Is Beyonce Knowles TODAY'S Michael Jackson

I am. Thats wasnt me who brought up the death thing. It was vncwilliam. If you read all the posts youd have known that.

I dont think overall she is the MJ of today. I think overall there will never be another MJ. I just think that she is the MJ of today in the aspect that I think she is the biggest star out there at the moment. Just like MJ was.

Just because he started it doesn't mean you should have went along and proved a point you were against.

Anyway, it all boils down as to whether or not beyonce's the biggest star today. And you chose talent as your sole criteria to judge stardom. It's a bugger because talent is subjective so we will continue to go in circles forever. Still, as far as talent goes, I think both shakira and usher are more talented than beyonce thus, she is not today's MJ.
Just because he started it doesn't mean you should have went along and proved a point you were against.

Anyway, it all boils down as to whether or not beyonce's the biggest star today. And you chose talent as your sole criteria to judge stardom. It's a bugger because talent is subjective so we will continue to go in circles forever. Still, as far as talent goes, I think both shakira and usher are more talented than beyonce thus, she is not today's MJ.

Aww man. Where to start. You create so much work for me, as I have to go into great detail explaining little things.

Firstly, he brought the death point up and I disagreed with it. So I simply told him I disagreed with it. You said that as if I had brought it up to prove Beyonce was bigger than the rest, like I had contradicted myself when I said I was basing it mostly on talent. When I wasnt.

Secondly, I didnt choose talent as my sole criteria to judge stardom. I felt that especially Britney and Beyonce were equal on satrdom. But I think Beyonce has the edge BECAUSE I think she has more talent that Britney. Which is why I think she is the biggest star today.

Thirdly, I am so sorry. Just because you think Beyonce isnt the most talented one then that means she isnt the biggest star?? Fact? Oh and Shakira, the belly dancing cat on heat has more talent that Beyonce? I guess thats your opinion..... :\

Clearly, your not reading my posts properly or your looking to find points against me where there are no points to be made.

Have you seen TWYMMF with Michael and Britneys duet? My god, she was simply terrible!

ASIS, Maybe, you should add that Beyonce's MUSIC is not innovative or sometimes just completely stupid. (Sorry, Bey -_-)...

I think Single Ladies had a pretty good beat though... One of her best, imo. However, I'm not sure if she took part in the production of it.

One of the things that defines Mike is his MUSIC. He has his own stamp- a signature. Beyonce really needs to take a break so she can formulate new ideas for her new album. I feel like Sasha Fierce is so bland. The lyrics are erghhh... the beats are over-used... etc.

Video Phone should never have been released as a single... (shakes head) Who told her to release that?

ASIS, Maybe, you should add that Beyonce's MUSIC is not innovative or sometimes just completely stupid. (Sorry, Bey -_-)...

I think Single Ladies had a pretty good beat though... One of her best, imo. However, I'm not sure if she took part in the production of it.

One of the things that defines Mike is his MUSIC. He has his own stamp- a signature. Beyonce really needs to take a break so she can formulate new ideas for her new album. I feel like Sasha Fierce is so bland. The lyrics are erghhh... the beats are over-used... etc.

Video Phone should never have been released as a single... (shakes head) Who told her to release that?

Yeah I agree with some parts. Single Ladies is the only song of hers ive liked since De Ja Vu.
Beyonce would get a crapload of coverage. Aaliyah got a lot of coverage (more than Brittany Murphy, and this was before the internet was as big as it was today) and Beyonce is way bigger than Aaliyah.

Obviously, Beyonce is nowhere near MJ's league, but out of what we have today she's top of the list.

well, you're right, perhaps i worded it wrong, for most of what you say. sure, she would get more coverage than Murphy, but there are people around the world who know movies like 'Clueless', so, that's what i mean, by Murphy was known outside the USA, and so Beyonce wouldn't go to far beyond her. i mean, we're in the USA, and Aliyah got coverage, and mtv spoke about her, and the internet was around...but, i don't remember Aliyah getting THAT much coverage...and i think Beyonce would be around that of Aliyah...but both Aliyah and Beyonce would find themselves in a fistfight over who is bigger, by the standards of many fans, along with Britney and others....

there's just too big a soup kettle full of artists that can compete with both Aliyah and Beyonce for them to be as big as you guys say. Beyonce was on the covers of a lot of magazines..but so was Aliyah..and so is Britney. the only thing that might put Beyonce above them, is the number of appearances on magazines, but not by much. and i just don't think that appearances on mag covers holds the same power as how much fans react to an artist. after all MJ hardly ever appeared on mag covers in his later years, yet the fan love from around the world literally smothered all others, and made us think that radio and media wasn't needed for a star to be a star. but that only applies to Michael. take away the mags, and Beyonce really doesn't shine above a boatload of other artists out, today. so, i think it's about a difference between a media creation, and a true star. the mag covers make for a media creation. the only difference between Beyonce and a lot of other media creations is that she didn't appear on American Idol, or Pop Idol, or something like that, to become successful.
I thought Video Phone is for Gaga's album "The fame monster"? That song is bad,very bad,I was like "WTF?" when I first watched its MV

I kinda like "If I were a boy" ,"Singles Ladies" is good,too

Anyway,to answer the question,I think she still has a long way to go,first,study and create her own music. Stop putting her name is stuffs she didn't make
I am. Thats wasnt me who brought up the death thing. It was vncwilliam. If you read all the posts youd have known that.

I dont think overall she is the MJ of today. I think overall there will never be another MJ. I just think that she is the MJ of today in the aspect that I think she is the biggest star out there at the moment. Just like MJ was.

i don't think anyone brought up the death thing, the way you said. if anything, i maintain that whether or not MJ died makes no difference. the title of this thread may suggest that things are post MJ, but even that is not certain. the idea of anyone being the MJ of today is preposterous. you're talking about two ideas from two different planets, metaphorically. you're still leaving out Madonna. you have to get past her and then travel a long way to get to Michael Jackson.

i think Madonna is still bigger than Beyonce.
i don't think anyone brought up the death thing, the way you said. if anything, i maintain that whether or not MJ died makes no difference. the title of this thread may suggest that things are post MJ, but even that is not certain. the idea of anyone being the MJ of today is preposterous. you're talking about two ideas from two different planets, metaphorically.

You brought up the death thing. To prove the point that Beyonce isnt the biggest star out there.

Oh and I know shes not the MJ of today. Ive just been saying that I think she is in terms of her being the biggest star there is today. All opinion of course.
You brought up the death thing. To prove the point that Beyonce isnt the biggest star out there.

Oh and I know shes not the MJ of today. Ive just been saying that I think she is in terms of her being the biggest star there is today. All opinion of course.

no i didn't bring up the death thing. if anything, the only one who brought up the idea that MJ might be 'gone' was Bruce Wayne..but, even that poster didn't use it to make a point. and neither did i. i didn't bring it up to prove anything. if MJ were here today, i'd think the same way i'm thinking now.
i'm afraid, if Beyonce were to die, today, she'd get coverage, but not much more than Brittany Murphy and others who died, this year. it would be much subdued, compared to what Michael got.

Thats not bringing up the death thing? :S

Im not talking about MJ. Im talking about comparing the coverage Beyonces death would get if she died, compared to Brittany Murphy.

You brought it up to convey that Beyonce isnt as big of a star as we are making out.

If not, then what is saying she wouldnt get much more coverage than BM if she died meant to suggest?
Thats not bringing up the death thing? :S

Im not talking about MJ. Im talking about comparing the coverage Beyonces death would get if she died, compared to Brittany Murphy.

You brought it up to convey that Beyonce isnt as big of a star as we are making out.

If not, then what is saying she wouldnt get much more coverage than BM if she died meant to suggest?

like i said, someone else mentioned the idea that he's 'gone'...and i made my point long before i said that, and it had nothing to do with him being 'gone'...

so, i wondered about what it would be like for Beyonce...if she died..

i can never get you to understand, but i didn't bring up the idea of MJ being popular based on death.

i added the idea of death with Beyonce...

not Michael.

i made my point about MJ without having to mention death.

then i mentioned the media coverage of what i think Beyonce would get, long after i made my point about MJ's popularity.

you and i are having a hard time understanding each other. sure..i added the idea of death with Beyonce..

unless i misunderstand you, i got the impression that you think i brought up and needed MJ's death to make a point about his popularity. i thought i long since made my point that MJ can't be compared to anyone...

long before talking about the idea of beyonce's death.

whether or not death is the issue here, and whether or not the atmospehere was already created by the title, before i posted what i posted, is irrelevant, because it can be debated whether or not the idea of anyone's death permeated throughout this whole thread, long before i posted. what else could the title possibly suggest? why else would we be searching for the 'new Michael Jackson'?

but even still..that doesn't guarantee that the person who titled this thread was using the idea of death, to make a point. so i was continuing in an idea that MAY have been the idea of this thread, long before i posted.
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Aww man. Where to start. You create so much work for me, as I have to go into great detail explaining little things.

Firstly, he brought the death point up and I disagreed with it. So I simply told him I disagreed with it. You said that as if I had brought it up to prove Beyonce was bigger than the rest, like I had contradicted myself when I said I was basing it mostly on talent. When I wasnt.

Secondly, I didnt choose talent as my sole criteria to judge stardom. I felt that especially Britney and Beyonce were equal on satrdom. But I think Beyonce has the edge BECAUSE I think she has more talent that Britney. Which is why I think she is the biggest star today.

Thirdly, I am so sorry. Just because you think Beyonce isnt the most talented one then that means she isnt the biggest star?? Fact? Oh and Shakira, the belly dancing cat on heat has more talent that Beyonce? I guess thats your opinion..... :\

Clearly, your not reading my posts properly or your looking to find points against me where there are no points to be made.

Have you seen TWYMMF with Michael and Britneys duet? My god, she was simply terrible!
LOL sorry man for having you type heaps! But c'mon that's the beauty of arguments no? :p:

Anyway, the first part. We agree on it, let's not spread bad karma and linger on the subject of death any longer.

second, In terms of sales, beyonce and brit are the same, in terms of popularity, Brit is more popular since she has a greater global appeal than Beyonce (That's the case here in the arab regions anyway), with talent B has the uperhand by a landslide. And they both suck at innovation. Obviously, Beyonce has the edge over someone like britney. But Britney also won and tied with a few aspects with beyonce wouldn't you say so?

In your view you see:

Biggest star Currently = Beyonce
Biggest star ever = Michael Jackson.

That's it right? That's what you believe it is right? But here's the deal, Michael Jackson =/= Biggest star. Michael Jackson is an INVINCIBLE star. He lost nothing to no one. He had the talent, he had the commercial success, he had Innovation, he had it ALL. Something beyonce severely lacks.

If they wanted to say Beyonce is currently the biggest star they could have said that without a metaphorical aid. Or better yet, they could have used other artists such as elvis or frank sinatra as other examples. Michael had special stats, to compare anyone with him they need to have something special in them. Something beyonce does not have, not yet at least.

As for the last part. I think Shakira handles her voice much better than Beyonce, and I, for one, enjoy belly dancing. I also think she's a better dancer than beyonce (That's not saying much though). I think Usher has crap songs but the man can dance!

ASIS, Maybe, you should add that Beyonce's MUSIC is not innovative or sometimes just completely stupid. (Sorry, Bey -_-)...

I think Single Ladies had a pretty good beat though... One of her best, imo. However, I'm not sure if she took part in the production of it.

One of the things that defines Mike is his MUSIC. He has his own stamp- a signature. Beyonce really needs to take a break so she can formulate new ideas for her new album. I feel like Sasha Fierce is so bland. The lyrics are erghhh... the beats are over-used... etc.

Video Phone should never have been released as a single... (shakes head) Who told her to release that?
Video phone was a single? as if diva wasn't enough!
Michael Jackson is in a different galaxy to Beyonce..... It's insulting to MJ to merely compare the two
I love Beyonce' but she is no where near the GREATNESS of Michael Joseph Jackson!! Yeah, she is a great performer, but her music lacks substance..Michael was a great performer and his music had a lot of substance..I can't see most of Beyonce's music being played 30 years from now like Michael's music is being played..That's the thing that upsets me about her..she's talented, but her music doesn't compliment Michael's music does..
I love Beyonce' but she is no where near the GREATNESS of Michael Joseph Jackson!! Yeah, she is a great performer, but her music lacks substance..Michael was a great performer and his music had a lot of substance..I can't see most of Beyonce's music being played 30 years from now like Michael's music is being played..That's the thing that upsets me about her..she's talented, but her music doesn't compliment Michael's music does..

In time, Beyonce's music will probably take on more substance, too. While Michael was in his mid 20's when he did We Are the World, most of his substance material came in his late 20's and thereafter. He was almost 30 with Man in the Mirror, etc.

But it's not even about the greatness of performing ability that distinguishes MJ. Beyonce is indeed great. I love her, too, but when I look at MJ clips, and see literally thousands of people outside a hotel building, just wanting to get a glimpse of him, it reminds me that Michael's impact went beyond great performing. There really was something surreal about the effect he had on us.

I don't know if anyone, be it the so called biggest pop star today or several of the so called biggest pop stars today combined, can have the impact and connection MJ did.
Beyonce is not that known here in my country Argentina, Michael was like the most known person back in the 80's and the years to come, i wasnt even born but i was told by my parents, and my father was not even a fan, he said it was all about him... Beyonce is really beautiful woman, she's very talented, but to call her the Michael Jackson of nowadays is a little bit exagerated...

she is not half the fever Michael was.. not even close, at least not globally speaking. but I really like her, is just that her music is not my style, its not my kind of music.

Michael was called the King Of Pop, but he was not the common Pop, he was so UNIQUE, everything Michael did was original and NEW, Beyonce uses more her body now, and her music is too centered in the black ppl,

Michael was for everybody, every color, every nation, evey song was Michael Jakcson, it was sooo personal, Beyonce is RnB, i mean, and she is not that personal, she is more like what would be a hit there in the United States

I like her but to me she is defenetly not the new Michael Jackson, i should be a fan if she was (can i be more clear) is her music, i dont like her music, even though her voice is very powerful

Beyonce would be the new Tina Turner

and im not beeing defensive at all, but is like why should there be a new Michael Jackson, there would never be another one, noone caused the kind of excitement Michael did, noone, people fainting in one sight of him, come on that will never happen again, Michael was the last megastar, and n e final thought , today everyone can be a star (is not Beyonce's case, she is talented)
And in abilities, is not fair to Beyonce i think, Michael was one and only, his voice was soooo freakin VERSATILE, his dancing, i mean poor Beyonce thats too much for her, she does the best yet she's not even close, i think that if she would read this, she would agree with me :) bye
I understand what you're trying to say in your thread, and I'm not being defensive, but I would say no. Michael's fame was just craziness, especially at his height in the 80's he really was ubiquitous, everything he touched turned to gold, he was more than just global and he had a direct impact i.e when he did the moonwalk people walked into school the next day and tried doing it. In MY opinion, Beyonce hasn't reached this level yet, and there is an understanding that she isn't so much of an artist artist, most knew how much Mike put in to the music making process etc, he is more the all rounder.
Hell To The NO !!! :puke:

In her dreams and she dreams alot!!!!:no:

But never, it turns my stomach to think there is any comparison.:bugeyed

Appleheads and Dumplings..:no: comparing the two..

Michael is the Top to which all should be compared, she is an imitator and duplicator :clapping:...

She is already being replaced, YAHOO!!!!:angel:

NO ONE is EVER going to take Michael's place..EVER!!:clapping::agree:

NOR MATCH HIS LEGACY :cheeky::yes:....

MJ TinkerBell..:wub::agree:
I don't know much about Tina Turner's life/music other than the hits, and she's got the greatest pair of dancing legs anyone's ever seen. But Beyonce could be seen as a modern version of that....if anything.
No she's not. Beyonce is a great artist, without any doubt. But she's not groundbeaking like some so called experts say. She doesn't influence a whole industry like Michael did. I mean dancing in music videos? Woooow...everybody does this today but who was the one who came up with it?
You see what I mean?;)
It's clear some of you don't understand the question being asked. :sigh:
No she's not. Beyonce is a great artist, without any doubt. But she's not groundbeaking like some so called experts say. She doesn't influence a whole industry like Michael did. I mean dancing in music videos? Woooow...everybody does this today but who was the one who came up with it?
You see what I mean?;)
yeah thats right but who dances liKe this:

i think everydody dances well, very well, but NOONE MOVES LIKE MICHAEL JACKSON....
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The End.

That's what I say too.
No- end of that.

I'll add that there will never be anyone as famous as Michael again. The two most famous individuals were Elvis and Michael and they will be it, nobody else, ever again.
destiny's child don't have a song seeing the jackson 5 and beyone solo doesn't have a song seeing michael.
That's what I say too.
No- end of that.

I'll add that there will never be anyone as famous as Michael again. The two most famous individuals were Elvis and Michael and they will be it, nobody else, ever again.
I'd say Cassius Clay is up there with Elvis, maybe moreso.