Proud Member
Sometimes I feel like he won't get the recognition he deserves. Maybe some feel he is but I don't feel so sure about that. People tell me there is his music and all the good he did. But the media and others only focus on the negatives and one thing in particular about him. It's been that way for years even before he died. Sometimes I hesistate talking about Michael just because I am afraid what people will say. I have heard some really terrible things by people because of how the media portrayed him and now I just don't want to hear it anymore. It hurts. When Michael died I was shocked by people's reaction not the fans but the general public. He was treated so badly that it felt like it was a little too late the recognition people were giving him. I remember Al Sharpton saying where were they yesterday? and I thought the same thing.
yeah..when you hear people cheering, up and down the halls on the day that he died, as if they won the lottery, and you hear people on the radio saying ' well, now, at least, little boys are safe', you tend to be an up in arms fan about everything.