Janet Jackson : 'Dr Murray killed my Brother'

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Its very hard to watch Janet only because for me it brings back my own loss of my sister as well as opening wounds of Michael again.
And was it any different from the excerpt already posted?? I'm guessing it wasn't judging from the lack of posts following that airing.

She said a bit more. Like she thought he was in denial and that you could lead a horse to water but you couldn't force them to drink. I'm taping it; I'll have to watch it again. Wish I knew how to convert it...

She's writing a book called "True You" about her struggle to control her weight.

Not this dude again.

In light of all that is being said and done since Michael died, I have one simple question - who looks out for his legacy? There is more to his legacy that selling CDS or film tickets. Is there no one who can officially speak up on behalf of Michael? No-one?
you are splitting hairs with me.

yes..i see the comments on the internet. many of them. too many days..too many people. it doesn't matter what forum they are in, it's just too many people. real people.

partial blame? that's just splitting hairs.

i SaW the comments. they are far from pretty, and analytical. and they are from real people.

i'm not taking things too seriously. i notice in other posts of yours, you don't like people making assessments about you. please don't make them about me. how serious i am, is not the issue.

which brings me back to Michael. i have a problem with people making assessments about him. the way you have a problem with people making assessments about you.

the way i have a problem with you making an assessment about me. we're not psychiatrists, here. and even if you are one, i didn't pay to have myself analyzed.

They still do not represent the majority, no matter how many you are. Most of the people who talk on the internet are talking heads, like the people on the news. So, just because they scream the loudest does not make them the majority.

Partial blame is not splitting hairs. That is people opinions and they have the right to it. They see him as partially responsible because he ask for a dangerous drug, disregarded the warnings, and got a doctor who was not even train to give the drug in question. That is why they feel he is partially to blame. Is it right, depends on how you look at it.

However, that no way water down what Murray did, that is how the public feel. The internet is not the general public, so please stop acting like it is.

When I said you maybe taking this too seriously is because how you make assumptions that I am attacking you. Which I wasn't. I also used the term 'maybe' because I am not sure. Please read my words more carefully.
^No. NO one to look out for his legacy. Nope.

So basically she said exactly what a few of us thought she did. She said in plain plain English that MJ had a problem he never overcame, was a drug user like her ex Rene Debarge, and was in denial. Did she say what kind of drugs, or intervention btw? And of course she wasn't pressed for clarification. Why? Because they headlines must go on. Why spoil the druggie image by clarifying stuff?

He was always alone.
In light of all that is being said and done since Michael died, I have one simple question - who looks out for his legacy? There is more to his legacy that selling CDS or film tickets. Is there no one who can officially speak up on behalf of Michael? No-one?

that's a real good question. it's amazing how people can try to convince you to say that day is night and night is day, and black is white, and that i'm being rained on, when...

but i know what positive comments about MJ sound like...and i know what negative comments about MJ sound like. fortunately, i have a mind of my own, and it will stay that way.
^No. NO one to look out for his legacy. Nope.

So basically she said exactly what a few of us thought she did. She said in plain plain English that MJ had a problem he never overcame, was a drug user like her ex Rene Debarge, and was in denial. Did she say what kind of drugs, or intervention btw? And of course she wasn't pressed for clarification. Why? Because they headlines must go on. Why spoil the druggie image by clarifying stuff?

He was always alone.

yep. always alone.
I don't know guys, this is making me really sad. she's totally painting him as an out and out addict. ugh. she never said a word about the insomnia. nothing. nada.

Michael's death was not a black and white situation. but as his most beloved sister, she could say a little bit more about what drove him to use the Propofol in the first place.

I don't know what to say. I'm going to have to think about this.

EDIT: wait, they said something just now about the sleep problems. I guess I'll wait and see.

and yes, he was always alone. and he knew it. oh god did he know it. :cry:
^No. NO one to look out for his legacy. Nope.

So basically she said exactly what a few of us thought she did. She said in plain plain English that MJ had a problem he never overcame, was a drug user like her ex Rene Debarge, and was in denial. Did she say what kind of drugs, or intervention btw? And of course she wasn't pressed for clarification. Why? Because they headlines must go on. Why spoil the druggie image by clarifying stuff?

He was always alone.

Its James DeBarge and Rene Alonzo. Or perhaps you meant to mesh the names cause they were both drug users lol.

They just showed a clip about the propofol. They are going to ask about that soon. They showed a short clip where Jan says "That's heavy."

Ok, it seems like they are saving it till the next segment. They are going to ask her about the MJ3 and they mentioned MJ's last pics in public.
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I didn't purposely mesh the names.lol. A Freudian slip maybe?? I meant the DeBarge dude.lol.
Janet did a very bad job ,,, the victim role is not interesting any more Dunk.
I don't know guys, this is making me really sad. she's totally painting him as an out and out addict. ugh. she never said a word about the insomnia. nothing. nada.

Michael's death was not a black and white situation. but as his most beloved sister, she could say a little bit more about what drove him to use the Propofol in the first place.

I don't know what to say. I'm going to have to think about this.

EDIT: wait, they said something just now about the sleep problems. I guess I'll wait and see.

and yes, he was always alone. and he knew it. oh god did he know it. :cry:

she is really disappointing me...and this interview is about lifting her up..up ..up and to hell with Michael...

and she bores me...
My heart is very sad right now. Not because of any alleged drug addiction...
in December 2006 Mike came back to the states to attend James Brown funeral on December 25, 2006.

in December 2006 he also filed lawsuits against lawyers brought by his younger brother to manage his affairs during the trial .

on June 17 , 2007 claims about his brother Randy conspiring against him with his pal hit the headlines .

on June 29 , 2007 Roger wrote a lengthy article on Mike's addiction , his liver being damaged from alcohol and painkillers abuse, his family being blocked from meeting him, no access to him for two years and trying to ask his lawyer to check whether he was ok or not .

in September , 2007 the family release a statement denying the story , but Randy, janet and joe's signature were missing .

It's obvious Janet had no access to Mike during that period , he was in Bahrain and when he came back he was fighting Randy without naming him openly . It seems lil sis believed Randy over Mike , to her Mike was not of sound mind at that time because of drug abuse , at least that's what Randy told her and apparently she believed him
Well, let us hope that tomorrow's headlines will reflect on her personal challenges and not be another MJ bashing session. Naive dream, I know.
Looks like Janet doesn't give a shit..... sorry just my opinion.
I agree with you. Janet Jackson comes off as being insufferable and very self-serving and self-centered. :puke:

By the way, I read that Janet has taken a few "diet pills" in her life.

Question to Janet:
Hey, Janet, can you tear yourself away from your "weight loss" and just plain "preciousness" long
enough to help yor 79 year old mother with your orphaned niece and nephews?
I'm sorry guys :( I deliberately chose not to watch the interview because I knew exactly how it would play out. Whatever. Back to our regularly scheduled programming.

Although the more I think about the kids, the more bewildered I become. I just don't get it.
Yup, Robin Roberts is saying the two weren't in contact as much and MJ slipped into drugs and addiction.

Jan says she doesn't know if she'll ever see TII. She says its too hard right now.

Jan says Paris has hawk eyes and can spot a paparazzi a mile away. She says a day doesn't go by where she doesn't think of Michael. First look at her new music video coming up next.
today for the first time in months I decided to read a few magazines and watch TV...guess what they were talking about - MJ - but they were making fun of him...these were the headlines, not the fact that the man who destroyed his life has just killed himself which is VERY telling considering how he ended up totally alone and miserable
but no, what I see is people laughing at MJ, as if they didn't hurt him enough when he was alive....it hurt me so much it really did, and they make me sick too I hate the world now more than ever it's almost as if everyone is brainwashed
then I come here and I see his family doing this...what's going to happen to MJ's name and reputation? I can't stand it when I see people shredding him into pieces, I want everyone to see the real Michael the way we do...it's so sad and unfair poor Michael such a sweet man he never deserved this
God knows what those little kids are feed about their father . and you know what hurts even more a fan afraid of defending MJ on a fan board , it is that ridiculous . you no longer can defend MJ , because his family knew the deal and you don't .
janet's making me get teary eyes again talking about she keeps thinking the phone is gonna ring and it'll be michael :(
Janet did a very bad job ,,, the victim role is not interesting any more Dunk.

I sooooooo agree with you....

and notice they don't mention the full autopsy found only the stuff Murray gave him...
luckily ..this is a busy news week and the media as already murdered him with tabloid bs ten millions times already..

Janet...this interview ...........ummm??
In light of all that is being said and done since Michael died, I have one simple question - who looks out for his legacy? There is more to his legacy that selling CDS or film tickets. Is there no one who can officially speak up on behalf of Michael? No-one?

seems there is no one. sad.
I've got to say this. I'm really disappointed in Janet Jackson. it seems as if the family is covering its ass. :(
I didn't like how the 'drug' issue was handled. It seems that no one gave any facts and it was all speculation and its anyones guess as to when they tried these so called interventions.
FROM Sandra Rose:
Janet's Jackson Problems With Drug Addiction:

As most of you know, pop icon Micahel Jackson passed away after a possible prescription drug overdose two weeks ago.
It turns out that his sister Janet Jackson was also addicted to painkillers. Dr. Allan Metzger of Beverly Hills was reprimanded by the board of medicine in September 2000 for writing prescriptions for Janet in her chef’s name.

According to TMZ.com, the letter states, “You engaged in fraudulent medical practice based on prescriptions written for an international entertainer, using a false/fictitious name.” TMZ identified the entertainer as Janet Jackson.

Dr. Metzger told TMZ he simply prescribed diuretics (water pills) and a Hepatitis B injection in the late 80s for Janet, who may have been using the diuretics as a dangerous substitution for dieting. But the board of medicine usually doesn’t threaten a doctor’s license for writing scripts for water pills and a shot.

So it’s safe to assume that Janet was also hooked on prescription meds like her brother.

Dr. Metzger is an autoimmune disease specialist. Supposedly Michael Jackson had lupus in addition to the skin disease vitiligo, which we sincerely doubt. Dr. Metzger traveled
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