Jackson Family announces burial plans

Either this isnt true or the family really hasnt been thinking this through.

I really dont like the idea that we will be remembering his burial and his birthday on the same day.

I'm with you on this one. I want to, now, remember and celebrate his birthday and life on August 29th, for years to come, now if this is true i'll have his burial stuck in my thoughts as well. I just miss him so much:cry:
A part of me is worried about the people with dollarsigns in their eyes, and not giving a damn about Michael........It's a feeling i can't get rid off:(
I guess Joe was right (for once..)
Michael Jackson -- Burial Announced

Posted Aug 18th 2009 10:10AM by TMZ Staff

The spokesman for the Jackson family says Michael Jackson will be laid to rest at Holly Terrace in the Great Mausoleum at Glendale Forest Lawn Memorial Park on Saturday, August 29 at 10 AM. That would have been Michael's 51st birthday.

The ceremony will be limited to family and close friends

That's what I was thinking, since it came from the family rep I'll believe it this time(but only hesitantly I'm tired of being jerked around).but man, oh man, its been a helluva long time.

I like the notion of the crypt, private place, and him being placed next to other respectable people. Katherine's hands are all over this(as they should be). Much respect to Mrs. Jackson!

I don't think the fact that we can't close to him is all doom and gloom. I mean how many of us are gunna go, and git as close as we can anyway. The whole point of visiting the dead is to pay respects and to remember them. We may not be able to be right next to him, but we can always pay our respect and always remember him. What matters most is that he is loved.
Maybe by having it on his birthday and telling ppl what time it will happen is the family's way of allowing the public to share the moment with them without really being there. We can all pray at the same time for Michael to rest in peace whether we can see the service happening or not. I think it will be a powerful moment for us same as the Memorial service. We will be sharing it at the same time. At least that's what I'm thinking, otherwise, I'm not sure why they'd announce everything either unless they purposely wanted to share the moment with the public in this way.

Now, my friend, that sounds like a good idea...
I cant believe we are discussing Michaels burial..... :(

At first I was shocked to hear the fact that they gonna have the burial on his birthday but now that I think about it, the date really doesnt matter. We will always love him and will always remember him, and for us 29th of Aug will be Michaels day forever, coz thats his day no matter the birthday or the burial.

The sad thing about this whole thing is that we as his fans wont have a chance to get near him, to pay our last respect or to visit him whenever we just feel like it. But if thats what we have to give up for our Michael to be resting in peace, then Im ok.

I love you Michael... I know you are there somewhere...looking at us....comforting us and healing our pain..... We will never let you down Michael.... we will be by your side no matter what. You will always be our Michael. I love you so much.
Sigh... they gotta do what they gotta do. My heart is sinking so fast just reading this, it's such an empty feeling :cry:
The resting place looks grand and very fitting for Michael. I for one am happy it'll be off-limits to the public. There are many haters and others who are best kept at bay. But please don't despair over not having a place to visit and pay your respects. I'm sure there'll be a memorial or some other place specifically designated for fans to visit. In fact, I'll be very, very surprised if there won't be any such place. The idea of us all praying and remembering Michael simultaneously on his birthday sounds so sweet. It'll be a powerful moment.
My heart is broken I can't help crying. I never had to oportunity to meet Michael, at least I wanted to have that approaching with him visiting his grave :(.
I understand mediaand haters are bastards that don't respect at all but Marily's, J. Morrison's, Elvis', Lenno's fans are allowed to visit their graves, they have lots of fans so part of it doesn't make sense. :cry:
Why on his Birthday? It was gonna be a day to celebrate his lfe and legacy in many countries!!!!!!! :boohoo:
At first I didnt like that he would be buried on his birthday, but then I read another reply, and it seems almost fitting now.

Your physical body came to the earth on your birthday, it endured so much pain throughout your life, and finally your body gets the much needed rest it has so desired, on its birthday.

I know his spirit (if you all believe in that) has already gotten to rest, but now his body can find that same joy in it's final resting place.

Which indeed is beautiful, I wish we could see inside to see how lavish it is.

I feel in my gut that there will almost have to be something done for the fans. Can you imagine the problems they will have with security in this place if they don't construct a memorial for the fans, and do it soon?
God, this is so depressing. We shouldn't even be talking about MJ being laid to rest.:(
I think the family have done the best thing for him. That place is glorious and I'm pleased that its private so his family can go there in peace.
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Katherine doesn't celeberate birthdays because of her religion, is she gonna burry Michael on his birthday becasue she doesnt want any one celebrate his birthday ?I cant understand it.
private. ;-( thats no good for the fans who want to visit him. you can see what a wall crypt/ground crypt looks like on google. im so used to crypt's being a marilyn fan , but the difference is you can go see hers easily and its outside. fans pilgrimage to it and fans even built a bench to sit, this is at least our solace every year. granted her crypt as been tampered with since its a huge cemetery attraction, so basically im guessing they don 't want noone to do this with Michael's crypt, so its kept private. but atleast with elvis and marilyn fans we can at least go see them somehow. but not michael. especially after things die down with the michael media/stories.. and it will. your going to think why is he hidden in the future and not accessible.
i can understand for the family granted, but it still sucks in a way.
It does suck for the fans. But the thing is, ever since MJ was 5, he's always been surrounded by fans. He's never had privacy, he deserves peace and his children deserve to mourn for him in private. Can you imagine going to visit your father and then a group of people come up at the same time? It's different with Marilyn, she really doesn't have any family since she was an orphan. I think they took the most important thing into consideration, the children. I'm sure there will be something made for the fans.
Why would they announce this?

Still not liking the birthday thing but at least he's finally getting laid to rest.
Happy he's finally being laid to rest and it's somewhere private :yes: he needs to rest peacefully and the place they picked out looks just right.
I don't have such a problem with the burial being on Aug 29. I am really sad.... I feel so sad that we won't be able to pay our respects and visit the site. but I also really want PEACE for MJ so the private Mosoleum is the best option. I would rather not be able to visit... than a hater doing something to the grave site.
I really am impressed with Katherine Jackson and many of the family members for how they have dealt with everything.
your all thinking about this wrong.
for these last 2 months we have all wanted the same thing...for Michael to be at peace, soooooooooo...on the 29th we can celebrate his birthday and be comforted that also on this day he found the peace and privacy he longed for.
sleep tight now Michael , you are free to fly.
love and respect to you always
claire UK
My heart is broken I can't help crying. I never had to oportunity to meet Michael, at least I wanted to have that approaching with him visiting his grave :(.
I understand mediaand haters are bastards that don't respect at all but Marily's, J. Morrison's, Elvis', Lenno's fans are allowed to visit their graves, they have lots of fans so part of it doesn't make sense. :cry:
Why on his Birthday? It was gonna be a day to celebrate his lfe and legacy in many countries!!!!!!! :boohoo:


:angel:We Are The World...Heal The World...Education IS The Key~~~
I'm confused.. why would they announce it?

I thought the whole idea of an unmarked grave was so no one would no where he was buried, now there are gonna be helicopters all over the place (and ground media if they can weasel their way in).

No joke. I thought the whole idea was to keep the burial site private so no one could find it?
I never heared in my entire life about someone being buried on his birthday! This is insane! They kept him until now to be buried on his birthday? I really feel sick! Please excuse me while I go vomit!
Maybe it was to direct from me to write about my worries about those people with dollarsigns in their eyes, and came it out not the way i wanted to, sorry bout that !

I just want Michael to be finaly left alone, so he can rest peacefully. I will try to look at the 29th differently. A day of remembrance and celebration........ I nice way of thinking about MJ... It's not over untill you decide for yourself it is over.... For me personally I will keep on celebrating his life always......
i dont know what to even say about this i just want michael's wishes to be carried out. from what its being said it looks like fans wont be able to visit michael which is hurtful but as long as no one can with intentions on vandilsing michael's grave or media can get in thats all that matters.
oh stop complaining about not being able to visit him, people have threatened to steal his coffin for god's sake! you want to hear on the news that some crazy madman did god knows what to his grave? michael doesn't need this anymore, for once fans need to stop putting themselves first
Michael will not FINALLY rest in peace. What will be buried it's only his body. His spirit is already free and - I'm sure - in peace.

It's just really sad that his birthday will be always related to his laid. It's weird. I'm feeling so confused because of this. Actually, I'm sad! It will be strange celebrate his life on 29th August and, at the same time, remember of his burial!

I'm also so sad for the fans not be able to visit the site. I'd like so much to visit it, so I could feel somehow next to him, because I never had the chance to meet him, too!!! But ok... I can totally understand why the private mausoleum. But... it's sad :(
Not sure if this was already posted.

Jackson Bros to Carry the Casket One More Time

Posted Aug 18th 2009 10:15AM by TMZ Staff
Randy Jackson just confirmed to TMZ that he and his brothers will serve as pallbearers at Michael Jackson's burial service.

Here's the message we just received straight from Randy -- " I will be there ... and yes the brothers will carry him from the hearse to the front of the mausoleum."

Randy, his brothers Jackie, Tito, Jermaine and Marlon were the pallbearers at the Staples Center Memorial last month.

Now, the family is preparing for the private burial which is set to take place August 29 at Glendale Forest Lawn -- on what would have been Michael's 51st birthday.