Janet Jackson : 'Dr Murray killed my Brother'

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Some of us show love to our siblings differently. Some of us would go on tv to talk about our siblings supposed drug addiction which we're not really sure of anyways because ...we are working through our grief so we need to feed the media monster??? Somebody help me here, I'm searching for understanding.

Well, now, at least, you know why Michael Jackson did not name
Janet Jackson as a guardian for his children.
she did not watch the movie , that's why she thinks he was on drugs, he was fine Janet !
anyway implies that she boycuts the movie like Randy .

the family met MJ few weeks before his death , if they saw anything wrong with him(like what she claims) why did not they help him !!!

she's not boycotting the movie, it's to hard for her since michael was her BROTHER and it's hard seeing a dead family member on the screen so soon.
I don't think she said anything disrespectful..we don't know these people..afterall, this was HER brother. I can see if she did a Latoya or Jermaine...and we know they said and did some awful things...at some point ..she would of eventually have to address it. Janet is still here and she would be asked those questions at one point in her career..should she of done it when she did have an album out?...You can't win for losing. Micheal adored Janet and Janet adored Michael...and she has never disrespected him before..EVER!
The only good thing. The new album will be a failure, as well as her recent work.

If Janet Jackson's career was not over, now it is.
My point is Nena, if she thought MJ was such a hardcore addict, then why was she surprised at him using anesthesia. I mean for an addict that should be par for the course, right? I mean even propofol being administered by a doctor is a softie for such a hardcore addict, why not MJ administering it to himself?
I don't have anything against Janet, she's very polite and speaks well, but she should have approached the situation differently. She knows how the media is about Michael.
I'm out of this post, because Michael is dead, and, now,
it is "all about Janet".
Why doesn't Janet jsut take a break from her 35 year old career, and
really just be there for Michael's kids?

You have no right to say what someone should and should not do. If you use that logic, Michael should had stop his music career the moment he had his first child. Janet is not the guardian of those kids and she has no obligation to stop her life to care for them. I know I wouldn't give up my career if I was in the same situation, so I am not about to say Janet should.

Also, let get one thing straight. This interview was about Janet. Out of the entire hours, only about 15 minutes was devoted to talking about Michael. She mentioned Michael a couple times in points of her career, but she has always done that. This interview was never about Michael, but that is how they promoted it to get more viewers. So, to say this is self serving is very narrow.

Not to mention she waited almost 5 months before saying anything and fans were dogging her about that.
today for the first time in months I decided to read a few magazines and watch TV...guess what they were talking about - MJ - but they were making fun of him...these were the headlines, not the fact that the man who destroyed his life has just killed himself which is VERY telling considering how he ended up totally alone and miserable
but no, what I see is people laughing at MJ, as if they didn't hurt him enough when he was alive....it hurt me so much it really did, and they make me sick too I hate the world now more than ever it's almost as if everyone is brainwashed
then I come here and I see his family doing this...what's going to happen to MJ's name and reputation? I can't stand it when I see people shredding him into pieces, I want everyone to see the real Michael the way we do...it's so sad and unfair poor Michael such a sweet man he never deserved this
Sorry but I do not see many media outlets doing this. MJ is getting the compassion now. If anyone is doing this, they would be doing this regardless. They are only making themselves look stupid, not MJ.
I agree with lovelymj. But I guess I am just wary of us bickering amongst ourselves and with others. I worry that the headlines tomorrow will mean even more drama for MJJC. I am tired of the drama.
My point is Nena, if she thought MJ was such a hardcore addict, then why was she surprised at him using anesthesia. I mean for an addict that should be par for the course, right? I mean even propofol being administered by a doctor is a softie for such a hardcore addict, why not MJ administering it to himself?

Propofol is not at all a 'normal' drug for anyone to use at home. It is one thing to take some Percocets for pain or Xanax for anxiety. This was a crazy drug to use at home.

It isn't a drug the same as the others. It doesn't produce a 'high'. It is anesthesia and not at all something anyone would use on their own.
How did she betray him? Seriously, Janet handled the questions very well and she was classy throughout the whole thing. I don't see why some are mad at Janet at all.

BINGO! I must quote and agree.

I love it when fans think they know better than family. I don't care how long Janet and Mike never talked, she knows him better than we do unless we've had the chance to talk to him for more than 10min. Then maybeeeee....but c'mon!

Oh, and I dig the new single! Very Janet!
I just didn't like how Robin Roberts commentary about Michael's drug problem. She kept saying it a lot. The autopsy said he only had the drugs that Murray gave him that day. Otherwise he was healthy for his age. No major organ damage.
I understand what some are saying about feeding the media and their perception of MJ being a huge druggie, but it's obvious Janet doesn't know much about how MJ died or much about the investigation. The only member of MJ's family he was in touch with like that on a regular basis is Katherine and Randy to a certain extent. I don't think most of his family knew what was going on with him most of the time to be honest. Yes, MJ had a problem in the 90's and I believe he also had a problem in the early 00's. Especially around "Invincible" era. It was quite obvious then. But I don't believe that was so much in the last few years of his life. I think MJ really had gotten his act together since the trial.

Either way, the autopsy results prove that Michael was not this big drug addict the media and others believed he was. Just because he had a problem a few years ago, doesn't mean he was an addict when he passed away. Like I keep saying, I believe he needed some rest and he should have been directed to a sleep clinic or directed to speak to a specialist instead of being given propofol and anesthetics to help him sleep.

But i'm not mad at Janet. She actually knew Michael and she has her opinions. She really didn't say anything that bad. I think it was a good interview overall and I enjoyed it.
Do not forget that she promote her last album (the one before this) by screaming and shouting in the media , how Michael used to torture her when she was young because of her weight...she said many bad things about him calling her donky and fat pig and so...Janet pretened to forgt that all ur brothers are fat except MJ and Latoya.

she blames her overweight on MJ's comment when he was a kid .
My point is Nena, if she thought MJ was such a hardcore addict, then why was she surprised at him using anesthesia. I mean for an addict that should be par for the course, right? I mean even propofol being administered by a doctor is a softie for such a hardcore addict, why not MJ administering it to himself?

She never said he was a hardcore drug addict. She said he had drug problems. It was the narration that gave that picture, like comparing Michael to her ex-husband and how the long period of them not talking was caused by drugs. Janet did not say anything like that. So, please stop acting like she did.

Could she handled it better, yeah. But I am not about to play 20/20 hindsight since I was not in the room with her and do not know what was cut for time or to paint a certain picture.
To me, she sits in the same bench as Jermaine and Latoya, no difference. All blabbing for their own media time, and not the wisest thing; MJ always seem to be a mess after listening to all of them. Less so with Jermaine. Sometimes it is not what is said, but what is not said that paints the whole picture. Janet never blatantly, and callously disrespect MJ, but she does it in subtle ways. I know she loves him, I think she loves him, so I am all the more confused as to her actions.
I really enjoyed this interview. Although a lot of what she shared was not new info about her youth or Michael's past addictions, the discussions about their time together in May and how she and the family have been adjusting was very poignant.

She chose the right interviewer. Robin was calm and respectful as she always is and did not attack and didn't push when Janet didn't want to go certain places. I like her new song and am looking forward to the AMAs Sunday.
I just didn't like how Robin Roberts commentary about Michael's drug problem. She kept saying it a lot. The autopsy said he only had the drugs that Murray gave him that day. Otherwise he was healthy for his age. No major organ damage.

Everyone keeps thinking that because he had no organ damage, he could not possibly have been taking pain or anxiety medication to excess. I don't know if he did or didn't, but just because he had no organ damage doesn't clear him of the other. By the way, the drugs that were found in his system were narcotics.
BINGO! I must quote and agree.

I love it when fans think they know better than family. I don't care how long Janet and Mike never talked, she knows him better than we do unless we've had the chance to talk to him for more than 10min. Then maybeeeee....but c'mon!

Oh, and I dig the new single! Very Janet!

Thank you. Some of the fans on this forum have some nerve. You guys need to stop blaming other people for Michael's mistakes! Janet was extremely classy in the interview and didn't disrespect herself or the family not one time.
EXACTLY! Thank you. Some of the fans on this forum have some nerve. You guys need to stop blaming other people for Michael's mistakes! Janet was extremely classy in the interview and didn't disrespect herself or the family not one time.

Thats kinda what I was saying too.
Do not forget that she promote her last album (the one before this) by screaming and shouting in the media , how Michael used to torture her when she was young because of her weight...she said many bad things about him calling her donky and fat pig and so...Janet pretened to forgt that all ur brothers are fat except MJ and Latoya.

she blames her overweight on MJ's comment when he was a kid .

Maybe he did. Michael blame some of his problems on his dad and siblings for calling him 'big nose'. I talk about my brother badly too in public, so what is your point?

It is not like she wrote a song about it or went on national television saying he was a pedo. How do you even compare the two? If that is the worst thing she said about Michael, I think she is doing pretty well.
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