I think the family is giving Murray his defense

The "addict for life" theory is a really sensitive subject for many, including as we see for some people here, and I don't think it's terribly pertinent that we push on it any further. It's a subject of very hot debate in the medical world and really, everywhere, with reasonable people on both sides. My recommendation would be to let it go on all sides.
Personally I don't KNOW if MJ was an addict for life or not. There seems to be evidence which could prove either he was (high tolerance, drugs in house, MJ's own statements to that effect, etc.) or wasn't (organs were in good shape, no other drugs found in his system other than those given for sleep.) I can even concede that MJ did some doctor shopping. But that still doesn't make it ok for Murray to have administered a dangerous drug in a home setting simply because MJ wanted it.

What I find deplorable are doctors who enable these addictions, and nurses who try to justify it.
NO ONE has said ONE WORD in Murray's defense here. This completely erroneous characterization every time this subject comes up is nothing less than bullying.

I don't agree with Beachlover on everything, and his/her word choice could have been better, but I don't think he/she deserves this kind of backlash, who's written very thoughtfully and respectfully so far. It's unfair to the entire thread for folks to pounce on that one phrase and fill the thread with rants about people defending Murray, which have nothing to do with what's being said here.

The subject of this thread is family's discussion of MJ's drug use. Early on there was discussion of whether it is relevant to Murray's defense and most seem to think not, that it is how Trish described -- irrelevant to the defense.

Some of us don't like to see MJ's family get thrashed, so we're discussing whether the family deserves to get thrashed over this. It's hard to separate that from what the family is talking about -- MJ's drug use. PLus, we are MJ fans who want to know all about this man, and are understandably very curious about his use of a drug that no one in the history of medical science has ever used at home, or for insomnia, before. Now it might not matter to all fans, but it matters to some who simply want to know the truth.

Now if board policy means this is not to be discussed, that's fine and there's every right to do, and we should follow that. If that's the policy, let us know clearly and I for one would stop instantly.
Personally I don't KNOW if MJ was an addict for life or not. There seems to be evidence which could prove either he was (high tolerance, drugs in house, MJ's own statements to that effect, etc.) or wasn't (organs were in good shape, no other drugs found in his system other than those given for sleep.) I can even concede that MJ did some doctor shopping. But that still doesn't make it ok for Murray to have administered a dangerous drug in a home setting simply because MJ wanted it.

What I find deplorable are doctors who enable these addictions, and nurses who try to justify it.

I would like to point out that Michael was not doctor shopping. All those drugs under different names were register to him. So the pharmacy knew exactly who was getting the drugs.

Also, having a house full of drugs does not mean you have a drug problem. My house if filled with drugs, some from years ago, and as far as I know, I am not an addict.
I haven't read this whole thread. But, I'm going to give MY opinion. I've said it here before, I am an addict, I was addicted to pain killers and anxiety pills. I haven't been dependent on pain killers in 4 years. But I am still an addict. I had to have a C-section with my son in January, and had to have pain killers. I could have easily relapsed, because I am still an addict. Once an addict. ALWAYS and FOREVER an addict. We ALL know, Michael himself admitted to being dependent on pain killers, he is an admitted addict. With that said, I hope the lawyers don't use that against him, doubt they would since Murray admitted to giving him the propofol. Another thing, I can't remember, but Janet never said when the intervention occured.

ElleBella, congrats on four years of recovery.

As for Murray, MJ's drug history shouldn't matter. If anything, it a dependence is shown, Murray is even more culpable.
Then you didn't read the whole thread. There were other things brought up and that is what I responded to. I don't want to argue with you. I am old school nursing and not a new grad. I've been doing this for a long time.

If you are going to take what I say out of context then there is no way to have a serious discussion. If you think I am shifting blame to Michael, then maybe you need to go back and re-read my posts. I am not saying he is responsible for what Murray did, but I feel as a person he was responsible for allowing this. This does not mean that I think what Murray did was right.

I understand what youy are trying to say. Murray has to held responsible for what he did but there's a chance if Murray didn't do this another doctor would have agreed to administer the drug.

Michael did stop seeking someone when the nurse Cherly refused. He asked until he found someone to agree to do it. Chances are of Murray said no he would have found someone who would have said yes.

The very poor and the very rich get the worse health care. Some don't care about the poor because they can't pay and some don't care about the rich because they are paying.

Michael had a life long battle with insomnia and instead of helping him to find ways to battle this disease(I consider it a disease) people just gave him medication.
NO ONE has said ONE WORD in Murray's defense here. This completely erroneous characterization every time this subject comes up is nothing less than bullying.
You are flat out WRONG about that. It was said that the doctor isn't always to blame. Nothing needs to be that generalized in THIS thread. We are talking about MJ's case here. Murray is indeed to BLAME.
ElleBella, congrats on four years of recovery.

As for Murray, MJ's drug history shouldn't matter. If anything, it a dependence is shown, Murray is even more culpable.

Thanks dear.

What I was trying to say is, it's a pretty sure bet how Murrays lawyers will try to paint Michael. As an addict. Using that he himself has admitted to being one. But they will most likely use the excuse of "if he said no he would have gotten someone else to do it". Still doesn't change the facts, but it could sway a jury to a lesser sentence. I'm probably jumping WAY ahead but, that's what I'm afraid will happen.
I would like to point out that Michael was not doctor shopping. All those drugs under different names were register to him. So the pharmacy knew exactly who was getting the drugs.

I don't understand this: drugs under different names are registered to those names only. Pharmacies don't have an "alternative name registry." What are you referring to?

As for doctor shopping... well, here's where the wrath of Khan will descend upon my head... Only two doctors are known in all the world's medical history to have ever been crazed enough to administer Propofol for insomnia. Both had the same patient: Michael Jackson. The odds against MJ just happening to stumble across the second doctor in medical history who was this crazed are astronomical.
I would like to point out that Michael was not doctor shopping. All those drugs under different names were register to him.
What do you mean they were registered to him? If they were under different names, *to me* that would look like they were being prescribed to different people, so I'm not sure how the pharmacy would've known about MJ getting them all.

Doesn't the fact that he had drugs under different names hint of doctor shopping?

So the pharmacy knew exactly who was getting the drugs.
I'm not sure what role the pharmacy plays in all of this, or what their legal obligations are.

Also, having a house full of drugs does not mean you have a drug problem.
Agreed. :yes:
Personally I don't KNOW if MJ was an addict for life or not. There seems to be evidence which could prove either he was (high tolerance, drugs in house, MJ's own statements to that effect, etc.) or wasn't (organs were in good shape, no other drugs found in his system other than those given for sleep.) I can even concede that MJ did some doctor shopping. But that still doesn't make it ok for Murray to have administered a dangerous drug in a home setting simply because MJ wanted it.

What I find deplorable are doctors who enable these addictions, and nurses who try to justify it.

well..again..another choice of words for debate...'dependency' versus 'addict'. MJ's own words included 'dependency'..not 'addict'. many say that each word has a different implication...and MJ's words were for one thing, a dependency, from fifteen years ago, for a short period, due to the effects of a scalp operation. i really like going by MJ's words. the ones i heard publicly on sattelite tv, while seeing his face, and watching his lips move, and hearing him. not the ones that others, such as the media, reported that he had said.
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I don't understand this: drugs under different names are registered to those names only. Pharmacies don't have an "alternative name registry." What are you referring to?

As for doctor shopping... well, here's where the wrath of Khan will descend upon my head... Only two doctors are known in all the world's medical history to have ever been crazed enough to administer Propofol for insomnia. Both had the same patient: Michael Jackson. The odds against MJ just happening to stumble across the second doctor in medical history who was this crazed are astronomical.

It means that although Michael had different names on his medicine bottles, the pharmacy knew who he was.

To protect his privacy he had all the name sent to the pharmacy and in a folder that says these names are register under Michael Jackson.

So if one of Michael's employees go to the pharmacy and has a prescribing for John Smith, the pharmacy would look into their files and see John Smith's name. When they open the file, they would see that John Smith is really Michael Jackson and has his medical history. All the names were like that.

Famous people do this all the time to keep the media from snooping into their drug history. However the pharmacy knows who the person really is, so it is not doctor shopping.

That is why all talks about doctor shopping and multiple doctors stopped, because all those medications were in his name.
Thanks dear.

What I was trying to say is, it's a pretty sure bet how Murrays lawyers will try to paint Michael. As an addict. Using that he himself has admitted to being one. But they will most likely use the excuse of "if he said no he would have gotten someone else to do it". Still doesn't change the facts, but it could sway a jury to a lesser sentence. I'm probably jumping WAY ahead but, that's what I'm afraid will happen.

Janet wants to see Murray behind bars. Janet is also a very smart person with lots of resources, and it's hard to believe she didn't consult those resources before determining it was OK to be open and honest. LAPD is investigating Murray's prescribing habits, not MJ's drug use as independent from Murray, from what we know so far. I honestly think this is one scenario we don't have to fear as much, and doesn't seem worth this much polarizing among fans.
It means that although Michael had different names on his medicine bottles, the pharmacy knew who he was.

To protect his privacy he had all the name sent to the pharmacy and in a folder it says these names are register under Michael Jackson.

So if one of Michael's employees go to the pharmacy and has a prescribing for John Smith, the pharmacy would look into their files and see John Smith's name. When they open the file, they would see that John Smith is really Michael Jackson and has his medical history. All the names were like that.

That is why all talks about doctor shopping and multiple doctors stopped, because all those medications were in his name.
I don't know. That doesn't even sound legal for a pharmacy to be doing that. :scratch:
It means that although Michael had different names on his medicine bottles, the pharmacy knew who he was.

To protect his privacy he had all the name sent to the pharmacy and in a folder that says these names are register under Michael Jackson.

Do you have a link for this? I haven't heard this before.

And what about my Propofol point?
I don't know. That doesn't even sound legal for a pharmacy to be doing that. :scratch:

It is legal as long as the pharmacy knows who you are. It does not matter who's name is on the bottle as long as it is register in your name.
It is legal as long as the pharmacy knows who you are. It does not matter who's name is on the bottle as long as it is register in your name.
Ok. I don't know the first thing about how pharmacies and medications work because I take zero medications. But he still could've gotten those prescriptions from different doctors. They wouldn't necessarily have to all be from the same doctor.
the pharmacy had an agreement with mj to pay for 50 different names , all of them mentioned in court documents and all of them are real people , except Omar arnolds who was mj's name on doctors files for privacy issues .

the pharamcy sued mj and if anything illegal they would have never mentioned the 50 names .

the 50 names were neverland employees . MJ had 60+ employees at neverland .
You keep repeating this, but haven't produced a link for it, while meanwhile we have links that say otherwise. Granted it's TMZ, but until we have another link, it's the best we've got.

it is mentioned in a thread in the investigation section. the motion to admit these I mentioned as evidence filed by sneddon is there . but I no longer have access to that section, if you do, go there and find it . it is a thread about addiction .

TMZ said all the drugs were recovered from the main house , NOT TRUE AT ALL , at least the only half empty bottle of demerol was not recovered from the main house . I bet my own head on this .

again they seized xtacy and marijuana from a jar in the kitchen and God knows what else , TMZ making it like all the drugs recovered from that house belonged to MJ.
the pharmacy had an agreement with mj to pay for 50 different names , all of them mentioned in court documents and all of them are real people , except Omar arnolds who was mj's name on doctors files for privacy issues .

the pharamcy sued mj and if anything illegal they would have never mentioned the 50 names .

the 50 names were neverland employees . MJ had 60+ employees at neverland .
Ok, so the pharmacy had an agreement with MJ that he would pay for all the prescriptions written to those names? Then I'm assuming the pharmacy thought he was paying for all his employees' medications, kinda as a benefit to them.

The way it was worded before I thought it was being said that it was OK to have a bunch of medications going to the same person, but under many different names.

Kai Chase comes to mind though. Her name was found on something, and she said she felt "used" by that, since she didn't know anything about any medication.
Yeah and maybe that doctor wouldn't leave the room either and actually be train in given that type of drug. :smilerolleyes:

Thank you, Ramona!

Yeah, that is the part that was wrong for SURE. No matter what MJ did or did not do, that part is unforgivable. Clearly negligence and I am not up on criminal laws but as far as I can tell, it sure isn't the way we are taught in school.

And again, THIS is what Murray will not be able to get away from regardless of what his defense is or what kind of character assassination or judgments anyone wants to put up against MJ. No one, whether they be healthy, sick, addicted, or clean, deserves to have their doctor walk out of the room with propofol dripping into their veins. That's the prosecution's case right there, imo. They can talk about drugs and addictions and CPR and whether Murray was giving in to a demanding patient all they want. The bottom line is that even if he DID succumb to a demand, he THEN turned his back on his patient and abandoned his responsibility.

The prosecution should open with this issue...the issue of abandonment and neglect and they should end with that. THIS should be the focus of their entire case. It's the one thing Murray can't manipulate, run away from or have a solid excuse for. NOTHING he can say would justify him leaving that room with Michael in such a vulnerable position. No medical professional is going to back Murray up on that. EVER!

Now that I think about it, and in keeping with the topic of this thread, what the family or TINI says about MJ's drug use isn't that detrimental, imo. It's fodder for media consumption and whatever, but when it comes down to a court of law, there are standards. For one thing, all witnesses will be grilled about what they actually saw and know for a fact and if they don't have solid answers and factual accounts, their testimony is pretty much useless. The prosecution would be wise to stay away from that whole angle, imo, unless they feel the need to explain WHY propofol is an issue here. But even that can be up for debate since Michael's issues with insomnia date as far back as the 80's...before his scalp was burned and he began taking narcotics. But after casually establishing a possibly WHY, the bulk of their focus should be on what went wrong on June 25th that caused him to die.

My suggestion: Just put one expert up after the other...ask them if they would ever recommend leaving a patient alone while that person is under propofol. They will ALL say "NO". Next question would be WHY it would be unwise to do so and if a patient stopped breathing and no one is around to assist what would happen? We all know what that answer would be. Murray's defense wouldn't be able to do anything except stand there and say, "We have no questions, your honor."

Prosecution: Next expert!

Same questions. After doing this over and over, it becomes clear. There is NO defense against this. And that's regardless of Michael's medical history or past dependencies on drugs, interventions, whether he was overworked or whatever. What happened in his bedroom on June 25th is what's key. And on that day, his doctor walked out of the room, the one person who SHOULD have been able to save him WHEN he stopped breathing.

Sure, but he would have searched further until he found another doctor and that is where MJ is responsible IMHO for his own life. Many of the fans can't understand or don't want to acknowledge that.

Well, perhaps Murray should have done that. And today we would either a) STILL have Michael with us under the watch of a more competent doctor (saying that doesn't mean I condone the use of propofol in this way).... or b) the results would be the same BUT instead of Murray we'd be itching about the other doctor. The point is, WHICHEVER doctor took the risk and screwed up, they would deserve to pay for their irresponsible actions.

Are you SERIOUS with these statements?? :doh: The DOCTOR is the one who is the PROFESSIONAL and is the one who is responsible for the welfare of their patient. They are NOT supposed to dole out drugs to people simply because those people want the drugs! If the drugs are addictive, then that so-called "professional" (PROPER use of quotation marks I might add,) is doing nothing more than creating an addict. Do most doctors closely monitor their patients for addiction? Doubt it.

Here again, it is up to the DOCTOR to act professionally and give the patient what they NEED rather than what they WANT. You're acting like doctors can only react to patients like nervous parents would react to spoiled, screaming children. :smilerolleyes: That is NOT what professional doctors get paid to do!

Thank you....

So your position is that it is OKAY for a doctor to be intimidated into dispensing narcotics like a drug dealer? :smilerolleyes:

Or is it that they figure the patient is going to get the drugs *somewhere*, so it might as well be THEIR office? :doh:

If this is what passes for "professional" ethics these days, then I can see why there are so many addicts out there.

I seriously can't believe a "professional" would defend such actions!

and Thank you! There's really No excuse. No matter how anyone wants to slice this. I have a feeling even the prosecution would LOVE to somehow beat Michael up in some way while going after Murray. Two birds over one case? But again, when one realizes the reason Michael Jackson died was becuz NO ONE was around when he stopped breathing, that's all that may matter...whether he was clean, an addict, a recovering addict, healthy addict...whatever ppl want to call it. Th ONE crucial detail WHY Michael isn't here is becuz a doctor left the room...which is outright neglect and disregard for human life to me. Murray was supposed to be there. Risky behavior, unethical, irresponsible, or whatever, all he had to do was BE THERE! It would have given Michael at least a starting chance at survival.

All the extraneous issues, I say save it for the civil suits where there's a different standard of proof or for tell-all books where speculation and various opinion can run amok.
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I am afraid if the doctor gets charged that blame will be place at Michael. I hope though despite that people will focus on the doctor and his actions. He was the professional and understood the risks and yet he gave Michael the propofol. He admitted it. For him to say that Michael begged him is no excuse for his choices. It was his choices that Michael died in my opinion. Even if Michael had found someone else to do it, the fact is that Murray did it and was negligent and careless.

It does bother me that people think Michael was a drug abuser all this time or something. Just because he had problems in the past it doesn't mean he had one now. The media and others make it out like that. It could have been a case of his insomnia so bad that he felt he needed to take drastic measures to sleep. That's still not good but it could be the case. Or maybe he had problems now but we don't know.

I just hope that Michael is remembered for the good person he was and how he truly cared about people and the world. Whatever he did or didn't do it doesn't matter now. I miss him and will always feel he should still be here.
I am afraid if the doctor gets charged that blame will be place at Michael. I hope though despite that people will focus on the doctor and his actions. He was the professional and understood the risks and yet he gave Michael the propofol. He admitted it. For him to say that Michael begged him is no excuse for his choices. It was his choices that Michael died in my opinion. Even if Michael had found someone else to do it, the fact is that Murray did it and was negligent and careless.

It does bother me that people think Michael was a drug abuser all this time or something. Just because he had problems in the past it doesn't mean he had one now. The media and others make it out like that. It could have been a case of his insomnia so bad that he felt he needed to take drastic measures to sleep. That's still not good but it could be the case. Or maybe he had problems now but we don't know.

I just hope that Michael is remembered for the good person he was and how he truly cared about people and the world. Whatever he did or didn't do it doesn't matter now. I miss him and will always feel he should still be here.

Well said, marebear. Totally agree with you!
it is mentioned in a thread in the investigation section. the motion to admit these I mentioned as evidence filed by sneddon is there . but I no longer have access to that section, if you do, go there and find it . it is a thread about addiction .

TMZ said all the drugs were recovered from the main house , NOT TRUE AT ALL , at least the only half empty bottle of demerol was not recovered from the main house . I bet my own head on this .

again they seized xtacy and marijuana from a jar in the kitchen and God knows what else , TMZ making it like all the drugs recovered from that house belonged to MJ.

Thank you once again Soundmind. That is where I saw that list. It was also in the 2005 achieves before they got rid of it. That TMZ list had no standing because not even the main news media picked up on it.

There is also the fact that the media stopped talking about doctor shopping and other doctors all together before the tox even came out.

Btw Soundmind, what was the white substance that was on TMZ's list?
I am afraid if the doctor gets charged that blame will be place at Michael. I hope though despite that people will focus on the doctor and his actions. He was the professional and understood the risks and yet he gave Michael the propofol. He admitted it. For him to say that Michael begged him is no excuse for his choices. It was his choices that Michael died in my opinion. Even if Michael had found someone else to do it, the fact is that Murray did it and was negligent and careless.

It does bother me that people think Michael was a drug abuser all this time or something. Just because he had problems in the past it doesn't mean he had one now. The media and others make it out like that. It could have been a case of his insomnia so bad that he felt he needed to take drastic measures to sleep. That's still not good but it could be the case. Or maybe he had problems now but we don't know.

I just hope that Michael is remembered for the good person he was and how he truly cared about people and the world. Whatever he did or didn't do it doesn't matter now. I miss him and will always feel he should still be here.

i agree with you. some people here don't seem to understand, that the fans that are up in arms here, know that Michael has gotten 'special' treatment, all his life, in the media..certainly, in the later years.. and some people here, give them excuse, because MJ was...'different'. there IS no excuse for their treatment of him. none. but they still do it. so...that's what all the up in arms concern is about, on every subject, regarding Michael Jackson. he is the only artist that the media refuses to remember for the astronomical good that he has done. so..naturally..the up in arms fans here, represent the universal law of the boomerang effect.
Ok, so the pharmacy had an agreement with MJ that he would pay for all the prescriptions written to those names? Then I'm assuming the pharmacy thought he was paying for all his employees' medications, kinda as a benefit to them.

The way it was worded before I thought it was being said that it was OK to have a bunch of medications going to the same person, but under many different names.

Kai Chase comes to mind though. Her name was found on something, and she said she felt "used" by that, since she didn't know anything about any medication.[/QUOTE]

darling Kai was not used at all, the search warrant said the detectives were told by family members and from media reports that jackson was using aliases to obtain drugs . they said he reportedly used the names of memebrs of his entourage to obtain drugs, they named all his bodyguards, and his employees at his mansion including kai, his son prince as possible aliases ,from there came the 19 aliases mentioned in the media .

they specifically wrote " He MAY have used them as aliases ".

Kai was asked " how do you feel about him using your name to obtain drugs ?" they phrased it like it was a fact.

she also said the detectives interviewed here and did not mention any use of her name as alias. do you believe if indeed they found anything in her name they would not have asked her about it ?
Thank you once again Soundmind. That is where I saw that list. It was also in the 2005 achieves before they got rid of it. That TMZ list had no standing because not even the main news media picked up on it.

There is also the fact that the media stopped talking about doctor shopping and other doctors all together before the tox even came out.

Btw Soundmind, what was the white substance that was on TMZ's list?

Cocaine , they found traces of cocaine on his underwear, two spots , they also found a blood stain there , they claimed the cocaine belonged to him , sneddon even claimed the cocaine was detected in the blood , the defense responded the cocaine was not detected in the blood stain found according to the tests . sneddon LIED in his motion . the defence said many people have access to his bedroom and there were many parties there , mj was not there most of the time and cocaine could have been planted by anyone .

the lack of cocaine in his blood proved their theory .
it is mentioned in a thread in the investigation section. the motion to admit these I mentioned as evidence filed by sneddon is there . but I no longer have access to that section, if you do, go there and find it . it is a thread about addiction .


I don't have access. This has really become a sea of unsupported claims that make discussion virtually impossible. Until people start posting links to their claims, it's like jousting with ghosts, which I don't do. There are now so many, I wouldn't know where to start.

TO the crowd attacking those of us trying to have a thoughtful conversation here by suddenly jumping in without reading upthread and atrociously claiming we're "making excuses for Murray" -- you've won with your bullying. I will not continue to defend myself against such slander. The thread is all yours. Good job.
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i agree with you. some people here don't seem to understand, that the fans that are up in arms here, know that Michael has gotten 'special' treatment, all his life, in the media..certainly, in the later years.. and some people here, give them excuse, because MJ was...'different'. there IS no excuse for their treatment of him. none. but they still do it. so...that's what all the up in arms concern is about, on every subject, regarding Michael Jackson. he is the only artist that the media refuses to remember for the astronomical good that he has done. so..naturally..the up in arms fans here, represent the universal law of the boomerang effect.

Sometimes I feel like he won't get the recognition he deserves. Maybe some feel he is but I don't feel so sure about that. People tell me there is his music and all the good he did. But the media and others only focus on the negatives and one thing in particular about him. It's been that way for years even before he died. Sometimes I hesistate talking about Michael just because I am afraid what people will say. I have heard some really terrible things by people because of how the media portrayed him and now I just don't want to hear it anymore. It hurts. When Michael died I was shocked by people's reaction not the fans but the general public. He was treated so badly that it felt like it was a little too late the recognition people were giving him. I remember Al Sharpton saying where were they yesterday? and I thought the same thing.
You know, if MJ wasn't prepping for this tour, nothing like this would have happened. If he never had to get up the next day for rehearsal, he wouldn't feel the need to get some sleep at all costs. If, if, if.....