Janet Jackson : 'Dr Murray killed my Brother'

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when Michael was going through so much with the allegation and media attacks...I always felt that Janet was too busy playing the "media darling" ..and really did not come out strong to defend Michael...

but that 2004 Superbowl incident which made sure Robin skated over....really woke her up....

I consider Janet as one of those people Madonna said abandoned Michael... with this interview...she abandoned him again....she did not defend Michael ...she said what she said...it wasn't disrespectful..as someone said........BUT...she gave me a really cold feeling.

that's how she made me feel, cold. I don't expect the family would fight for michael's justice, but they really need to shut up. so far what the entire family did is just damage michael's legacy. I am so disappointed to this family.
Wow. I knew you guys would be on fire over here. I love Janet. I wished she would have cleared up the time period of addiction. But we the fans may never know some things unfortunately.

Thanks! Us fans…. Some people keep forgetting that we're just fans. We're not Jacksons. We don't live on the compound. We're on the outside. It's not good to assume things.
EXACTLY! Thank you. Some of the fans on this forum have some nerve. You guys need to stop blaming other people for Michael's mistakes! Janet was extremely classy in the interview and didn't disrespect herself or the family not one time.

"...check in the mirror my friend / no lies will be told then / pointing the finger again / you can't blame nobody but.......
I really enjoyed the interview. Although the info about her youth, marriages and MJ's past addiction was not anything that had not been discussed before, her comments about their last day together and how she and the children and the rest of the family is coping was very poignant. I like the fact that she said her family was very strong.

She picked the right interviewer. Robin was very calm and respectful and not condescending like so many of the media types can be, especially on ABC. I'm looking forward to Janet's performance on the AMA's.
SO true. SO why are people tripping? I do not think anyone is going to think different who already got their own beliefs. I do not believe MJ was an addict but I do believe he had his moments (look at at the 30th Anniversary special and other outlets. SOmething was not right. And to use this drug as a sleep aid when there are other methods, sorry but something is not right; and to have a doctor willing to give it to MJ make it even worst; that is why I blame Murray overall. Murray knew better). Now having said that, I do not believe Michael was an addict addict (his organs would have been messed up if he was). I think what fans fear is the some people will put everything is one basket; however, I think good thing people know the difference.
Yeah she did. But if you think back to your childhood, I'm sure the people around you said or did things that you take to heart even now. And what does her other brothers or sisters have to do with anything? We're talking about Janet and Mike and it's fact that he teased her. Hell we've all been teased at some point in our lives. It's not that serious. Get off your high horse!

u didn't get the point.
she is /was fat because most of her family members are overweighted ...but because she is a star she wanted to find a reason to look like a victim and what is better than inserting Mj's name to promote the new album and book 'back then'

MJ said the he teased her but it was because he wanted her to be the best looking star as she is now.so he was not doing it out of hatred it was all for love.
Uh, WG5116, there is no need to use those huge fonts as if you are shouting.

Another thing, this is an MJ forum; just a teeny tiny reminder.

Sorry, I apologize. I'll respect the forums rules.
HUH? Are you serious? What does her HOME have to do with anything? How do you know she is not giving her father money? Do you live on the compound? Or do you think because you read TMZ daily you know what goes on in their personal lives?

stop yelling....with the big letters.

are you, Janet? you don't know what is going on in their lives either... and my comment about her house doesn't relate to anything..it is just a comment...
that's how she made me feel, cold. I don't expect the family would fight for michael's justice, but they really need to shut up. so far what the entire family did is just damage michael's legacy. I am so disappointed to this family.
Sorry but they have not damage nothing. MJ legacy is in tack. It has been intact even after the claims and all the other mess, sorry but this interview is not going to do nothing. And remember Janet talk about how silly and how much Michael LOVED.
Everyone keeps thinking that because he had no organ damage, he could not possibly have been taking pain or anxiety medication to excess. I don't know if he did or didn't, but just because he had no organ damage doesn't clear him of the other. By the way, the drugs that were found in his system were narcotics.

oh really?

try taking ibuprofen for 6 weeks (maximum dosage) and go get a kidney test. let me know if your kidney functions are still perfect.

MJ had NO organ damage. no matter how you see it, if he was a drug addict, his organs would not function normally.
We tend to stray away from personal attacks at MJJC. Be careful what you say...

Can I make generic attacks like the other person did?

I felt offended but did not see you or anyone complaining about that.

Just asking. I do not do it anymore.
u didn't get the point.
she is /was fat because most of her family members are overweighted ...but because she is a star she wanted to find a reason to look like a victim and what is better than inserting Mj's name to promote the new album and book 'back then'

MJ said the he teased her but it was because he wanted her to be the best looking star as she is now.so he was not doing it out of hatred it was all for love.

and ur a physcologist now?

janet has weight issue but she still pretty. people made fun of her like people made fun of michael and it stuck with them and they became insecure which they've admitted.
Michael did state that he was addicted..I remember it like it was yesterday.. and he did seek help at some point..but you have the enablers that keep feeding into the deopendency of meds...we have to be really honest here...if he needed the pain pills as he did... he had troubles..and he needed help on a continuous basis to break that cycle and to keep from reverting back. Janet was speaking about that addicition. It's been no secret, no new revelation.

My heart is so so sad that he was not able to get the help...I'm also very very sad that he had to use propolfol to sleep because he was in pain physically and emotionally and that within itself gave him the insomina which led him to use this drug to sleep. Etc.. We know it was a group of Dr's that intorudced him to this...and in the most dangerous way possible.

Then you have this careless Murray....who gives him a dangeorus mix of this and that and it was too much and at the most dangerous levels possible and it killed. Murray is responbsible for MJ's death but Mike had a problem.
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it means u think michael is messed up to and all of the jackson kids. you can't just generalize people like that.

The thing is everyone apart from the mum has done something to betray MJ in the past...I mean isn't his will enough evidence for you? he had this huge family and then decides to spare them 0..that should tell you something..if not then you must be in denial. He didn't trust his own brothers/sisters...not all families are lovey dovy ones...just because you are part of a family, doesn't mean that you are like them...

Regardless of what you may or may not think, there is to be a level of respect when in open discussion.

There is to be no name calling or defaming of any kind. If you wish to discuss anything with anyone that is fine, but you are to do it with a level of respect for one another. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.

R.E.S.P.E.C.T. This is a major rule here and it must be followed.
Judging from you sig, your comment is very "rational" lolol!!!

I'm a level headed fan of both..although I love Janet more, Mike is the close second.

Anyway, I thought the interview was tasteful. She ducked and dodge a few of the personal questions about Mike so you have to respect her for that. And to be honest, I don't know what ppl are up in arms about this. We all knew Mike was on drugs. He was on pain killers during the Dangerous Tour. She has always had Mike's back, and you can see her about to cuss someone out in that video during the 04 trials.

Like someone said, some fans need to stop trying to blame everyone else for Mike's mistakes.
oh really?

try taking ibuprofen for 6 weeks (maximum dosage) and go get a kidney test. let me know if your kidney functions are still perfect.

MJ had NO organ damage. no matter how you see it, if he was a drug addict, his organs would not function normally.
I agree with this especially the liver which is the body's filter.
Well Lonley17 just as you like Janet more, I like Michael more, so I will defend him more:)
Ok this will be my last comment. I love you guys, even with the bold faced letters. lol Being a huge Janet & Michael supporter, I don't like to see them compared or even talked about in the same sentence. I get the sense that some of you think that she was riding Mike's coattails. That would have gotten but so far. People would have stopped checkin for her after Control...or Rhythm Nation....or maybe...JANET…OR maybe the other 3 albums that went to number 1 after them.

But as his fans, you guys have to stop blaming other people. Sure Conrad had a hand in whatever transpired that day, but none of us know for sure. We have to remember that Michael was human, although unworldly at times, he made mistakes too.

R.I.P Mike we miss you, we love you.
Sorry but they have not damage nothing. MJ legacy is in tack. It has been intact even after the claims and all the other mess, sorry but this interview is not going to do nothing. And remember Janet talk about how silly and how much Michael LOVED.

yeah let's see what your reaction will be when Janet is called to testify about this whole intervention thing .

no, no damage at all. Chernoff was watching this inteview and believe it or not , jermaine and jackie maybe the only siblings who won't be called to testify in murray's defense .
When you go into the hospital they ask you what are you allergic to what type of medications and how many mg's etc. They do bloodwork. This Dr. would have known shoud have known what MJ was taking. If he did not request any records or do his own analysis, he should have turned MJ down to treat or administer anything.
Wow so many of you spoke just a little too soon about Miss.Jackson. Throughout that whole interview i never had cause to be disappointing in Janet. I don't understand, If there was something you saw that i didn't that disappointed you what was it?

I felt that it was a very heart felt and truthful interview. Janet is one out of the whole family who waited until tonight to speak about Michael and what she felt and thought. We wanted to hear what she had to say and before some even saw the full show you had your opinions formed. It is true that all are entitled to their opinions. But my suggestion is wait until you hear the full story before you speak them.

Janet was the closest to Michael, he was her mentor, he showed her the way to go and made sure she appreciated every bit of it. I think some people here and on other forums spoke a little early tonight. They didn't wait for anything but clips and previews. You don't get anything from that. You can't make full and based opinions on snippets. I am sorry for my rant. I don't care if you agree or disagree with me.:)
Most posters here have valid points to be made. Those Janet Jackson fans who are posting must understand that this is a MJ board and defending Michael is what we do. Yes, some of us are irrational, unreasonable and bury our heads in the sand. But the majority of us are intelligent, reasonable and reasoning adults.

So as such let us discuss this matter in a respectful manner and keep in mind - ALL OF US - that this board is about honouring Michael Jackson.
The thing is everyone apart from the mum has done something to betray MJ in the past...I mean isn't his will enough evidence for you? he had this huge family and then decides to spare them 0..that should tell you something..if not then you must be in denial. He didn't trust his own brothers/sisters...not all families are lovey dovy ones...just because you are part of a family, doesn't mean that you are like them...

When you are the goldenchild everything relies heavily on you. That is why he was a perfectionist. He was critiqued all his life. If you replay Janet' interview read between the lines. She uses herself as an example and talks about how much alike they were. Whatever she felt he felt it also.
A legacy lost/destroyed over an interview by his baby sister??????????????? What damaging and hateful did she say?

I don't think anything can come close to damaging anyone's legacy than the sexual allegations that he had to endure. That nightmare is what destroyed him inside, that is when the pain pill addiction began. Hell i'd be addicted as well. He lost a bit of his spark...and rightfully so it would destory anyone emotionally and psychologically....they hurt him where his heart was the most and that was his love of children .

His legacy is in TACT!....nothing can touch that! He already went through the worst......Janet interview did not destory a thing..that is so so beyond understanding...it wasn't even negative or betraying. .
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