Janet Jackson : 'Dr Murray killed my Brother'

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For you people who are foaming at the mouth with what Janet Jackson said about family interventions (as that gives you ENOUGH 'proof' that Michael was a drug addict). For someone who was a drugged out zombie, he sure was able to take good care of his children..Remember what Paris said?

Also, Michael is the FIRST drug addict in the history of mankind to have a healthy body and healthy organs. Even in death Michael can still make history.

Regardless of PAST prescription drug dependencys, the only meds that were found in Michael's system were the sedatives and propofal traces that Conrad Murray injected to Michael Jackson during the early morning of June 25, 2009...No demoral, no oxycontin, no marijuana, no coke.

Homicide, people, HOMICIDE...NOT ACCIDENTAL OVERDOSE. Remember That!!!
Everyone can see that what Janet did was not the right thing.

If what she says is true, she should know that the press would attack his brother.

If what she said happened a long time ago, she should have clarified.

I was very sad. I think she has betrayed the memory of his brother only to sell an album.

But I hope I'm wrong.


Janet would NEVER betray MJ! She's the last person to ever do something like that for her own benefit! She clearly said MJ had a drug problem and the family tried to intervene. It didn't work. How's that wrong? Why are so many acting like MJ didn't have a drug problem?

Janet would NEVER betray MJ! She's the last person to ever do something like that for her own benefit! She clearly said MJ had a drug problem and the family tried to intervene. It didn't work. How's that wrong? Why are so many acting like MJ didn't have a drug problem?

you choose to see what you choose to see. nothing in the world would convince you that MJ wasn't a drug addict. you were convinced before Janet showed her face. that is perfectly clear. there are two sides to the story here, and you are clearly looking at only one side. the side you choose to look at. if anything, you are acting like YOU know Michael Jackson. you don't.

it's also cowardly to lay into someone who isn't here to defend himself.

Janet would NEVER betray MJ! She's the last person to ever do something like that for her own benefit! She clearly said MJ had a drug problem and the family tried to intervene. It didn't work. How's that wrong? Why are so many acting like MJ didn't have a drug problem?

I will not explain again something that is obvious.

You do not want to accept what she did. No matter what I say.
you choose to see what you choose to see. nothing in the world would convince you that MJ wasn't a drug addict. you were convinced before Janet showed her face. that is perfectly clear. there are two sides to the story here, and you are clearly looking at only one side. the side you choose to look at. if anything, you are acting like YOU know Michael Jackson. you don't.

I'm not acting like I know him. That's YOU
MJ did have a drug problem. If not, then what do you call it?
I have a feeling the entire interview won't clear up this excerpt. But regardless, couldn't Janet have foreseen how her words would be twisted??

10pm is so far away. That is not prime time, that's bed time:)
For you people who are foaming at the mouth with what Janet Jackson said about family interventions (as that gives you ENOUGH 'proof' that Michael was a drug addict). For someone who was a drugged out zombie, he sure was able to take good care of his children..Remember what Paris said?

Also, Michael is the FIRST drug addict in the history of mankind to have a healthy body and healthy organs. Even in death Michael can still make history.

Regardless of PAST prescription drug dependencys, the only meds that were found in Michael's system were the sedatives and propofal traces that Conrad Murray injected to Michael Jackson during the early morning of June 25, 2009...No demoral, no oxycontin, no marijuana, no coke.

Homicide, people, HOMICIDE...NOT ACCIDENTAL OVERDOSE. Remember That!!!

this, right there ^
I'm not acting like I know him. That's YOU
MJ did have a drug problem. If not, then what do you call it?

again, you don't read posts. i said i did not know him, and i did not make a determination. You did. i said NOBODY knows him. remember?

are you saying that your determination of Michael having a drug problem is not the statement of someone who claims to know him?

i clearly am seeing that you are not the one to have a converstion with. because you are just here to cause strife at Michael's expense, for no reason. i don't know if you work for the media or not, but i'm gunna shift my convos elsewhere.
goodness to gracious .... we haven't even seen the interview in its entirety and so much strife.

I agree. I think the fans need to take a long step back and look at Michael as a man and not some God from heaven. There is no need to defend him like crazy.

As a man he had some flaws and he did not always do nice things to people he did business with. He didn't pay his bills and he had some issues. That doesn't mean his music was not wonderful and it doesn't make him a bad person. It makes him a HUMAN BEING.

He came from a totally dysfunctional family. He was abused both mentally and physically. Not every child that has to deal with that comes out the same and I think Michael was very sensitive and it affected him in ways we can only imagine.

The autopsy report has not been officially released, no one has been arrested yet, and everyone gets crazy and fights start and its just not necessary. There are a lot of people out there profiting from MJ's death, but I hardly think Janet needs the money and would do that. She was actually more popular than him in some ways. Lets just watch with an open mind.
again, you don't read posts. i said i did not know him, and i did not make a determination. You did. i said NOBODY knows him. remember?

are you saying that your determination of Michael having a drug problem is not the statement of someone who claims to know him?

i clearly am seeing that you are not the one to have a converstion with. because you are just here to cause strife at Michael's expense, for no reason. i don't know if you work for the media or not, but i'm gunna shift my convos elsewhere.

are YOU not saying that your determination of Janet not knowing Michael is not the statement of someone who claims to know him?
you choose to see what you choose to see. nothing in the world would convince you that MJ wasn't a drug addict. you were convinced before Janet showed her face. that is perfectly clear. there are two sides to the story here, and you are clearly looking at only one side. the side you choose to look at. if anything, you are acting like YOU know Michael Jackson. you don't.

it's also cowardly to lay into someone who isn't here to defend himself.

Having a drug problem is not the same as having an addiction. You can have problems with medicine and not be an addict. My grandfather takes a cocktail of drugs everyday. He takes them he used to have seizures in the past, which caused him to hurt himself.

The reason why I bought this up is because he had to go through several medications before we found a combination that worked. I call this a drug problem because he had to change drugs to find the ones that would help him and some of the medication caused more harm than good. Janet cold have been referring to something of that nature when she was taking about drug abuse.

Michael did have issues with medication, given his medical. Which is why he needed very strong drugs to sleep. Did that make him an addict, no. You need to get drug problem and addict separated, there are not the same.

But, it is obvious that people had already made of their mind on the subject, so it pointless to talk anymore. Janet told the truth as she know it.

However, I still believe that when Janet talk about intervention, it was during a time when Janet was worried about Michael because of some of his more disturbing habits, like not eating, sleeping, and disappearing. So, she went to check on him and see if he was okay. She knew it had drug problems in the past and since she married an addict, she thought Michael had issues again. She most likely said the family were there to help to save face for the media. It would look bad for the family if Janet said that she was the only one checking up on him.

Janet had stood by Michael side until the end and never betrayed Michael. She built her own success because she didn't want to live in his shadow and she even jumped on her own family who were dogging Michael. Something both Jermaine and Toy can tell you. Maybe they were not as close as they used to be, but the fact that Janet could see Michael at anytime unlike his other siblings speaks louder than anything to me.
I agree. I think the fans need to take a long step back and look at Michael as a man and not some God from heaven. There is no need to defend him like crazy.

As a man he had some flaws and he did not always do nice things to people he did business with. He didn't pay his bills and he had some issues. That doesn't mean his music was not wonderful and it doesn't make him a bad person. It makes him a HUMAN BEING.

He came from a totally dysfunctional family. He was abused both mentally and physically. Not every child that has to deal with that comes out the same and I think Michael was very sensitive and it affected him in ways we can only imagine.

The autopsy report has not been officially released, no one has been arrested yet, and everyone gets crazy and fights start and its just not necessary. There are a lot of people out there profiting from MJ's death, but I hardly think Janet needs the money and would do that. She was actually more popular than him in some ways. Lets just watch with an open mind.

MTE. Will you be my beachlover? lolololol.
I agree. I think the fans need to take a long step back and look at Michael as a man and not some God from heaven. There is no need to defend him like crazy.

As a man he had some flaws and he did not always do nice things to people he did business with. He didn't pay his bills and he had some issues. That doesn't mean his music was not wonderful and it doesn't make him a bad person. It makes him a HUMAN BEING.

He came from a totally dysfunctional family. He was abused both mentally and physically. Not every child that has to deal with that comes out the same and I think Michael was very sensitive and it affected him in ways we can only imagine.

The autopsy report has not been officially released, no one has been arrested yet, and everyone gets crazy and fights start and its just not necessary. There are a lot of people out there profiting from MJ's death, but I hardly think Janet needs the money and would do that. She was actually more popular than him in some ways. Lets just watch with an open mind.

i think no one should tell someone how to defend someone.

and i think you don't know of MJ's business practices. as far as i can see, everybody is suing him, but he has the money, and they don't.

most people here are not making a determination..and i'm tired of people saying that if someone tries to look on the positive side, that equals God worship from heaven.

too many people assume that MJ was a bad businessperson, and everybody else was a good businessperson. that if someone has a lot of money, they don't still chase money. those are all just assumptions.
I just want to say (before this entire thread gets chaotic) everyone should please remember to maintain a level of respect towards other members.

I know in recent months it's been difficult and emotions are high, especially in regards to certain things/topics/issues.

Just remember to respect each other, no name calling, etc.

There is no reason we as a community cannot discuss things but there needs to be some level of respect for each other, even if we don't see eye to eye.

Just keep this in mind.
I'm not acting like I know him. That's YOU
MJ did have a drug problem. If not, then what do you call it?
the autopsy found no drugs in his body. That should have been Janet's response. NO DRUGS WERE FOUND IN HIS BODY - what part of that don't you understand?
Funny how some fans act like they knew MJ personally or for that matter knew him more then Janet does :lmao:

Delusional, much?

So, you think Michael would be happy about his own family aiding the media in depicting him as a raving drug addict? Really?
the autopsy found no drugs in his body. That should have been Janet's response. NO DRUGS WERE FOUND IN HIS BODY - what part of that don't you understand?

alot of drugs were found in his body but they were sedative and anesthesia that murray injected him with

it's funny when fans act like they know more than the family
the autopsy found no drugs in his body. That should have been Janet's response. NO DRUGS WERE FOUND IN HIS BODY - what part of that don't you understand?

Look at the clip, she said nothing about recently. They asked her about his drug problem and if they try to help him. Michael did have drug problems, so Janet answered honestly. Janet never said he was and addict when he died.

Please, before you make statements, get all the facts.
I just want to say (before this entire thread gets chaotic) everyone should please remember to maintain a level of respect towards other members.

I know in recent months it's been difficult and emotions are high, especially in regards to certain things/topics/issues.

Just remember to respect each other, no name calling, etc.

There is no reason we as a community cannot discuss things but there needs to be some level of respect for each other, even if we don't see eye to eye.

Just keep this in mind.

Eiiii, Whitey, when did you become a mod? :scratch:(lmao). Where is Buck, we need to set a date for paltalk this month.
I have a feeling the entire interview won't clear up this excerpt. But regardless, couldn't Janet have foreseen how her words would be twisted??

10pm is so far away. That is not prime time, that's bed time:)



This is what I see.

I see a woman in the public's eye trying to process the grief of this tragedy in the best way that she knows how.

I see a woman who obviously as his sister knows things that the fan community cannot possibly know. I don't care how close some may feel they are to MJ.

Whatever problems MJ may have had, it doesn't change his humanity toward the human race or his compassion for children or his concern for the planet.

But at the end of the day, Michael Jackson was once a human being.

Many fans choose not to understand this.
the autopsy found no drugs in his body. That should have been Janet's response. NO DRUGS WERE FOUND IN HIS BODY - what part of that don't you understand?

"The drugs propofol and lorazepam were found to be the primary drugs responsible for Mr. Jackson's death"


Reading is fundamental.

So, you think Michael would be happy about his own family aiding the media in depicting him as a raving drug addict? Really?

The whole interview didn't even premiere yet and you're already passing judgment?

what i know is, Michael Jackson seems to be the only person on this planet that didn't judge people. it says a lot. usually, the more judgmental you are, the less clean your own slate is. and the less judgemental you are, the cleaner your own slate is.
Well, except for times like "Tommy Mottola is very devilish" ;) Overall I think it's true that the family didn't know him like someone living with him would have, so some of what they think could have been influenced by heresay or something that was going on just for a limited time. However, I trust Janet, so I'm very interested in what she has to say.

I would love the family to divulge what kind of addictions MJ had. I hear all the time about interventions being staged but no word of what kind of addiction. Was it painkillers, what was it???

Or is it just being said to further a means to another end? And what would be the purpose of saying this on air? What really is the purpose? So MJ can have the title of perennial drug addict to the child molester title??
Ouch. When you put it that way... :no:
Everyone can see that what Janet did was not the right thing.

If what she says is true, she should know that the press would attack his brother.

If what she said happened a long time ago, she should have clarified.

I was very sad. I think she has betrayed the memory of his brother only to sell an album.

But I hope I'm wrong.

betray the memory of her brother??? can u say drama queen

Janet would NEVER betray MJ! She's the last person to ever do something like that for her own benefit! She clearly said MJ had a drug problem and the family tried to intervene. It didn't work. How's that wrong? Why are so many acting like MJ didn't have a drug problem?

Let me be clear; I am not trying to argue or insult you. I just want to understand your opinion better.

As far as I know, he had a problem with prescription pills in '93 and as I have heard in '00. After that, he got clean. When he died, he was clean. If you believe he was addicted to prescription pills when he died and was a long time drug addict when he died, then that's you. His body tells us a different story.

As for inventions, Jan doesn't give a specific date in that short clip. She doesn't say it was recently although I see why people have a problem because they feel like she left that open and didn't clearly state that those were previous problems. An intervention could have been in '93 or '00. Btw, I could have sworn I saw soso deaf post somewhere that she was in vegas around the time of the supposed intervention and nobody was in vegas but MJ, his kids and Joe.
I agree. I think the fans need to take a long step back and look at Michael as a man and not some God from heaven. There is no need to defend him like crazy.

As a man he had some flaws and he did not always do nice things to people he did business with. He didn't pay his bills and he had some issues. That doesn't mean his music was not wonderful and it doesn't make him a bad person. It makes him a HUMAN BEING.

He came from a totally dysfunctional family. He was abused both mentally and physically. Not every child that has to deal with that comes out the same and I think Michael was very sensitive and it affected him in ways we can only imagine.

The autopsy report has not been officially released, no one has been arrested yet, and everyone gets crazy and fights start and its just not necessary. There are a lot of people out there profiting from MJ's death, but I hardly think Janet needs the money and would do that. She was actually more popular than him in some ways. Lets just watch with an open mind.

I understand what you are saying. To a certain extent I would agree with you.

But some has pointed out very valid points as far as to Michael not being a "drug addict".
1. the autopsy doesn't support it
2. no one (family, friends, fans) really know with certainty what was happening behind closed doors.
3. past dependency doesn't necessarily= current issues.
4. and certainly past dependency is NOT what took Michael away from us.... it was SO CALLED IDIOTIC CARDIOLOGIST WHO COULDN'T EVEN PERFORM PROPER CPR, YET INJECTED MIKE WITH WHAT CAUSED HIS DEATH. (sorry, I am not yelling at you..... yelling at Conrad Murderer).

Totally agree all this strife and anger is so unhealthy for us.

I think no matter what the interaction level was between Mike and Janet in the past years........ I really can't see Janet using Michael to further her career.

But for my full opinion I have to wait until I see the interview in its entirety in about 34 minutes.:agree:
As much as a human man that MJ was, I don't think he would be okay with this picture of him being a druggy and not wanting to come out of it (likening to Rene Debarge) being painted to the public at large. It is a private issue nonethless.

But the important point here is why, why would JJ want to put this out there? She already see his name being polluted and every flaw of his being exaggerated and put as a + on his 'bizarre-ness' list. why , why would she add to it? It is a profound lack of wisdom, or something more sinister.

I don't get it. granted I also don't get how Joe Jackson could have his colleague Rowe go on national tv and say 'everyone knows MJ was an addict'. There is something twisted about this picture. And it could all boil down to a basic naivety from the family, or again, something more sinister.

I just put myself in MJ's shoes, or the family's and I still don't get it.
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