Janet Jackson : 'Dr Murray killed my Brother'

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I am confused what she is implying here. Did he have problems recently or was she talking about the past? His autopsy said he was healthy for his age and the only things found in his system was the drugs that Murray gave him to sleep. His death was ruled a homicide.

I like Janet but it was hard watching how Michael is portrayed like he was a druggie and helpless. I am not trying to be naive here obviously for a doctor to give him propofol to sleep that something isn't right. It's just hard.
I am very sad and angry.

It is obvious that she is doing this to sell their album.

She betrayed his own brother for nothing.

Janet, his career is over. This interview will not change that.
FROM Sandra Rose:
Janet's Jackson Problems With Drug Addiction:

As most of you know, pop icon Micahel Jackson passed away after a possible prescription drug overdose two weeks ago.
It turns out that his sister Janet Jackson was also addicted to painkillers. Dr. Allan Metzger of Beverly Hills was reprimanded by the board of medicine in September 2000 for writing prescriptions for Janet in her chef’s name.

According to TMZ.com, the letter states, “You engaged in fraudulent medical practice based on prescriptions written for an international entertainer, using a false/fictitious name.” TMZ identified the entertainer as Janet Jackson.

Dr. Metzger told TMZ he simply prescribed diuretics (water pills) and a Hepatitis B injection in the late 80s for Janet, who may have been using the diuretics as a dangerous substitution for dieting. But the board of medicine usually doesn’t threaten a doctor’s license for writing scripts for water pills and a shot.

So it’s safe to assume that Janet was also hooked on prescription meds like her brother.

Dr. Metzger is an autoimmune disease specialist. Supposedly Michael Jackson had lupus in addition to the skin disease vitiligo, which we sincerely doubt. Dr. Metzger traveled

I hardly call TMZ a trust worthy news source. -_-
she looks good in her video, the song is growing on me. i can't believe she's 43
To think I was looking forward to this interview. When will I learn?

It is unfortunate that a TMZ article becomes the first post-interview posted here. Sometimes I feel we should have a section of the board just for TMZ!
I am confused what she is implying here. Did he have problems recently or was she talking about the past? His autopsy said he was healthy for his age and the only things found in his system was the drugs that Murray gave him to sleep. His death was ruled a homicide.

yeah at least they mentioned it was a homicide. i wish janet would have been more clear also
I am very sad and angry.

It is obvious that she is doing this to sell their album.

She betrayed his own brother for nothing.

Janet, his career is over. This interview will not change that.

Take the drama down a notch.

She hardly betray her brother. If you paid attention, it was the narration that talked about his decent into drug use, Janet never said he was taking drugs recently. All she said that Michael had a drug problem, which is somewhat true, so it is not something to form at the mouth about.

Also, her career is over. Huh, where did I hear that before? I think it has something to do with one of her brothers.
I didn't like how the 'drug' issue was handled. It seems that no one gave any facts and it was all speculation and its anyones guess as to when they tried these so called interventions.

read the articles william posted on the first pages , the so called interventions were only after MJ exposed Randy plot to steal his money . Randy, janet and joe's signature were missing from the statement released by the family .
I thought the interview was fine. It's clear that it's still very hard for her and that she loved her brother very very much.

That's all I got to say about this.
I am very sad and angry.

It is obvious that she is doing this to sell their album.

She betrayed his own brother for nothing.

Janet, his career is over. This interview will not change that.

Let's hope Janet spends some of her soon to be free time
visiting with her orphaned niece and nephews.
That's really all I want to know.
Who is going step up and help Katherine Jackson
with Michael Jackson's children?
The phone is gona ring... I thought she said she hadn't spoken to him in a long time? If I was her, I would have defended MJ to death, and not talk about how she doesn't know what the hell is going on, or act so shocked about propofol. She should be more shocked about Murray, and the whole circumstances surrouding his death.
I am very sad and angry.

It is obvious that she is doing this to sell their album.

She betrayed his own brother for nothing.

Janet, his career is over. This interview will not change that.

How did she betray him? Seriously, Janet handled the questions very well and she was classy throughout the whole thing. I don't see why some are mad at Janet at all.
Take the drama down a notch.

She hardly betray her brother. If you paid attention, it was the narration that talked about his decent into drug use, Janet never said he was taking drugs recently. All she said that Michael had a drug problem, which is somewhat true, so it is not something to form at the mouth about.

Also, her career is over. Huh, where did I hear that before? I think it has something to do with one of her brothers.

It is about selling her CD, and it will flop . and her career is indeed over .
The phone is gona ring... I thought she said she hadn't spoken to him in a long time? If I was her, I would have defended MJ to death, and not talk about how she doesn't know what the hell is going on, or act so shocked about propofol. She should be more shocked about Murray, and the whole circumstances surrouding his death.
whi isn't shocked by the propofol, that's some heavy stuff. she said murray was responsible, i wish she would have gone at him harder but she didn't really do anything wrong
The phone is gona ring... I thought she said she hadn't spoken to him in a long time? If I was her, I would have defended MJ to death, and not talk about how she doesn't know what the hell is going on, or act so shocked about propofol. She should be more shocked about Murray, and the whole circumstances surrouding his death.

Why shouldn't she be shock about the propofol? The whole freaking world was, so why does that exclude her. It was obvious it was not a topic she wanted to talk about, so she said what she wanted say and left if alone. It is easy to say what you would had done when you do not know the situation.

She also did not say that she didn't talk to him in a long time. Janet said there were times when they didn't speak for a long period of time.
If MJ was such an addict as per Janet, what exactly about propofol was she surprised about??

And why do this interview again? Oh yeah, for her album. It was a confusing message. An interview that is intended to promote her album should not be the medium, and first interview re her brother's death as well. It produces a conflicting picture.
you know there are a lot of people who will uphold Michael's legacy, and keep their thoughts to themselves. they don't have to argue semantics on a messageboard to keep their thoughts secure, and keep them, their own.

I didn't even direct that to you. Lose the attitude.

Some of you are taking out your anger about MJ's death on the wrong people. Janet didn't say anything so wrong. Tell me what she did that was so terrible? How did she betray Michael? She said he was maybe in denial. Perhaps she could have kept that to herself but it's her opinion.

Janet as always stood up for Michael overall and was very protective of him. What's with the drama? Some of you will find anything to complain about.
Not trying to be rude but nobody here can answer your question because we don't know.

That's okay. I am just trying understand what Janet was talking about. I am just following what the autopsy says and what the coroner said. His death was a homicide.
I sooooooo agree with you....

and notice they don't mention the full autopsy found only the stuff Murray gave him...
luckily ..this is a busy news week and the media as already murdered him with tabloid bs ten millions times already..

Janet...this interview ...........ummm??

Of course not to the bold. Or the normal liver. That wouldn't go well with the MJ was a long time addict voice over by Roberts.

The phone is gona ring... I thought she said she hadn't spoken to him in a long time? If I was her, I would have defended MJ to death, and not talk about how she doesn't know what the hell is going on, or act so shocked about propofol. She should be more shocked about Murray, and the whole circumstances surrouding his death.

She was talking about how sometimes she thinks the phone is going to ring and she'll pick up and hear Michael's voice saying: "Dunk? It's me."

Not trying to be rude but nobody here can answer your question because we don't know.

Well...I think that depends on what you want to believe.
It is about selling her CD, and it will flop . and her career is indeed over .

Of course it was about selling her CD, so what is your point. Also, isn't her CD a greatest hits, so it not a real studio release.

If I recall they said the exact same thing about Mariah Carey when Glitter hit and now these exact same people are kissing her ass. No one career is over until the person stops production.
I'm out of this post, because Michael is dead, and, now,
it is "all about Janet".
Why doesn't Janet jsut take a break from her 35 year old career, and
really just be there for Michael's kids?
Some of us show love to our siblings differently. Some of us would go on tv to talk about our siblings supposed drug addiction which we're not really sure of anyways because ...we are working through our grief so we need to feed the media monster??? Somebody help me here, I'm searching for understanding.
she did not watch the movie , that's why she thinks he was on drugs, he was fine Janet !
anyway implies that she boycuts the movie like Randy .

the family met MJ few weeks before his death , if they saw anything wrong with him(like what she claims) why did not they help him !!!
If MJ was such an addict as per Janet, what exactly about propofol was she surprised about??

And why do this interview again? Oh yeah, for her album. It was a confusing message. An interview that is intended to promote her album should not be the medium, and first interview re her brother's death as well. It produces a conflicting picture.

she was surprised like the rest of the world because doctors usually don't give patients ANESTHESIA to SLEEP
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