Is Beyonce Knowles TODAY'S Michael Jackson

I'll answer the title of this thread w/ a Yes and a No (cheating, I know!).

Yes: I think Beyonce's the biggest popstar today. She's a double threat w/ music, movies, and a constant presence w/ her clothing line, cover girl, etc. She's been around for a while now, and has accumulated quite a few hits. She has a generally universal appeal.

No: "Michael Jackson of today" would imply the artist has the same global recognition, popularity, and success that Michael had in the 80s, and the answer to that question is a resounding "No way!" . . . And Michael didn't do movies in the 1980s but innovated his own short films (Thriller, Captain EO, Bad), so it's kind of oranges and apples there.

I think Michael has only three comparisons, and that's, in order of whom came first, Frank Sinatra, Elvis, the Beatles, and then the global-phenom entertainer ends w/ Michael. So rather than the "who's the next/current Michael," sorry, that plateau reached its final chapter w/ Michael. Everything's inevitable I suppose, but I don't see any current artist fitting that category.

"In the music business,every decade you have a phenomenon.

"In the '40s you had Sinatra,in the '50s Elvis,in the '60s the Beatles,in the '70s the innovation of Dolby despite the best efforts of Stevie Wonder and Elton John.

"In the '80s you had Michael Jackson.

"For everyone from 8 to 80,he was the biggest entertainer on the planet.

-- Quincy Jones
Beyonce isn't seen as a interesting personality as Britney Spears. she is big but not nowhere dominant as MJ was during his prime/peak
She is a legend in the making...........but she's sort of the Tina Turner of today.

I'll put Rihanna in that group as aswell.

So i'll say No for being today's Michael Jackson but yes to today's Tina Turner!!!

Edit: The difference between Michael and the rest is his GLOBAL popularity, which doesn't exist with any living singer/band.
She is a legend in the making...........but she's sort of the Tina Turner of today.

I'll put Rihanna in that group as aswell.

So i'll say No for being today's Michael Jackson but yes to today's Tina Turner!!!

Edit: The difference between Michael and the rest is his GLOBAL popularity, which doesn't exist with any living singer/band.
imagery of tina turner though Turner never had the solo career of Beyonce aside from one major album.

turner is a bigger live act still IMO, i get the imagery aspect but aside from that musically not there fully but small hints.
In my humble opinion, the distance between Rihanna and Beyonce is even further than between Beyonce and Michael.

I think it's incomparable and "strange" to claim anyone is the new of anyone since it's beyond who you are as an artist.

You know, Beyonce will most certainly end up as a legend if she keeps making music for 20 more years - but the same time she has to slow down with putting out music too often, or it will not be as exclusive anymore. (she has a new album already in the works, scheduled for release next year)

I think that Justin is playing the card right by taking like 4 years in between each album - that way he'll always build up that anticipation, just like Michael did.

But to answer the question, no I don't think Beyonce is the new Michael, and no one will probably ever will be the new Michael - the stars aligned perfectly along his way for him to become the artist he was.

Beyonce has that X-factor, no doubt - but I don't think that most people yet see that magic and monstrosity with Beyonce, no matter if you're a MJ-fan or not.

I disagree with pretty everything you have said EXCEPT that there is no comparision between Michael and Beyonce. I am so sick of people praising Beyonce when her talent does not live up to it. For a lack of better words... Beyonce is very overrated period.. you can say that she has a nice voice which may be true BUT so does alot of other female singers playing on the radio and SOME even better than Beyonce. Beyonce will never be a legend because there is nothing spectacular about her music and she is not an innovative artist.. she is a POP artist.

Songwriter/ Producer- Beyocne doesnt write any of her music or has any input as far as producing. She doesnt play instruments.

Dancing- Beyonce is a very average dancer. Most of her videos and performances are a copy of another video or performance that has already been done. She may have some nice performances but nothing original or innovative about them. She is not a spetacular performer. She is very average and im tired of her overexposure and overration its ridiculous now.

Music- There is nothing legendary, classic or global about any of her music. Her music for the most part only appeals to one race which was already stated african american. Her music doesnt reach other races or backgrounds. Her music is pop garbage and her lyrics are vey mediocre. Her music is nothing more or less than any of the OTHER music playing on the radio which is all garbage at the end of the day. Her music isnt classic and it doesnt even sound like r&b FYI there are pleny of female singers who are WAYYY better than Beyonce that do all of the above. ex. Erykah Badu and Jill Scott but they stay true to there artistry and not to pleasing the masses.

popularity- Beyonce is popular because she has a good marker/advertisement for her and she is a nice looking girl for the most part thats why she is popular. She is not global or worldwide known. Her popularity is just within the states if any.

Legend- Before you calll someone a legend you have to look back at the greats such as Michael Jackson, James Brown, Marvin Gaye, Bob Marly ,Stevie Wonder, Prince, Jimi Hendrix etc and then ask yourself what makes a legend? All these artists were not just popular because of their looks, because of their singing ability... they changed MUSIC... they were original, innovative. They contributed something that had not been done and set the pace. From playing instruments to songwriting. From dancing to performances. From messages in ther music to bring people together to being the first black to be played on MTV. Beyonce has done none of that and she never will BECAUSE IT HAS ALREADY BEEN DONE.

When people try to compare sucky artists to Michael Jackson or any other legend its offensive because they are not in the same league or category and its not even worth discussing.

Edit* and to most people saying that the discussion was really meant to compare Beyonce to her comtemparies then I would say she is below the bar. She only gets the recognition because she is popular. Once again, Erykah Badu. Jill Scott. India Arie. Alicia Keys I would say all four of these artists make better music then Beyonce because they do and are overall better because they have input in the writing and producing which is assoicated with music which really determines what makes a great artist... not popularity.. anybody can be popularity overnight.

And all of this is coming from a young lady who is 17.
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I suppose she is.

In the way that she is the biggest pop star out there, and so was Michael for all those years.

I've read the first three pages of this thread and it seems that EVERYONE forgot what this thread was about. You are the first person that understood the question.

This isn't a comparison thread. This is about is she today's MJ. Meaning is she doing now what MJ did during his time?

I swear some of you don't read. SMH.
I just read all 9 pages of this thread. I officially have no life. :sleep:
I disagree with pretty everything you have said EXCEPT that there is no comparision between Michael and Beyonce. I am so sick of people praising Beyonce when her talent does not live up to it. For a lack of better words... Beyonce is very overrated period.. you can say that she has a nice voice which may be true BUT so does alot of other female singers playing on the radio and SOME even better than Beyonce. Beyonce will never be a legend because there is nothing spectacular about her music and she is not an innovative artist.. she is a POP artist.

Songwriter/ Producer- Beyocne doesnt write any of her music or has any input as far as producing. She doesnt play instruments.

Dancing- Beyonce is a very average dancer. Most of her videos and performances are a copy of another video or performance that has already been done. She may have some nice performances but nothing original or innovative about them. She is not a spetacular performer. She is very average and im tired of her overexposure and overration its ridiculous now.

Music- There is nothing legendary, classic or global about any of her music. Her music for the most part only appeals to one race which was already stated african american. Her music doesnt reach other races or backgrounds. Her music is pop garbage and her lyrics are vey mediocre. Her music is nothing more or less than any of the OTHER music playing on the radio which is all garbage at the end of the day. Her music isnt classic and it doesnt even sound like r&b FYI there are pleny of female singers who are WAYYY better than Beyonce that do all of the above. ex. Erykah Badu and Jill Scott but they stay true to there artistry and not to pleasing the masses.

popularity- Beyonce is popular because she has a good marker/advertisement for her and she is a nice looking girl for the most part thats why she is popular. She is not global or worldwide known. Her popularity is just within the states if any.

Legend- Before you calll someone a legend you have to look back at the greats such as Michael Jackson, James Brown, Marvin Gaye, Bob Marly ,Stevie Wonder, Prince, Jimi Hendrix etc and then ask yourself what makes a legend? All these artists were not just popular because of their looks, because of their singing ability... they changed MUSIC... they were original, innovative. They contributed something that had not been done and set the pace. From playing instruments to songwriting. From dancing to performances. From messages in ther music to bring people together to being the first black to be played on MTV. Beyonce has done none of that and she never will BECAUSE IT HAS ALREADY BEEN DONE.

When people try to compare sucky artists to Michael Jackson or any other legend its offensive because they are not in the same league or category and its not even worth discussing.

Edit* and to most people saying that the discussion was really meant to compare Beyonce to her comtemparies then I would say she is below the bar. She only gets the recognition because she is popular. Once again, Erykah Badu. Jill Scott. India Arie. Alicia Keys I would say all four of these artists make better music then Beyonce because they do and are overall better because they have input in the writing and producing which is assoicated with music which really determines what makes a great artist... not popularity.. anybody can be popularity overnight.

And all of this is coming from a young lady who is 17.

I could not agree more with this post. I just don't see it in beyonce anymore. To me it seems she is lowering her standards to stay ''popular'' . Couple of years a go I thought she might have been able to become huge because she always talked about keeping things classy and things like that and the focus was on her voice.
Now I see her gyrating her crotch on stage in next-to-nothing outfits and I just think wow I guess she really isn't any better or more special than other singers out there.It seems like she has to sell sex to stay 'relevant'. Not to mention she has copied other people many times.
That is not what a legend is about. Popular singer maybe ,but not a legend.
And I don't like that people use the term legend so freely, like o she had a number 1 album, that's a legend in the making! It takes more than that imo.

Btw I hope I didn't offend any beyonce fans on this board, I just had to get this off my chest..
I disagree with pretty everything you have said EXCEPT that there is no comparision between Michael and Beyonce. I am so sick of people praising Beyonce when her talent does not live up to it. For a lack of better words... Beyonce is very overrated period.. you can say that she has a nice voice which may be true BUT so does alot of other female singers playing on the radio and SOME even better than Beyonce. Beyonce will never be a legend because there is nothing spectacular about her music and she is not an innovative artist.. she is a POP artist.

Songwriter/ Producer- Beyocne doesnt write any of her music or has any input as far as producing. She doesnt play instruments.

Dancing- Beyonce is a very average dancer. Most of her videos and performances are a copy of another video or performance that has already been done. She may have some nice performances but nothing original or innovative about them. She is not a spetacular performer. She is very average and im tired of her overexposure and overration its ridiculous now.

Music- There is nothing legendary, classic or global about any of her music. Her music for the most part only appeals to one race which was already stated african american. Her music doesnt reach other races or backgrounds. Her music is pop garbage and her lyrics are vey mediocre. Her music is nothing more or less than any of the OTHER music playing on the radio which is all garbage at the end of the day. Her music isnt classic and it doesnt even sound like r&b FYI there are pleny of female singers who are WAYYY better than Beyonce that do all of the above. ex. Erykah Badu and Jill Scott but they stay true to there artistry and not to pleasing the masses.

popularity- Beyonce is popular because she has a good marker/advertisement for her and she is a nice looking girl for the most part thats why she is popular. She is not global or worldwide known. Her popularity is just within the states if any.

Legend- Before you calll someone a legend you have to look back at the greats such as Michael Jackson, James Brown, Marvin Gaye, Bob Marly ,Stevie Wonder, Prince, Jimi Hendrix etc and then ask yourself what makes a legend? All these artists were not just popular because of their looks, because of their singing ability... they changed MUSIC... they were original, innovative. They contributed something that had not been done and set the pace. From playing instruments to songwriting. From dancing to performances. From messages in ther music to bring people together to being the first black to be played on MTV. Beyonce has done none of that and she never will BECAUSE IT HAS ALREADY BEEN DONE.

When people try to compare sucky artists to Michael Jackson or any other legend its offensive because they are not in the same league or category and its not even worth discussing.

Edit* and to most people saying that the discussion was really meant to compare Beyonce to her comtemparies then I would say she is below the bar. She only gets the recognition because she is popular. Once again, Erykah Badu. Jill Scott. India Arie. Alicia Keys I would say all four of these artists make better music then Beyonce because they do and are overall better because they have input in the writing and producing which is assoicated with music which really determines what makes a great artist... not popularity.. anybody can be popularity overnight.

And all of this is coming from a young lady who is 17.


Very overrated.

I don't know how she ends up with co-writing credit on some of the songs when it is well known she doesn't write her own songs and the songs which are given to her are lyrically the same yet she ends up with some writing credit. A fraud!

Her dancing....please!!! All she does is shake her ass. If that is dancing, then the standard is dropping.

Her videos are not original. She uses sex and her body to sell music (have you seen the Video Phone video?) Awful!

Her voice is ok and she is a good live performer. THAT IS ALL!!!

In today's music - the likes of Alicia Keys, Lady Gaga and Taylor Swift are more talented than Beyonce. They write, produce their own songs and play instruments.

Females like Britney Spears, Madonna are globally bigger than Beyonce.

To even THINK that Beyonce is this generations MJ is obsurd!!!! She probably only has one tenth of the global reach and impact MJ had in the 80's & 90's. And let's not even go there on talent, performance, re-defining music and music videos, transcending music genres and appealing to all races & culture, breaking record after record and making new record after record. Beyonce can only dream of having that type of fame, success and appeal that Michael attained in his career. So NO she does not have that level of achievements (she is not even close!) in the 2000's and i would put many other artists above her.

And this is coming from a person who grew up in Beyonce's generation. I prefer her work with Destiny's Child and even then, she had help from her father who gave her all the lead vocals and placed the spotlight & fame on her. I prefer Kelly Rowland to Beyonce, any day of the week!
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eh? whats beyonce got in common with mj. except the fact they both had a thing for each other.

:bugeyed:bugeyed:bugeyed Waaaaaa??????? They did? Dang, why am i too late for this kinda news...

Anyway...Beyonce the Next Mike? :lol:
Nothing against the woman but no...Never gonna be A Next Michael Jackson or even The Next KOP! Period!!! If some ppl. think its possible...let them be but IMO, Hellzzz to da no!:smilerolleyes:

Word. ^^^^ no one will ever be MICHAEL JACKSON

Plus I think Beyonce reminded him of Diana and the supremes..
No, are you serious?
Beyone is michael like.....i agree.
But michael made the music industry like how it is today.
No one who ever can top that, no one.
He was THE pioneer in music.
Even elvis could not have topped that one.
Elvis was more for te white people.
Jmes brown for the black people ( just to name some people)
But Michael was the one who created a bridge between black and white music.
Mike was for all races and colours.
THAT,S what a pioneer is about.

Without michael there would be no beyonce.....

So no,
Beyonce is a great artist and performer.
But she doens,t even come close to michael.
No one will.
I'll answer the title of this thread w/ a Yes and a No (cheating, I know!).

Yes: I think Beyonce's the biggest popstar today. She's a double threat w/ music, movies, and a constant presence w/ her clothing line, cover girl, etc. She's been around for a while now, and has accumulated quite a few hits. She has a generally universal appeal.

No: "Michael Jackson of today" would imply the artist has the same global recognition, popularity, and success that Michael had in the 80s, and the answer to that question is a resounding "No way!" . . . And Michael didn't do movies in the 1980s but innovated his own short films (Thriller, Captain EO, Bad), so it's kind of oranges and apples there.

I think Michael has only three comparisons, and that's, in order of whom came first, Frank Sinatra, Elvis, the Beatles, and then the global-phenom entertainer ends w/ Michael. So rather than the "who's the next/current Michael," sorry, that plateau reached its final chapter w/ Michael. Everything's inevitable I suppose, but I don't see any current artist fitting that category.

"In the music business,every decade you have a phenomenon.

"In the '40s you had Sinatra,in the '50s Elvis,in the '60s the Beatles,in the '70s the innovation of Dolby despite the best efforts of Stevie Wonder and Elton John.

"In the '80s you had Michael Jackson.

"For everyone from 8 to 80,he was the biggest entertainer on the planet.

-- Quincy Jones

^^ Nice post.

Music-Her music for the most part only appeals to one race which was already stated african american. Her music doesnt reach other races or backgrounds.

Everything else in your post was your opinion, which is fair enough, but this quote above I have a real problem with - actually completely baffled.. because it is simply untrue. I don't know where people are getting this from because it is complete garbage, proven wrong in many ways, and there is nothing about her music that would only appeal to those of african american race.

Once again, Erykah Badu. Jill Scott. India Arie.

Never heard of them but maybe I'll take a look.

THANK YOU. Ohhh, if only everyone else could of understood as well as you.

LOL. No problem, some people are still doin it but I got it. Anyway.. moving on..
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Everything else in your post was your opinion, which is fair enough, but this quote above I have a real problem with - actually completely baffled.. because it is simply untrue. I don't know where people are getting this from because it is complete garbage, proven wrong in many ways, and there is nothing about her music that would only appeal to those of african american race.

What was said in my post above that was opinion and not true?.. everything was true

She doesnt write any of her music. She is a descent singer but so what? There are plenty of good singers and more that are better than her. She doesnt play instruments. She doesnt produce any of the material. She doesnt come up with her own choregraphy, she copies... she just shakes her ass.... Her music is consistent and POP its nothing classic about or "spectacular" its dumb and very overrated. She is not a good actor. She is only popular because of her good market and looks. She is not original or innovative. She is not legendary or will become a legend because of that reason. She is not in the same league as Michael Jackson or close to becoming anywhere near iconic appeal and if all this which I have stated "is not true" as you say then I would like for you to please explain why... because honestly anyone must be smoking indian pipe to think otherwise... its rather ridiculous.
Being a good performer is different from being a legend.

Second, every song that plays on the radio is understood to be liked by everyone. Everyone is free to listen or like what they want but you have to face the MAJORITY as far as demographic. For the most part, Beyonce music really only appeals to one demographic which is african american. Sure there are probably other races that listen to her music but as a majority it appealed and liked by african americans period. Her music does nothing as far as bringing people together or uniting races together.

Never heard of them but maybe I'll take a look.
You should definitly take a look and broaden your music taste besides whats being played on the trash radio we call mainstream music today. Music doesnt just stop with the radio. Music is everywhere and there are FAR better artists besides whats popular and being played on the radio. Popular music is about image... not about making real music.
She is not in the same league as Michael Jackson or close to becoming anywhere near iconic appeal and if all this which I have stated "is not true" as you say then I would like for you to please explain why... because honestly anyone must be smoking indian pipe to think otherwise... its rather ridiculous.

I agree, I never said she was..

For the most part, Beyonce music really only appeals to one demographic which is african american. Sure there are probably other races that listen to her music but as a majority it appealed and liked by african americans period.

I really wholeheartedly disagree with this as I have seen nothing to back that remark up, what I've seen is the opposite. Just two teeny examples (there are more).. the UK doesn't consist of african americans and they just voted her the worlds greatest popstar in a television competition that lasted several weeks. It was also crazy for her when she performed in Singapore..those are 2 events I witnessed. You're free to think what you want though and so am I, we can agree to disagree and move on.

Oh and I promote unsigned artists so I know music doesn't stop with the radio.
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You should definitly take a look and broaden your music taste besides whats being played on the trash radio we call mainstream music today. Music doesnt just stop with the radio. Music is everywhere and there are FAR better artists besides whats popular and being played on the radio. Popular music is about image... not about making real music.

Well, shes clearly a Michael Jackson fan. Thats more than enough.
she's a good performer and singer but she's not creative like Michael, and she's not on the same level when it comes to dance either

eh? whats beyonce got in common with mj. except the fact they both had a thing for each other.

Michael had a thing for all beautiful women :shifty: