Jackson Family announces burial plans

Is it something to do with the fact Jehovas Witnesses are forbidden to celebrate birthdays???????????????????
Actually I think its quite cruel. Michael Jackson loved to celebrate birthdays and Christmas and they have now taken away a day of celebration of his birthday. Quite religiously cruel.
i think the decision to bury him on his birthday is a matter for the family and nobody else. i personally might not agree with burying him on his birthday but im more concerned they bury him period. its been so long and he deserves somewhere where family and friends can visit in private
But what a date to pick!!!!

I am glad at last he will have a place of rest and somewhere allowing privacy for family to visit.
I've been sick to my stomach ever since June 25th. The only thing that is helping me cope is knowing that nobody can hurt him anymore... And that he's 'at peace'.
I really don't care where or when he is buried. As long as his grave is secured, i think that's all that matters right now. This is THEIR choice, not ours.
yeah i understand that burying on his birthday is somewhat off putting to fans but hey, theyre family. when it comes to family, i respect them and say okay they know best. as a fan i would have probably chosen another date but maybe they will talk about it later and let fans know why they chose that day?

but i also understand the flipside, celebrating his birthday and knowing he was buried on the same day. its like burying someone on christmas but ultimately i guess its just a day and what matters is getting him buried and somewhere where he cant rest in peace away from media (though they will probably have helicopters and media everywhere on the day trying to film whatever they can)
Re: Mj buried on birthday - jehovas dont celebrate birthdays!!!!!

Gosh, some fans read way too much into these things. The family isn't trying to take anything away from Michael - not his birthday, nor his pride, nor his happiness.

This is why I wish the Jacksons never announce any of their plans.
Re: Mj buried on birthday - jehovas dont celebrate birthdays!!!!!

It was just for open discussion, thats all.

Like on other posts where people just offer an opinion etc. I was just wondering if there was a correlation. It may be just the fact of wanting to bury him at age 51 rather than 50 and it has a numerical order about it.

I havent said anything detrimental, just its interesting to open a discussion and then people come forward with interesting bits and we learn a bit about religions and life etc.

However I understand how it works here.

Sometimes people are too quick to jump in with words - and thank you for aligning me with the tabloids.
Re: Mj buried on birthday - jehovas dont celebrate birthdays!!!!!

Things like this just seem so petty, especially with everything else that is going on right now. Michael's family have his best interests at heart and I know they will do whatever they feel is right. I'm personally not interested in discussion that makes his own family out to be having ulterior motives or trying depreciate Michael in any way. They don't deserve to be thought of in that way.
But that's just my opinion, of course.
Reality tells me that August 29th has become a day of remembrance and celebration.
It's hard to believe that it won't be just a birthday anymore, but it's true:(
On the other hand I think it's a perfect fit to celebrate and remember his life !

One thing for sure - August 29th will be extra special for all time....
Re: Mj buried on birthday - jehovas dont celebrate birthdays!!!!!

It was just for open discussion, thats all.

Like on other posts where people just offer an opinion etc. I was just wondering if there was a correlation. It may be just the fact of wanting to bury him at age 51 rather than 50 and it has a numerical order about it.

I havent said anything detrimental, just its interesting to open a discussion and then people come forward with interesting bits and we learn a bit about religions and life etc.

However I understand how it works here.

Sometimes people are too quick to jump in with words - and thank you for aligning me with the tabloids.

Sorry it wasnt suppose to come across as a personal dig aimed towards you, I was speaking in general terms, sorry
Re: Mj buried on birthday - jehovas dont celebrate birthdays!!!!!

No worries. Probs insensitive of me. Apologies.

I have also reported myself and asked for it to be removed.
When I visit my parents at the grave, I go on birthdays, Christmas, Mothers/Fathers Day, the day they died and the day they were buried. I think for me to connect the buried and the birthday would feel strange because those emotions of birthdays and burial are very different. To have the joint birthday and burial for me would be strange.
Re: Mj buried on birthday - jehovas dont celebrate birthdays!!!!!

Sorry, Pam. You know I'm just expressing my opinion. :)
to explain further, on birthdays I remember all the silly things I bought them. The birthday memory is fun and it is actually a positive visit.

however the burial visit is something very intense, it has strong images which never leave and it is of an intense final sadness.

I understand the family of Mrs Jackson not celebrating birthdays but Michaels children were brought up differently - there is footage of birthday parties on utube etc.

Prince, Paris and Blanket are going to be around a lot longer than Mrs Jackson and I feel and hope they were part of the decision on the date of the burial, they seem mature for their years.

There will always forever be a tinge of sadness on the day of Michaels birthday - for future points it has now changed, for the future when the feelings of now have subsided.
Re: Mj buried on birthday - jehovas dont celebrate birthdays!!!!!

I have no probs with opinions. I am just concerned if I have upset people, I dont want anyone to be annoyed or upset because of my silly writings.
Prince, Paris and Blanket are going to be around a lot longer than Mrs Jackson and I feel and hope they were part of the decision on the date of the burial, they seem mature for their years.

ur absolutely right.

SUPERMJFAN mj needs peace. i can'thelp but feel some fans are being selfish. there's NO way to have it where the public can access it and be safe knowing they won'tharm mj. not everyone is a fan.

he was her son and their father and this is what they chose. we have to respect that.
i'm going to say we're all michael childrens :yes: :heart: i made a thread about this :yes: :)

and i'm going to say this again we all love michael so much in are hearts and we love all the jacksons family so much in are hearts over the years we have been supporting them so much :yes: :cry: this is making me :cry:

so please where MJ rest in peace we all will be happyer place on earth where he can dance and dance :)

so i'm going to say this again i don't care i'm going to say this again :)

I'm fine with the crypt and private resting place (I think that's better than public, after all) but I'm not that happy about burying him on his birthday, either.. :( It's their choice of course but I wouldn't have chosen that date. We just have to accept it now.
I'm fine with the crypt and private resting place (I think that's better than public, after all) but I'm not that happy about burying him on his birthday, either.. :( It's their choice of course but I wouldn't have chosen that date. We just have to accept it now.

Same here. I can't really understand the decision, but that's what the family has decided and we have to respect that.
well then what date would've been sufficient? another date to remember?

his kids had a part in this decision and if they can come to terms w/ it, then y can't fans?

i see this only as a positive. nothing will change the facts as they are. mj is gone, he is at peace, so the only thing they can do is the circumstances after his passing.

his memorial, the services held prior at forrest lawn, and now him being laid to rest. there is no date that will make people feel better, no resting place that can be too safe unless it's where they picked, and no way to ascertain who is a fan and who isn't if they had chosen a public spot.

so let him rest in peace. mj is with u always.

like i said before, a non fan can go to his grave and be further away from mj's spirit than a fan on the other side of the world listening to his music or thinking of him. he's w/ u always.

i heard a quote yesterday on a show i was watching. it was amazing

Soso Deaf;2126252 i heard a quote yesterday on a show i was watching. it was amazing DEATH LEAVES A HEARTACHE THAT NO ONE CAN HEAL. LOVE LEAVES A MEMORY THAT NO ONE CAN STEAL.Antoine de Saint Éxupéry[/quote said:
Beautiful quote. :cry:

Thank you for posting it Soso.:)
like i said before, a non fan can go to his grave and be further away from mj's spirit than a fan on the other side of the world listening to his music or thinking of him. he's w/ u always.


i heard a quote yesterday on a show i was watching. it was amazing


Beautiful quote. Thanks for sharing it.

I still can't get over how perfect the place they plan to lay him to rest is. It's very "Michael", imo. Everytime I think about it...the Michaelangelo statues and art, the marble and everything, I get overwhelmed with emotion...tears of joy...which is weird becuz I'm still sad about his death. Just really happy that he will have the "as close to perfect" final resting place, I guess. :cry:

Edit: And some of his favorite Hollywood stars will be near him. Sammy Davis Jr is buried there as well as Walt Disney. sigh
They family is celebrating his life . His mother brought him into this world on August 29, 1959. She will say good bye to her son on August 29, 2009.