Is Beyonce Knowles TODAY'S Michael Jackson

HA! Please don't make me laugh. Never in our lifetime will we see another Michael Jackson. HE was one of kind. There have been many greats before him who were one of a kind. NO one can ever be someone else. She is okay, but Michael Jackson was the greatest. His level of talent was out of this world. His heart was out of this world. Will there be another great entertainer to bring the world together after him? Perhaps. But I don't know if it will be in our lifetime. All I know is that there isn't a single soul out there right now. Till then, I'm still wishing upon MY STAR....FOREVER MJ.
There's something about Michael that you can't describe...I'm trying to find the words, but I can't.

He's just magical...

Even non-fans would agree that Beyonce is nowhere near Michael's fact, Michael has his own level, he's just that awesome.
There's something about Michael that you can't describe...I'm trying to find the words, but I can't.

He's just magical...

Even non-fans would agree that Beyonce is nowhere near Michael's fact, Michael has his own level, he's just that awesome.

I agree with you, but thats not what this thread is about.

It's less about comparing Beyonce to Michael, it is more about comparing Beyonce to her contemporaries. Like one would compare Michael to his contemporaries. He stood out. She stands out.

No she isn't on the same level as him and nobody will ever replace Michael. He was more than a great performer, like I said he changed things in the industry.. and in the world.

When a thread is started like this people always think others are talking about the artist being able to replace Michael or something..its not like that, so theres no need to be defensive or protective over him.
HA! Please don't make me laugh. Never in our lifetime will we see another Michael Jackson. HE was one of kind. There have been many greats before him who were one of a kind. NO one can ever be someone else. She is okay, but Michael Jackson was the greatest. His level of talent was out of this world. His heart was out of this world. Will there be another great entertainer to bring the world together after him? Perhaps. But I don't know if it will be in our lifetime. All I know is that there isn't a single soul out there right now. Till then, I'm still wishing upon MY STAR....FOREVER MJ.

There's something about Michael that you can't describe...I'm trying to find the words, but I can't.

He's just magical...

Even non-fans would agree that Beyonce is nowhere near Michael's fact, Michael has his own level, he's just that awesome.

I suppose she is.

In the way that she is the biggest pop star out there, and so was Michael for all those years.
It's less about comparing Beyonce to Michael, it is more about comparing Beyonce to her contemporaries. Like one would compare Michael to his contemporaries. He stood out. She stands out.
then I'd say Lady gaga. She is now the biggest popstar out there.
I agree with you, but thats not what this thread is about.

It's less about comparing Beyonce to Michael, it is more about comparing Beyonce to her contemporaries. Like one would compare Michael to his contemporaries. He stood out. She stands out.

No she isn't on the same level as him and nobody will ever replace Michael. He was more than a great performer, like I said he changed things in the industry.. and in the world.

When a thread is started like this people always think others are talking about the artist being able to replace Michael or something..its not like that, so theres no need to be defensive or protective over him.
Oops, I read the thread wrong...I really need to look over the OP before I post. :doh:

And to re-answer the OP...I don't really think much of her, nobody that I know does either...maybe because she's bigger in America?

I don't really know much about her either, probably about 2 or 3 it'd be unfair to say anything else.
Oops, I read the thread wrong...I really need to look over the OP before I post. :doh:

And to re-answer the OP...I don't really think much of her, nobody that I know does either...maybe because she's bigger in America?

I don't really know much about her either, probably about 2 or 3 it'd be unfair to say anything else.

They said it in their second post.

Umm.. I'm in the UK and Beyonce is massive here :doh: !

She's all over the radio, music channels, and the main tv channels.

The X Factor fans went crazy when she performed on there with Alexandra last year and even the judges were in awe.

The British public just voted her The World's Greatest Popstar.

So I don't know where you've been to miss her..

then I'd say Lady gaga. She is now the biggest popstar out there.

Yeh, some people do talk about Gaga in this way. I mentioned her in a previous post. Her music is catchy but doesn't appeal to me much but she is different and she is making an impact. Sometimes she seems like she's trying too hard to be different.. she stirs things up though. Kind of reminds me of Madonna! I do like to watch some of her performances, I appreciate what she's doing.

She's still quite new, I think she has potential to become a 'name' that will be associated with this generation, along with Beyonce. They could both be great. It'll be interesting to watch what happens..
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I rarely watch TV these days, and never listen to the radio...

Basically...I don't care about her.
They said it in their second post.

Umm.. I'm in the UK and Beyonce is massive here :doh: !

She's all over the radio, music channels, and the main tv channels.

The X Factor fans went crazy when she performed on there with Alexandra last year and even the judges were in awe.

The British public just voted her The World's Greatest Popstar.

So I don't know where you've been to miss her..

But hon, UK is not the world as much as America is not the world (to the chagrin of many people).

As sad as it is, Britney's global impact is much more than Beyonce... It's because she was huge in the nineties when MTV still promote srtists. But Beyonce is second behind Britney, I think...
Ridiculous! With all due respect to Beyonce, she is not even remotely close to the realm of the King of Pop. People now make a legend out of just about anything. It is so stupid. How can Beyonce, or anyone else for that matter, compare to Michael? Are they child prodigies? Are they "complete" artists like Michael? Michael is the closest thing to a complete artist we will ever get. What has Beyonce achieved or how talented is she to be compared to Michael? The sign of a unique genius is a "trademark." What is Beyonce's "trademark"? Did she popularize the moonwalk? Did she come up with a unique dancing style? Is she associated to the white socks? Is she associated to the one glove? Is she associated to the military style apparel? Is she associated to the armbands? Is she associated with the fedora, the unique outfits of every song? Did she break cultural barriers? Did she perform the biggest three tours ever? Will she ever be around in the business for 45 years?

Beyonce is good and is evolving as an artist, but she isn't a unique genius like Michael was.
^^^^^ Yes she does have dance moves that people associate with her, and hell.. after her song, 'Bootylicious' popularised that word it was entered into the Oxford English Dictionary online LOL. Anyways, that's beside the point, all the things you mentioned neither does/has any other current artist. The point is to compare her with current artists. Michael Jackson was one of a kind, there will never be another Michael Jackson..we all know that. But there will be other big names in music.

But hon, UK is not the world as much as America is not the world (to the chagrin of many people).

Oh yehh I know.. I was just replying to the poster who was from the UK and implied she wasn't as 'big' here.
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I will try to be as objective as I can. First off you will have to specify which MJ are you talking about? Mj when he was alive, after his death, what era?

If you are talking as a whole but not Mj post-death stuff then I will still say NO.
In terms of image she certainly has managed it well and in US it is obviosuly ALOT more positive than MJ (especially post 93 uptil his death).

Sales: This is the easiest to tell. Um NO. Not even close. However again which era of MJ. If you are talking Thriller or Invincible? But as a whole certainly no.

Industry Respect: I guess you mean in US right? Well post 93 or especially 03' there is really no comparison but if you are talking thriller era MJ then it becomes a joke.

global popularity: Mj is the emphatic KING here. No one and I mean noone (with the possible exception of Madonna) comes even close.

music video innovation: This could be disputed but honestly MJ's innovation in Thriller era videos was on a whole different level. His inovation never got less but if you want to talk "critics in us" stuff then thriller stuff is much ahead of Beyonce.

Look Mj worked with Steven Spielberg, Francis Ford, George Lucas, John Landis, Martin Scorsese, Stan Winston and Spike Lee to name a few. Can you see Beyonce working with all these people? or anyone else today? probably no.

The thing is I think it is a wrong comparison. You can probably compare Beyonce to Madonna and even then I would give all the edge to Madonna. Beyonce right now is like MJ right after the release of Thriller but before [Motwon 25 and Thriller video]. Actually Beyonce is more famous than that but certainly not at the level after 83 for MJ.

In my estimation the only 2 people you can compare MJ to who are alive is Madonna and Prince. Madonna is ALOT more popular than prince and a remarkable businesswoman. Yes, better than MJ i think! But rpince will get the edge on raw talent in my opnion. The problem with Prince is that he is a hermit (for past many many years) and therefore less known.

BTW these are also the two people MJ ever saw as his competitors and that says ALOT

This was a great overview! Additionally, I think Beyonce can be compared to Janet at her peak. She's just branded herself more in other areas like cosmetics and fashion.

Michael is incomparable because of the level of his talent. Just listen to him singing at 9 years of age and your jaw drops. That's why he was such a huge star for decades, even when for the last decade he hasn't produced a lot of product. His talent was a marvel and unforgettable. It indeed is what he is remembered for first and foremost...the extent of his gifts.

When you think of Beyonce, Britney Spears or even Madonna, it's not with awe of their talent, it's with respect for what they've accomplished.

Michael was in a league of his own.
Ridiculous! With all due respect to Beyonce, she is not even remotely close to the realm of the King of Pop. People now make a legend out of just about anything. It is so stupid. How can Beyonce, or anyone else for that matter, compare to Michael? Are they child prodigies? Are they "complete" artists like Michael? Michael is the closest thing to a complete artist we will ever get. What has Beyonce achieved or how talented is she to be compared to Michael? The sign of a unique genius is a "trademark." What is Beyonce's "trademark"? Did she popularize the moonwalk? Did she come up with a unique dancing style? Is she associated to the white socks? Is she associated to the one glove? Is she associated to the military style apparel? Is she associated to the armbands? Is she associated with the fedora, the unique outfits of every song? Did she break cultural barriers? Did she perform the biggest three tours ever? Will she ever be around in the business for 45 years?

Beyonce is good and is evolving as an artist, but she isn't a unique genius like Michael was. one is comparing her to MJ but I find it very interesting MJ is like the only artist who get compared to literally everyone. It's so funny but it's also good.

Yeh, some people do talk about Gaga in this way. I mentioned her in a previous post. Her music is catchy but doesn't appeal to me much but she is different and she is making an impact. Sometimes she seems like she's trying too hard to be different.. she stirs things up though. Kind of reminds me of Madonna! I do like to watch some of her performances, I appreciate what she's doing.

She's still quite new, I think she has potential to become a 'name' that will be associated with this generation, along with Beyonce. They could both be great. It'll be interesting to watch what happens..
I think it will be very interesting to watch what happens in 10 or 20 years time. I'm sure if Lady gaga continue to be successful, she would be more remembered than Beyonce cause she'll have the media to continue to back her up and more referred to like they do with Madonna and Britney spears. For black artists, media dont talk about them much after they past their peak.
Last edited: one is comparing her to MJ but I find it very interesting MJ is like the only artist who get compared to literally everyone. It's so funny but it's also good.

This always happens in threads about any other artist..everyone always gets very defensive. Its obvious nobody is like MJ..I don't join a forum for just anybody :D.

We have to look at current artists because thats what we are living [ don't have to if you don't want to I suppose].

Edit: Actually I need to fix this..

Music is my life, the business interests me very much, and I'm very passionate about areas of the industry, which I hope to work in properly soon.
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There is no "today's Michael Jackson". There is no today's Stevie Wonder and there is no today's Prince. Those (among others) are a one time only deal. There's some good artists out there, but I wouldn't put any of them in MJ's league. And the ones who are among the best aren't the radio/BET/MTV/VH1's most covered stars. Alicia Keys, Beyonce, etc... decent enough, but not the cream of the crop.
This always happens in threads about any other artist..everyone always gets very defensive. Its obvious nobody is like MJ..I don't join a forum for just anybody .

We have to look at current artists because thats what we are living [ don't have to if you don't want to I suppose].

Music is my life, I'm very passionate about the business, which I hope to work in properly soon.

For me, I watch current artists' just to get myself updated with the biz lol. It's like getting updated with world news. I wish you all the success in the adventure!:p
Thanks for all the replies but again guys....its not about Comparing Beyonce to Michael (as artist) its about comparing her "level of fame, and artistic contributions" (if you think she's made any) to other artist of her generations. Do you think its similar to Micheal's back in the 80's (and beyond)? Hence my question "is she TODAY's MJ"?
I am sorry but no. I do like Beyonce and she comes across very nice but there is only one Michael.
Do you think its similar to Micheal's back in the 80's (and beyond)? Hence my question "is she TODAY's MJ"?

As someone who lived in 80s- what you need to do for a comparison is-- combine Beyonce, with Alicia Keys, with Rihanna, mix in with lady GaGa and oh for a final touch add Taylor swift. Then and only then you will likely get something you can logically call close to MJ BUT till you get there... not even worth talking about and I am NOT even remotly joking.

I mean look you had 50-60 year old people like everybody’s uncle aunts and even grandmas who got concerned when MJ got burnt in Pepsi ad.... everybody was like "is he ok" what is happening? and these were the people who were not even remotely close to Mj's music! People just never saw anything like that before with the exception of Elvis or Beatles

John Landis said on Larry King that at the time of Thriller MJ was visited on set by people like Lillian Disney, Jacqueline Kennedy, Katharine Hepburn and others. If Fred Astaire was alive can you see him calling Beyonce after a performance of Bootlicious? and be like "hey how do you do that booty shake"?

Think about it for a second.... that is a WHOLE different level of fame!
As someone who lived in 80s- what you need to do for a comparison is-- combine Beyonce, with Alicia Keys, with Rihanna, mix in with lady GaGa and oh for a final touch add Taylor swift. Then and only then you will likely get something you can logically call close to MJ BUT till you get there... not even worth talking about and I am NOT even remotly joking.

I mean look you had 50-60 year old people like everybody’s uncle aunts and even grandmas who got concerned when MJ got burnt in Pepsi ad.... everybody was like "is he ok" what is happening? and these were the people who were not even remotely close to Mj's music! People just never saw anything like that before with the exception of Elvis or Beatles

John Landis said on Larry King that at the time of Thriller MJ was visited on set by people like Lillian Disney, Jacqueline Kennedy, Katharine Hepburn and others. If Fred Astaire was alive can you see him calling Beyonce after a performance of Bootlicious? and be like "hey how do you do that booty shake"?


My Mom said that during the Thriller MJ mania, there would not even be a day that Michael would not be featured in the newspaper.

Also, people were begging Michael to tour their city with petitions and everything....

It was just another kind of fame/adoration.

Beyonce has not even achieve that with her very first album- her most commerciallly sucessful album.
Think about it for a second.... that is a WHOLE different level of fame!
As someone who lived in 80s- what you need to do for a comparison is-- combine Beyonce, with Alicia Keys, with Rihanna, mix in with lady GaGa and oh for a final touch add Taylor swift. Then and only then you will likely get something you can logically call close to MJ BUT till you get there... not even worth talking about and I am NOT even remotly joking.

I mean look you had 50-60 year old people like everybody’s uncle aunts and even grandmas who got concerned when MJ got burnt in Pepsi ad.... everybody was like "is he ok" what is happening? and these were the people who were not even remotely close to Mj's music! People just never saw anything like that before with the exception of Elvis or Beatles

John Landis said on Larry King that at the time of Thriller MJ was visited on set by people like Lillian Disney, Jacqueline Kennedy, Katharine Hepburn and others. If Fred Astaire was alive can you see him calling Beyonce after a performance of Bootlicious? and be like "hey how do you do that booty shake"?

Think about it for a second.... that is a WHOLE different level of fame!
Good Enough lol.
No, she is more like today's Diana Ross. Beyonce shouldn't even be compared to Michael much less anybody else. He's just that far beyond everyone. Not bad-mouthing Beyonce though. She's standing on the shoulders of everything Michael did first.
I think Beyonce and Lady Gaga are the best thing today, with contributes, talent, sales etc.

However - compared to Michael? No, that's just something else.