Jackson Family announces burial plans

Why not? They can easily go either before or after the public viewing hours, or even have that area closed during the time they wish to visit him. Not difficult.

He is still somebody's dad, somebody's son, somebody's brother first and above anything else and particularly now he's gone. I know its hard but I think he's earned the right to peace and seclusion now and his family should not have visiting restrictions imposed on them to take public viewing hours into account.
I just hope he is laid to rest.

Gone to soon. :(
why everybody is so sure about the grave that can be vandalised? why would it be?

Because it does happen. It'll come back to me but I can't currently remember who it was but the body of someone famous was actually taken from the grave. They did get it back but would you chance that happening to one of your family? I sure as hell would not. The value of that casket alone would attract some unsavoury elements. I don't think there was any viable option other than the one the family decided upon.
They family is celebrating his life . His mother brought him into this world on August 29, 1959. She will say good bye to her son on August 29, 2009.

As a mother myself, I must say this post has really touched me greatly and it makes total and complete sense!

Bless your heart for this!
really? and can they rest assure that his grave won't be damaged or vandalized? they can't so that was a big part of this.

it is where it is and it's their right and their decision to do this.

Yes really. You stated that they can't grieve in private if the grave was accessible to everyone. I replied that that's not the case at all and offered different ways they can easily grieve in private.

As for whether or not they can rest assured his grave won't be damaged, they can't completely be assured of that no matter where he rests. However I mentioned long ago that Neverland would probably be the most secure place where he can be laid to rest. Being that he will instead be buried at Forest Lawn, his grave could have still been made accessible to the public during certain hours when his grave would be guarded. Again, not difficult.

Finally, yes it certainly is their right and decision to do this. You will find absolutely nowhere that I have ever said otherwise.
I understand that so many feel that fans should be allowed to visit him, that he loved his fans so much. But I also completely understand the family's decision on this. In this instance I honestly feel the family's wishes are far more about the whole picture, security, privacy, and the incredibly serene and beautiful setting of the Great Mausoleum, and that ultimately the family's wishes do take precedence over other's desires.

Michael is alive through his songs, videos, messages to the world. He lives on, but his body is at rest. And his birthday can certainly still be celebrated, I guess I truly am not understanding why moving his body from one area of the cemetary to another should affect one's ability to celebrate his birthdate.

Forgive me for sounding unsympathetic, I am not trying to do that. But to me, he is finally peaceful, and that does not take away the celebration of his birthday, but adds a full circle and perhaps more introspective appreciation of all he has given us.

He is still somebody's dad, somebody's son, somebody's brother first and above anything else and particularly now he's gone. I know its hard but I think he's earned the right to peace and seclusion now and his family should not have visiting restrictions imposed on them to take public viewing hours into account.

agree and agree :yes:
Why should Prince, Paris, Blanket, Katherine and the rest of the family have to make special arrangements to go and see Michael? Sure they could do it that way but they shouldn't have to. This way they can go see him when they want in private, without the fans and without having to make special arrangements. I think this is the smartest thing they have done.
Suicide is a selfish act...imo. I feel for the families of those fans. And I think it's impossible to gauge who is hurting more or loved Michael more. It's safe to say that no one could love or miss him more than the person who gave him life (his Mother)...and the people who Michael loved more than anything in this world (his children). And I agree with Soso that we can only imagine how devastating this is for Michael's mother but she has to remain strong becuz she's left in charge of his kids.

Perhaps what more ppl need to practice now is selflessness. There's a saying about if you love something you set it free... Even Michael wrote a poem in Dancing the Dream about how it's not always a good thing to hold on to love or a loved one too tightly. That's when it becomes a selfish act that brings pain instead of a selfless one...which allows freedom and peace.

Sacrifice not suicide shows true love, imho.

I agree with some of this about how we should be more selfless and how you shouldn't hold on to a loved one too tightly, all very true BUT I don't agree on judging those who have committed suicide, of course its nasty for their families but don't you think their lives might have been bad in some other way as well and they probably judged themselves very harshly as it was. IMO you shouldn't judge those who commit suicide as they've probably gone through enough as it is - they might have had the nicest personality but were lost in life, to call them selfish I think is a little shallow.
I understand that so many feel that fans should be allowed to visit him, that he loved his fans so much. But I also completely understand the family's decision on this. In this instance I honestly feel the family's wishes are far more about the whole picture, security, privacy, and the incredibly serene and beautiful setting of the Great Mausoleum, and that ultimately the family's wishes do take precedence over other's desires.

Michael is alive through his songs, videos, messages to the world. He lives on, but his body is at rest. And his birthday can certainly still be celebrated, I guess I truly am not understanding why moving his body from one area of the cemetary to another should affect one's ability to celebrate his birthdate.

Forgive me for sounding unsympathetic, I am not trying to do that. But to me, he is finally peaceful, and that does not take away the celebration of his birthday, but adds a full circle and perhaps more introspective appreciation of all he has given us.

Great post, I agree.
I understand that so many feel that fans should be allowed to visit him, that he loved his fans so much. But I also completely understand the family's decision on this. In this instance I honestly feel the family's wishes are far more about the whole picture, security, privacy, and the incredibly serene and beautiful setting of the Great Mausoleum, and that ultimately the family's wishes do take precedence over other's desires.

Michael is alive through his songs, videos, messages to the world. He lives on, but his body is at rest. And his birthday can certainly still be celebrated, I guess I truly am not understanding why moving his body from one area of the cemetary to another should affect one's ability to celebrate his birthdate.

Forgive me for sounding unsympathetic, I am not trying to do that. But to me, he is finally peaceful, and that does not take away the celebration of his birthday, but adds a full circle and perhaps more introspective appreciation of all he has given us.

That's very true :yes:
This is very surreal for me - I live in Glendale and I can see Forest Lawn from my apartment building! There's a beautiful museum on top of the hill at Forest Lawn with a cross that's lit up at night. Now whenever I see it, I will think of Michael. Strange to think he'll be resting less than a mile away. Bittersweet. Well no...there's nothing sweet about it. :-\

It is a gorgeous place though. When my family was visiting a few months ago I took them there because they were curious about the building on top of the hill. It's very serene, above the hustle and bustle of the city, quiet and beautiful grounds.
Maybe its not such a bad thing, for the kids and family to be close to his body and to see him one last time.

I think they'll be able to literally say their goodbyes or messages 'in person'........and to see him in a setting that is as beautiful as the photos here have shown. that would be beautiful.

But it won't be in a birthday celebration style as we know it to be. It will probably be peaceful and graceful.

I can only imagine Paris would've said something if she didn't like the idea or feel comfortable. So they must be doing it in a eulogy way.....but I guess being near his body would be a treat for Paris too.
oh maybe it's still a rumor!!
maybe they change thier mind!! :cry:
OMG the only day I could be happy can not turn out to be....:cry:
There are 365 days in a year... why did the one day have to be his birthday? :mello:

Then again, thank GOD he's finally going to have his peaceful resting place. It does look beautiful and at least he won't be covered with dirt. You have to take into consideration as well.. that there's works in there by Michaelangelo and so on. Michael would have appreciated that. Michael loved his art.

I'm not going to hold my breath about the tabloids and media. If they have a soul... or heart they NEED to respect Michael. Just wishful thinking I guess..:ermm:

I will still celebrate Michael's birthday anyway... like I always have done before. This time, it'll be different, but I'll try to make it as happy as I can. :angel:
I guess I truly am not understanding why moving his body from one area of the cemetary to another should affect one's ability to celebrate his birthdate.

Forgive me for sounding unsympathetic, I am not trying to do that. But to me, he is finally peaceful, and that does not take away the celebration of his birthday, but adds a full circle and perhaps more introspective appreciation of all he has given us.

I agree 100%.
i agree. there are some incredibly demented evil people who wouldnt think for a minute to desecrate someones grave. i remember watching fox news a few weeks ago and they were talking about people tampering with family members graves.

Because it does happen. It'll come back to me but I can't currently remember who it was but the body of someone famous was actually taken from the grave. They did get it back but would you chance that happening to one of your family? I sure as hell would not. The value of that casket alone would attract some unsavoury elements. I don't think there was any viable option other than the one the family decided upon.
morrison's grave was vandalized and it still is to this day and so was elvis' grave, that's y they moved him to graceland.

the family can do what they want. it's their choice their perogative. if they don't want fans there, then they don't want fans there.

how can they know who is a fan and who isn't? to allow access to the terrances means that other crypts are at risk b/c it's no longer private like it once was.
I thought of a way to deal with the situation of us being able to visit, a way that could work out for all of us, family and fans:

Quite simply, there could be a symbolic memorial stone for MJ on a plot somewhere else in Forest Lawn, in the public area where we could visit and leave flowers. That way we'd be near, in the same cemetery and we could mourn in a normal way (normal here meaning go to the cemetery and pay our respects), yet there would still be peace, privacy and safety for him in the mausoleum. In fact, a memorial stone like this could even serve to keep large numbers of people farther away from the mausoleum since the focus would be placed somewhere else. I'm thinking in a less busy part of the cemetery, so others aren't bothered.

I already read that Forest Lawn gets over 1 million visitors each year, so you'd think they could handle it. And in any case, you know that fans will still go to Forest Lawn just to be close, so visitor numbers are going to increase a lot anyway. Why not give us a place to actually go? F.L. has closed and open hours (so you can't just go in there at any old time you like) and some people have written online that security is always somewhere near. The memorial stone would thus be fairly well protected and his body (God, I hate writing that) would always be protected in the mausoleum where family could visit privately.

I hope they've thought of this. Of course, it's an expense, it's up to the family, on and on. But I personally think it would make a whole lot of sense.
morrison's grave was vandalized and it still is to this day and so was elvis' grave, that's y they moved him to graceland.

the family can do what they want. it's their choice their perogative. if they don't want fans there, then they don't want fans there.

how can they know who is a fan and who isn't? to allow access to the terrances means that other crypts are at risk b/c it's no longer private like it once was.

Exactly and I would forfeit my right to visit for those 3 children to be able to visit in private.
The best way for me is to look up and tell GOd to tell Michael how I feel. I know the spirit lives. That is only the body. Like someone told me, Michael know more about how I feel about him now than before. I believe that.
So TMZ is reporting that Joe says the burial will be postponed by two days and will now be taking place on August 31. If this is so, then we don't have to feel weird about the birthday issue anymore.
Wonder did family see fans were unhappy with the date and consider our feelings on it? Doubt it though.
prolly didn't update teh press, had to reschedule the security and police escorts and it leaked.

how about a memorial that's NOT at forrest lawn. cuz they already get a high influx of fans tryingto find other graves. mj fans will flock, and i know this for sure. it'll end up being an inconvenience to the cemetary.

u don't need to go to a concrete slab to visit mj. he's wherever u are
Wonder did family see fans were unhappy with the date and consider our feelings on it? Doubt it though.

They already did something for the fans. They held a public memorial and they even had MJ's body there. And some fans weren't happy. Weren't happy with the location. Weren't happy with the ticket system. Weren't happy that his casket was closed.

They've done all they could do. Now it's their time to mourn in private. He was their son, their father, their brother.

I don't know why fans think they should have a say in where he's buried or what day he's buried on.
Eonline now is saying Joe is telling them he has no idea when the new date will be...ugh this is getting so confusing.
i hope he will be in a crypt and not cremated? :(
( if someone in the beginning of this year would tell me i'll be typing such things in August, i wouldn't believe it :no: :( )