Janet Jackson : 'Dr Murray killed my Brother'

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from kop board. sums it up nicely

Funny what topic is the lead of every article about Janet's interview. Somehow it hasn't been how Murray should be charged in Michael's death. One thing and only one thing is what mattered and stuck out to those who were going to report about this interview. Anyone surprised? Janet should be either.

It was given to them to spin. At some point, I give up on the spinners and wonder about those supplying the info. to spin.

People complained about AEG and Ortega and DiLeo but I do know that they gave the media nothing to run with in terms of sensationalizing Michael and taking the focus off why he died.
Ok sooo u saying just that part it not true but the REST OF MY POST IS??? What u sayin
Really dont give A FLYIN F*$K WHAT some1 says at ANOTHER TALK FORUM...
i want her if shes going to talk about interventions from upto 10 years ago to make it clear and not let the media act as if they are talking about it now and thats why mj isnt here.i know mj had issues in 93 and early 00's but explain to me what that has to do with murray killing mj? why is it even been discussed its been brought up so the media can twist and do exactly what has been done in the below.and i thouhg janet would be clever enough not to get led like that. all shes done is helped with the media agenda of making mj look like a druggie who od like all the others

I already said, they asked her specially about drug abuse. Look at the actually interview instead of reading the clip notes. She may had been referring to that time period, but that is not what they asked her. They asked her about his drug abuse and if they tried to help him. She answered the questions honestly. The media is going to twist that question no matter how she answered so it was a lose lose situation.

Also, Michael being a drug addict still does not excuse Murray's actions. Let me put up a similar case:

John Adam Belushi (January 24, 1949 – March 5, 1982) was an Albanian comedian, actor, and musician notable for his work on Saturday Night Live, National Lampoon's Animal House, and The Blues Brothers.

On March 5, 1982, Belushi was found dead in his room at Bungalow #3 of the Chateau Marmont on Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles, California. The cause of death was a speedball, a combined injection of cocaine and heroin. His death was investigated by forensic pathologist Dr. Ryan Norris among others, and while the findings were disputed, it was officially ruled a drug-related accident.

Two months later, Cathy Smith admitted in an interview with the National Enquirer that she had been with Belushi the night of his death and had given him the fatal speedball shot. After the appearance of the article "I Killed Belushi" in the Enquirer edition of June 29, 1982, the case was reopened. Smith was extradited from Toronto, arrested and charged with first-degree murder. A plea bargain arrangement reduced the charges to involuntary manslaughter, and she served 18 months in prison

John, god rest his soul, was a very bad drug addict. If Cathy did not give him that speedball, he most likely would had given it to himself and OD. Despite that, Cathy spent time in jail for injecting him with the drugs that killed him.

Murray is a doctor, he should know better. Not to mention he try to cover the crime.
Jesus Christ y'all! :doh: Can't we just wait 'til the whole interview?!
Everyone needs to wait for the interview. Its typical media spin. Remember when Schmley's tapes came out all the headlines were 'Jackson thinks Hitler is a genuis' when in fact MJ had said that Hitler was a genuis orator. Its all about the ratings.
and my answer stands.

Fine, but you should not get on Janet for given an honest answer. We do not know what was going on. Maybe Janet did think he had drug issues at other times, but chose not to put on CNN. The autopsy already proven that whatever issues he had, it was not as serious as she thought. But, that was not the question.

You can nitpick all you want, but it hardly change anything. Read my previous post to why it does not matter. Really, the only people who even care if Michael was a drug addict are fans and the media. The general audience is not even listening to this anymore.
Yes thats what i BEEN tryin to say is WAIT 4 THE WHOLE INTERVIEW!! POINT BLANK...

So i think CLOSE this Thread and START a new one ABOUT THE WHOLE INTERVIEW later...

That sound right to me
Everyone needs to wait for the interview. Its typical media spin. Remember when Schmley's tapes came out all the headlines were 'Jackson thinks Hitler is a genuis' when in fact MJ had said that Hitler was a genuis orator. Its all about the ratings.

EXACTLY! Let's just wait 'til we see the WHOLE interview tonight.
i want her if shes going to talk about interventions from upto 10 years ago to make it clear and not let the media act as if they are talking about it now and thats why mj isnt here.i know mj had issues in 93 and early 00's but explain to me what that has to do with murray killing mj? why is it even been discussed its been brought up so the media can twist and do exactly what has been done in the below.and i thouhg janet would be clever enough not to get led like that. all shes done is helped with the media agenda of making mj look like a druggie who od like all the others

People complained about AEG and Ortega and DiLeo but I do know that they gave the media nothing to run with in terms of sensationalizing Michael and taking the focus off why he died.

ine, but you should not get on Janet for given an honest answer.
well she should so some common sense. shes refused to answer questions on her self enough in the past or alt least give mj the honour of giving a timelinethat doesnt make it look like mj died cause he was adruggie seeing that is what the media are running with from this article. shes clever enough to know exactly how the media would run with it. its not about being honest its using your brain about how what u say will be twisted.

as posted on kop

So disappointing that Janet is talking about interventions and drug addictions. She should know better then to give the media what they want on a silver platter.

What if Michael wanted that to stay his business and not discussed publicly just for information sake? Janet got to decide how much she wanted to have the Superbowl incident discussed or her marriages. Michael seemed to respect that. Wish Michael had the same handed back to him.

MJ didn't die from painkillers. I bet the family had no idea of his insomnia. Don't they realize that they are helping shape his image as a hardcore drug addict? Or maybe they just don't care. They've already made him look worse than Whitney Houston and she was a raving crackhead. SMH
well she should so some common sense. shes refused to answer questions on her self enough in the past or alt least give mj the honour of giving a timelinethat doesnt make it look like mj died cause he was adruggie seeing that is what the media are running with from this article. shes clever enough to know exactly how the media would run with it. its not about being honest its using your brain about how what u say will be twisted.

as posted on kop

So disappointing that Janet is talking about interventions and drug addictions. She should know better then to give the media what they want on a silver platter.

MJ didn't die from painkillers. I bet the family had no idea of his insomnia. Don't they realize that they are helping shape his image as a hardcore drug addict? Or maybe they just don't care. They've already made him look worse than Whitney Houston and she was a raving crackhead. SMH
Those koppers are right about this for once, it's a damn shame that she didn't word herself differently, the tabloid media will go berserk with this tomorrow, Janet gave them what they wanted, it's a damn shame. And without offending anyone I'm disappointed in her, though I do give her the benefit of a doubt and refrain from further judgement until I've seen the entire interview.
well she should so some common sense. shes refused to answer questions on her self enough in the past or alt least give mj the honour of giving a timelinethat doesnt make it look like mj died cause he was adruggie seeing that is what the media are running with from this article. shes clever enough to know exactly how the media would run with it. its not about being honest its using your brain about how what u say will be twisted.

as posted on kop

So disappointing that Janet is talking about interventions and drug addictions. She should know better then to give the media what they want on a silver platter.

What if Michael wanted that to stay his business and not discussed publicly just for information sake? Janet got to decide how much she wanted to have the Superbowl incident discussed or her marriages. Michael seemed to respect that. Wish Michael had the same handed back to him.

MJ didn't die from painkillers. I bet the family had no idea of his insomnia. Don't they realize that they are helping shape his image as a hardcore drug addict? Or maybe they just don't care. They've already made him look worse than Whitney Houston and she was a raving crackhead. SMH

She never said anything about drug killers. She was talking about drug abuse. Get the facts straight.

To be frank, you would most likely criticize anything that comes out of her mouth when it comes to talking about drugs, so whatever. She answer the question honestly and I respect that. It was her choice to answer the question and I will not go around and said that should not of have. Michael was her brother and to be frank, she said nothing that damage him either way.

Like I said, it is only really fans and the media he keeps going around and around with the drug addict stories and the general public has moved on. You are the ones given the media power over you by getting upset. You are the ones worried about the media spin. If you do not want your words to spin, then keep you mouth shut. That is the only way you can keep the media from spinning words. Just look at Michael when just about everything that came out of his mouth was spin to mean something else. Case in point, the entire Rabbi's book

The facts speaks for itself and it does so louder than any statement.
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THANK U Ramona ^^^ They like sayin "Oh Janet is lying on her brother now, she dont know what she talkin about". "She havent see Mike in years" HOW DA HELL U KNOW THAT...

Lisa marie was convinced mj was taking drugs when they were married , she said she did not see him taking anything but always felt he was doing drugs. but what the doctor at NY who treated him after he collapsed said , "I was very shocked when the drug results came back negative" he was clean , that's lisa marie who was his wife , lived with him, slept with him , she left the hospital with no answer and always believed he collapsed because he was taking meds , but after his death the doctor talked about that incident , his wife thought he was junkie because he was acting weird , lisa
not janet who once or twice a year saw him and at some point did not even call him in three years .

MJ was "acting weird" because of insomnia , it drives people crazy , that what janet failed to acknowledge . THE INSOMNIA.
I don't think Janet meant it like that as far as the drug thing. But the media are already twisting what she said and the interview hasn't even aired yet. This is not sounding good to me.
It's just sad, I'm beyond disappointed all my sympathy goes to these three innocent angels that loved Michael unconditionally, they kept him going, may he watch over them now.. this is a cruel, evil world. Rest in peace sweety, I hope what they say is true , that they can't hurt you anymore.
SO FAR I'm Only seeing Some of the people on this site TWISTING her words...
taking two glasses of alcohol on daily basis for one month would damage your liver , imagine someone who used to take all these drugs and even one of them for years , how damaged his kidneys and liver would be . take that into consideration please .

again the last supposed intervention in 2007 happened after Randy was fired , and immediately after Rowe was hired as a manager for the jacksons , he was shopping a tour deal for them and gave interviews to many magazines about a possible tour with the brothers and janet , but mj turned them down according to Rowe in may 2008 . they later denied the intervention rumor and insisted it did not come from them , now we know for sure who was the source for the intervention rumour , THE FAMILY .
the number one sport on this site, is fan bashing.

having said that, i will say this..

abc news and msn and company aren't presenting anything. i haven't seen anything. and Janet Jackson says she BELIEVED something. she hasn't admitted to SEEING anything. plus they are putting a lot of her statements without quotation marks..so we don't know even if they are actually quoting her.

but msn and abc didn't present the evan chandler death story..but they ARE presenting THIS story.

nuff said.

in the end..abc and msn and company will not say that the sky is blue, if it is associated with a positive true message about Michael Jackson. so, why should i believe this story, no matter how it looks?

we have a whole lot of people saying Michael acted 'different'..from Teddy Riley, to Donald Trump. but NOBODY admits to SEEING Michael Jackson TAKING drugs. and that includes Janet Jackson.

acting different doesn't automatically denote drug addiction.

and people have accused Michael of being paranoid and a lot of other things, because he spoke of threats against him. that MAY be something that would make him ACT different. that doesn't mean he was on drugs. and the Leaked autopsy report defies the inner body of a drug addict. so that report doesn't agree with what abc news is TELLING us that Janet Jackson is supposedly saying.
Also, Janet Jackson is reported to have said that she hasn't seen Michael in almost three years, in very recent times. only now, this year, she said she has seen him, for the first time, in a while, just in time for her birthday(which makes sense). and she doesn't say, that he was acting like a drug addict. she was saying he was laughing, cracking up, and acting silly..something she said was a product of their closeness, throughout the years.
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I have yet to see the interview in its entirety. I Love Janet she like her brother brought great music to the world and is still doing so. Michael loved her and what ever she says now is not directed as something against Michael. It has been my misfortune to know how druguse effects a family. be it Perscription or recreational misuse. Often times the family dosen't know the person is doing them until it is to late. Other times its made painfully clear. Saying that i do not believe Michael was abusing drugs or a drug addict.

Janet is still in mourning and we fans have wanted to hear what she had to say about it since June 25th 2009. Now she is speaking about it and people are twisting her words and taking something from them that is not there. We so far are only seeing clips of what has been said the full show hasn't even aired yet. Well here where i am it hasn't. I have to wait and see what she says to judge her comments. But we all need to remember that to her she lost a brother to us we lost our star and our hero. We really have no right to bash anyone. Michael belonged to his family first and formost. He belonged to us second.
taking two glasses of alcohol on daily basis for one month would damage your liver , imagine someone who used to take all these drugs and even one of them for years , how damaged his kidneys and liver would be . take that into consideration please .

again the last supposed intervention in 2007 happened after Randy was fired , and immediately after Rowe was hired as a manager for the jacksons , he was shopping a tour deal for them and gave interviews to many magazines about a possible tour with the brothers and janet , but mj turned them down according to Rowe in may 2008 . they later denied the intervention rumor and insisted it did not come from them , now we know for sure who was the source for the intervention rumour , THE FAMILY .

I remember that she ''would have loved to open for her brothers'' according to herself.
I have seen alot of Janet interviews and she never once said that. Michael himself said that he was the closest to Janet and of all the siblings, Janet was only one who could see Michael at anytime. Everyone else had to call ahead.

yes she did, this is what she said in Essence magazine a few years ago

"The Michael I knew best was teenage Michael. He inspired me. As adults, we rarely meet, but when we do, it's not as strangers, but as a loving brother and sister whose knowledge of each other is rooted in the past, not the present. We cherish dear memories, we sympathize over the single missing element of our childhood - the fact that our childhood never existed."

they loved each other very much and I know Michael was so proud and so fond of his little sister, but I don't think they were as close as people think, to me Michael seemed like a very lonely man and not because he wanted to be lonely
I have yet to see the interview in its entirety. I Love Janet she like her brother brought great music to the world and is still doing so. Michael loved her and what ever she says now is not directed as something against Michael. It has been my misfortune to know how druguse effects a family. be it Perscription or recreational misuse. Often times the family dosen't know the person is doing them until it is to late. Other times its made painfully clear. Saying that i do not believe Michael was abusing drugs or a drug addict.

Janet is still in mourning and we fans have wanted to hear what she had to say about it since June 25th 2009. Now she is speaking about it and people are twisting her words and taking something from them that is not there. We so far are only seeing clips of what has been said the full show hasn't even aired yet. Well here where i am it hasn't. I have to wait and see what she says to judge her comments. But we all need to remember that to her she lost a brother to us we lost our star and our hero. We really have no right to bash anyone. Michael belonged to his family first and formost. He belonged to us second.

there is no promise that you will see the whole interview. remember, there is such a thing as 'the editing room'. whatever Janet really says..we may never know what abc news did with it. let's face it...the media has a rep with Michael Jackson, and, unfortunately, i believe they are not above misusing his sister's words. Remember, Michael, himself, had to rebuff an interview that was done with him, and he had to come up with his own version of a rebuttal..and..take unused footage to court, and let everybody see it.

and his rightfully founded paranoia forced him to come up with his own satellite feed, to challenge the mainstream media, during the 1993 allegations. he was right, to be paranoid, indeed.
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