Janet Jackson : 'Dr Murray killed my Brother'

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Oh, so we can't defend MJ, but y'all (you know yourselves) can defend Janet? lol. The irony here is amusing.lol.
Do not forget that she promote her last album (the one before this) by screaming and shouting in the media , how Michael used to torture her when she was young because of her weight...she said many bad things about him calling her donky and fat pig and so...Janet pretened to forgt that all ur brothers are fat except MJ and Latoya.

she blames her overweight on MJ's comment when he was a kid.

Well, maybe he did.
To me, she sits in the same bench as Jermaine and Latoya, no difference. All blabbing for their own media time, and not the wisest thing; MJ always seem to be a mess after listening to all of them. Less so with Jermaine. Sometimes it is not what is said, but what is not said that paints the whole picture. Janet never blatantly, and callously disrespect MJ, but she does it in subtle ways. I know she loves him, I think she loves him, so I am all the more confused as to her actions.

she loves him but she loves Randy also, and MJ was not nice to her favorite brother , she believes that was not Randy's fault, it was basically MJ's addiction that caused all the rift between the family members .

no wonder she did not call him that often, she pretty much believed he owed the family everything he had and he was not always grateful.
"Don't trust the ones who said that they cared, but then laughed as you cried"

when Michael was going through so much with the allegation and media attacks...I always felt that Janet was too busy playing the "media darling" ..and really did not come out strong to defend Michael...

but that 2004 Superbowl incident which made sure Robin skated over....really woke her up....

I consider Janet as one of those people Madonna said abandoned Michael... with this interview...she abandoned him again....she did not defend Michael ...she said what she said...it wasn't disrespectful..as someone said........BUT...she gave me a really cold feeling.
Do not forget that she promote her last album (the one before this) by screaming and shouting in the media , how Michael used to torture her when she was young because of her weight...she said many bad things about him calling her donky and fat pig and so...Janet pretened to forgt that all ur brothers are fat except MJ and Latoya.

she blames her overweight on MJ's comment when he was a kid .

Yeah she did. But if you think back to your childhood, I'm sure the people around you said or did things that you take to heart even now. And what does her other brothers or sisters have to do with anything? We're talking about Janet and Mike and it's fact that he teased her. Hell we've all been teased at some point in our lives. It's not that serious. Get off your high horse!
Everyone keeps thinking that because he had no organ damage, he could not possibly have been taking pain or anxiety medication to excess. I don't know if he did or didn't, but just because he had no organ damage doesn't clear him of the other. By the way, the drugs that were found in his system were narcotics.

Correction, no one said he didn't take drugs. Everyone knew he took drugs for his medical problems. They simply said he did not have a serious drug problem since his organs were not damage, especially his liver. If he was a bad addict or even a function addict, his organs would had shown it.
EXACTLY! Thank you. Some of the fans on this forum have some nerve. You guys need to stop blaming other people for Michael's mistakes! Janet was extremely classy in the interview and didn't disrespect herself or the family not one time.
she loves him but she loves Randy also, and MJ was not nice to her favorite brother , she believes that was not Randy's fault, it was basically MJ's addiction that caused all the rift between the family members .

no wonder she did not call him that often, she pretty much believed he owed the family everything he had and he was not always grateful.

which brings me to say...............Janet should be paying her fathers allowance.....

she didn't even help pay for the funeral..............the money she put up..she got back immediately from the estate....

Michael knew what he was doing with his will... when Katherine pass.........Michael made sure nothing is passed down to his siblings..

oh by the way.........her house was so plain...

everyone has their opinion...and I was highly disappointed in 1st her doing an interview using MJ's death to promote her CD...she should have let her fame stand on its own to promote her cd..........

Janet came across so fake to me at times....in that interview...its time to stop using Michael now..
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she loves him but she loves Randy also, and MJ was not nice to her favorite brother , she believes that was not Randy's fault, it was basically MJ's addiction that caused all the rift between the family members .

no wonder she did not call him that often, she pretty much believed he owed the family everything he had and he was not always grateful.

What? How do you know that? You're assuming things. You should STOP!
Lisa marie was convinced mj was taking drugs when they were married , she said she did not see him taking anything but always felt he was doing drugs. but what the doctor at NY who treated him after he collapsed said , "I was very shocked when the drug results came back negative" he was clean , that's lisa marie who was his wife , lived with him, slept with him , she left the hospital with no answer and always believed he collapsed because he was taking meds , but after his death the doctor talked about that incident , his wife thought he was junkie because he was acting weird , lisa
not janet who once or twice a year saw him and at some point did not even call him in three years .

MJ was "acting weird" because of insomnia , it drives people crazy , that what janet failed to acknowledge . THE INSOMNIA.
Oh please, anything she say should be taken with a grain of salt (and no LMP did not live with Mj as much when they went back to CA).
she loves him but she loves Randy also, and MJ was not nice to her favorite brother , she believes that was not Randy's fault, it was basically MJ's addiction that caused all the rift between the family members .

no wonder she did not call him that often, she pretty much believed he owed the family everything he had and he was not always grateful.

where are u getting this info..out of ur @ss?

ur assuming...
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I really enjoyed the interview. Although the info about her youth, marriages and MJ's past addiction was not anything that had not been discussed before, her comments about their last day together and how she and the children and the rest of the family is coping was very poignant. I like the fact that she said her family was very strong.

She picked the right interviewer. Robin was very calm and respectful and not condescending like so many of the media types can be, especially on ABC. I'm looking forward to Janet's performance on the AMA's.

I agree :)
which brings me to say...............Janet should be paying her fathers allowance.....

she didn't even help pay for the funeral..............the money she put up..she got back immediately from the estate....

Michael knew what he was doing with his will... when Katherine pass.........Michael made sure nothing is passed down to his siblings..

oh by the way.........her house was so plain...

HUH? Are you serious? What does her HOME have to do with anything? How do you know she is not giving her father money? Do you live on the compound? Or do you think because you read TMZ daily you know what goes on in their personal lives?
when Michael was going through so much with the allegation and media attacks...I always felt that Janet was too busy playing the "media darling" ..and really did not come out strong to defend Michael...

but that 2004 Superbowl incident which made sure Robin skated over....really woke her up....

I consider Janet as one of those people Madonna said abandoned Michael... with this interview...she abandoned him again....she did not defend Michael ...she said what she said...it wasn't disrespectful..as someone said........BUT...she gave me a really cold feeling.

I know exactly what you are talking about. I am not going to elaborate on it. Even though this is not a Janet thread/forum, I respect her and the rest of the family simply because they are MJ's family. But I clearly know some of her actions, and non-actions are suspect, and sometimes straight up wrong. This is why I HATE the whole celebrity thing because you have to lose your backbone to maintain the whole being in the "in crowd". We always knew she was his sister, but .....I 'll leave it there. I don't want this to become sour.

MY whole thing is, it is quite nonsense what she did tonight because it served no positive purpose. BTW, what class?? Is that another way of saying "well-spoken?" Because they truly don't mean the same thing.
Everyone keeps thinking that because he had no organ damage, he could not possibly have been taking pain or anxiety medication to excess. I don't know if he did or didn't, but just because he had no organ damage doesn't clear him of the other. By the way, the drugs that were found in his system were narcotics.

I honestly don't know the extent of Michael's problems. I don't know if it continued recently or maybe the last few years he was better. The doctor should never have given propofol to sleep. That is too drastic and caused his death.
Wow. I knew you guys would be on fire over here. I love Janet. I wished she would have cleared up the time period of addiction. But we the fans may never know some things unfortunately.
when Michael was going through so much with the allegation and media attacks...I always felt that Janet was too busy playing the "media darling" ..and really did not come out strong to defend Michael...

but that 2004 Superbowl incident which made sure Robin skated over....really woke her up....

I consider Janet as one of those people Madonna said abandoned Michael... with this interview...she abandoned him again....she did not defend Michael ...she said what she said...it wasn't disrespectful..as someone said........BUT...she gave me a really cold feeling.

This is all very sad, but true. Some fans do not want to see what is happening. I respect the family and Janet Jackson. But Janet and some members of the Jackson family do not respect Michael.

It's all about money and fame.

I'm very, very sad.
when Michael was going through so much with the allegation and media attacks...I always felt that Janet was too busy playing the "media darling" ..and really did not come out strong to defend Michael...

but that 2004 Superbowl incident which made sure Robin skated over....really woke her up....

I consider Janet as one of those people Madonna said abandoned Michael... with this interview...she abandoned him again....she did not defend Michael ...she said what she said...it wasn't disrespectful..as someone said........BUT...she gave me a really cold feeling.

don't forget Jay leno please
Uh, WG5116, there is no need to use those huge fonts as if you are shouting.

Another thing, this is an MJ forum; just a teeny tiny reminder.
Everybody is entitled to their opinion. Just because somebody thinks differently, that doesn't give you the right to jump at their throat. Ofcourse people are going to defend Michael, we are still very sensitive to what has happened. Instead of blaming Michael for it all, why don't people start blaming a greedy, moronic doctor, who was talking to his stripper girlfriend on the phone while his patient who gave him big bucks was breathless.
when Michael was going through so much with the allegation and media attacks...I always felt that Janet was too busy playing the "media darling" ..and really did not come out strong to defend Michael...

but that 2004 Superbowl incident which made sure Robin skated over....really woke her up....

I consider Janet as one of those people Madonna said abandoned Michael... with this interview...she abandoned him again....she did not defend Michael ...she said what she said...it wasn't disrespectful..as someone said........BUT...she gave me a really cold feeling.

janet always defended michael..going back to the 93 allegations.

heck that's what scream is mostly about, janet having her brothers back. she's never said anything bad about michael that i can think of and she supported him in court in 2005 and she tried interventions in the past, yall need to leave the woman alone.
she loves him but she loves Randy also, and MJ was not nice to her favorite brother , she believes that was not Randy's fault, it was basically MJ's addiction that caused all the rift between the family members .

no wonder she did not call him that often, she pretty much believed he owed the family everything he had and he was not always grateful.

:hysterical: Huh? Ok, I'm out.
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