Janet Jackson : 'Dr Murray killed my Brother'

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This is all so sad. :( It is so hard to believe, and so hard to accept. Bless her.
That's just heart wrenching to read:(

I still wake up in the mornings still hoping that this has been some long ass nightmare!
Read this on google today and was depressed for the entire day. This situation is definitly the most sadest thing I have had to ever deal with and i am not a relative.

Poor Janet must be wondering how she could of saved Michael.Hope she is not blaming herself.
I still wake up in the mornings still hoping that this has been some long ass nightmare!

It's strange the connection we all have, how we all feel and think the same things at the same time - I think this alot, but it was really strong this morning and I came on here and saw someone else had posted it in two other threads too. YANA. =(
To be honest, I want Murray to be ARRESTED FOR THE MICHAEL JACKSON HOMICIDE, and I want it to be on the news.

Not have him ALREADY arrested for some unpaid child support. So I kind of hope he gets off the hook this time, so it will be more dramatic when he's ARRESTED for Michael soon.
poor Janet..it is not easy losing a sibling....I lost my sister in 2006,,,she was only 40years old....so I feel Janets pain.....But Janet is a strong woman..I know she will be ok in time....Thanks for the post..
Janet also says Michael is constantly on her mind, saying "It's been a tough year ... You have your days where it's just really -- it's hard to believe. And a day doesn't go by that I don't think about him."

Jackson also recounts June 25 -- the day Michael died -- saying, "I was at my house in New York. You know, another day. Another morning. And I get a call ... [my assistant] said, 'Your brother's been taken to the hospital. It's on CNN right now. I called everyone's. There's a line busy or -- someone wasn't picking up. I spoke to mother. I spoke to Tito. I spoke to my nephew Austin. I spoke to my sister La Toya."

Jackson added, "I told them to call me when they got to the hospital. And I remember thinking nobody's calling me back, so I tried calling again, and that's how I found out that he was no longer ... I couldn't believe it."

"It just didn't ring true to me. It felt like a dream. It's still so difficult for me to believe. It's, you know, you have to accept what is. But it's hard. You have to move on with your life. You have to accept what is and I understand that."

That is so true... when someone dies, there's for quite a while that feeling of it being irreal, surreal, unbelivable.
Wow. I cannot imagine even a little bit how she feels. For me, a non-relative, a stranger, it gets harder even after all this time. I think I, and a few others here, have been so consumed with the nitty gritty of stuff like the movie etc, that we got a little bit distracted. But now, I cry alot more (for a guy I didn't even know!). It is sad. I cannot read someone's acct of June 25th because it is crazy. I get glimpses of the headline news of that day and I get ill. I guess you could say I am still in some sort of denial.
Thanks for posting.Poor Janet I hope she will be alright I feel for all of Michaels family it's so sad.And yes it's still hard to believe and that we are coming up to 6 months.I hope there will be justice for Michael soon.

Susannah xx :(
Considering Janet didn't seem him very often, I can see why it's hard to believe. Before he died, even when she didn't see him, he was still alive. Now, she doesn't see him, and that's how it was before he died. So it may still feel like he's alive...just my take on it.
I just don't have words... I'm praying for her (and all of MJ's true loved ones). Janet is incredibly strong, but it's heart wrenching to even imagine what she must be feeling.


Stay brave Dunk.
Got this from another board for those who would like to see the interview!

I know the international fans want to see this live too. I found a site that's pretty clear and doesn't lag. Also no sign up required. Just saw Mya get 3 10s on DWTS :lol:

I'm not posting the link now so the "authorities" don't find it and take it down before the interview. Also this way it won't get clogged up with casual fans/haters before the actual show. I'll post it Wednesday night. :)

Mark your calendars international stans!

10:00:00 p.m. Wednesday November 18, 2009 in Canada/Eastern converts to
03:00:00 a.m. Thursday November 19, 2009 in Europe/London
06:00:00 a.m. Thursday November 19, 2009 in Europe/Moscow
02:00:00 p.m. Thursday November 19, 2009 in Australia/Sydney
aww Janet.. :(. I can't even imagine what she must be going through.

on another note, i think ABC got the place wrong..i thought she was in Atlanta when she heard the news..according to the interview in Bazaar?


Jackson also recounts June 25 -- the day Michael died -- saying, "I was at my house in New York. You know, another day. Another morning. And I get a call ... [my assistant] said, 'Your brother's been taken to the hospital. It's on CNN right now. I called everyone's. There's a line busy or -- someone wasn't picking up. I spoke to mother. I spoke to Tito. I spoke to my nephew Austin. I spoke to my sister La Toya."
"You have your days where it's just really -- it's hard to believe. And a day doesn't go by that I don't think about him." - Janet

Oh Janet, thats how we fans feel...Your not alone.. We are in with you in this fight. :cry:
As for Murray, doesn't this guy have bodyguards? And I'm not talkin' about the police watching him, but hired bodyguards? He'll never have another job again. No, scratch that. I hope his next job is making license plates. Since he's more than $13,000 behind, he probably hasn't been paying for a while. Makes me wonder what he did before he was a doctor for Michael.

You are too kind!!! I will not let Murray walk as a free man. I'll make him pay for what he had done! If I could I would even give him the primary penalty, but to be nicer, I'll just send him to jail.
fuck murderer murray. I want him to go to jail right now. Fuck the idiotic media who tried to make it sound like MJ was the one at fault when in reality, dr death is the one that administered the drugs and when finding out MJ was gone spent hours to get rid of evidence before he called 911. FU CKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKk HIM
Janet, I know the feeling. I have not stop thinking of Michael and still do not believe it.
janet talked very nice.i agree-the doctor is responsible and he should pay....
i can't believe Michael is gone...he left such a big hole...
but it's true he influenced our life so much,he made us better persons and we will always have him in our hearts!
Considering Janet didn't seem him very often, I can see why it's hard to believe. Before he died, even when she didn't see him, he was still alive. Now, she doesn't see him, and that's how it was before he died. So it may still feel like he's alive...just my take on it.

thats exactly what its like for the fans imo. you would see him in the flesh maybe once or twice a year on mj hotel trips etc. but the rest of the year u just waited on pictures or articles about him going shopping somewhere or attendingsome event. i remember back in the late 90's when sometimes u could go months without a sighting or pictures. sometimes u try and think thats whats happeneing now but u know in your heart its no but its easy to be in that type of denial if u want to be
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