Janet Jackson : 'Dr Murray killed my Brother'

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When Raymone Bain who is suing Michael can go on TV twice and say Michael was not addicted to anything at all and she never saw anything but his own sister can't? Oh wait she was around Michael for seven years Maybe Janet was not
Ugh… This just made me sad. Michael was about LOVE and caring. We shouldn't be bickering like this.

*wow @ This Is It coming on as I'm typing this*
I didn't even direct that to you. Lose the attitude.

Some of you are taking out your anger about MJ's death on the wrong people. Janet didn't say anything so wrong. Tell me what she did that was so terrible? How did she betray Michael? She said he was maybe in denial. Perhaps she could have kept that to herself but it's her opinion.

Janet as always stood up for Michael overall and was very protective of him. What's with the drama? Some of you will find anything to complain about.

why are the only people who are doing the fan chastising, the ones who don't agree with your assessment of the interview? let us not control others' opinions, and label fans who don't agree with you. it's unwarranted. our opinions are our own.
Wow so many of you spoke just a little too soon about Miss.Jackson. Throughout that whole interview i never had cause to be disappointing in Janet. I don't understand, If there was something you saw that i didn't that disappointed you what was it?

I felt that it was a very heart felt and truthful interview. Janet is one out of the whole family who waited until tonight to speak about Michael and what she felt and thought. We wanted to hear what she had to say and before some even saw the full show you had your opinions formed. It is true that all are entitled to their opinions. But my suggestion is wait until you hear the full story before you speak them.

Janet was the closest to Michael, he was her mentor, he showed her the way to go and made sure she appreciated every bit of it. I think some people here and on other forums spoke a little early tonight. They didn't wait for anything but clips and previews. You don't get anything from that. You can't make full and based opinions on snippets. I am sorry for my rant. I don't care if you agree or disagree with me.:)

yeah she waited all that time and when her album was about to drop she talked about Mike :smilerolleyes:

as for mj being her mentor and she was the closest to him, according to her own words that was LONG time ago , when mj was still a teen .
yeah she waited all that time and when her album was about to drop she talked about Mike :smilerolleyes:

as for mj being her mentor and she was the closest to him, according to her own words that was LONG time ago , when mj was still a teen .

Which is better? Being on TV and Radio everyday? or Waiting until now, say what 5 months later after you've had to do to some healing to speak on it?
I have no problem with people defending Michael, but these blanket character attacks on others and Janet is uncall for. Janet has always supported Michael and while other family members could not keep their mouths close, she stood silent. Now, the moment she opens her mouth she's 'plugging' her album. Really, some of you sound no different than the talking heads I see on tv, expect this is fan ranting edition.

There is no point to talking to some of you people because you are so high off emotions and to be frank, hate, that you are saying things that are just mean spirited.

Well, I am done here since meaningful, rational, and logical conversations has all but died here and I have better things to do with my time.
. Now having said that, I do not believe Michael was an addict addict (his organs would have been messed up if he was). I think what fans fear is the some people will put everything is one basket; however, I think good thing people know the difference.

Agreed, he had clearly conquered that problem.

None of that ever actually defined him in the bigger scope of things. His music did. That's the legacy that will live on. The internet clogged when he died. The major networks carried his memorial which was watched by countless millions. Why? Because of his music and the impact he made and continues to make on the world of music, not all these sidebars about his personal life.

I remember when Elvis died. All the press talked about in those initial months was his trouble with pills but that soon gave way to his music because that's what endures, not his personal life. That's hardly a footnote in his legacy now.

Michael is bigger than Elvis and even now the tide has turned and there is more positive than negative being said with the release of the rehearsal movie. Of course the tabloids will always have something negative to say but only certain people read tabloids and even fewer believe them, in my opinion.
I have no problem with people defending Michael, but these blanket character attacks on others and Janet is uncall for. Janet has always supported Michael and while other family members could not keep their mouths close, she stood silent. Now, the moment she opens her mouth she's 'plugging' her album. Really, some of you sound no different than the talking heads I see on tv, expect this is fan edition.

There is no point to talking to some of you people because you are so high off emotions and to be frank, hate, that you are saying things that are just mean spirited.

Well, I am done here since meaningful, rational, and logical conversations has all but died here and I have better things to do with my time.

you know, if you're going to defend one family member, but blast another family member, it doesn't look good, no matter what. and you do have a problem with people defending MJ, because you keep making assessments of those fans. then you blow up, if people make an assessment of you. there is nothing rational about your convo, when you aim at other fans..no matter what, because you look just like the fans that you are accusing.
In fact, many people thought michael was drug addict and that's why he died. they don't know michael had insomnia and he took propofol because he wanted to sleep. the media painted michael as the druggie, they never mention the fact that michael had insomnia. At least the family should have spoken up for michael, to tell people he had insomnia, he wanted to sleep, he took medicine not for joy, to remind people michael jackson is the homicide victim. However, the jackson family are the first ones to jump out saying michael was druggie. no one fights for michael's justice, cause they are so busy with their own agenda: money fighting, self promotion, money grabbing, limelight... when you had the family like this, who needs enemies. Michael didn't have to suffer anymore.
Don't forget we are talking about his sister. He really loved her. We are pitting brother against sister. I don't appreciate janet's fans attacking our mj website. What do you expect mj fans to do. Defend him. I love janet too but i wished she would have clarified when he was addicted and when the intervention took place.
Well, the interview is over and just as I said, Janet played right into the hands of the media by feeding the drug addict image. How stupid and frustrating. *sigh*
based on what janet formed her opinion ? MJ left the states after the trial and came back in december 2006 . according to the family he did not talk to them in 2007 and that's why they believed he was on drugs , that's why they wanted to hold an intervention . But during that particular time MJ accused Randy of plotting against him , turned down offers to tour with the brothers . only after that the family talked about intervention .

the same happened with This is it , they wanted to be part of it when he blocked them they said he was not able to do the shows . the movie is a proof they were wrong .

Janet simply went with what Randy told her , she did not observe anything because she did not meet him during that time .

that's what we are trying to say, she was not there , she heard from others who created and fueled that rumour because their actions were questioned by MJ , someone in his family wanted to portray him as this wild , out of reality drugged up man and janet believed that person over MJ .
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why does it have to be one or the other, you can be fans of both. this is about logical and illogical reasoning. emotions are still high and people are just bashing everyone. janet hasn't done anything wrong. i wish she would have mentioned the insomnia and about michael being clean at the time of his death and i wish she would have pointed the finger more at murray cause u know he was watching but janet is not a bad person, she doesn't deserve the hate she's getting from other MJ fans
you know, if you're going to defend one family member, but blast another family member, it doesn't look good, no matter what. and you do have a problem with people defending MJ, because you keep making assessments of those fans. then you blow up, if people make an assessment of you. there is nothing rational about your convo, when you aim at other fans..no matter what, because you look just like the fans that you are accusing.

I was not going to post, but I feel I need to respond to this.

I did not blow up, I simply made an assuagement of the situation. The situation is that people are ranting and they are not backing their claims. Read the forum again and you can see that direction. I call as I see it and I do not care if their are fans. If you are being a jerk, you are being a jerk, plain and simple. Even the mobs issued a warning about this forum, so I am not saying anything new.

I defend anyone base on past action. Jermaine is known for promoting himself and using Michael's name. You clearly see it now with him collecting his brother's awards, going to every event about him, and that tribute concert. Not to mention the infamous Word to the Badd. And, do I really need to get into Toy and Joe? william spoke enough about Randy, so I will not go into him.

I respect Janet because she did not of that. She has always defended Michael and you can look at her past interviews to see it. She went mouths, without talking about her brother and this interview was not really about him unlike the interviews that Jermaine, Toy, Joe, and even Tito. She, I do not find any merit to attack or belittle her just because she talked about Michael's drug problem.

Also, if you read my past post, I always defend Michael when it comes to drugs addiction and other matters. I do not believe for one second that Michael was an addict, but I am not going slam Janet because she talked about a well known drug issue.
Michael did state that he was addicted..I remember it like it was yesterday.. and he did seek help at some point..

Umm...yeah in '93 and '00. :mello:

why does it have to be one or the other, you can be fans of both. this is about logical and illogical reasoning. emotions are still high and people are just bashing everyone. janet hasn't done anything wrong. i wish she would have mentioned the insomnia and about michael being clean at the time of his death and i wish she would have pointed the finger more at murray cause u know he was watching but janet is not a bad person, she doesn't deserve the hate she's getting from other MJ fans

Honestly, I think the bold is what most people who critique the interview are saying (in part). *sigh*
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I always respected Janet, but I think she betrayed her brother on national television.

You can think all the excuses you want for her attitude.

I'm out.

Oh, Michael. Why do you have to go?
Weird. Janet's interview made me very emotional for the first time. :cry:

Other than that , she was as elegant and composed as always. Stunning!

For the first time she looked so fragile.
We the fans feel lost. We all are still grieving Janet's fans. You still have J so you don't know how it feels. I am her fan too but MJ was the ultimate for me and to a lot of us on the forum so, give us a chance to grieve and mourn. We desperately need answers that is why are so passionate about him. Sorry we offend you but you are in dangerous waters right now.
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