Jackson Family announces burial plans

Re: Mj buried on birthday - jehovas dont celebrate birthdays!!!!!

I have no probs with opinions. I am just concerned if I have upset people, I dont want anyone to be annoyed or upset because of my silly writings.
oh nothing u wrote is silly. thank u for sharing ur memories w/ us and it's good to see it from another perspective.
i hope we can move on from the birthday thing, espeically when people can die on their birthday, not only put to rest. the family want to at least celebrate his life on that day while putting him to rest. please dont depress yourself=( and say you will always remember he was buried on that day. in the coming years you will bake a cake for him and celebrate his life.

So after crying and going numb for quite some time and watching a report about this on Sky News :)cry:), I decided to attempt being more constructive and see what I could find about the place. Here are some pics of what it looks like inside the mausoleum. I'm sure there are others out there that we'll find in time:


http://www.flickr.com/photos/65418973@N00/2317622323 (Interesting text, about the artwork inside. The photographer wishes it was open to the public.)

http://lisaburks.typepad.com/jeanharlow/forest_lawn (A Jean Harlow fan describes it a bit. Scroll to the bottom for picture of her crypt room.)

http://www.seeing-stars.com/Maps/ForestLawnGreatMausoleumMap.shtml (A map of where some famous people are interred. Click on names to see more.)

http://www.ipernity.com/doc/ronslog/3477867 (I'm not completely positive this is inside the Great Mausoleum, as there are other mausoleums at Forest Lawn as well. Anyway, it's a beautiful photo.)

the jean harlow fan blog was rather interesting. the fans shouldn't trespass though. thats wrong. i guess harlow fans assume no family exists through the generations? or that it wasnt supposed to be this private for her from the era she was put to rest. i dont know. i dont remember the cemetery promoting celebs being there. i thought the public simply knew celebs were there from funerals and they printed a list. but i dont see a celeb list on the cemetery site. the l.a. cemetery's tend to turn people away if you look like a celebrity dead tourist asking for directions to a grave. but if guards get paid off for you enter the mausoleum thats wrong. and crooked. not only are they wrong, put the people dropping cash disrespecting the dead and their family too. i think if we are not allowed to see our favorite celeb's grave/crypt, i think we have to learn to maybe (if we are in the area to simply drive by the cemetery and say our peace. you know that hes at least in that spot close by you.

It does suck for the fans. But the thing is, ever since MJ was 5, he's always been surrounded by fans. He's never had privacy, he deserves peace and his children deserve to mourn for him in private. Can you imagine going to visit your father and then a group of people come up at the same time? It's different with Marilyn, she really doesn't have any family since she was an orphan. I think they took the most important thing into consideration, the children. I'm sure there will be something made for the fans.

thats very true she had no children to visit her in her public setting.
It has been confirmed that eventually everyone will be able to see him and have access.

edit: not see him but you know what i mean :( have acsess to where he is buried
Aww, don't say that, if they didn't care about fans they wouldn't do a memorial. I understand if they want this to be private. They are hurting more than we are.

I do know who is hurting more but some fans committed suicide as you know. I do not think it is appropriate to say that family is hurting more than his fans.
I do know who is hurting more but some fans committed suicide as you know. I do not think it is appropriate to say that family is hurting more than his fans.
they are his flesh and blood and knew him for 50 yrs...so i think their grief is more substantial than some of the fans.

it's unfortunate that some fans decided their life wasn't worth living anymore and ended it. but u think maybe katherine doesn't feel that way? she doesn't have a choice. she now has to raise his kids. and all the jacksons have kids to take care of or grandkids now so don't compare their grief to that of fans. it's just not balanced

and it's their right to place mj where they choose. he didn't make it specific meaning he wanted them tomake the final choice.

if he wanted it to be in a public place, he would've noted it. he didn't so this has to be what mj wanted
yes and most of us couldnt attend the memorial and of course I dont blame them, but we also hurt so much.
99% percent of fans doesnt want him to burry on his birthday ,is that too much to ask ?

That is too much to ask.

You are a FAN.

They are FAMILY!
it's unfortunate that some fans decided their life wasn't worth living anymore and ended it. but u think maybe katherine doesn't feel that way? she doesn't have a choice. she now has to raise his kids. and all the jacksons have kids to take care of or grandkids now so don't compare their grief to that of fans. it's just not balanced

I do know what Katherine thinks I just say it is not appropriate to say and compare at this forum who is hurting more family or fans. Lets just pay respect to some MJ fans who decided to leave this world.
I do know what Katherine thinks I just say it is not appropriate to say and compare at this forum who is hurting more family or fans. Lets just pay respect to some MJ fans who decided to leave this world.

Pay respect to his family first.
I do know what Katherine thinks I just say it is not appropriate to say and compare at this forum who is hurting more family or fans. Lets just pay respect to some MJ fans who decided to leave this world.

I do know who is hurting more but some fans committed suicide as you know. I do not think it is appropriate to say that family is hurting more than his fans.

Suicide is a selfish act...imo. I feel for the families of those fans. And I think it's impossible to gauge who is hurting more or loved Michael more. It's safe to say that no one could love or miss him more than the person who gave him life (his Mother)...and the people who Michael loved more than anything in this world (his children). And I agree with Soso that we can only imagine how devastating this is for Michael's mother but she has to remain strong becuz she's left in charge of his kids.

Perhaps what more ppl need to practice now is selflessness. There's a saying about if you love something you set it free... Even Michael wrote a poem in Dancing the Dream about how it's not always a good thing to hold on to love or a loved one too tightly. That's when it becomes a selfish act that brings pain instead of a selfless one...which allows freedom and peace.

Sacrifice not suicide shows true love, imho.
I do know what Katherine thinks I just say it is not appropriate to say and compare at this forum who is hurting more family or fans. Lets just pay respect to some MJ fans who decided to leave this world.
omg please don't think i was being disrespectful. but to want mj to be buried where everyone can visit is not our say, that's what i was saying.

we don't know what they're feeling but can katherine be swift w/ her decisions and do something to harm herself knowing she has three little ones who are now depending on her? so we don't know what they're going through but they're grieving over a lost family member.

they're family. and this was their choice
To tell the truth,the idea of Michael being buried on his B-day doesn't seat well to me.
I personally feel for his mother,that she has to bury her son the day that she gave birth to him :(:(:(

God,the strength of that woman!
I'm against the idea of Michael being buried at Holly Terrace in the Great Mausoleum at Glendale Forest Lawn Memorial Park. I'd prefer that he be buried at Neverland, to me it's probably Joseph talking and as I said before I really don't care what he said. I'd still want Michael back at Neverland and be buried there. PERIOD! But as much I really don't like the idea the Memorial Park, I have to respect that decision.
Forest Lawn is "Old Hollywood" the only Hollywood
Michael Jackson ever really liked.
I don't think he will mind resting there for a little while...
but I have this premonition his body might not be there forever.



Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci and were Michael Jackson's favorite artists.
The Last Supper Window/Memorial Terrace


This stained glass masterpiece of Leonardo da Vinci's immortal painting was crafted in Italy by Rosa Caselli Moretti. Using Leonardo's own sketches, she sought to capture for posterity the original appearance of the now damaged and faded painting. Come see this spectacular work 365 days a year; it is displayed every half-hour, 9:30 a.m. through 4:00 p.m.


The Last Supper Window is the centerpiece of the Memorial Court of Honor, the only place in the world where Michelangelo's greatest statuary works can be seen together in one location.



This scene reminds me a little bit of


[SIZE=+1][/SIZE]at Forest Lawn in Glendale, California
Forgot to say. I am OK with an idea to be buried on birthday. According the statistic I’ve read people die more often somewhere around their birthday date because it is kinda like a life cycle. It is something to do with the energy level etc. I never feel well on my birthdays myself. This is why I never celebrate them. I was so physically sensitive to my birthday date since I remember myself.
I'm against the idea of Michael being buried at Holly Terrace in the Great Mausoleum at Glendale Forest Lawn Memorial Park. I'd prefer that he be buried at Neverland, to me it's probably Joseph talking and as I said before I really don't care what he said. I'd still want Michael back at Neverland and be buried there. PERIOD! But as much I really don't like the idea the Memorial Park, I have to respect that decision.

Agree. I hope it will be a temporarily place. I have this kind of feeling. Maybe as soon as they do all paper work with Neverland or another place they always can remove him there.
I'm against the idea of Michael being buried at Holly Terrace in the Great Mausoleum at Glendale Forest Lawn Memorial Park. I'd prefer that he be buried at Neverland, to me it's probably Joseph talking and as I said before I really don't care what he said. I'd still want Michael back at Neverland and be buried there. PERIOD! But as much I really don't like the idea the Memorial Park, I have to respect that decision.

Michael didn't want to live at Neverland in life. Why would he want to rest there in death?
Michael didn't want to live at Neverland in life. Why would he want to rest there in death?

I hear ya on that, and plus, once they are buried, I do not believe in moving them around. Let them be.

He left Neverland for a reason, he would not want to be laid to rest there.
I just heard this yesterday and havent had time to come on here till now. I'm not really sure I like the idea of him being buried on his birthday, but at the same time maybe they fit well together in that we can try to really celebrate his life. Though I know it'll be difficult for people who have planned to celebrate on that day and now knowing that he's being buried....
I'm against the idea of Michael being buried at Holly Terrace in the Great Mausoleum at Glendale Forest Lawn Memorial Park. I'd prefer that he be buried at Neverland, to me it's probably Joseph talking and as I said before I really don't care what he said. I'd still want Michael back at Neverland and be buried there. PERIOD! But as much I really don't like the idea the Memorial Park, I have to respect that decision.
joe wants him at the ranch. it's all aboutmoney.

this way he can be at peace and be left alone and the family won't have to worry about it.

it's hard enough to lose someone u love. but to add worrying about someone desecreating their grave too?
I just realized something. I was going to see him at the O2 on August 28th and 30th. That was going to be a great weekend. And now, instead of being in London....
If this is true, then I think Michael's family shouldn't have announced his burial date. Even though I don't agree with Jermaine that Michael should be buried at Neverland (because Michael would hate that), I do agree with him that Michael like Elvis should be buried in a private space were no one can get to him including us fans. I hope this announcement is just to through the media off, and Michael is laid to rest somewhere else on privacy.
they would've found out. this way, they have police escorts and protection and security. cuz otherwise, it would've been a disaster.

u can tell when something's being done. just like the locals always knew when a party was gonna happen at the ranch. cars in and out, loading vans, etc...

so if there was a heavy influx of stuff happening, the media would've been on it and it would've been a dangerous situation. this way, everyone knows, everyone is aware, and they've made it a point to pick that location FOR IT'S PRIVACY.

so hopefully people respect that and acknowledge it. this is what they want. we have to understand that mj is their family member and they would like to grieve in private and they can't do that if the grave is accessible by everyone.
...they would like to grieve in private and they can't do that if the grave is accessible by everyone.

Why not? They can easily go either before or after the public viewing hours, or even have that area closed during the time they wish to visit him. Not difficult.
I still think that we,the fans,should be allowed to visit Michael,even if it would be needed lots of secutrity measures.
Michael loved us so much...
And being burried on his bithday?this day should be a day to celebrate life.his life and achievements.
it has been taking so long,why not postponing for a day?only one day...
Why not? They can easily go either before or after the public viewing hours, or even have that area closed during the time they wish to visit him. Not difficult.
really? and can they rest assure that his grave won't be damaged or vandalized? they can't so that was a big part of this.

it is where it is and it's their right and their decision to do this.
I still think that we,the fans,should be allowed to visit Michael,even if it would be needed lots of secutrity measures.
Michael loved us so much...
And being burried on his bithday?this day should be a day to celebrate life.his life and achievements.
it has been taking so long,why not postponing for a day?only one day...

I understand that so many feel that fans should be allowed to visit him, that he loved his fans so much. But I also completely understand the family's decision on this. In this instance I honestly feel the family's wishes are far more about the whole picture, security, privacy, and the incredibly serene and beautiful setting of the Great Mausoleum, and that ultimately the family's wishes do take precedence over other's desires.

Michael is alive through his songs, videos, messages to the world. He lives on, but his body is at rest. And his birthday can certainly still be celebrated, I guess I truly am not understanding why moving his body from one area of the cemetary to another should affect one's ability to celebrate his birthdate.

Forgive me for sounding unsympathetic, I am not trying to do that. But to me, he is finally peaceful, and that does not take away the celebration of his birthday, but adds a full circle and perhaps more introspective appreciation of all he has given us.