Is Beyonce Knowles TODAY'S Michael Jackson

I think to the extent that anyone could be, yes.

The extent to which someone can saturate the market and whip a frenzy like Mike did is limitted now with so many more outlets for music and media... so it will never be the same. But, in terms of getting your name, face and music respresented, Beyonce is succeeding as much as you can in today's music/commercial market. I'm not a fan of Beyonce's music (I do love her vocal ability though, flawless) and even I have to give credit where it's due for being ALL OVER the place :p

True, she does have the height of visibility, is very talented, and is well loved. But if saturation, likeability, talent, and succeeding in various areas is ALL it takes to equate MJ's status, then Miley Cyrus can be seen as today's Michael Jackson as well.

She had the highest grossing concert movie of all time before MJ, her concerts sell out impossibly fast, and her television show is extremely successful. Her Hanna Montana movie grossed a little better than Beyonce's Dreamgirls. Her audience is limited demographically, but then Beyonce's doesn't expand across the board either, although it does a lot better than Miley's.

It just seems wrong to compare Miley even to Beyonce to me. But with certain criteria, we can. That same criteria seems to be used to compare Beyonce to MJ. And I know I's in terms of today. But in terms of today, to be MJ today, the artist to me would have to be more than extremely popular and name branded, they would have to be what MJ was in his day as an innovator with across the board appeal in every age, race, creed, name it, he appealed to it.

Michael was a phenomenon. Beyonce is fantastic, but if she is today's phenomenon, then I thank God even more for letting me be here to witness Michael Joseph Jackson.
I agree with you :)

Today's phenominon is but a pale shadow of anything Mike did. But those shadows are all we have for comparison, so it'll never be a contest :p
You know, when you think about it, the biggest phenom we've had in recent years is Susan Boyle. That goes to show it is actually easier today to get the kind of exposure that can lead to mega star status. That ease may be another reason why we won't see another MJ. The factors that drove him to work to perfection and exhaustion don't exist today. (Although, I do give it to Beyonce, she gives it her all in everything she does.)
as LTD said, beyonce is a small pond while MJ is a freaking ocean. I think it's hilarious that people are actually trying to rationalize similarities such as "both oceans and ponds contain water' :mellow:

Beyonce is NOT the standout of this generation, she will NEVER reach MJ's heights, other than both of them being black and entering the business young, they. have. NO similarities what so ever.
I love Beyonce'..but she will never be better than MJ..I think that she is a superb performer, but she lacks originality and she isn't an innovator like he was..also she doesn't make great songs like she used to..her music now lacks substance...which MJ so rightfully had..I don't see most of her music being played 20-30 years from now like MJ's music..
as LTD said, beyonce is a small pond while MJ is a freaking ocean. I think it's hilarious that people are actually trying to rationalize similarities such as "both oceans and ponds contain water' :mellow:

Beyonce is a big fish in a small pond.

Michael was a whale in a big ocean.

See Will You be There music video. Michael played the part of the whale in Free Willy.

What im saying is. Beyonce is a big star today, but the music industry isnt what it used to be in say...the 80's.

Michael was the biggest pop star in the world in a time when some would say the music industry was at its peak.

However, in my opinion they are both similar in the way that they where/are the biggest stars of their time.

There is no need to be comparing Michael and Beyonce in terms of their talent and in terms of who achieved the most, because we all know it is MJ and wouldnt even be on this forum if we disagreed. So I cant really see who your trying to convince. You dont need to convince any of us, we already know it.
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there is no need to be comparing Michael to beyonce, period. This is a thread doing exactly that. As i've said, there is absolutely no comparison between them at all.
there is no need to be comparing Michael to beyonce, period. This is a thread doing exactly that. As i've said, there is absolutely no comparison between them at all.

The thread was only comparing them in terms of Beyonce being the biggest star of today, and Michael being the biggest star of the 80's and 90's.

In that way. I think she is the Michael Jackson of today. Not in terms of talent or ability, not to say that she is as big a star as he was. But IMO she is the biggest star of today and Michael was the biggest star of the past so in that way they are ALIKE.
The thread was only comparing them in terms of Beyonce being the biggest star of today, and Michael being the biggest star of the 80's and 90's.

In that way. I think she is the Michael Jackson of today. Not in terms of talent or ability, not to say that she is as big a star as he was. But IMO she is the biggest star of today and Michael was the biggest star of the past so in that way they are ALIKE.

Again, in terms of commercial success she isn't the biggest star of her generation. Rihanna has incredible success, Britney has media going gaga for her, and the older generation (MJ, Madonna, beatles, etc.) are kicking the new generation's behinds. She is "one" of the best, but not even close to locking on the top spot. Contrary to Michael, who was THE undisputed star of his generation. As i've said, the only way to rationalize this is to say "they were both successful"... which is complete BS since that can be said to justin, rihanna, britney, usher, and the likes.

There is no comparison between MJ and this entire BS of a generation, I'm sorry.
Again, in terms of commercial success she isn't the biggest star of her generation. Rihanna has incredible success, Britney has media going gaga for her, and the older generation (MJ, Madonna, beatles, etc.) are kicking the new generation's behinds. She is "one" of the best, but not even close to locking on the top spot. Contrary to Michael, who was THE undisputed star of his generation. As i've said, the only way to rationalize this is to say "they were both successful"... which is complete BS since that can be said to justin, rihanna, britney, usher, and the likes.

There is no comparison between MJ and this entire BS of a generation, I'm sorry.

Well im sorry but I disagree. I think Beyonce is the biggest star at the moment.

The difference between Rihanna, Beyonce and Britney Spears is that Beyonce can actually sing......really well and people know that and appreciate her talent.
Well im sorry but I disagree. I think Beyonce is the biggest star at the moment.

The difference between Rihanna, Beyonce and Britney Spears is that Beyonce can actually sing......really well and people know that and appreciate her talent.
I thought we weren't comparing talent?
I thought we weren't comparing talent?

We arent. Between Michael and Beyonce.

I was comparing Beyonce to Britney Spears and Rihanna :smilerolleyes:

There would be no need to compare Michael and Beyonce in terms of talent, because we all know who is better.
We arent. Between Michael and Beyonce.

I was comparing Beyonce to Britney Spears and Rihanna :smilerolleyes:

There would be no need to compare Michael and Beyonce in terms of talent, because we all know who is better.
So you are choosing the best of this generation out of talent, and then you take talent completely out of the equation and compare her to a mastermind phenomenon commercially? This comparison makes no sense!

beyonce has nothing more than britney or rihanna in terms of "stardom". They are all on the same level. That's why I keep saying there's no comparison between MJ and B. MJ had his own level of stardom, No one ever competed against him in his heyday.
Beyonce isn't today's Michael Jackson. Her voice isn't unique or versitile like Michael's, she's a straight up POP/R&B singer. Her dancing to too choreographed and not innate, spontanous, elegant and fast like Michael's. Michael uses influences from the distant past like Fred Astaire and some modern influnces, Beyonce's is only influenced by the present and rips off other performers fashion sense etc like Kylie Minouge style on concert from 2008. She has brought nothing new to music, and has only made 2 or 3 classic songs as a solo artist. The bottom line is I will give credit and say Beyonce is very talented (even though I find everything about her boring, I don't dislike her she just doesn't appeal to me), but she's not a genius and Michael was a genius in every sense of the word.

If anything I'd say Beyonce is today's Madonna, because she has almost the same amount of fame as Madonna. But todays pop stars including Beyonce will never achieve iconic status as pop stars from previous generations, because all the ground work has been done, from music and performance innovation to shocking people. Also pop stars don't have the same fascination among youth culture as they once had, because like Beyonce none of them represent anything new and exiting. I'd just say Beyonce is this generations and this decades biggest pop star. I personally feel Rihanna is more famous than Beyonce and has more songs that the puboc remember than Beyonce because she's not boring like Beyonce as a performer and recording artist. How Beyonce will be seen in 5-10yrs time remains to be seen, but I see her as a sterile and boring version of Tina Turner.
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So you are choosing the best of this generation out of talent, and then you take talent completely out of the equation and compare her to a mastermind phenomenon commercially? This comparison makes no sense!

beyonce has nothing more than britney or rihanna in terms of "stardom". They are all on the same level. That's why I keep saying there's no comparison between MJ and B. MJ had his own level of stardom, No one ever competed against him in his heyday.

Your completely missing the point.

I am simply comparing Beyonce to the rest in terms of talent in order to prove why I think she is the bggest star of her generation. I would do the same with Michael. Comparing Beyonce to Rihanna and Britney was just a sub topic.

It is really irrelevant why I think both where the biggest stars of there generation. All that matters is that I think they are.

Youve made this much more complicated than it ever needed to be, but let me try and put it in a simpler form.

Subtopic: Michael vs the rest of his generation. He wins of course. Based on all things, including talent.

Subtopic number 2: Beyonce compared to the rest of her generation. In my opinion, what sets Beyonce apart from the others is that she is much more talented than the others.

Right. So that IMO leaves Michael and Beyonce as the biggest stars of their generation. I shouldnt have to keep repeating this but I want to make t clear so people dont misunderstand me. THAT IS NOT TO SAY THAT BEYONCE AND MICHAEL ARE ON THE SAME LEVEL. JUST THAT I THINK THEY ARE THE BIGGEST STARS OF THEIR OWN GENERATION. HOWEVER MICHAEL WAS BIGGER.

It doesnt matter why either of them are the biggest stars of there generation. It can be based on talent or anything. I was just making the talent point between Beyonce, Rihanna and Britney in order to prove why I think she is the biggest star of her generation.

Then we have the MAIN TOPIC.
Michael was the biggest star of his generation. Beyonce IMO the biggest star of this generation. Michael was much bigger of course. However to me that does not change the fact that Beyonce is still the biggest star of this generation and Michael was the biggest of his. Ok?

So in my opinion, they have that in common, and in that aspect I believe Beyonce is todayd Michael Jackson.


Ok? I cannot put it any simpler than that. You can agree with me or disgaree with me all you like. But thats just my opinion.
Can Beyonce Knowles sell out 50 concerts at one of the biggest arenas in the world and still not satisfy half the demand of people?

Can anyone do that today?
Your completely missing the point.

I am simply comparing Beyonce to the rest in terms of talent in order to prove why I think she is the bggest star of her generation. I would do the same with Michael. Comparing Beyonce to Rihanna and Britney was just a sub topic.

It is really irrelevant why I think both where the biggest stars of there generation. All that matters is that I think they are.

Youve made this much more complicated than it ever needed to be, but let me try and put it in a simpler form.

Subtopic: Michael vs the rest of his generation. He wins of course. Based on all things, including talent.

Subtopic number 2: Beyonce compared to the rest of her generation. In my opinion, what sets Beyonce apart from the others is that she is much more talented than the others.

Right. So that IMO leaves Michael and Beyonce as the biggest stars of their generation. I shouldnt have to keep repeating this but I want to make t clear so people dont misunderstand me. THAT IS NOT TO SAY THAT BEYONCE AND MICHAEL ARE ON THE SAME LEVEL. JUST THAT I THINK THEY ARE THE BIGGEST STARS OF THEIR OWN GENERATION. HOWEVER MICHAEL WAS BIGGER.

It doesnt matter why either of them are the biggest stars of there generation. It can be based on talent or anything. I was just making the talent point between Beyonce, Rihanna and Britney in order to prove why I think she is the biggest star of her generation.

Then we have the MAIN TOPIC.
Michael was the biggest star of his generation. Beyonce IMO the biggest star of this generation. Michael was much bigger of course. However to me that does not change the fact that Beyonce is still the biggest star of this generation and Michael was the biggest of his. Ok?

So in my opinion, they have that in common, and in that aspect I believe Beyonce is todayd Michael Jackson.


Ok? I cannot put it any simpler than that. You can agree with me or disgaree with me all you like. But thats just my opinion.
The argument didn't involve solely around talent or subjectivity. It included sales, respect, innovation, etc. Those points are objective. Believe it or not other than voice Britney and Rihanna have just as much talent as beyonce. Dare I say it, I think Britney is even more popular than beyonce. Therefore, unlike MJ, she has competition even kicking her behind at times.

YOU think she has more talent than the others? Fine, that's one point for beyonce. What about the other things? Sales? Respect? Fame? Innovation? etc. Michael had all the points in his pocket, for someone who is called "today's Jackson" he/she should have the same points MJ had with the competition and Beyonce clearly lacks that.

BTW there's no need to get emotional about this, it's just silly chat :yes:
Your completely missing the point.

I am simply comparing Beyonce to the rest in terms of talent in order to prove why I think she is the bggest star of her generation. I would do the same with Michael. Comparing Beyonce to Rihanna and Britney was just a sub topic.

It is really irrelevant why I think both where the biggest stars of there generation. All that matters is that I think they are.

Youve made this much more complicated than it ever needed to be, but let me try and put it in a simpler form.

Subtopic: Michael vs the rest of his generation. He wins of course. Based on all things, including talent.

Subtopic number 2: Beyonce compared to the rest of her generation. In my opinion, what sets Beyonce apart from the others is that she is much more talented than the others.

Right. So that IMO leaves Michael and Beyonce as the biggest stars of their generation. I shouldnt have to keep repeating this but I want to make t clear so people dont misunderstand me. THAT IS NOT TO SAY THAT BEYONCE AND MICHAEL ARE ON THE SAME LEVEL. JUST THAT I THINK THEY ARE THE BIGGEST STARS OF THEIR OWN GENERATION. HOWEVER MICHAEL WAS BIGGER.

It doesnt matter why either of them are the biggest stars of there generation. It can be based on talent or anything. I was just making the talent point between Beyonce, Rihanna and Britney in order to prove why I think she is the biggest star of her generation.

Then we have the MAIN TOPIC.
Michael was the biggest star of his generation. Beyonce IMO the biggest star of this generation. Michael was much bigger of course. However to me that does not change the fact that Beyonce is still the biggest star of this generation and Michael was the biggest of his. Ok?

So in my opinion, they have that in common, and in that aspect I believe Beyonce is todayd Michael Jackson.


Ok? I cannot put it any simpler than that. You can agree with me or disgaree with me all you like. But thats just my opinion.

lol..u keep saying that MJ was the biggest star of HIS generation. MJ still IS the biggest star of MANY generations. people from birth to 100 plus, love MJ. and a WHOLE lot of them.

MJ stands out. Beyonce doesn't. it's easy to say that so many different artists groups can duke it out with Beyonce. u can't say that about MJ. that's why MJ's passing had such a big worldwide effect, that it caused controversy for the media, since they covered it like they did. i'm afraid, if Beyonce were to die, today, she'd get coverage, but not much more than Brittany Murphy and others who died, this year. it would be much subdued, compared to what Michael got.
lol..u keep saying that MJ was the biggest star of HIS generation. MJ still IS the biggest star of MANY generations. people from birth to 100 plus, love MJ. and a WHOLE lot of them.

MJ stands out. Beyonce doesn't. it's easy to say that so many different artists groups can duke it out with Beyonce. u can't say that about MJ. that's why MJ's passing had such a big worldwide effect, that it caused controversy for the media, since they covered it like they did. i'm afraid, if Beyonce were to die, today, she'd get coverage, but not much more than Brittany Murphy and others who died, this year. it would be much subdued, compared to what Michael got.

You must be joking. Beyonce dieing would get TONS more coverage than Brittany Murphy dieing.

When I say biggest star of this generation. I mean current stars. Michael hadnt even released a single since 2003......and now hes not even with us anymore.

I am really failing to see how from everything I say. People start putting out a full on effort to defend Michael.....Ive said in every single post that quite obviusly Michael is the much bigger star and is much more talented.

Sooo......who are you trying to convince?
You must be joking. Beyonce dieing would get TONS more coverage than Brittany Murphy dieing.

When I say biggest star of this generation. I mean current stars. Michael hadnt even released a single since 2003......and now hes not even with us anymore.

I am really failing to see how from everything I say. People start putting out a full on effort to defend Michael.....Ive said in every single post that quite obviusly Michael is the much bigger star and is much more talented.

Sooo......who are you trying to convince?

that's just what i'm saying. MJ is the only one who didn't have to release a single. other artists would have to. forget about the fact that MJ was the victim of label and media politics and he couldn't get a single released if he wanted to, but that didn't stop fans from acting like he did release one, because that's how powerful MJ's music is. so politics couldn't stop MJ. but it would have stopped Beyonce..and i don't believe she'd get TONS more coverage..maybe some more, but not a LOT more. there are people around the world who don't think about Beyonce, much. that's why she has to keep touring to keep herself in peoples' minds. it's the massiveness of MJ that is keeping you from being able to make us understand what you are talking about.
Beyonce would get a crapload of coverage. Aaliyah got a lot of coverage (more than Brittany Murphy, and this was before the internet was as big as it was today) and Beyonce is way bigger than Aaliyah.

Obviously, Beyonce is nowhere near MJ's league, but out of what we have today she's top of the list.
Beyonce would get a crapload of coverage. Aaliyah got a lot of coverage (more than Brittany Murphy, and this was before the internet was as big as it was today) and Beyonce is way bigger than Aaliyah.

Obviously, Beyonce is nowhere near MJ's league, but out of what we have today she's top of the list.

Thank you. I totally agree. As you can tell.

You pachaged it all into one sentence though, when my arguement needed a scroll.
You must be joking. Beyonce dieing would get TONS more coverage than Brittany Murphy dieing.

When I say biggest star of this generation. I mean current stars. Michael hadnt even released a single since 2003......and now hes not even with us anymore.

I am really failing to see how from everything I say. People start putting out a full on effort to defend Michael.....Ive said in every single post that quite obviusly Michael is the much bigger star and is much more talented.

Sooo......who are you trying to convince?

I'm not trying to defend MJ, I know this isn't a direct comparison. I'm trying to tell you that beyonce is NOT the MJ of today because there is no relation.

BTW britney spears dying would get more even more coverage than beyonce dying. But I thought you were going by talent with B and her competing generation.
I'm not trying to defend MJ, I know this isn't a direct comparison. I'm trying to tell you that beyonce is NOT the MJ of today because there is no relation.

BTW britney spears dying would get more even more coverage than beyonce dying. But I thought you were going by talent with B and her competing generation.

I am. Thats wasnt me who brought up the death thing. It was vncwilliam. If you read all the posts youd have known that.

I dont think overall she is the MJ of today. I think overall there will never be another MJ. I just think that she is the MJ of today in the aspect that I think she is the biggest star out there at the moment. Just like MJ was.
Beyonce would get a crapload of coverage. Aaliyah got a lot of coverage (more than Brittany Murphy, and this was before the internet was as big as it was today) and Beyonce is way bigger than Aaliyah.

Obviously, Beyonce is nowhere near MJ's league, but out of what we have today she's top of the list.

This is so true.
We don't really reach out our love until they're gone - which is a time whey they don't really need the love anymore.

After Michael died I got this panic by the thought that I never got the chance to 1 on 1 tell him how much I appreciate his work and how much it meant to me growing up - that is something I never want to experience again, so I'm almost like on a mission to reach out to people like Teddy Riley that were a huge part of my childhood to give a thank you while he's still alive.

It isn't often Kanye say something smart, but he once said:
"If you admire somebody you should go ahead and tell them,
people never get the flowers while they can still smell them".

That is quite possibly the realest shit he ever wrote, and it ain't just about celebrities - it's on your everyday type of stuff.