Janet Jackson : 'Dr Murray killed my Brother'

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Whatever! strange family. If my family went on with half of what this family has been doing, i would come back and haunt every single one of them.lol

J/k. lol.
Always remember Lisa that Michael was a part of the family you call strange.
Well, the interview is about to start now so you'll can stop bickering over .... nothing.
I understand that, but that is the same for any person. No one knows all there is to a person, no matter how close they are. I am close to my brother, he is my best friend, but I do not tell him everything I do and it is the same for him. So, this assumption that you need to know everything there is about a person to be close is really naive and not at all realistic.

i never said that Janet and Michael were not close.
Play what game? The lying game which Jermaine played? :lol:

I'm glad she's not acting naive like some people.

It's called being media savvy. Be smart and not give them what they want on a silver platter.

I'm still amazed that some of you seem to think Michael would approve of this drug addict image they've created for him. I'm sure he's smiling from above at this.... not.

The Jacksons have proven they don't care for his image and legacy, so this shouldn't surprise me I guess.....
He was born into it and kept a good distance away from that family; THAT I will remember. I always wondered why he stayed so far away. More and more I get an idea of why.
I'm not the type to assassinate someone's character. However, I am sick and tired of people spouting character assassinating crap about Michael Jackson with smirks and glee and then disguise it as innocent objectivity...and then accuse someone of "god worship" who doesn't go along with them and who calls them out on their nonsense. I saw ot and dealt with it when Michael was alive, but it has increased since he died..in fact it was over the top what some people posted about Michael right after Michael died. The venom was extremely thick...and the venom has crept it's way back in here in light of Janet's interview.

Remember people are still hurting over Michael's death, including myself. For me the shock has finally worn off and now the sadness and yes ANGER has taken over and I don't have patience for people posting phony 'objective' rants to get their last kicks in Michael's memory and character nor in trying to raise a stir in his fans who are still in mourning. It's a very sick game that's being played by some posters on here why shoudn't they be called out on it?

That still give you not right to attack someone. Take it outside. Everyone had the right to voice their opinion, it does no matter if you agree or disagree. We are all adults here, act like it and voice you opinion in a respectful manner. Even if you do not agree with a person.
Most people do understand that this Dr. was totally out of bounds with what he did. I've only read few comments from the public at large who actually thinks this Dr. should walk and then I would question their mental capacity in general. So I wouldn't worry about those things.

hoo hoo hoo....i've seen MANY more comments that said the doctor should walk, and that mj died a freak and an addict.
i never said that Janet and Michael were not close.

I was not talking about you specially. I was talking about the overall forum.

Also, she was allowed to visit Michael at anytime. She simply chose not to because she understood they were both busy. That really is not that much different than most other people.

However, this does not amount to much now so I will leave it at that.
hoo hoo hoo....i've seen MANY more comments that said the doctor should walk, and that mj died a freak and an addict.

You should not base the general public on what you read on the internet. The vocal minority hardly speeches for everyone, just like how this board does not represents ever fan. So, you really need to stop the generalization.

Also, most people do blame the doctor, that is a fact. You can argue the detail, but the general public does not support Murray.
omg Janets interview is on now.....God it is so heartbreaking......Poor Janet...she is trying to keep it together....makes me want to cry...
You should not base the general public on what you read on the internet. The vocal minority hardly speeches for everyone, just like how this board does not represents ever fan. So, you really need to stop the generalization.

Also, most people do blame the doctor, that is a fact. You can argue the detail, but the general public does not support Murray.

you know what, i didn't make a generalization. i did say, many people. are you saying that people on the internet aren't real people? i really don't appreciate being told what to do. you can't speak for the entirety of the general public, either. have you gone door to door, to over a million doors?
"Next all the times they tried to intervene and why didn't they work."

So...the moment of much discussion is coming up next.
I'm not the type to assassinate someone's character. However, I am sick and tired of people spouting character assassinating crap about Michael Jackson with smirks and glee and then disguise it as innocent objectivity...and then accuse someone of "god worship" who doesn't go along with them and who calls them out on their nonsense. I saw ot and dealt with it when Michael was alive, but it has increased since he died..in fact it was over the top what some people posted about Michael right after Michael died. The venom was extremely thick...and the venom has crept it's way back in here in light of Janet's interview.

Remember people are still hurting over Michael's death, including myself. For me the shock has finally worn off and now the sadness and yes ANGER has taken over and I don't have patience for people posting phony 'objective' rants to get their last kicks in Michael's memory and character nor in trying to raise a stir in his fans who are still in mourning. It's a very sick game that's being played by some posters on here why shoudn't they be called out on it?

You are making an assumption that I am not also mourning and thats incorrect on your part. I certainly am, but not the same way as you.

I see nothing wrong with what I have said about his character. He is human.

I'm not ranting on anything and I'm mourning just like you are. I have a right to feel the way I feel just like you do. Not all of us are going to paint a rosy picture of Michael. Thats just not realistic.
Great. The moment of truth, or not.

All the times they tried to intervene which didn't work which means MJ was an addict that never was helped, and never overcame.

Yes, color me cynical.
you know what, i didn't make a generalization. i did say, many people. are you saying that people on the internet aren't real people? i really don't appreciate being told what to do. you can't speak for the entirety of the general public, either. have you gone door to door, to over a million doors?

I simply said you should not make generalizations base on what you read on the internet. The internet does not represent everyone. Like how these forum does no represent all of Michael's fans.

Also, I have been observing people and most people do not support the doctor. Even if he was an addict, Murray injected into Michael. He is also a doctor who should know better.

So, while most do see Michael's as partial responsible for his death, the doctor still gave him the drugs that killed him. It is not rocket science. I think you maybe taken things a little too seriously.
It is so obvious she fears Joe.....he is such as asshole to make his kids feel like they do....
I simply said you should not make generalizations base on what you read on the internet. The internet does not represent everyone. Like how these forum does no represent all of Michael's fans.

Also, I have been observing people and most people do not support the doctor. Even if he was an addict, Murray injected into Michael. He is also a doctor who should know better.

So, while most do see Michael's as partial responsible for his death, the doctor still gave him the drugs that killed him. It is not rocket science. I think you maybe taken things a little too seriously.

not to get involved in your discussion but...I dont hold Michael responsible AT ALL for his death...just thought I would through that out there..
Normally, for something like this there would be hundreds of members and guests in the thread. Maybe that says something in itself. Random, I know but just saying.
She was a child, of course she was controlled by Joe. By 18 yrs she was on her own.

I think we have heard enough as fans. And we don't think this is insider information, or anything really worth listening to. If it was MJ giving an interview then yes. lol. But I have learned that there hardly is anyone who can say something earth-shattering adn new about MJ. And his family doesn't seem to be much in the know either.
I simply said you should not make generalizations base on what you read on the internet. The internet does not represent everyone. Like how these forum does no represent all of Michael's fans.

Also, I have been observing people and most people do not support the doctor. Even if he was an addict, Murray injected into Michael. He is also a doctor who should know better.

So, while most do see Michael's as partial responsible for his death, the doctor still gave him the drugs that killed him. It is not rocket science. I think you maybe taken things a little too seriously.

you are splitting hairs with me.

yes..i see the comments on the internet. many of them. too many days..too many people. it doesn't matter what forum they are in, it's just too many people. real people.

partial blame? that's just splitting hairs.

i SaW the comments. they are far from pretty, and analytical. and they are from real people. and they put MJ firmly on blast, and there is not even the mention of a doctor.

i'm not taking things too seriously. i notice in other posts of yours, you don't like people making assessments about you. please don't make them about me. how serious i am, is not the issue.

which brings me back to Michael. i have a problem with people making assessments about him. the way you have a problem with people making assessments about you.

the way i have a problem with you making an assessment about me. we're not psychiatrists, here. and even if you are one, i didn't pay to have myself analyzed.
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Didn't she live at Havenhurst with James DeBarge? I know she said she wanted to get away.

So...the full clip (or at least what ABC wants us to see) about her talking about Mike and addiction has just aired...
And was it any different from the excerpt already posted?? I'm guessing it wasn't judging from the lack of posts following that airing.
I guess they are also going to tell us what the family new about Michael's diprovan use...which will probably be nothing...
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