Jackson Family announces burial plans

I wonder how his children feel about the fact that their daddy is going to be buried at the same day they would have been celebrating his birthday. Don't you think this would make it even harder for them to cope?
I feel we're forgotten too.
I never got to meet Michael and would have loved to visit his final resting place.
I do like the pictures of the place though.
Never met or seen him and feel the same way, I would really like, one day in my life just to go to this place and be able to pay my respect to him.

This is so sad.
I am just so relieved that he will not have an unmarked grave.
The pics posted here have really put my mind at rest.It looks so much nicer than the ariel shots we see on Sky news.
I also like the idea that only family can visit him at least they will have some privacy.
Mixed feelings over the burial date but if thats the familys decision then we should respect that.At the end of the day Michael left this awful world on the 25th June and its only his shell left behind.
Michael is all around us! :yes:
I'd never dreamed michael would leave this summer.


I went so many days doing alright and today I broke down again. This still seems so WRONG!:cry:
Well God put him on this earth on Aug.29, 1958, and Mrs.Jackson chose to lay her son to rest on that day. I don't feel his bday will be tainted, from the looks of it it seems MJ will have beautiful area to rest in peace. It's still hard to think about him in that way but God has him and he is OK..
I find thinking in terms of the eternal to be most helpful. There cannot be life, in any form, without death. We come and then we go, and it is ALL ONE PATH. The anger, the hurt, the pain, the tears......they are as real as is the sun or the moon. But, so too is the unchangeable notion that with the gift of life, comes the transition of death. This is as real as it gets.

A burial on a birthday...........well, to me it seems to be an even more poignant day, and although painful....beautiful in a cyclical way. We come and we go........what better day to celebrate a life, than on that of a final interment. It symbolically closes the cycle of life, and in many ways can help with personal closure. A hard notion to grasp, because we are emotional beings. It is up to us, however, to give perspective to situations in order that we can attempt to deal with them, and get beyond anger and mistrust. Love is as present in death as it is in life. Love never dies. Love never fades. Carry that love, and you can heal yourself....you can heal the world.

with respect and gentleness.....In the words of Khalil Gibran:

"On Death"

Then Almitra spoke, saying, "We would ask now of Death."

And he said:
You would know the secret of death.
But how shall you find it unless you seek it in the heart of life?
The owl whose night-bound eyes are blind unto the day cannot unveil the mystery of light.
If you would indeed behold the spirit of death, open your heart wide unto the body of life.
For life and death are one, even as the river and the sea are one.
In the depth of your hopes and desires lies your silent knowledge of the beyond;
And like seeds dreaming beneath the snow your heart dreams of spring.
Trust the dreams, for in them is hidden the gate to eternity.
Your fear of death is but the trembling of the shepherd when he stands before the king whose hand is to be laid upon him in honour.

Is the shepherd not joyful beneath his trembling, that he shall wear the mark of the king?
Yet is he not more mindful of his trembling?
For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun?
And what is to cease breathing, but to free the breath from its restless tides, that it may rise and expand and seek God unencumbered?
Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing.
And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb.
And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance.
The place looks beautiful and what about "reproductions of the greatest works of Michelangelo are on display" :( cryin
Thank you very much all who posted additional pics and information about the mausoleum! It's such a solemn, dignified and fitting place for Michael. :cry:
I also hope theres a good reason why its on his birthday but then again the Jackson famaly doesnt celebrate birthdays. I hope someday theres a place where we, the fans, can go and pay our respect :boohoo:

Pay your respects by listening his music
It looks beautiful on the pictures. I'm glad Michael will have a private final resting place. It's hard for us, but it's right for his children and family :)

With that said... I personally would've chosen a different date. But that's me.

Wow.. :(
Here is a photo of Holly Terrace


I actually like the idea of crypt. Seems less morbid than a ground burial. And maybe its just me, but I dont mind the crypt to be private.. I know we fans wants to visit his grave, including me.. But this will ensure him total peace and privacy and his children can visit him in peace and quiet whenever they want. This is just what Michael needs. A resting place for family members only. And yes, maybe its just me but I dont mind his burial being on his birthday. Plently of other people have been buried on their birthdays and I think the only people not liking the idea are the people around the deceased. Michael is gone, I dont think the date matters to him. What matters the most is that his burial wont turn into a daily mob scene and a tourist attraction.


I couldn't have said it better myself.

Michael sacrificed his ENTIRE life for his art. He gave up his peace for us. Let him and his family have this, at the very least.

If Katherine Jackson has chosen to bury her child on his birthdate, a child that she carried, birthed, nurtured and loved, then that is her choice and that of her family's to make - no one else's.
I see no problem with being buried on his birthday.
it's in a mausoleum so he won't be buried underground. sort of like a crypt.how they did it in the french quarter

Perhaps they plan to move his body later to Neverland, I think they would do that later similarly happened to Napoleon and Elvis.
I do not know what to say. I have strange feelings about his final place.
Family made a decision and I am fine with this. But it just hard to accept for me that his body will have another “neighbors” beside him, just next wall from the left and from the right. :(
Personally I want him to rest in a beautiful nature field surrounded by trees and flowers. This mausoleum looks like completely dead place. . It is better than unmarked grave but still… .There is no ANY indication of life there at all. It makes me very sad and even more sorry for Michael..I feel like starting crying again… .:(
He was FULL of life and love and it is just doesn’t match his personality. I hope it is a temporarily place and eventually they will bring him to Neverland or somewhere else.
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Katherine Jackson has EVERY right to choose where, when, and how she wants to lay HER SON to rest. Yes, we are fans, but we are just that, fans. His family should be allowed to make their own choice on how to bury their family member without us b****ing and moaning. We as fans should be supporting the family in their decisions right now, not complaining about it. Honestly, if half of the people complaining considered Mike family like they say they do, then they would know that he trusted his mother with his life (and in this case, his death.) If you feel like family, then come together and support the Jackson family. Support Katherine, his mother who gave her son to us in the first place. We wouldn't have him without her. Support his 3 children, Prince, Paris, and Blanket, who just lost their father, and are currently being hounded by media and forever will be.

Take comfort in knowing his body is finally being put to rest. He's been laying around for 2 months and we've been complaining about it. Now he's being put to rest and we're still complaining. Stop already, there's no pleasing us. The one thing that we want is Michael back, and it's never going to happen, we HAVE to accept it. Yes it's hard, but in life, there is death.

In terms of there being no "public" memorial, just wait awhile longer. You need to remember that this family has just lost their father, son, brother, and uncle. They are not thinking about strangers wants right now. Princess Diana is buried in Althorp, England. They placed her actual grave on an Island where no one can get to without a boat to row to. That way people can see it from afar, but no one can get to it and tamper with it. However, a shrine and exibit is set up on land for people to visit and leave tributes and such. http://gouk.about.com/od/royalty/ig/Diana-Remembered-at-Althorp/althorp-house.htm

Could it be possible that they will do this as a temporary resting place ?
It's all "temporaried" OUT! It's time to finally let Michael's body rest.

Not sure if this was already posted.
Jackson Bros to Carry the Casket One More Time

Posted Aug 18th 2009 10:15AM by TMZ Staff

Randy Jackson just confirmed to TMZ that he and his brothers will
serve as pallbearers at Michael Jackson's burial service.

Here's the message we just received straight from Randy --
" I will be there ... and yes the brothers will carry him from
the hearse to the front of the mausoleum."

Randy, his brothers Jackie, Tito, Jermaine and Marlon were the
pallbearers at the Staples Center Memorial last month.

Now, the family is preparing for the private burial which is set
to take place August 29 at Glendale Forest Lawn -- on what
would have been Michael's 51st birthday.
I saw it on TV.
I dont know how they feel about doing this again, but since it has
to be done, who better than by his beloved brothers.
They are very emotionally strong.

I'm also glad that some kind of closure will finally happen
even if it is on his day of birth. Dont like that idea but it is the
family's wish.

We can all pray at the same time for Michael to rest in peace whether we can see the service happening or not.
I think it will be a powerful moment for us same as the Memorial service. We will be sharing it at the same time.
I headed something very similar for MJ about 4 years ago during the trial
on verdict day and then another time for his birthday.
It was for fans who couldn't personally be where he was.
We all prayed at the same time from all over the globe
I'm sure he felt our presence.

This is so difficult and depressing...it's killing me.
Just when I think I've got a handle on it, I'm welling up with tears. :boohoo:
I hate the thought of MJ not being alive and well and living at Holmby Hills.
I think since Michael did not state where he wanted to be buried then the family needs to make the best decision they can make in a very difficult time. I am not upset that the fans will not be able to get to the burial site and the other fans should not be either. Michael basically gave his life for his fans and to entertain us. I think it is time now for him to truely be at peace and not have anyone bother him anymore. I think we owe him that much respect. Lets remember the good times. I am sure there will be other ways for us to remember him in the future.

Basically nothing will change. They will bring his body from downstairs and put it to the crypt.
am i dense and just not understanding y it's so bad to be buried on his bday?

cuz im sure the date of his passing will be significant for the kids as well as everyone else. as will the day of the service/memorial (*july 7th*), so y bury him in august and create yet another date for them to be reminded of him instead, do it on his birthday.

so he'll come full circle?!

and don't think the kids weren't a part of this decision. this is katherine and the kids' choice so we have to respect that. mj's spirt and soul will never die. he's w/in us in our memories and our love and thru his music and charities.

visiting his grave doesn't make u closer to him. someone, a non fan, can go to his crypt and feel nothing and be further from him than a fan on the other side of the world listening to 'the lost children'

so please, don't be discouraged. the family needed assurance he wouldn't be bothered and there would be no vandalism
it's very wrong to bury a person on his birthday. this idea seems sick to me. don't talk about the full circle of life but on his birthday when you try to remember good things and memories and comfort yourself you'll think "his burial date". sooo wrong.