Is Beyonce Knowles TODAY'S Michael Jackson

Comparisons are fine if its not about comparing theire talent. That doesnt make much sense to me.

I was simply just expressing my opinion that I think its stupid how many fans can turn ANYTHING into an arguement that nobody is as good as MJ.

What do you mean the fans big time treatment of MJ gets me defensive? What am I supposed to be defending??? :scratch:

People may disagree with me, but me and millions of others consider Beyonce the biggest pop star in the world at the moment. But thats not even the main point of the arguement.

Oh,a dn why would I purposely set out to argue on a message board? :doh:

The thing that sets Beyonce from Michael is probably TALENT. Michael also has more starpower, and stature and a better set of catalogue.

But Beyonce is the world's biggest pop star alongside Lady Gaga, Britney, Justin and Usher right now. However, it would never really matched the craziness or mania over Michael, Prince Madonna, Janet, Mariah, and Whitney in the past.
Comparisons are fine if its not about comparing theire talent. That doesnt make much sense to me.

I was simply just expressing my opinion that I think its stupid how many fans can turn ANYTHING into an arguement that nobody is as good as MJ.

What do you mean the fans big time treatment of MJ gets me defensive? What am I supposed to be defending??? :scratch:

People may disagree with me, but me and millions of others consider Beyonce the biggest pop star in the world at the moment. But thats not even the main point of the arguement.

Oh, and why would I purposely set out to argue on a message board? :doh:

Classic example.

I didnt say her fame was on the same level as Michael's. This is exactly what im talking about. Save your energy, there is no reason to defend MJ on an MJ board.

She may not have reached the same level of fame as other female artists in the past either, but thats irrelevant. Im talking about today, and in my opinion today she is the biggest pop star in the world.

well..u stood out as getting defensive, the moment you said u were annoyed at other fans. they were paying attention to their opinions, and u started paying attention to what they were saying and said u were annoyed. that's getting defensive. and yes..u expressed an opinion about Beyonce. but the number of people on here that are mentioning other female artists above Beyonce seems to be dwarfing you, right now. that's what we mean by comparitive star power.

and quite frankly, if we are all becoming fervent 'MJ defenders''s earned it. that's part of his other stratosphere. and why are u questioning the 'logic' of MJ fandom? this is not something that fans want to have to 'think' about. it's something they enjoy. why lose sleep over how MJ fans are MJ fans? it's hard not to see that as some sort of envy..and yes...among one who says they are an Mj fan. why do MJ fans have to explain their fandom? i see more of that toward his fans than any other artist.
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Classic example.

I didnt say her fame was on the same level as Michael's. This is exactly what im talking about. Save your energy, there is no reason to defend MJ on an MJ board.

She may not have reached the same level of fame as other female artists in the past either, but thats irrelevant. Im talking about today, and in my opinion today she is the biggest pop star in the world.

You made a comparison. So yes, you're comparing her fame level to MJ's.

If that's irrelevant then saying she's "today's Michael in that aspect" just because she's a huge pop star today is, as well.

And? She rivals others such as Taylor Swift, Britney Spears and others who passed her in such a short amount of time. Most artists get their time in the sun but none will ever compare to MJ's. He left an everlasting impression on the world of music.
well..u stood out as getting defensive, the moment you said u were annoyed at other fans. they were paying attention to their opinions, and u started paying attention to what they were saying and said u were annoyed. that's getting defensive. and yes..u expressed an opinion about Beyonce. but the number of people on here that are mentioning other female artists above Beyonce seems to be dwarfing you, right now. that's what we mean by comparitive star power.

and quite frankly, if we are all becoming fervent 'MJ defenders''s earned it. that's part of his other stratosphere.

Saying you are annoyed at something isnt getting defensive :S Being defensive means 'to defend something'. I was more of the offensive than the defensive.

Just because im in the minority, doesnt mean im wrong. Dont make me refer to significant historical events to prove that. haha

Thats fine if you all want to defend MJ so much when its not needed, but im just questioning the logic behind it. As I find it to be quite stupid. Nothing wrong with that. Id hate to see how you all react when someone actually does compare someones talent to Michaels.

Like, ive heard people call Robbie Williams the King of Pop. If someone said something like that, then I would understand this kind of reaction.

You made a comparison. So yes, you're comparing her fame level to MJ's.

If that's irrelevant then saying she's "today's Michael in that aspect" just because she's a huge pop star today is, as well.

And? She rivals others such as Taylor Swift, Britney Spears and others who passed her in such a short amount of time. Most artists get their time in the sun but none will ever compare to MJ's. He left an everlasting impression on the world of music.

I dont think I said I wasnt comparing them.......Are you even reading my posts?

I AM comparing them. But not based on talent. As we all know MJ was a million times more talented than Beyonce.

I compared them for a second and obviously, you come out with the conclusion that MJ was way way way more famous than Beyonce is today. However, Beyonce IMO is still the biggest pop star there is today. Michael was the biggest pop star in the world from the 80's onwards. So, many would say she is the closest thing to Michael today, in terms of star power. AGAIN, not to say they are on the same level.... but she is still the clsoest thing to Michael today in mine and many other peoples opinions.

There was recently quite a big contest held to find todays greatest pop star. I know you cant take this things that seriously and a lot of them arent to credible. But it was still quite a big deal. Anyway, Beyonce was voted the greatest pop star in the world.
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Saying you are annoyed at something isnt getting defensive :S Being defensive means 'to defend something'. I was more of the offensive than the defensive.

Just because im in the minority, doesnt mean im wrong. Dont make me refer to significant historical events to prove that. haha

Thats fine if you all want to defend MJ so much when its not needed, but im just questioning the logic behind it. As I find it to be quite stupid. Nothing wrong with that. Id hate to see how you all react when someone actually does compare someones talent to Michaels.

Like, ive heard people call Robbie Williams the King of Pop. If someone said something like that, then I would understand this kind of reaction.

I dont think I said I wasnt comparing them.......Are you even reading my posts?

I AM comparing them. But not based on talent. As we all know MJ was a million times more talented than Beyonce.

I compared them for a second and obviously, you come out with the conclusion that MJ was way way way more famous than Beyonce is today. However, Beyonce IMO is still the biggest pop star there is today. Michael was the biggest pop star in the world from the 80's onwards. So, many would say she is the closest thing to Michael today, in terms of star power. AGAIN, not to say they are on the same level.... but she is still the clsoest thing to Michael today in mine and many other peoples opinions.

There was recently quite a big contest held to find todays greatest pop star. I know you cant take this things that seriously and a lot of them arent to credible. But it was still quite a big deal. Anyway, Beyonce was voted the greatest pop star in the world.

oooooo kkkkkkk @ the bolded part. lol
the only thing i'm gettng from this, is that everybody is trying to recreate the icon that they tore down, because of envy. they all like saying so many artists are the next Michael Jackson. so that means they knew he was and always will be the ONLY MICHAEL JACKSON. and they'll never be able to recreate another.
oooooo kkkkkkk @ the bolded part. lol

So your just going to pick one part out of my whole post and pick on that are you? :smilerolleyes: Thats great.

Ok. When Christopher Columbus said the world was round, and everyone else said it was flat. I guess he was wrong because he was in the minority right?
So your just going to pick one part out of my whole post and pick on that are you? :smilerolleyes: Thats great.

Ok. When Christopher Columbus said the world was round, and everyone else said it was flat. I guess he was wrong because he was in the minority right?

first of all, we don't know who might have agreed with Chris. lol

second of all...what we see on this board is more reliable than the poll u mentioned. lol
first of all, we don't know who might have agreed with Chris. lol

second of all...what we see on this board is more reliable than the poll u mentioned. lol

Not really. Why are the opinions of people voting in that poll any less credible than posters here?

Especially when posters here may have a biased opinion if artists in the poll had said something bad about MJ or something.
Ok. When Christopher Columbus said the world was round, and everyone else said it was flat. I guess he was wrong because he was in the minority right?
The minority is usually the one that makes the Earth-shattering breakthroughs. The masses are usually the asses.

Having said that, Christopher Columbus went to America thinking it was India. So....

But.... to this day, people still call Native Americans "Indians".. so the masses are still asses.

This thread is wack.
The minority is usually the one that makes the Earth-shattering breakthroughs. The masses are usually the asses.

Having said that, Christopher Columbus went to America thinking it was India. So....

But.... to this day, people still call Native Americans "Indians".. so the masses are still asses.

This thread is wack.

Threads like this never end up well. haha A lot of them end up closed.

The Justin Timberlake threads are the worst. No matter what it turns into a war.
Not really. Why are the opinions of people voting in that poll any less credible than posters here?

Especially when posters here may have a biased opinion if artists in the poll had said something bad about MJ or something.
because, in the end, in the poll, we don't know if it was fixed. we see what's going on, here. we don't see the poll. and, in the end, it's about the numbers of people. and u r outnumbered, here. lol
Threads like this never end up well. haha A lot of them end up closed.

The Justin Timberlake threads are the worst. No matter what it turns into a war.

Hah, the Chris Brown / Rihanna thread was the pinnacle of MJJC corn "back in the day".

Don't think that shit can be topped.
because, in the end, in the poll, we don't know if it was fixed. we see what's going on, here. we don't see the poll. and, in the end, it's about the numbers of people. and u r outnumbered, here. lol

Well, not like it matters. But one of the reasons im outnumbered is that a lot of people probably saw this thread title and came in here just to complain about Beyonce not being as good as Michael.

I came in here, knowing how people were probably reacting. So that I could tell them how silly I think it is.

I came in here for a completely different reason, so id expect to be outnumbered on any opinion I give on the subject.
Tina & Matthew Knowles Split

Tina Knowles files for divorce
Fri, 12/18/2009 - 13:18
Sonya Eskridge


Tina Knowles is about to take off her ring because she’s ready to split from husband Mathew Knowles.

Tina filed for divorce at the Howard County District Clerk’s office on November 11. According to filing information, Mathew was served with papers on November 16, and it looks like he’s looking to make this quick, clean break because he returned the divorce papers on the very same day. 

There’s no word on when proceedings will start, but the divorce will be handled through the 257th District Court in Houston, Texas. Judge Judy Warne will be presiding over the divorce.

Tina and Mathew had been married for 29 years before this. Rumors of their split began circulating in late June, but insiders said the two didn’t intend to get a divorce. 

There are no details on the cause of the divorce, so it’s not clear whether Mathews rumored paternity suit has anything to do with the split.
beyonce is def not the new anything...she kinda strayed on her path to greatness IMO. she started chasing radio and soon she just became like any other female r&b artist thats pretty and exposes their body...i just dont find anything special about her anymore :( and its sad because i LOVED beyonce back in the day and i player her first album out lol
I dont think I said I wasnt comparing them.......Are you even reading my posts?

I AM comparing them. But not based on talent. As we all know MJ was a million times more talented than Beyonce.

I compared them for a second and obviously, you come out with the conclusion that MJ was way way way more famous than Beyonce is today. However, Beyonce IMO is still the biggest pop star there is today. Michael was the biggest pop star in the world from the 80's onwards. So, many would say she is the closest thing to Michael today, in terms of star power. AGAIN, not to say they are on the same level.... but she is still the clsoest thing to Michael today in mine and many other peoples opinions.

There was recently quite a big contest held to find todays greatest pop star. I know you cant take this things that seriously and a lot of them arent to credible. But it was still quite a big deal. Anyway, Beyonce was voted the greatest pop star in the world.


You keep contradicting yourself. Do you even know what your saying?

Again, I wouldn't compare Beyonce's fame to MJ's in the 80's
That's just ridiculous! There are many other artists/actors and etc. out now that are more famous than Beyonce will ever be.

Just because she wins those pity polls doesn't mean she is.

Beyonce will never make the commerical impact like MJ did. She has her fans, no doubt, but outside of her audience, does anyone care for her? The media sometimes will lead you to believe that she is "it", but I say whatever. Hell she has 2 good albums, and 1 decent one which is even debatable. She does not write own songs even though she makes a living stealing other people work.She isn't even the best selling female artist this decade. I think Britney and Alicia Keys have outsold Beyonce this decade.Let me stop with the Beyonce hate before I get myself in she Mike? Nope!
She is the biggest pop star in the world today. Michael was the biggest pop star in the world from the 80's till when he died.

She IS todays Michael in that aspect.

People REALLY need to stop getting so defensive. This isnt a compare Beyonce to MJ thread.

This allways allways happens in threads about other artists and MY GOD is it annoying.

"She IS today's Michael in that aspect ...." IS a comparison of Beyonce to Michael. You specify in a particular aspect. Well, in the aspect of being the biggest pop star in the world today...I disagree. I don't think she is. I love her, but IMO she isn't. She is ONE of the biggest.

But I can understand your annoyance about these kinds of threads where objectivity is being requested, and I'm sure I'd feel the annoyance if I went to an Elvis board, and compared Michael to him. And god forbid if I compared Beyonce to Elvis in any shape, form, or aspect, I'd probably be banned from the board. It's the nature of fan boards, especially those where the artist is as revered as the incomparable MJ. So I can almost guarantee you annoyance anytime you go into one of these threads.
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"She IS today's Michael in that aspect ...." IS a comparison of Beyonce to Michael. You specify in a particular aspect. Well, in the aspect of being the biggest pop star in the world today...I disagree. I don't think she is. I love her, but IMO she isn't. She is ONE of the biggest.
I havent said im not comparing them. I WAS comparing them. But not in the way that everyone else is.


You keep contradicting yourself. Do you even know what your saying?

Again, I wouldn't compare Beyonce's fame to MJ's in the 80's
That's just ridiculous! There are many other artists/actors and etc. out now that are more famous than Beyonce will ever be.

Just because she wins those pity polls doesn't mean she is.


Im not contradicting myself. Your just not understanding what ive been saying....

I did mention after that point about the poll, that they arent the most credible things. So if people arent going to even read my posts properly then there is no point in even arguing this.
She is the biggest pop star in the world today. Michael was the biggest pop star in the world from the 80's till when he died.

She IS todays Michael in that aspect.

People REALLY need to stop getting so defensive. This isnt a compare Beyonce to MJ

....I WAS comparing them. But not in the way that everyone else is.

Admittedly, your post confused me then. And admittedly, that's not that difficult to do with me. But in rereading, I get what your saying. I just disagree in the assessment she's the biggest today.
I havent said im not comparing them. I WAS comparing them. But not in the way that everyone else is.

And how is your way better than everyone else's?

The thread title asks whether Beyonce is today's Michael Jackson. That opens the door to all forms of comparison. Talent and other aspects that have been discussed here are what made Michael the biggest star, so it bears mentioning. Beyonce may be hugely popular, but she is in no way groundbreaking like Michael was. Some other contemporary artists resemble Michael more in that particular department.
Now if the aim of this thread was only to establish whether Beyonce's sales figures equal those of Michael's in his prime, then a few facts and numbers would have settled it. If the intention was to have a DISCUSSION on the matter, then we are well in our boundaries here.

But in general, yes, it is dangerous to base a discussion on the comparison of Michael and [instert any other artist] here, because we are hardly objective. To the majority of us, Michael was and is the best, or we would not be here. Simple really.
And how is your way better than everyone else's?

I didnt say mine was way better than everyone elses. Your making me out to be arrogant now when I have said nothing of the sort...:mello:

You keep contradicting yourself. Do you even know what your saying?

Again, I wouldn't compare Beyonce's fame to MJ's in the 80's
That's just ridiculous! There are many other artists/actors and etc. out now that are more famous than Beyonce will ever be.

He was comparing Beyonce's fame to the fame of other current artists TODAY. She is highly famous. As was Mike. Nobody is comparing Bey's level of fame to Mike's level of fame. Its more about comparing Bey to her contemporaries.. Jesus why is this so hard to explain

No matter what you think of the value of the Channel 4 Television poll (several artists were nominated and each had a 1 hour program highlighting their career presented by a celebrity fan, it lasted several weeks and the public called in or voted on the website for the winner which was announced at a fairly recent concert) - It was called The Worlds Greatest Popstar poll, and as voted by the public did name her as the winner, you can't just disregard that by saying it is fixed thats kind of childish.. if MJ was nominated and he won you wouldn't be saying that.

Anyway this thread is FULL of misunderstanding and has turned into disaster again.

It wasn't supposed to be a comparison of Beyonce to MJ directly. You were supposed to look at MJ and compare him to his contemporaries. Then seperately look at Beyonce and compare her to her contemporaries... and then come to an answer in the context of, and with consideration of TODAYS current music scene..

This has turned to wasteland, people getting the wrong end of the stick and becoming defensive.

We all know MJ is on a whole other level as an artist and a pioneer and nobody is trying to take that away. There won't be another, everyone knows.

I wish we could have conversations without it turning into disaster like this.
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Rihanna... according to those "music critics" that stay doing this type of thing (looking for the "new" whoever).

It's an interesting disscussion and should NOT be taken to heart by fans. We all know MJ is one of a kind...

Rihanna...with Taylor fast on her heels. And although Miley gets little vocal respect from critics, the fact is until MJ's TII, she had the highest grossing concert movie ever (and that little oddity still gives me a big WTH!!!!
No matter what you think of the value of the Channel 4 Television poll (several artists were nominated and each had a 1 hour program highlighting their career presented by a celebrity fan, it lasted several weeks and the public called in or voted on the website for the winner which was announced at a fairly recent concert) - It was called The Worlds Greatest Popstar poll, and as voted by the public did name her as the winner, you can't just disregard that by saying it is fixed thats kind of childish.. if MJ was nominated and he won you wouldn't be saying that.

You're right. If MJ was nominated in the poll and he won, we wouldn't be saying that. But if it was on a general, non specific fan board, many would be disputing it. Just like there are those on the MTV board disputing him being named Man of the Year.

Anyway this thread is FULL of misunderstanding and has turned into disaster again.

I think the title of the post on this MJ fan specific board sets it up for being a disaster if completely objective opinion was expected.

It wasn't supposed to be a comparison of Beyonce to MJ directly. You were supposed to look at MJ and compare him to his contemporaries. Then seperately look at Beyonce and compare her to her contemporaries... and then come to an answer in the context of, and with consideration of TODAYS current music scene.

And some have posted to the context, they just disagree that she is the biggest pop star today.

I wish we could have conversations without it turning into disaster like this.

Not so much a disaster to me. I've enjoyed reading many of the posts in this thread.
He was comparing Beyonce's fame to the fame of other current artists TODAY. She is highly famous. As was Mike. Nobody is comparing Bey's level of fame to Mike's level of fame. Its more about comparing Bey to her contemporaries.. Jesus why is this so hard to explain

No matter what you think of the value of the Channel 4 Television poll (several artists were nominated and each had a 1 hour program highlighting their career presented by a celebrity fan, it lasted several weeks and the public called in or voted on the website for the winner which was announced at a fairly recent concert) - It was called The Worlds Greatest Popstar poll, and as voted by the public did name her as the winner, you can't just disregard that by saying it is fixed thats kind of childish.. if MJ was nominated and he won you wouldn't be saying that.

Anyway this thread is FULL of misunderstanding and has turned into disaster again.

It wasn't supposed to be a comparison of Beyonce to MJ directly. You were supposed to look at MJ and compare him to his contemporaries. Then seperately look at Beyonce and compare her to her contemporaries... and then come to an answer in the context of, and with consideration of TODAYS current music scene..

This has turned to wasteland, people getting the wrong end of the stick and becoming defensive.

We all know MJ is on a whole other level as an artist and a pioneer and nobody is trying to take that away. There won't be another, everyone knows.

I wish we could have conversations without it turning into disaster like this.

THANK YOU. Ohhh, if only everyone else could of understood as well as you.
not even close. she lacks songs and music understanding.

She is a made for tv superstar. all in the window but the picture is incomplete.

MJ set out to dominate and also flip the whole script and also racially speaking go where no other Black Artist dare venture to.

Beyonce is comfortable selling records and doing her thing,etc... but if she dropped out of sight right now her place could easily be filled, with MJ you knew you were always remembering the goods and wanted that. big difference.