system except what Murray gave him.

You can say the Jackson are doing this and that, but the fact remains that Murray injected him with drugs that he was not train to give and actually try to cover the crime.

Tell me, what defense would he have to counter that.
What do you want her to do, lie? That is pretty much what you are saying. You criticized people for not telling the 'whole' truth about Michael, but when someone does say something truthful, you drop on them because it is not something you want to hear.
i want her if shes going to talk about interventions from upto 10 years ago to make it clear and not let the media act as if they are talking about it now and thats why mj isnt here.i know mj had issues in 93 and early 00's but explain to me what that has to do with murray killing mj? why is it even been discussed its been brought up so the media can twist and do exactly what has been done in the below.and i thouhg janet would be clever enough not to get led like that. all shes done is helped with the media agenda of making mj look like a druggie who od like all the others

anet Jackson: Michael in denial over drug problem

By FRAZIER MOORE, AP Television Writer Frazier Moore, Ap Television Writer – 15 mins ago
NEW YORK – Janet Jackson says she recognized her brother Michael's drug problem, and tried to help him, but that he rebuffed those attempts to intervene.

"You can't make 'em drink the water," Jackson told ABC News in an interview airing Wednesday.

When asked if her brother was in denial about his addiction, she replied, "Possibly."

"I wish he could answer this question for you and not me," she told ABC's Robin Roberts. "I felt that he was in denial."
THANK U Ramona ^^^ They like sayin "Oh Janet is lying on her brother now, she dont know what she talkin about". "She havent see Mike in years" HOW DA HELL U KNOW THAT...
But elusive moonwalker u havent seen just like EVERYONE else see the WHOLE interview. CMON NOW
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