Jackson Family announces burial plans


What matters the most is that his burial won't turn into a daily mob scene and a tourist attraction.


I couldn't have said it better myself.

Michael sacrificed his ENTIRE life for his art. He gave up his peace for us. Let him and his family have this, at the very least.


I guess we loved Michael so much that we do feel like family, and although I have felt left out as a fan, but I must remember as stated above that Michael did up his peace for us. He was always on guard his whole life, and he deserves to truly rest in peace both spiritually and physically.
it's very wrong to bury a person on his birthday. on his birthday when you try to remember good things and memories and comfort yourself you'll think "his burial date". sooo wrong. not even properly buried. :(
I am glad they have chosen this as a final resting place. Sounds like a nice place and very secure too. I am also glad that he will finally be laid to rest becuase I think we all could do with some closure although until we know how this whole tragedy happenened (if we ever know), I am not sure we will be able to get closure anyway. :no:
i don't like the idea of burying michael on his bday either,,,,,,,,,,as a mom i do;t think i could deal with that if it were me.....wonder who made the final decision?
I am sure Katherine made the decision so why can't we just respect that and not complain. It is not up to us it was up to the family and why question it?
Maybe they are just saying they are going to bury him on his birthday to throw off all the paparazzi who are sure to be swarming the cemetery, and instead will really bury him a day or two before. That would give the family a lot more privacy and if Michael is watching from above, a good laugh.
I just saw the photos of Holly Terrace - will he be just there amongst others in a coffin kind of like what they have plaques lined up next to one another or..I'm confused?? I don't understand how it all works - that being said the location looks lovely. August 29 will be horrible - they should have buried him sooner but I understand the delicate situation it being Michael and all.
It's none of our business as to why they have decided to do it on his birthday. It is obviously how the Jackson family feel they can best comemorate Michael's life.
does the burial date actually bear significance? mj is gone and has been gone. he's at peace. it took this long b/c of drama. neverland or here or there. it was insane. katherine wants him in one place for good.

and im sure the kids had input in this as well.

as far as birthdays go....the day u enter this world is significant just as the day u leave. so burying him the day he entered is like him entereing a new form. finally going off and being at rest.
does the burial date actually bear significance? mj is gone and has been gone. he's at peace. it took this long b/c of drama. neverland or here or there. it was insane. katherine wants him in one place for good.

and im sure the kids had input in this as well.

as far as birthdays go....the day u enter this world is significant just as the day u leave. so burying him the day he entered is like him entereing a new form. finally going off and being at rest.

Well put! :)
i don't care if he will be buried on his birthday.i just want him to rest in peace. i respect his family's decision.
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I hope and pray that this will be the final news of him being buried. This has been like a rollercoaster, hearing rumors that he may have already been buried, or he is frozen, or etc.

My Heart aches just as much many of you here are about finalizing his burial. However, remember this - We struggle with the flesh knowing very well that Michael's body is in that coffin, but his spirit lives on. The spirit that was incase inside that body no longer resides cooped up in that shell but is now FREE. Very much like a Butterfly that was once a moth crawling on the ground, and one day shed it shell only to fly away FREE.

We will pull thru, Michael left us a legacy of his music and video and home videos. We will continue celebrating this remarkable Human Being.

On August 29, I will say a little prayer for all of you plus for the Jackson Family. That God comfort you all and assure us that Michael is with HIM along with Marlon's twin and other relatives who have passed in his family. Each of us shall pass thru the same road that Michael had gone thru and will one day join Michael and all of our beloved ones who pass. So let not your Heart be trouble.

God Bless Michael Jackson Fans and Family
It seems Jackson family dont want fans near Michael and they dont care about us and as I said before Katherine deosnt celebrate birthday and I think she doesnt want us to celbrate his birthday either.This is so sad.
It seems Jackson family dont want fans near Michael and they dont care about us .
Aww, don't say that, if they didn't care about fans they wouldn't do a memorial. I understand if they want this to be private. They are hurting more than we are.
For my part, i'm glad they they put all the burial speculations aside with the announcement. No more speculation or don't like that or do like that from the part of all the media and us, fans , as well...even now, that they announced it we the fans have different opinions on why they have said it out loud, before that it was why they don't speak out....and so on.
like i said, I'm glAd that this part is over, we're assured that Michael is put to rest like a king that he is -in such a spectacular place and ...WE LOVE YOU MORE, ANGEL!!!
I actually like the idea of crypt. Seems less morbid than a ground burial. And maybe its just me, but I dont mind the crypt to be private.. I know we fans wants to visit his grave, including me.. But this will ensure him total peace and privacy and his children can visit him in peace and quiet whenever they want. This is just what Michael needs. A resting place for family members only. And yes, maybe its just me but I dont mind his burial being on his birthday. Plently of other people have been buried on their birthdays and I think the only people not liking the idea are the people around the deceased. Michael is gone, I dont think the date matters to him. What matters the most is that his burial wont turn into a daily mob scene and a tourist attraction.

I echoed you, MichaelMySoul.
I am glad that Michael can finally laid to rest after 2 months, and I respect any decision made by Katherine and his family as I trust they would have made the best arrangement for Michael. The place looks perfect for our King to rest and I am glad that the place only allows family members so that his children can go and visit him in peace.
Aww, don't say that, if they didn't care about fans they wouldn't do a memorial. I understand if they want this to be private. They are hurting more than we are.
yes and most of us couldnt attend the memorial and of course I dont blame them, but we also hurt so much.
99% percent of fans doesnt want him to burry on his birthday ,is that too much to ask ?
Thinks about this makes me feel sick :(

If the family have decided they want to bury him on his birthday ,then so be it. I am very sad that I won't be able to pay my respects near him but again it is a family decision.

Need to stop reading about this now otherwsie I will cry again.
the way i see it, maybe they are doing it on his birthday as a last gift to him.
99% percent of fans doesnt want him to burry on his birthday ,is that too much to ask ?

Not sure how you came up with that figure, but as a fan myself, I have no problem with it. It is possible to simultaneously mourn for someone and celebrate their life, and laying him to rest on his birthday is doing just that. Okay, so bury him today. Bury him the day after his birthday. What difference does it make? None at all. The family will bury him on his birthday, mourn his departure and celebrate his life.

As far as the location, fans should not have access to his resting place if that's what the family desires. He is gone. Celebrate his music, his work, his causes... but let him rest in peace. His resting spot does not need the same focus as his homes, his life, etc.
i don't like at all the idea of doing this on his birthday.and the fans should be able to visit Michael's grave...i don't like the idea of another Graceland and people making money,but we should have the right to put a flower from time to time...
Is it me or the MAJORITY who dont like the date of the burial are from different countries???... Aint that weird...
I rightfully respect the decision that Mrs Jackson has taken. She was his mother, not the fans, She makes the decisions. People shouldn't just assume that we have the right to choose when to bury someone else's son.

I hope your body now finally gets the rest that your soul has been enjoying these past two months Michael. I love you more

I'm not sure why we are so hung up on the date of burial. The body has been kept for autopsys for nearly two months and if it helps bring some closure to the family then let be the 29th of august. I respect the decision of his family. Michael's date of birth is glorious but I'm trying to deal with the fact that he is gone....and whether it is his brithday or not..I'm still broken...Michael was just robbed from all of us who loved him :(
i've believed fans should not have the right to visit michael's grave. i think fans expect too much sometimes. let him rest in peace. only family members and friends should have access