Wow so many of you spoke just a little too soon about Miss.Jackson. Throughout that whole interview i never had cause to be disappointing in Janet. I don't understand, If there was something you saw that i didn't that disappointed you what was it?
I felt that it was a very heart felt and truthful interview.
Janet is one out of the whole family who waited until tonight to speak about Michael and what she felt and thought. We wanted to hear what she had to say and before some even saw the full show you had your opinions formed. It is true that all are entitled to their opinions. But my suggestion is wait until you hear the full story before you speak them.
Janet was the closest to Michael, he was her mentor, he showed her the way to go and made sure she appreciated every bit of it. I think some people here and on other forums spoke a little early tonight. They didn't wait for anything but clips and previews. You don't get anything from that. You can't make full and based opinions on snippets. I am sorry for my rant. I don't care if you agree or disagree with me.