Jackson Family announces burial plans

It will be a day filled with mixed feelngs, I for one think for his sake it is the perfect place... It's peaceful and no one bothering him anymore...

Remember and celebrate and fullfill his wish to be left alone...

sleep tight my dear MJ
Yes it is completely off limits,

MJ's Final Resting Place -- No Visitors, Please

If you're planning on going to Michael Jackson's burial site at Forest Lawn Memorial Park and dropping off some flowers, think again -- the mausoleum where he's being buried on August 29 isn't open to the public.
fans will go and just leave flowers etc as near as possible. until theres somewhere for us to go to pay respects maybe a memorial at the ranch then everyone will just go there instead
oHHHHHHH NO!!! And I though I wasnt going to cry today!!! :cry: Why his B-day??? why??????
I know Katherine is a Jahova Witness and all but this just dosent feel right!!! :cry:
I can bealive this, is getting worst and worst!!!
Isnt crypt what they use in ancient egyptian pyramids when they bury mummified people? Like cryps of rooms in a pyramid and they place the casket there. Its above ground, but still sealed.
It feels so so wrong....:no:
On his birthday? Why? and what are they thinking?
I,m sure they have their reasons, but for me this is unbelievable at the moment.

And all private...no chance for us as fans to visit....i,m hurting........it hurts like hell at the moment.

i do think it looks nice there, but private?

Cryp is ok, I hate to think he beeing underground :(
Is just seems so final :cry:
Isnt crypt what they use in ancient egyptian pyramids when they bury mummified people? Like cryps of rooms in a pyramid and they place the casket there. Its above ground, but still sealed.

Yes. Even tho most of them were underground, it was moreso in an underground space....not the same as tossing dirt on top of the casket and letting grass grow over. Nowadays tho, most crypts are above-ground in wall-like structures or literally above ground like in New Orleans.
Wow...well, I guess I'm glad he's going to finally laid to rest. Glad he'll get some privacy in his death, it's only fair. I think there's something kind of spiritual being laid to rest on the anniversary of the day you came into this world. Perhaps it's just me.
I actually like the idea of crypt. Seems less morbid than a ground burial. And maybe its just me, but I dont mind the crypt to be private.. I know we fans wants to visit his grave, including me.. But this will ensure him total peace and privacy and his children can visit him in peace and quiet whenever they want. This is just what Michael needs. A resting place for family members only. And yes, maybe its just me but I dont mind his burial being on his birthday. Plently of other people have been buried on their birthdays and I think the only people not liking the idea are the people around the deceased. Michael is gone, I dont think the date matters to him. What matters the most is that his burial wont turn into a daily mob scene and a tourist attraction.
I actually like the idea of crypt. Seems less morbid than a ground burial. And maybe its just me, but I dont mind the crypt to be private.. I know we fans wants to visit his grave, including me.. But this will ensure him total peace and privacy and his children can visit him in peace and quiet whenever they want. This is just what Michael needs. A resting place for family members only.


I agree!
I can't believe it. :no: His birthday will seem forever tainted. It will never leave my mind that he was "buried" on that day. I thought we'd be able to hold Aug 29 apart from the pain, apart from the whole death thing, purely for celebration of life. I know this doesn't seem to bother some people, but so far everyone else I've asked thinks it's pretty twisted. If someone in my family died close to their birthday I would make an absolute point of NOT burying them on that day, even if it meant holding off the funeral or rescheduling things. But then... they can do whatever they want in the end. Maybe Michael would even want that for some reason. Who's to say. I personally hate it, though. Really hate it. (Not that that matters.)

And not being able to visit. Totally private. :no: I was ok with the idea that maybe it would be a place off-limits for a while (maybe even a few years), just that eventually we'd be able to lay flowers there... but now it sounds like we'll NEVER be able to. Never even get close. Nothing.

I feel totally broken. This past almost-two months have just wrecked me and this is like the last piece of something I just can't take. Gone, gone, can't even visit someday. My first thought when I read this was "just kill me now, then." I'm just... I can't take all this anymore... I'm sinking finally, after somehow holding up until now... just can't take it all...
Yes it is completely off limits,

MJ's Final Resting Place -- No Visitors, Please

If you're planning on going to Michael Jackson's burial site at Forest Lawn Memorial Park and dropping off some flowers, think again -- the mausoleum where he's being buried on August 29 isn't open to the public.


The Great Mausoleum -- where stars like Clark Gable, Jean Harlow and Nat King Cole were laid to rest -- is considered a private area, where only property owners and family members are allowed to go. It's monitored by security cameras to catch any trespassers who snoop around.

As for being on his birthday.....my cousin was buried on her birthday, can give loads of closure

A Place fit for a KING. Breathtaking.
I just wish his fans could go visit :-(

I'm fine with being his birthday. Since Jehovas witness don't celebrate birthdays, at least now his family and friends will be all together on Michael's birthday. I think he'll like that.
It just doesn't seem right to me to be buried in his birthday...:no:

For now on every year we will remember 29th August not only as Michael's birthday but also as the day he was burried and that is so sad...:cry:
I'm confused.. why would they announce it?

I thought the whole idea of an unmarked grave was so no one would no where he was buried, now there are gonna be helicopters all over the place (and ground media if they can weasel their way in).

No one said it would be an unmarked grave...
They just announced that it would be at a private graveyard, privately.
I hope the media is respectful. (Not gonna hold my breathe!)

Me neither... I am sure there will be helicopters all over the place and I just want to kick someone ass..... :mad:

I can't believe it. :no: His birthday will seem forever tainted. It will never leave my mind that he was "buried" on that day. I thought we'd be able to hold Aug 29 apart from the pain, apart from the whole death thing, purely for celebration of life. I know this doesn't seem to bother some people, but so far everyone else I've asked thinks it's pretty twisted. If someone in my family died close to their birthday I would make an absolute point of NOT burying them on that day, even if it meant holding off the funeral or rescheduling things. But then... they can do whatever they want in the end. Maybe Michael would even want that for some reason. Who's to say. I personally hate it, though. Really hate it. (Not that that matters.)

And not being able to visit. Totally private. :no: I was ok with the idea that maybe it would be a place off-limits for a while (maybe even a few years), just that eventually we'd be able to lay flowers there... but now it sounds like we'll NEVER be able to. Never even get close. Nothing.

I feel totally broken. This past almost-two months have just wrecked me and this is like the last piece of something I just can't take. Gone, gone, can't even visit someday. My first thought when I read this was "just kill me now, then." I'm just... I can't take all this anymore... I'm sinking finally, after somehow holding up until now... just can't take it all...

:hug: Mjbunny!!!! I know is HARD! Is so hard on all of us!!! But we have to be brave! If you want to talk or something just PM me ok??? I know I am not at the best place at this time, but maybe we can help each other ok?
Could it be possible that they will do this as a temporary restingplace ?

Anything is possible but I doubt it. And I seriously doubt if he ever was moved it would be to take him back to Nevy. If Michael's family truly loved and respected him they'd never put him at the ranch for eternal rest.... imo, of course. :)

edit: And it doesn't matter about the media becuz everything will happen indoors. They won't have access same as during the private service during the memorial. The family will have their private time inside.
Its possible that this is a temporary resting place since its a crypt.. Would be easier to move.. Not that I see any reason for it..
I think they've got the location right and I'm glad he will not be laid to rest but on his birthday does seem odd, I know the family are JWs but he brought up the kids to celebrate birthdays. I'm glad its not at Neverland so certain people could make profit, I just hope they don't decide to move him there at any point. It would be nice instead if they built a memorial there for him(if it ever opened to the public) or somewhere else, but I guess you run the risk of that being vandalised :(
I hope he can rest in peace bless him. Love you Michael x
And not being able to visit. Totally private. :no: I was ok with the idea that maybe it would be a place off-limits for a while (maybe even a few years), just that eventually we'd be able to lay flowers there... but now it sounds like we'll NEVER be able to. Never even get close. Nothing.

I feel totally broken. This past almost-two months have just wrecked me and this is like the last piece of something I just can't take. Gone, gone, can't even visit someday. My first thought when I read this was "just kill me now, then." I'm just... I can't take all this anymore... I'm sinking finally, after somehow holding up until now... just can't take it all...

Please guys, hang in there. Stay strong.

They might come up with something for the fans as well.
I know everything is taking too long, it's hard for all of us, but we have to give it time.

Don't give up, remember all those things Michael would want us to do.
private. ;-( thats no good for the fans who want to visit him. you can see what a wall crypt/ground crypt looks like on google. im so used to crypt's being a marilyn fan , but the difference is you can go see hers easily and its outside. fans pilgrimage to it and fans even built a bench to sit, this is at least our solace every year. granted her crypt as been tampered with since its a huge cemetery attraction, so basically im guessing they don 't want noone to do this with Michael's crypt, so its kept private. but atleast with elvis and marilyn fans we can at least go see them somehow. but not michael. especially after things die down with the michael media/stories.. and it will. your going to think why is he hidden in the future and not accessible.
i can understand for the family granted, but it still sucks in a way.
Maybe by having it on his birthday and telling ppl what time it will happen is the family's way of allowing the public to share the moment with them without really being there. We can all pray at the same time for Michael to rest in peace whether we can see the service happening or not. I think it will be a powerful moment for us same as the Memorial service. We will be sharing it at the same time. At least that's what I'm thinking, otherwise, I'm not sure why they'd announce everything either unless they purposely wanted to share the moment with the public in this way.
I don't see why it is so horrible to bury him on his birthday. He didn't DIE that day, so it's shouldn't be a painful day. His soul was put to rest June 25th, and now his body will be at rest on his birthday.
Its possible that this is a temporary resting place since its a crypt.. Would be easier to move.. Not that I see any reason for it..

Crypts can also be a permanent resting place. I hope it's permanent. What can be more beautiful and peaceful than this place (besides Neverland ;D )? Plus, it's very secure.