Is Beyonce Knowles TODAY'S Michael Jackson

I agree with you, but thats not what this thread is about.

It's less about comparing Beyonce to Michael, it is more about comparing Beyonce to her contemporaries. Like one would compare Michael to his contemporaries. He stood out. She stands out.

No she isn't on the same level as him and nobody will ever replace Michael. He was more than a great performer, like I said he changed things in the industry.. and in the world.

When a thread is started like this people always think others are talking about the artist being able to replace Michael or something..its not like that, so theres no need to be defensive or protective over him.

I reread the OP and I see what you're saying about comparing her to her contemporaries and her standing out among them as MJ did. But as you say, Michael changed things in the industry. So he didn't just stand out among his contemporaries. He levitated ten feet higher than everyone else. Is Beyonce?

People get on the defensive when Michael is used as a benchmark because by comparing them to him, the standard is lowered. I don't ever hear Beyonce's impact today being equated to the impact Elvis' or the Beatles made in theirs. Like them, Michael rose high above all standards. For someone to be "today's" Michael Jackson, they'd have to be accomplishing today what MJ did in his day. I don't think ANYONE is doing that.
she should be the first Beyonce and not worry about being the next Michael Jackson, there will never be one of those.
People get on the defensive when Michael is used as a benchmark because by comparing them to him, the standard is lowered. I don't ever hear Beyonce's impact today being equated to the impact Elvis' or the Beatles made in theirs. Like them, Michael rose high above all standards. For someone to be "today's" Michael Jackson, they'd have to be accomplishing today what MJ did in his day. I don't think ANYONE is doing that.

I completely agree, but people always try to compare artists with those who were here before them..because of any small similarity they see, be it similarities in voice, the sound of their music, or another aspect. With MJ and Beyonce they are both fantastic live performers, they both started in groups when they were children (producers were interested in her when she was 8), as kids they were both managed & trained by their fathers, and they are both highly popular artists of their generation (though MJ is obviously on another level, surpassing his generation). Thats probably where any similarity ends.

There is no 'next Michael Jackson' or 'todays' Michael Jackson', there is no 'next Prince' or 'todays Prince', there is no 'next Beatles' or 'todays Beatles', there is no 'next Madonna' or 'today's Madonna' etc. etc.

To answer the OPs question - artistic contribution? In the sense of pioneering something new, I'd say no, not yet anyway. She did win a WMA award for Outstanding Contribution to the Arts but IMO it wasn't for much. No, currently she is ABSOLUTELY NO WHERE NEAR MJs contributions - he invented the 'short film' style music video and was instrumental in getting videos by African American artists played on MTV. edit: & I forgot to say he was the one who brought choreographed dance troops into music from theatre/musical shows. Who else does or can do anything as big as that again? Maybe Lady Gaga is one to watch for artistic contribution. Does Beyonce have the same level of fame as MJ in the 80s? Well, I wasn't quite alive in the 80s so I probably can't answer that, but after hearing the stories I say no, and neither does anyone else nowadays.

He was a one off for a hundred different reasons, there won't be another and we lost him way too soon :(

A more appropriate question would be - Is Beyonce the biggest or greatest popstar of this generation?
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Love this post! It is so on point about their similarities as well as the lack of being any similarities of anyone today to other greats from different eras.

As far as your: "A more appropriate question would be - Is Beyonce the biggest or greatest popstar of this generation?"

Honestly, I don't know. I think Justin, Britney, Christina, would be right there up with Beyonce. So to me for now, there isn't a biggest or greatest popstar. But some of equal stature.
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No way, beyonce is a great artist and good entertainer at shows, but mj was amazing and beyonce couldnt generate the hysteria that mj caused all over the world! :)
HELL NO Beyonce ain't no present day Michael!

She works hard, she's entertaining, and riveting to say the least. BUT...

Her talent, impact on the music industry and on the world PALESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS in comparison to what Michael achieved, even during the OTW era (ONLY)!

I loves me some Beyonce but, the answer to that is hell to the naw!
the only thing i'm gettng from this, is that everybody is trying to recreate the icon that they tore down, because of envy. they all like saying so many artists are the next Michael Jackson. so that means they knew he was and always will be the ONLY MICHAEL JACKSON. and they'll never be able to recreate another.
OOOOH no no no no no..... No. mkm. Honestly, I don't think Beyonce stands out, she's great and everything, but not all that *special*. Don't kill me now, but I was starting to get the impression that maybe Lady Gaga is going to fill the spot of the talented and eccentric artist in the pop music scene. :ninja: What with the crazy outfits and shows and great raw talent for producing instant hits. I mean, no one can EVER replace Michael or come close to what he achieved, but the public and media will eventually try to fill the void. ..good luck trying, eh?

There will never be another Michael.. NEVER

This. Definitely. Yup.
I will say no. But they do have similarities. They both came from groups and became very successful solo. Both have fathers as there manager. Started performing at a young age. She definitely has the popularity international but not on Michael's level he will always be unmatched. I think she has a strong work ethic about her like Michael. And she definitely gives her all on stage like Michael.

I am a Beyonce fan as well so I can see the similarities. :wub:
I will say no. But they do have similarities. They both came from groups and became very successful solo. Both have fathers as there manager. Started performing at a young age. She definitely has the popularity international but not on Michael's level he will always be unmatched. I think she has a strong work ethic about her like Michael. And she definitely gives her all on stage like Michael.

I am a Beyonce fan as well so I can see the similarities. :wub:

I love her, too. The major difference between her and Michael is his talent level. Beyonce's great, but MJ redefined great.
No new Michael Jackson, no new Beyonce, no new Jesus etc.

There isn't and there will never be new *insert person's name here*. There'll be new stars of course who are influenced by old stars but they'll never be like them. This should be this easy. Beyonce is Beyonce, MJ is MJ and Jesus is Jesus.
Certainly NOT she is just an over hyped workaholic wanna be Michael Jackson, that being said, I like Beyonce.
If you mean by, is she 'running things' in this generation... I'd say yes, but then again, I'm sure there are more talented folks out there... if they were out there, that is. For now, B seems like the top dog, along with Lady Gaga maybe. On terms of her talent being equivalent to Michael's, definitely not!!
There will never be another MJ

But don't you think MJ done better than elvis , and im sure when elvis was around people would say their will never be another elvis ect
(not to say mj was the next elvis but he was more sucessfull)

Know what im saying
She is the biggest pop star in the world today. Michael was the biggest pop star in the world from the 80's till when he died.

She IS todays Michael in that aspect.

People REALLY need to stop getting so defensive. This isnt a compare Beyonce to MJ thread.

This allways allways happens in threads about other artists and MY GOD is it annoying.
I like beyonce,but NO
and no one will ever be like him,that's a FACT
I think Beyonce's her own star. It's hard for anyone to be the next MJ since he did so many groundbreaking things. I do think Beyonce is doing great in increasing her status in the music industry, but I wouldn't say she's today MJ. I don't think Beyonce would think that herself.
I'll echo the others when I say there will NEVER be another Michael Jackson, he was unique. He broke boundries, open doors for other artists, created magic for millions of people all around the world, he was an inspiration, a genius, an innovator, a creater. He was the FIRST to do what we now take for granted.

While I adore Beyonce, she's not Michael, she's her own artist, and I think she's fantastic. A stellar performer, not afraid to showcase her interesting dance routines (single ladies anyone?) A strong woman, a good role model for women (in my opinion) she acts, sings, dances....she's incredibly talented, and humble with it. She's taken on alot of things from Michael which is obvious.

As for Beyonce being the innovator that Michael was? There's still time, although I do believe the magic out for music has been destroyed by the internet. I used to wait in earnest for new albums from my favourite artists, and when they came out I'd be lining up at the store with lots of other excitable people. Now, music get's leaked and it's just so...disposable...there's no magic. No opening up a new album and studying every inch of every cover, checking out the artwork on the sleeve, no reading the lyrics and the 'thank you' messages's fairly depressing really.

And for this reason, that's why there is no 'Beyoncemania' and there won't be any other kind of 'mania' on the level of Michael, Elvis or The Beatles. That part of music is dead... the question to is Beyonce the 'new' Michael, in terms of changing things etc... probably not, I don't think anyone ever will be on that level again. But she is fantastic, and probably one of the best, if not the best artist we have today.

Once another Album sells more than Thriller, then we'll talk :)
She is the biggest pop star in the world today. Michael was the biggest pop star in the world from the 80's till when he died.

She IS todays Michael in that aspect.

People REALLY need to stop getting so defensive. This isnt a compare Beyonce to MJ thread.

This allways allways happens in threads about other artists and MY GOD is it annoying.

doesn't really matter if this annoys you. people think what they think about Michael, because he earned it. nobody is getting defensive. they are expressing their own opinions, which they have a right to do. and besides..her and MJ are two different people. one cannot be the other. i wish you would stop getting defensive when people say that MJ blew away Beyonce. he did.
I've read that some people think that she is...I personally don't think so but that could just be my own bias and love for Mike getting in the way of being objective.

SO...In terms of sales, image, indusrty respect, global popularity,music video innovation (yes believe it or not, people have said that her videos are "groundbreaking" for her generation in the same way MJ's were for his), ect...Do you guys think so???

Personally, I think Beyonce is one of many overrated acts out there. She is no MJ. She's not even close.
doesn't really matter if this annoys you. people think what they think about Michael, because he earned it. nobody is getting defensive. they are expressing their own opinions, which they have a right to do. and besides..her and MJ are two different people. one cannot be the other. i wish you would stop getting defensive when people say that MJ blew away Beyonce. he did.

Pardon me?

EVERYONE is getting defensive.

The original poster meant, is Beyonce todays Michael Jackson in terms of being the biggest pop star in the world. They never asked who was better. As we all know who was better.

So why are people feeling the need to compare them? Its simply because whenever MJ and another artist are spoken in the same sentence together, they automatically get defensive and start screaming that nobody will ever be as good as MJ. Even when nobody claimed anyone would be......

Why, I ask you. Would I be getting defensive when people are saying MJ blew Beyonce away? Im a massive MJ fan and dont like Beyonce what so ever......:doh:

Personally, I think Beyonce is one of many overrated acts out there. She is no MJ. She's not even close.

Nobody has said she was!

Look, who are you people trying top convince? We are all Michael Jackson fans here, not Beyonce fans. We all know that MJ was a million times better than Beyonce. So why do people keep feeling the need to repeat it over and over again without reason?

You may think she is overrated and Im not much of a fan myself. But she is the biggest pop start in the world at the moment. Not as big as MJ was. But shes still todays Michael Jackson in that aspect.
Pardon me?

EVERYONE is getting defensive.

The original poster meant, is Beyonce todays Michael Jackson in terms of being the biggest pop star in the world. They never asked who was better. As we all know who was better.

So why are people feeling the need to compare them? Its simply because whenever MJ and another artist are spoken in the same sentence together, they automatically get defensive and start screaming that nobody will ever be as good as MJ. Even when nobody claimed anyone would be......

Why, I ask you. Would I be getting defensive when people are saying MJ blew Beyonce away? Im a massive MJ fan and dont like Beyonce what so ever......:doh:

Nobody has said she was!

Look, who are you people trying top convince? We are all Michael Jackson fans here, not Beyonce fans. We all know that MJ was a million times better than Beyonce. So why do people keep feeling the need to repeat it over and over again without reason?

You may think she is overrated and Im not much of a fan myself. But she is the biggest pop start in the world at the moment. Not as big as MJ was. But shes still todays Michael Jackson in that aspect.

saying she is today's Michael Jackson is you doing what you demand people not to do. that screams automatic comparison. and she is not today's Michael Jackson. but here is how you solve the comparison problem. tell every new fan that comes on here to stop posting threads anywhere in the vicinity of this subject matter.(that's right, you'll be up and never sleep for the rest of your life, trying to do that.) the other solution would be for you and others not to call another artist 'today's Michael Jackson'. it's totally nonsensical to do that, and not expect a comparison. i think you know what people are getting at, when they say nobody can be another michael.. the atmospehere that he commanded is NOT being commanded by any other artist. that magic is not in any other artist.
saying she is today's Michael Jackson is you doing what you demand people not to do. that screams automatic comparison. and she is not today's Michael Jackson. but here is how you solve the comparison problem. tell every new fan that comes on here to stop posting threads anywhere in the vicinity of this subject matter.(that's right, you'll be up and never sleep for the rest of your life, trying to do that.) the other solution would be for you and others not to call another artist 'today's Michael Jackson'. it's totally nonsensical to do that, and not expect a comparison. i think you know what people are getting at, when they say nobody can be another michael.. the atmospehere that he commanded is NOT being commanded by any other artist. that magic is not in any other artist.

But im not JUST saying shes todays Michael Jackson am I? Everytime i've said it ive also added. 'In the aspect that she is the biggest pop star in the world today'. Which is true.

What im complaining about, is that people automatically get defensive. This thread was never intended to compare there talents. So why is it that it is peoples automatic response to react this way whenever they see anything like that?

I am simply questioning peoples logic when they gather from something like this that another artist is being compared to MJ in terms of talent.

Personally, I came into this thread and understood what the original poster was getting at. If I thought someone was comparing Beyonce to MJ in terms of talent then id be doing what the rest of you are doing.

Some of you need to read it carefully and try and understand it better before you just pounce on it with your MJ defense. If I can do it, why cant you?

I don't understand why people are acting like we haven't had a famous female artist twice the star power that she has!?!
But im not JUST saying shes todays Michael Jackson am I? Everytime i've said it ive also added. 'In the aspect that she is the biggest pop star in the world today'. Which is true.

What im complaining about, is that people automatically get defensive. This thread was never intended to compare there talents. So why is it that it is peoples automatic response to react this way whenever they see anything like that?

I am simply questioning peoples logic when they gather from something like this that another artist is being compared to MJ in terms of talent.

Personally, I came into this thread and understood what the original poster was getting at. If I thought someone was comparing Beyonce to MJ in terms of talent then id be doing what the rest of you are doing.

Some of you need to read it carefully and try and understand it better before you just pounce on it with your MJ defense. If I can do it, why cant you?

oh comon, you're really reaching with that. this isn't about rocket science. you put two artists together in the way the OP did, you get comparisons.

and you're wrong about Beyonce's star power. there is no comparison. there are myriads of people in here who think a plethlora of female artists outrank beyonce in star power. i mean a BIG amount. artists like britney, gaga, madonna, janet, etc. etc. this is why you beyonce is not today's Michael.

people have no trouble putting MJ in a different stratosphere. they have trouble being unanimous with those other artists. you are arguing just for the sake of argument. you know this is an MJ board, and you know how people are seeing MJ, in his bigness, and you're using that just to fight on a message board. there is no doubt that the fans' big time treatment of MJ gets you defensive.

it's not going to make you lose sleep at night, hearing these MJ fans' opinions, is it? there's someone right above you that thinks another female artist has more starpower than Beyonce. look to the left(sry. lol) or to the right, and you'll find a fan.
She is the biggest pop star in the world today. Michael was the biggest pop star in the world from the 80's till when he died.

She IS todays Michael in that aspect.

People REALLY need to stop getting so defensive. This isnt a compare Beyonce to MJ thread.

This allways allways happens in threads about other artists and MY GOD is it annoying.


Beyonce's fame level isn't on the same level of MJ's in his prime or even in his decline. Her tour didn't gross as high as his nor did it gross as high as other female pop artists that came before her. Her fame level is NO where near other female pop artists in their prime. I'm talking Janet, Madonna, Whitney, Mariah, Celine all in their prime. Should I even mention MJ's fame level? People know MJ all around the world. I'm talking, people in rural areas in impoverished countries know Michael Jackson. So again, No, she's NOT today's MJ in any aspect.
oh comon, you're really reaching with that. this isn't about rocket science. you put two artists together in the way the OP did, you get comparisons.

Comparisons are fine if its not about comparing theire talent. That doesnt make much sense to me.

and you're wrong about Beyonce's star power. there is no comparison. there are myriads of people in here who think a plethlora of female artists outrank beyonce in star power. i mean a BIG amount. artists like britney, gaga, madonna, janet, etc. etc. this is why you beyonce is not today's Michael.

people have no trouble putting MJ in a different stratosphere. they have trouble being unanimous with those other artists. you are arguing just for the sake of argument. you know this is an MJ board, and you know how people are seeing MJ, in his bigness, and you're using that just to fight on a message board. there is no doubt that the fans' big time treatment of MJ gets you defensive.

it's not going to make you lose sleep at night, hearing these MJ fans' opinions, is it?

I was simply just expressing my opinion that I think its stupid how many fans can turn ANYTHING into an arguement that nobody is as good as MJ.

What do you mean the fans big time treatment of MJ gets me defensive? What am I supposed to be defending??? :scratch:

People may disagree with me, but me and millions of others consider Beyonce the biggest pop star in the world at the moment. But thats not even the main point of the arguement.

Oh, and why would I purposely set out to argue on a message board? :doh:


Beyonce's fame level isn't on the same level of MJ's in his prime or even in his decline. Her tour didn't gross as high as his nor did it gross as high as other female pop artists that came before her. Her fame level is NO where near other female pop artists in their prime. I'm talking Janet, Madonna, Whitney, Mariah, Celine all in their prime. Should I even mention MJ's fame level? People know MJ all around the world. I'm talking, people in rural areas in impoverished countries know Michael Jackson. So again, No, she's NOT today's MJ in any aspect.

Classic example.

I didnt say her fame was on the same level as Michael's. This is exactly what im talking about. Save your energy, there is no reason to defend MJ on an MJ board.

She may not have reached the same level of fame as other female artists in the past either, but thats irrelevant. Im talking about today, and in my opinion today she is the biggest pop star in the world.