Janet Jackson : 'Dr Murray killed my Brother'

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i think no one should tell someone how to defend someone.

and i think you don't know of MJ's business practices. as far as i can see, everybody is suing him, but he has the money, and they don't.

most people here are not making a determination..and i'm tired of people saying that if someone tries to look on the positive side, that equals God worship from heaven.

too many people assume that MJ was a bad businessperson, and everybody else was a good businessperson. that if someone has a lot of money, they don't still chase money. those are all just assumptions.

I didn't say he was a bad businessman. I said he wasn't always nice. I look at all the facts and there are times when MJ just didn't pay people. I'm not talking about NOW. I am talking about a lot of issues from the past. Its true. Get over it. If you think you are going to tell me that he didn't have money issues, I can only ask where you are looking cause it isn't reality based.

Clarification. I sincerely don't believe that Janet would sell out her brother for an album. She clearly loves him.

What I believe constitutes Godlike worship is when fans come here and can't hear anything bad about MJ and insist he didn't take any drugs and never did any wrong. Thats just delusional.

He died of a drug overdose. That says something. He obviously was taking something in order to overdose. Now call me stooopid, but I think thats a potential problem.
I agree. I think the fans need to take a long step back and look at Michael as a man and not some God from heaven. There is no need to defend him like crazy.

As a man he had some flaws and he did not always do nice things to people he did business with. He didn't pay his bills and he had some issues. That doesn't mean his music was not wonderful and it doesn't make him a bad person. It makes him a HUMAN BEING.

He came from a totally dysfunctional family. He was abused both mentally and physically. Not every child that has to deal with that comes out the same and I think Michael was very sensitive and it affected him in ways we can only imagine.

The autopsy report has not been officially released, no one has been arrested yet, and everyone gets crazy and fights start and its just not necessary. There are a lot of people out there profiting from MJ's death, but I hardly think Janet needs the money and would do that. She was actually more popular than him in some ways. Lets just watch with an open mind.
Don't start with this "Michael is not a God" mess. I can see right now that there are people (trolls or whatever) that are coming on here, celebrating and thumbing their noses at Michael's fans using what Janet Jackson said about failed family interventions. This is to PURPOSELY cause friction and add salt to the wound to Michael's fans. Like the cowards you all are, you can't come out and say that you're happy that Janet said what she said about interventions, you rather disguise it as being objective, enlightened and UNblinded.

You all are enjoying this... Michael's baby sis, Janet (the more 'credible' and 'popular' between the two) gives you the 'proof' that Michael was a drug addict. Salivate all you want, but like I said before, the autopsy showed that Michael had healthy organs and the coroner ruled Michael's death as a HOMICIDE not OVERDOSE. It's funny how that autopsy hasn't gotten the same amount of coverage like the demoral, oxycontin stories did when Michael first died.
Having a drug problem is not the same as having an addiction. You can have problems with medicine and not be an addict. My grandfather takes a cocktail of drugs everyday. He takes them he used to have seizures in the past, which caused him to hurt himself.

The reason why I bought this up is because he had to go through several medications before we found a combination that worked. I call this a drug problem because he had to change drugs to find the ones that would help him and some of the medication caused more harm than good. Janet cold have been referring to something of that nature when she was taking about drug abuse.

Michael did have issues with medication, given his medical. Which is why he needed very strong drugs to sleep. Did that make him an addict, no. You need to get drug problem and addict separated, there are not the same.

But, it is obvious that people had already made of their mind on the subject, so it pointless to talk anymore. Janet told the truth as she know it.

However, I still believe that when Janet talk about intervention, it was during a time when Janet was worried about Michael because of some of his more disturbing habits, like not eating, sleeping, and disappearing. So, she went to check on him and see if he was okay. She knew it had drug problems in the past and since she married an addict, she thought Michael had issues again. She most likely said the family were there to help to save face for the media. It would look bad for the family if Janet said that she was the only one checking up on him.

Janet had stood by Michael side until the end and never betrayed Michael. She built her own success because she didn't want to live in his shadow and she even jumped on her own family who were dogging Michael. Something both Jermaine and Toy can tell you. Maybe they were not as close as they used to be, but the fact that Janet could see Michael at anytime unlike his other siblings speaks louder than anything to me.

i am sorry about the problems you describe that are personal in your own life.

i still stand by what i have been saying all along. nothing anyone can say can convince me, that anyone knew Michael. and that includes me. only Michael knew Michael. he said so, in his lyric, in 'childhood'.

i know MJ was a human being.

people get that confused with giving them carte blanche to judge him.

i don't care how human MJ was, i refuse to make a determination on him. and i wish others would be that courteous. that doesn't stop me from seeing him as a human being.

people seem to forget the crux of this conversation. nobody on this board wants to be judged. not directly, and not indirectly. but it's still easy for them to judge others. and that includes Michael and Janet. Janet knows Janet. Michael knew Michael. Janet did not know the inside of Michael's head. Michael could not know the inside of Janet's head. does anyone in your family know you, better than you know yourself? that's what i'm trying to say. and that's why i'm witholding judgement on Michael Jackson, or any other human being, other than myself. i can judge myself. but i can't judge another human being. that is what i am trying to say, here. NOBODY has the capability of COMPLETELY knowing another human being. but each human being DOES know their own self.

and, by the way, Janet said that she could NOT see him all the time. there were spaces when she did not see him.
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alot of drugs were found in his body but they were sedative and anesthesia that murray injected him with

it's funny when fans act like they know more than the family
ONLY those supplied by Murray. So why is Michael being blamed??? Why was there even a discussion about Michael "in denial" and 'family interventions"? And as mush as I love the Jacksons (And I do love them), fans would give far superior interviews than the family has. Fans would do a better job of protecting his legacy. The Jacksons have always been too passive. And since MJ's passing some have just been absurd.
I understand what you are saying. To a certain extent I would agree with you.

But some has pointed out very valid points as far as to Michael not being a "drug addict".
1. the autopsy doesn't support it
2. no one (family, friends, fans) really know with certainty what was happening behind closed doors.
3. past dependency doesn't necessarily= current issues.
4. and certainly past dependency is NOT what took Michael away from us.... it was SO CALLED IDIOTIC CARDIOLOGIST WHO COULDN'T EVEN PERFORM PROPER CPR, YET INJECTED MIKE WITH WHAT CAUSED HIS DEATH. (sorry, I am not yelling at you..... yelling at Conrad Murderer).

Totally agree all this strife and anger is so unhealthy for us.

I think no matter what the interaction level was between Mike and Janet in the past years........ I really can't see Janet using Michael to further her career.

But for my full opinion I have to wait until I see the interview in its entirety in about 34 minutes.:agree:
As to your points:

1. The full autopsy has not been released and I'm beginning to think that they may never release it unless they take Murray to trial;
2. No one knows for certainty -- you are right. But I also think that some family members would and does know far more than the fan community does;
3. You are ABSOLUTELY CORRECT, which is why it is puzzling why many are going off in here because even in the clips I saw, no way did I ever surmise that Janet was referring to anything related to activities prior to his death; and
4. You are ABSOLUTELY CORRECT AGAIN. What Murray did is inescapable and inexcusable and he should pay.
MJ was a misunderstood, demonized human being; that much we see.

Going on primetime to divulge stuff like this in light of the swirling rumors about MJ is not a process of grief. She could choose to not say a thing about MJ, she has done that countless time before, or she can just be wise.

Sorry, no explanation is good enough for me at this point. Regardless of the fact.

I am irritated. I will wait to hear of the interview and hope she proves me wrong in some regard, but I doubt it.

I fail to see a purpose behind these exposures. But I can see a million reasons, including the children, to keep this a private issue, whatever the situation.
ONLY those supplied by Murray. So why is Michael being blamed??? Why was there even a discussion about Michael "in denial" and 'family interventions"? And as mush as I love the Jacksons (And I do love them), fans would give far superior interviews than the family has. Fans would do a better job of protecting his legacy. The Jacksons have always been too passive. And since MJ's passing some have just been absurd.

True. The Jackson can't even decide what the heck to believe. First they accuse Murray of being a murderer, then they call MJ an addict, and speculate on the kids paternity. Give me a break, no wonder Michael distanced himself from them.
As much as a human man that MJ was, I don't think he would be okay with this picture of him being a druggy and not wanting to come out of it (likening to Rene Debarge) being painted to the public at large. It is a private issue nonethless.

But the important point here is why, why would JJ want to put this out there? She already see his name being polluted and every flaw of his being exaggerated and put as a + on his 'bizarre-ness' list. why , why would she add to it? It is a profound lack of wisdom, or something more sinister.

I don't get it. granted I also don't get how Joe Jackson could have his colleague Rowe go on national tv and say 'everyone knows MJ was an addict'. There is something twisted about this picture. And it could all boil down to a basic naivety from the family, or again, something more sinister.

I just put myself in MJ's shoes, or the family's and I still don't get it.
Maybe it's best for you to accept the right for her to decide what she wants to say.

Or not. But looking at things from their perspective (sans Joe of course), they aren't thinking of a superstar right now. They are thinking about a beloved brother with all of his trials and tribulations and their joy and great pain living their lives with him as his family.
Let me be clear; I am not trying to argue or insult you. I just want to understand your opinion better.

As far as I know, he had a problem with prescription pills in '93 and as I have heard in '00. After that, he got clean. When he died, he was clean. If you believe he was addicted to prescription pills when he died and was a long time drug addict when he died, then that's you. His body tells us a different story.

"His body tells us a different story" hmmmm, you know what..... I'm just going to leave this one alone. It's clear that many fans are just in denial.

As for inventions, Jan doesn't give a specific date in that short clip. She doesn't say it was recently although I see why people have a problem because they feel like she left that open and didn't clearly state that those were previous problems. An intervention could have been in '93 or '00. Btw, I could have sworn I saw soso deaf post somewhere that she was in vegas around the time of the supposed intervention and nobody was in vegas but MJ, his kids and Joe.

Janet doesn't have to give any specific date for anything. Again, I think many fans believe just because they adore and idolize MJ they have the right to know everything going on with him and his family. The interview didn't even start yet and people are already dissecting what Janet said. Which was no more then 10 sentences.
ONLY those supplied by Murray. So why is Michael being blamed??? Why was there even a discussion about Michael "in denial" and 'family interventions"? And as mush as I love the Jacksons (And I do love them), fans would give far superior interviews than the family has. Fans would do a better job of protecting his legacy. The Jacksons have always been too passive. And since MJ's passing some have just been absurd.

maybe fans would give a better interview but we're not family and we don't have the mic also we didn't know him personally.

it doesn't matter if murray suppled them they're still drugs and who is blaming michael? the last time i checked his death was ruled a homicide meaning michael died because of someone else.

forget the media they treated michael badly when he was alive and they still don't care about him now, they just want the juicy stuff
i am sorry about the problems you describe that are personal in your own life.

i still stand by what i have been saying all along. nothing anyone can say can convince me, that anyone knew Michael. and that includes me. only Michael knew Michael. he said so, in his lyric, in 'childhood'.

i know MJ was a human being.

people get that confused with giving them carte blanche to judge him.

i don't care how human MJ was, i refuse to make a determination on him. and i wish others would be that courteous. that doesn't stop me from seeing him as a human being.

people seem to forget the crux of this conversation. nobody on this board wants to be judged. not directly, and not indirectly. but it's still easy for them to judge others.

I understand that, but that is the same for any person. No one knows all there is to a person, no matter how close they are. I am close to my brother, he is my best friend, but I do not tell him everything I do and it is the same for him. So, this assumption that you need to know everything there is about a person to be close is really naive and not at all realistic.

Also, enlightenu, but you need to stop with the character assassination around here. You gave you piece and you have no right to call someone a coward because they disagree with you. We do not call you names, so you should do the same. I do not agree with everything Beachlover said, but that gives you no right to insult his character.

No one said he had a painkiller problem, so stop bring it up. Janet didn't even mention painkillers, so it is a moot point. Take a chill pill and cool it, you are taken everything personally.

Thanks for you kind words about my grandfather. :flower:
Don't start with this "Michael is not a God" mess. I can see right now that there are people (trolls or whatever) that are coming on here, celebrating and thumbing their noses at Michael's fans using what Janet Jackson said about failed family interventions. This is to PURPOSELY cause friction and add salt to the wound to Michael's fans. Like the cowards you all are, you can't come out and say that you're happy that Janet said what she said about interventions, you rather disguise it as being objective, enlightened and UNblinded.

You all are enjoying this... Michael's baby sis, Janet (the more 'credible' and 'popular' between the two) gives you the 'proof' that Michael was a drug addict. Salivate all you want, but like I said before, the autopsy showed that Michael had healthy organs and the coroner ruled Michael's death as a HOMICIDE not OVERDOSE. It's funny how that autopsy hasn't gotten the same amount of coverage like the demoral, oxycontin stories did when Michael first died.

Sometimes people see what they want to see. And what they don't.

But don't think that because someone sees differently than you that someone is trying to start something or that somehow it's about what you say.

It is not. But you have to find your own path on this one.
EnlightenU~ you are correct that some are here to cause strife and may be deliberately trying to coax us into stooping to levels that we do not want to go.

Mello~ I agree.... (FAMILY, FANS, FRIENDS) all of US ....NO ONE knows with certainty the truth. We may never know.
So being so certain that MJ was an addict in recent years is not really fair to him.

And not all of us are in denial or see him as perfect.
The whole interview didn't even premiere yet and you're already passing judgment?


What's sad is that Janet played right into the media's hands. They are having a field day with "MJ the druggie" stories cementing this drug addict image for him.

After all these years in showbiz you'd think she'd know how to play the game. :doh:
MJ was a misunderstood, demonized human being; that much we see.

Going on primetime to divulge stuff like this in light of the swirling rumors about MJ is not a process of grief. She could choose to not say a thing about MJ, she has done that countless time before, or she can just be wise.

Sorry, no explanation is good enough for me at this point. Regardless of the fact.

I am irritated. I will wait to hear of the interview and hope she proves me wrong in some regard, but I doubt it.

I fail to see a purpose behind these exposures. But I can see a million reasons, including the children, to keep this a private issue, whatever the situation.
I'm sry, but you can't say how one grieves anymore than I can say to you how you should. It's her choice and her decision and I think that you've made yourself quite clear that you don't agree with it.

It is what it is.
Don't start with this "Michael is not a God" mess. I can see right now that there are people (trolls or whatever) that are coming on here, celebrating and thumbing their noses at Michael's fans using what Janet Jackson said about failed family interventions. This is to PURPOSELY cause friction and add salt to the wound to Michael's fans. Like the cowards you all are, you can't come out and say that you're happy that Janet said what she said about interventions, you rather disguise it as being objective, enlightened and UNblinded.

You all are enjoying this... Michael's baby sis, Janet (the more 'credible' and 'popular' between the two) gives you the 'proof' that Michael was a drug addict. Salivate all you want, but like I said before, the autopsy showed that Michael had healthy organs and the coroner ruled Michael's death as a HOMICIDE not OVERDOSE. It's funny how that autopsy hasn't gotten the same amount of coverage like the demoral, oxycontin stories did when Michael first died.

Don't assume to know where I come from. If you have a question for me or where I come from or how long I have been a fan, ask me. I can appreciate his music, his dancing, his videos and his humanitarian efforts without thinking he is God and without believing he has no flaws. No one on this earth is perfect, him included.

I love how you are trying to say now that Michael didn't die because there were too many drugs in his system. What do you call that? Its a matter of semantics here. First off, I never said he was a strung out drug user. You CAN be addicted to medications without having organ damage.

I'm not here to cause friction at all. I don't think of this as 'Michael vs Janet' at all. This is Janet talking about her brother.
3. You are ABSOLUTELY CORRECT, which is why it is puzzling why many are going off in here because even in the clips I saw, no way did I ever surmise that Janet was referring to anything related to activities prior to his death;

I think that people are worried that she was not specific. You as an MJ fan hear that and think 'hmm...Jan is talking about past problems.' (If I understand what you wrote correctly). Average Joe hears this and he might have never heard about the leaked autopsy report or that MJ had severe insomia. The average Joe might say 'how sad, he was a drug addict and had no legit medical issues and they tried to help him but he refused. He only has himself to blame for his death.'

We'll see the full interview in 19 mins. I'll be pleasantly surprised if Roberts discusses MJ's insomia or the leaked autopsy report.
What's sad is that Janet played right into the media's hands. They are having a field day with "MJ the druggie" stories cementing this drug addict image for him.

After all these years in showbiz you'd think she'd know how to play the game. :doh:

Play what game? The lying game which Jermaine played? :lol:

I'm glad she's not acting naive like some people.
What's sad is that Janet played right into the media's hands. They are having a field day with "MJ the druggie" stories cementing this drug addict image for him.

After all these years in showbiz you'd think she'd know how to play the game. :doh:

The only ones crying drug addict are the fans, go figure. -_-

The media will twist what they want, just look at the Jessa Jackson interview and read what the media did with that.
EnlightenU~ you are correct that some are here to cause strife and may be deliberately trying to coax us into stooping to levels that we do not want to go.

Mello~ I agree.... (FAMILY, FANS, FRIENDS) all of US ....NO ONE knows with certainty the truth. We may never know.
So being so certain that MJ was an addict in recent years is not really fair to him.

And not all of us are in denial or see him as perfect.

I think that many in the fan community have this fear of MJ being portrayed as such, but honestly speaking, we don't know what's fair or unfair because all of the facts aren't on the table as of yet. However what I see is a family member who generally has been seen across the board as being rather fair and credible being called all sorts of things because suddenly she is saying things that people don't want to hear.

There is some unfairness with that.
I didn't say he was a bad businessman. I said he wasn't always nice. I look at all the facts and there are times when MJ just didn't pay people. I'm not talking about NOW. I am talking about a lot of issues from the past. Its true. Get over it. If you think you are going to tell me that he didn't have money issues, I can only ask where you are looking cause it isn't reality based.

Clarification. I sincerely don't believe that Janet would sell out her brother for an album. She clearly loves him.

What I believe constitutes Godlike worship is when fans come here and can't hear anything bad about MJ and insist he didn't take any drugs and never did any wrong. Thats just delusional.

He died of a drug overdose. That says something. He obviously was taking something in order to overdose. Now call me stooopid, but I think thats a potential problem.

i'll reserve what i would call you.

but i do see through you.

lots of people come on a Michael Jackson board, claiming him to be the less successful one, the lesser one at business, the troubled one, etc. etc...but they are right here on these MJ boards, right along with the fans.

they actually praise the other family members. etc. etc.

but MJ is the one with the most success..so..naturally he is the bigger target. i don't know about you, but being successful to this extent meant he was the best at business.

please stop pretending to be objective about Michael. you have it backwards. i didnt make a determination. and your assessment of MIchael is not objective. it is negative, and without knowledge. and that is the usual fare. you are saying all these glowing things about Janet Jackson, and all these 'objective' things about Michael. and yet, you call me a worshipper of Micheal?

i say again, i made no determination about Michael Jackson. i simply refuse to be negative about him, because, that would be a determination, now wouldn't it?
Oh no, Enlightenu is very correct in what he/she said re trolls. it is painfully obvious.

I never questioned the right for JJ to say anything, I question her wisdom and motives. And not just hers, alot of the family who speak to the media. It is mind-boggling some of the things they say.

You know what? When MJ was accused of child molestation, and was defended, the argument of his detractors was that "MJ wasn't perfect, wasn't God etc..." My rebuttal to that is, no he wasn't perfect, but the imperfect man is not by default a child molestor. Now I will say the same thing here, no MJ wasn't perfect, he had his flaws, which I would never take a page to argue on, but his imperfection does not make him a drug user by default.
I also say, what do we say of those who use ambien, valium etc to fall asleep, or function? Do we call them drug users, abusers, addicts? The perception is what is being fed. And JJ is feeding the perception of MJ being a drug addict in the worse way. And don't fool yourself as to the connotation that is deliberately being pushed by certain people (including unfortunately some that come to this forum). This drug image of MJ is the media is made to demean, taint, and make him a person that was under the influence, like a drug addict on the street. This is so clear to me. Which is why I cannot for the life of me understand why JJ would go on national tv to even attempt to discuss this.
I think that people are worried that she was not specific. You as an MJ fan hear that and think 'hmm...Jan is talking about past problems.' (If I understand what you wrote correctly). Average Joe hears this and he might have never heard about the leaked autopsy report or that MJ had severe insomia. The average Joe might say 'how sad, he was a drug addict and had no legit medical issues and they tried to help him but he refused. He only has himself to blame for his death.'

We'll see the full interview in 19 mins. I'll be pleasantly surprised if Roberts discusses MJ's insomia or the leaked autopsy report.

I think people are wordsmithing and drawing conclusions based on the fear of what others will think.

I can tell you with total certainity that what Janet says tonight WILL NOT MATTER. Those who believe what they believe about Michael have already formulated those opinions based on facts, rumors, speculation and inneundo.

Also MJJGoat, it has been very widely reported about MJ's sleeping problems. It is how he chose to DEAL with those problems that's causing the problems for many. We can't excuse it away. And the fans here know everything because they READ everything about MJ. Yet people want to draw narrow conclusions.

But that's for each person to process, I suppose.
I think the public was further convinced that michael was drug addict and he killed himself, even his sister and family said he was druggie. The general public was not like the fans who would eager to seek the facts and truth of Michael, unfortunately the public tend to focus on the negative things and they didn't see michael as the homcide victim. thanks for the media and jackson family's effort.
"His body tells us a different story" hmmmm, you know what..... I'm just going to leave this one alone. It's clear that many fans are just in denial.

Oookkay. I think I see where you are coming from. Perhaps you don't believe that the leaked autopsy report is true. Or in addition to that, perhaps you believe that MJ was a long time drug addict and was addicted to prescription pills when he died.

And anyone who believes otherwise is in denial, right?

Janet doesn't have to give any specific date for anything. Again, I think many fans believe just because they adore and idolize MJ they have the right to know everything going on with him and his family. The interview didn't even start yet and people are already dissecting what Janet said. Which was no more then 10 sentences.

I didn't say she had to give one. I doubt people are concerned because they feel they have the right to know everything. They think media will twist/take advantage of the absence of a timeline/date.
i'll reserve what i would call you.

but i do see through you.

lots of people come on a Michael Jackson board, claiming him to be the less successful one, the lesser one at business, the troubled one, etc. etc.

they actually praise the other family members. etc. etc.

but MJ is the one with the most success..so..naturally he is the bigger target. i don't know about you, but being successful to this extent meant he was the best at business.

please stop pretending to be objective about Michael. you have it backwards. i didnt make a determination. and your assessment of MIchael is not objective. it is negative, and without knowledge. and that is the usual fare. you are saying all these glowing things about Janet Jackson, and all these 'objective' things about Michael. and yet, you call me a worshipper of Micheal?

i say again, i made no determination about Michael Jackson. i simply refuse to be negative about him, because, that would be a determination, now wouldn't it?

I am not being negative about him. I am being realistic and there is a huge difference.

Saying who is more successful in one way or another also depends on how you measure success. What is important to you may not be important to me.

I am saying that I can appreciate his music, his talent, his humanitarian efforts and care about Michael, the man, and look past many of the flaws I see and still think of him as a great talent and someone I have respected and admired for more than 30 years. I don't need to sugar coat things. It is what is is.
Maybe Janet is hurt and herself doesn't know the truth. She probably feels like Michael threw his life away. I really can't believe anything anyone says about Michael though, because looks at Latoya and Joseph, total nonsense. Old Joe went as far as to say that Omar was Michael's son!
Also, enlightenu, but you need to stop with the character assassination around here. You gave you piece and you have no right to call someone a coward because they disagree with you. We do not call you names, so you should do the same. I do not agree with everything Beachlover said, but that gives you no right to insult his character.

No one said he had a painkiller problem, so stop bring it up. Janet didn't even mention painkillers, so it is a moot point. Take a chill pill and cool it, you are taken everything personally.
I'm not the type to assassinate someone's character. However, I am sick and tired of people spouting character assassinating crap about Michael Jackson with smirks and glee and then disguise it as innocent objectivity...and then accuse someone of "god worship" who doesn't go along with them and who calls them out on their nonsense. I saw ot and dealt with it when Michael was alive, but it has increased since he died..in fact it was over the top what some people posted about Michael right after Michael died. The venom was extremely thick...and the venom has crept it's way back in here in light of Janet's interview.

Remember people are still hurting over Michael's death, including myself. For me the shock has finally worn off and now the sadness and yes ANGER has taken over and I don't have patience for people posting phony 'objective' rants to get their last kicks in Michael's memory and character nor in trying to raise a stir in his fans who are still in mourning. It's a very sick game that's being played by some posters on here why shoudn't they be called out on it?
Whatever! strange family. If my family went on with half of what this family has been doing, i would come back and haunt every single one of them.lol

J/k. lol.
I think the public was further convinced that michael was drug addict and he killed himself, even his sister and family said he was druggie. The general public was not like the fans who would eager to seek the facts and truth of Michael, unfortunately the public tend to focus on the negative things and they didn't see michael as the homcide victim. thanks for the media and jackson family's effort.
Most people do understand that this Dr. was totally out of bounds with what he did. I've only read few comments from the public at large who actually thinks this Dr. should walk and then I would question their mental capacity in general. So I wouldn't worry about those things.
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